User Reviews (143)

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  • Given the word I had heard about this zombie film, I was disappointed with the execution but - being a fellow creative - I don't want to dwell on the negatives so will get those out of the way early on before concentrating on what was done well.

    1. Acting / characters: The acting was not good in this film. Some of the dialogue was both clunky and cheesy. I found myself not really knowing much about the characters and - as a result - I didn't care about them.

    2. The run time: The film was way, way, way too long. At least an hour too long. It was action scene, zombie stuff, internal conflict with the soldiers, repeat the above for over two hours. None of the action sequences brought anything new to what you were watching so - when you saw the first one, you'd pretty much seen the rest of them.

    3. Script / Plot: Nothing we haven't seen before but not as executed as well as it could have been. It needed tightening and some new twists (other than a "twist" at the end which just missed the mark by a mile and infuriated me). It appears to have taken bits from your favourite zombie films, mashed them together and executed them in a poorer style.

    That's the negatives.

    The positives.

    1. Action is hard to direct and I've seen many directors who are at the top of their game fluff this. But it was clear to see what was happening, who was punching who and with little motion sickness (some go way overboard with shaky cameras in other films but not this one). It was shot well.

    2. The score was good for the material they had to work with. Had the script been tighter, there could have been some powerful scenes with the added music.

    3. For a low-budget film it looks great. There are a couple of dodgy effects which people laughed at (knees getting shot for example) but - overall - it would stand up well next to high budget films...

    Last comment: style over substance. Had it not been so long, it could have been an average film but... The running time and other issues killed it for me personally. Give it a watch though and make your own mind up :)
  • I'm a huge zombie movie fan but even I recognize that the whole sub-genre is saturated and there are some real stinkers out there at the moment. Sadly Redcon-1 certainly comes under that category.

    It tells the tale of a group of soldiers sent into the "Quarantine" zone to retrieve a person of interest. The rest, pretty much writes itself and is a mixture of generic and really quite terrible.

    The zombies aren't your traditional type, in fact they aren't even your modern sprinting kind either. Here you'll see the undead doing everything from wielding weapons, communicating with one another and even sitting watching porn (Not joking). They truly are some of the worst zombies I've seen on screen.

    The cast are your usual rabble of stereotypes and are so generic they could have interchanged some cast members mid film and I'd not even have noticed. The leading man is the only one who delivers, and that's only noticeable because of just how bad everyone else is by comparison.

    The film has real video game influences, the Telltale Walking Dead and Dead Island clearly had something to do with it both in content and musical score. That worked really well to be honest, but not well enough to turn the movie around.

    Interestingly the movie gets better the further in it goes, in fact by the end I kind of felt a bit bad giving it such a low rating. Make no mistake however even near the end there are some truly moronic moments.

    Not the worst out there, but still pretty dire. With a better writer (And cast) this perhaps could have been something bearable.

    The Good:

    Great influences

    Nice score

    The Bad:


    Awful characters

    Plot is a disjointed mess

    Far too long
  • The film is generally very ordinary in all aspects, and some places are even romantic to some ridiculous. However, there are still some things to watch out - the relationship between characters and characters is very good, and some places can even be said to be touching.
  • kanzhou29 September 2018
    I was surprised by the plots a couple of times during the movie wondering why the story would develop in such a ridiculous way. Two of the soldiers fell in love during the mission? The captain recalled his dead wife while playing with the little girl on the beach? The plot seems to be developing in a random and uncontrolled way. Several people left the cinema before the end.
  • From what I knew of the film I had hopes that it might be an OK movie; even if the budget for it was low as is with a lot of Zombie & Horror films that get churned out. As a person from England I am not used to seeing this genre of film being made over here so, I had hopes that it might be as good as the English Werewolf horror flick, "DOG SOLDIERS." Well peeps! About 5-10 minutes into the movie I completely abandoned all hope of anything remotely scary, horrific or decent being in this stupidly made ZombApoc!

