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  • bjcarkin3 December 2011
    The actors are great. We have grown up watching these actors in television shows and made for TV movies. The idea is good. Two dogs meet as do their widowed owners. He has children. She has children. No, it isn't Bradyesque but it could have been. The story is boring. We had expectations of more comedy, more family fun and more calamity. The storyline could have been so much better. Talking dogs have made good movies in the past and as the narrators of this "tail" humor could have been injected easily. This is somewhat of a Doris Day style movie but again it lacked the fun. It is a little to cute, a little to perfect, a little to yawn. We love Christmas movies and Hallmark has some of the best but I just wouldn't waste the time to watch this again.
  • Damn this movie is BAD... and I don't mean good... in any way.

    So picture this, dogs that talk (well kinda telepathically, as their mouths don't move - way too much money for that special effect), a couple of lovers who don't know that the other has kids, and then the kids. This should have been rife with slapstick, witty gags, teenage angst, and morals galore. However, what we get is direness of the n'th degree.

    Firstly, there's no real story. We open on the wedding day to find that the story is being narrated by the dogs, Rusty (Jay Mohr) and Cheri (Nikki Cox) and that we should go back to when it all started. So this is how it goes (no spoilers here because it's pretty self-explanatory in the title), boy, Jake (Rowe), meets girl, Susan (Garth) when dogs run to each other at the dog park. A boy asks the girl out to his winery, a girl says yes. When at the winery they go for dinner when both blurt out that they have kids... both are fine with the fact. Everybody gets together and everything is good... By this time you're waiting for something to happen. Then you realise that this really is as good as it's going to get. Then when the writers and director try to add some humour it falls as flat as a whoopie cushion with a leak.

    Then there's the direction, there is nothing new or original in this film. The director uses stock footage, bad locations - the part where Susan is going for a job interview and has a phone call while stuck in a traffic jam on the freeway, is simply ludicrous - this looks so fake to me and I'm English, I'd hate to think how bad it looks to Americans, it did make me laugh though. He even uses montages and slow-motion incorrectly. Since nothing interesting has actually happened, only the basic steps of the story - there really is no need for these, just more time filler. I'm not even sure this is originally set at Christmastime as there's a feeling of parts being added after the fact to make it a Christmas release (wish they'd kept it locked up).

    Lastly, there's the acting. To be honest, with some of the lines they had to work with the cast, for the most time, do not do a bad job. Except for Rowe, it would have been better had they used a cardboard cutout and had Mohr read his lines. There might have been more realism and better chemistry between the lead roles. Even "Mr Christmas" David O'Donnell who plays Frank seems a little upset to be in this film - how he or Mohr was overlooked for the lead I don't know. Hell, even Tom Arnold, who always appears to play Tom Arnold, would have made a better lead.

    The worst line in the movie is when Jake and Susan's non-talking, still grieving and psychologically scarred by his father's death, son Ryan has a one-to-one as he won't get out of the car for the cake tasting. Jake tries to empathise with him by telling him that he knows about loss, because like Ryan he too has lost somebody close to him... his wife... and he knows how scared he is as his daughters have the same thoughts, but he has to realise that he isn't going anywhere, and he promises he won't. To which Ryan finally speaks, "He promised that too!" Of course, he did, he didn't know he was going to die. Bet he wishes he had Jake's crystal ball or fortune teller (he's got locked up in the basement) or his rabbit's foot holding a four-leaf clover from the emerald isle itself... You cannot promise a kid this as you're asking to get hit by a bus or contract a deadly disease... but hey it's only a film...