    I don't know about you peeps but I am sick of directors trying to stand out to inflate their ego's by completely changing the entire Zombie movements, habbits etc. etc. If you watch a lot of Zombie movies you will know what I mean i.e. zombies that move like Olympic 100 metres athletes and think about what they are doing! Eh? Directors are ruining the zombie world with their hybrid crappy intelligent and athletic undead. The zombies in this were climbing, running, thinking and organising themselves just like uninfected people do. Heck! The infected were all as strong as Poppye the Sailor man and, the bad guy even manages to become strong as the Hulk! It seems to have been made up as it rumbled along and the almost 2 hour running time just made it drag out painfully and dismal.

    If only the king of Zombie movie-makers, George Romero, was still with us we could be watching better releases. I'm suprised Mr Romero is not rising from his grave and punishing these untalented directors...especially the ones who remake his older movies and make a right rubbish hash of them!

    Is there nobody out there who can put a lot more BITE into the Zombie Horror flicks?
  • This is a B-Movie, to be sure, with the requisite bad acting and feeble effects, featuring "fast zombies", kind of a cross between traditional zombies & 28 Days Later. The trouble was in their inability to keep their zombie lore straight for 10 minutes without changing it around. They were all over the map trying to hit every trope existent without any rhyme or reason to tie them together cohesively. At a running time of 1:55 this was at least 30 minutes too long. Making it shorter could have avoided some of the more painfully indulgent scenes near the end.
  • Kung fu zombies. Pathetic. It's just a movie for the sake of saying I made a movie.
  • kyleyates-1178329 January 2019
    The trailer had a better storyline than the actual movie. The acting was terrible and the love/emotional scenes were more out of place than the queen of England munching on a greasy kebab after a p**s up at a local pub. The zombies are made out to be viscous killing machines yet for some reason once they'd surrounded the "heroes" in certain scenes they stand at a distance as if the soldiers had spent all day rolling round in cow s**t. One soldier after being shot a few times insists on being left behind because he's just gonna slow his comrades down yet 60 seconds later goes into a 10 minute fight scene jumping off walls and performing roundhouse kicks at will. Basically don't bother watching this film unless the sound of terrible acting and rage inducing directing somehow help you get to sleep. Only reason I gave this a rating of 1 is that there isn't an option for 0.
  • dneale-7509830 December 2018
    I singned up just to review this, it was so bad... I wondered when the supposedly British general tuened up in no.2 dress, but wearing a beret??? (No he wasn't a para!) and everyone saluted him even though they had no hats on - that includes the Brits - would never happen..ever...

    Then it got worse. Complete rubbish. Most moronic plan in the World condcuted by the moron squad.

    Do not waste you life on this.
  • Watching the "premiere" of this indie zombie film, I had initially had fairly high expectations, given the amount of marketing that has gone into promoting this film. What I actually found was far less. Here we have a classic silhouette of the ever popular 28 Days Later but with a twisted storyline that makes no sense whatsoever. The characters were identified but the continuity lost itself half way into the film. Given a stronger storyline and direction that leads the audience to several important plot points, this could have been a big hit worldwide. The only noteriety attached to this film is actor / producer Carlos Gallardo who has a verifiable link to Hollywood director Robert Rodriguez who brought us titles like Desperado, Once Upon A Time In Mexico and From Dusk Till Dawn. This is paperweight and fails to compensate for the lack of story, continuity and true to life action that this film sadly does not deliver.
  • RobHunter851 March 2019
    Dont understand all the bad reviews? Its obv not high budget, think the makers have done an ok job to be honest. Worth a watch.
  • This would have made a good series. Questionable acting but entertaining never the less.
  • Overlong, laughably bad zombie flick that contains every imaginable cliche associated with the sub-genre.
  • montedebois20 January 2019
    Just wasted a lot of time watching this absolutely boring film, predictable, bad acting, could go on but as I say wasted enough time, just bad. Bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The goal of this movie is to save the scientist responsible of the Zombie to make a cure. OK I got it.