    This is one turkey to miss - treat yourself to a five-bird roast, it's more flavoursome.
  • Could this movie BE any worse? I think not. A story we've already seen like a million times before, lines that we've heard in a million other films. Nothing original, no actual plot, and the acting is so superficial. I mean, it feels like they're reading the screenplay all along. The only one who didn't suck as much as the others was Tom Arnold. The movie has cliché written all over it from the beginning. The only reason I watched this movie was because of Jennie Garth. I hadn't seen her in a movie in a long time, and I expected to be blown away (now I wonder how I could ever have such an awful idea). I kept waiting for a twist,but no, it was the same crap we see in a lot of American movies all over again. BORING. All in all, the worst hour and a half spent in watching a movie in the history of watching movies.
  • kaspergeorgio13 December 2018
    Really bad movie! I'm surprised that Jennie Garth would ever do a movie like this!
  • I love this movie. the casting was wonderful and gives you a very happy feeling when you watch the movie. I would recommend this movie to everyone to watch The children and the movie is funny, wonderful and just plan family time watching. If you like dogs this movie also has a very funny plot with 2 dogs. It is a movie of love friendship and combining 2 families.It shows how you cope with issues within 2 families and how not to take these issues too seriously. I love Jenni Garth she has grown into such a wonderful actress and you can tell that she liked making this movie.Her mother is such a great actress They could not have put together a better cast I do not think that other actors could have done such a wonderful job brining this family together.
  • mishapereda29 January 2022
    Nothing but pain is brought upon with this movie. I feel a piece of my soul has been taken from me unwillingly, and all that is left to fill that void is the agony that is this movie. Please do not watch this if you have any respect for yourself or the people you care about. For there is nothing to be gained with this movie, only there to be lost within the infinite void that is "A Christmas Weddinf Tail"
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched it because I love dogs. But the dogs aren't even very interesting in this film. The storyline could only work for a first grader; there really is no story. Oh wait, maybe it was written by a first grader. But the thing that really makes me angry is the sexism. The woman has to give up her dream job just so she can be married. What is this telling our children?
  • SanteeFats19 December 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    I must admit that I watch any Jennie Garth movie or show. In this movie she meets her next husband through both their dogs. Now both the man (Brad Rowe)Jake and Jennie meet when both their dogs run off lead and everyone runs into each other. Now in this film both have lost their significant other due to death. Actually a nice touch over the usual divorce scenario. Jennie has three boys and Jake has two girls although the oldest might as well be a boy. She is one tough girl in sports. So you have a couple of the kids who are not happy about the upcoming wedding but oh well. Then Jennie gets an offer to be head curator at a New York museum before the wedding. She tries to get Jake to move with her to NYC. Gee guess that won't happen since he won't leave the winery that he owns. During all this the two dogs have fallen in love(?), oh and they talk at least on camera, it is a feel good movie after all. The five kids end up having a meeting/conference and decide to help the wedding take place. The kids appeal to Santa, well a Santa, to get the job done. At a town center celebration the kids push the two together in an effort to get them back together. While they dance they come to an agreement and Jennie decides to stay in the wine town. It is a typical Yule time movie where it all turns out for the better.
  • braddtastic16 December 2019
    Great casting and nice chemistry makes this a pleasant family film you can watch with your kids around Christmas time. The storyline gets pretty uneven in the 3rd quarter of the film, but the performances are so likeable I didnt mind too much. Kudos to the animal wranglers, the voice actors, and the entire cast. My family enjoyed it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Clean movie. But if you're gonna have talking dogs, then they should be more involved in the plot.

    The kids were also underused. They were kind of arbitrary until the final act. If this is about the conflict of two families joining, then shouldn't it be more like that movie starring Dennis Quaid and Renee Russo?

    Between the kids and the dogs, you didn't need the conflict of Susan's job offer. She and the guy should have been on the same page about their future plans before they even got engaged. She goes to a job interview to a place across the country without even telling him, and really hesitates in telling her agent that she's engaged. She sees more value in her career in the big city, than in her potential husband and stepdaughters. Her priorities are messed up, and I stopped liking her for the rest of the movie. It took the kids' intervention to bring them back together, when she really should have just gone to him and apologized.

    The fiance could have been more patient and accommodating. But, in his defense, she sprung the news on him out of nowhere, and then asked him to uproot his family and move to the big city. Did she really expect an immediate yes? And she basically says that he and the kids are not enough for her. No wonder he was hurt, and I would probably sympathize if he refused to take her back.