    And they are sending a captain who's wife is killed by the patient 0 of the outbreak?

    So they literally send a captain to save the guy responsible for his wife death?

    How someone can validate this kind of scenario?
  • spellerwix24 December 2018
    I'm reviewing this 25 min into a 2 hour run time. i can't imagine this film will improve within the remaining time left.

    the three stars is due to the film having some redeeming features...such as, i would recommend watching this if you suffer from the following - constipation - bound to bore the s*&t out of you illness - you will likely fall asleep watching this insomnia - you will likely fall asleep watching this boredom - will motivate you to find something better to do

    the characters are apparently 'acting'? i'm not trained as an actor, so i'm not an expert. there appears to be an unlimited supply of ammo. why just shoot a zombie when you can show off your nemours fighting skills and weapons training.

    this production must have been fun for the cast, getting to dress up in military fatigues and carry and fire blank firing weapons without any aspects of any real danger that might be associated with the characters they portray. which is something i have yet to work out.

    the production missed a trick. they could have achieved a further star with some gratuitous nudity thrown in???? which is what a lot of low budget films resort to!!!

  • sahand_si16 October 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie scenes are boring,un-realistic,and terrible in every way possible. All I can say is to please please not to watch it Also a zombie commander with soldiers listening to him? Pleaseeee
  • Me and my other half were zombie extras in this, so we knew it wasn't going to be great. It's embarrassingly poor. No wonder they emailed us asking to give it good reviews.

    Does not help the zombie genre at all. Lasted 10 minutes then just left it on in back ground in case we saw each other.

    Glad I didn't pay to see this at cinema
  • obelixdk4 March 2019
    I stopped watching the movie after 20min and still felt like i wasted 2 hours of my day.

    Also they boosted the rating in here by posting fake 10 star reviews of the movie
  • dilsonbelper3 March 2019
    We can I begin, I watched this movie for free, and I still want my money back for time wasted, It is far far far far too long that would be 1hr 56m too long, and next time get a proper director, actors, writers and a decent original storyline and it might just work
  • This film has a unusual but dark story to it, which helps it stand out and the aspect idea of the undead being able to wield weaponry and hold their own in a fair fight adds a great element of danger.
  • Did it's job. Fast paced. Shedloads of blood and sausage intestines. A few pointless punch ups but refreshing to watch a half decent zombie action gorefest. Last few years have been pretty poor for watchable films. It's not Dawn of the Dead but what is? Worth watching and acceptable addition to the genre
  • As someone pointed out above...I can't even fathom where I should begin in "reviewing" this piece of ... (you fill those in, I can't call it "art").

    From the first 5 minutes it became clear that this "movie" is not even by independent, low-budget-films standards something even remotely worth watching.

    Actors look like either they're struggling really hard for a few bucks with their roles or play with a few guns pointed towards them.

    I can't continue "reviewing" and if 5 minutes is all that it takes to form an oppinion about a movie and then you stop watching it, I leave it to the viewers to draw a conclusion.

  • christo-4867724 December 2018
    Don't waste nearly 2 hour's of your life on this rubbish.
  • DialoguePlotTwist27 December 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    It felt like half the movie was in slow motion. Many scenes could have been removed. The science fiction plot where the military employs a scientist to create a human weapon whereby the experiment goes wrong is not very original. The dialogue was not exactly engaging causing a loss of interest early in the film and therefore the characters. There was a lot of gore as one would expect in a zombie film; some parts executed pretty well (particularly the mine field scene towards the end of the movie with the limbs sticks out to me) and some parts dreadful like a child drew it up. The special effects where the group is ambushed by one of the gangs must be one of the most ridiculous blood / death scene I've seen in a long time. Blood squirting profusely from knees and arms when shot and then when the military guy gets shot in the head, the tiniest amount of blood drips from the gun shot wound. I must say I found that funny, and maybe that's what the director was going for.

    TLDR; One time watch at best, and I would say that there are far better options if you're looking for a zombie movie.
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