User Reviews (9)

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  • To capture a moment such as 9/11 on screen and expect to strike the same raw chord as that day did is a hell of a task for a filmmaker. No one has done it, and I don't think anyone will ever capture that day in a way that makes it any easier or harder for Americans to watch. 8:46 treads a fine line between blasphemous and barely enjoyable. As the film documents some of the lives 9/11 touched and ruined, it never strikes any real emotion because every five minutes we're meeting a new character. This makes it extremely hard for the audience to emotionally invest in these characters. If it was only a handful of characters being documented on that horrible day then it may have been somewhat watchable. The characters that are depicted are poorly directed and sloppily written. For a film with a 55 minute runtime, this is just too ambitious of a film project. The acting makes the film laughable at times, which makes it really hard to watch because this is such a serious unnerving subject to depict on screen and that requires actors that don't stumble over their lines and a director that doesn't have a clue what they're doing.

    Overall, this film is a well made student film at best. It's a nice netflix movie for a day with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to watch but other than that, skip it.
  • 8:46 delivered on all fronts, beginning with production quality. First, I must credit the director... In dealing with a historical event that we are very much familiar with - halfway through, I forgot I was watching a film about 9/11, more interested in the lives and arc of each character, which I think was the point. I also appreciate that this film didn't exploit or take stance on any political aspect regarding 9/11, rather it relied on the moving performances of relatable actors like Jody Flynn, Mike Digiacinto and Shelly Shenoy. Laurie Dawn (The Adjustment Bureau, Boardwalk Empire) delivers a chilling, heart-wrenching moment as a mother who loses her son, watching on real time TV. Surprising bits of humor and coy in the days leading up to the attack also helped me lose myself in the world of these characters, truly interested in what was going to happen in their stories, until tragedy struck. I laughed, cried and was thoroughly moved by this surprising gem of an independent film.
  • Beautiful and moving ensemble drama. Story line flows very seamlessly from one character to the next drawing you in and keeping your full attention. Story has "everyman" quality, representing how all walks of life were equally affected on 9/11 and how through devastation came unification, hope and a renewal of the American spirit. The length of the film also feels just right - not too long. There are also a lot of very strong performances in this film from unknown actors worth seeing if you are especially interested in character driven films. For such a low budget, the effects are also pretty impressive in depicting the destruction on that day without making it too morbid, but still depicting the horror of it. Recommend this one for sure!
  • mishynyc7725 August 2012
    8:46 is a beautiful, moving tribute to all those who perished due to the events of Sept. 11, 2001. I found the artistic approach to be very unique vs. other films about the subject, and enjoyed getting to know each character. There were some very intense and heartfelt performances, good direction, and impressive cinematography. I applaud this first-time filmmaker for having the guts to take on such a significant and emotionally-charged subject. It is rare to see an independent film with such a modest budget be made about such a monumental event. This film was made integrity, and pays tribute with a great deal of respect and compassion for those lost and their families.
  • I saw this film at the GI Film Festival in May, and was thoroughly impressed with this first-time filmmaker's skill. This was a very moving .tribute that centers around the people affected, and there seems to be a character that everyone can relate to. It certainly moved everyone in the audience that day - there was not a dry eye in the house. It really brings the audience in and makes you feel a part of that day, giving a very different perspective than other 9/11 films I've seen. During the Q & A it was mentioned that there were real 9/11 survivors and 1st responders in the cast, which definitely added to the realism and emotion to the film. When I heard what a tiny budget this film was made with, I was even more looks like a film made for much more. It was shot and directed beautifully, with some very strong performances. I look forward to seeing more from this young filmmaker.
  • richardstanger32324 August 2012
    Saw this film at the New York City International Film Festival a few weeks ago. I was thoroughly impressed with this little independent film. It was beautifully shot, and the filmmaker's love for New York was quite apparent. The characters were very real, well-rounded and represented people any of us could know. I found the director's approach to be insightful and refreshing - focusing on life and it's value, rather than the destruction and terror we are all too familiar with. There were some very strong and moving performances by the cast, and the director mentioned during the Q&A that several of the cast members were survivors and responders, which I thought brought added realism and intensity to the film. Well done on all accounts. Recommend this one for sure.
  • rybay23818 September 2012
    Wow, what an indie! I really liked the acting, the drama, the romance. You even forget you're watching a 9/11 film, which is a sad surprise back to reality when the real news footage hits. I respect the filmmakers for really getting to the family aspect, which was what touched me the most. I wouldn't watch with kids too young, necessarily, cause some of the drama is heavy and real, but definitely on a date or with my parents or co-workers. This was a real wakeup call to the fact that it's 11 years later, but something that happened in a turning point in our lives. And I applaud this film for bringing it back to the basics of people in their day to day. Great movie.
  • queenb19898 September 2012
    5 star
    846 real respect, NYC #911...

    846 had me n tha whole fam cryn for real. watched twice wit tha fam n boo. mad love Jen Gargano, you real NYC homegirl. I'm from riverside n we love 846. tru life indie talk, NYC tha new Hollywood. love my man javi and the whole cast. i was in school when 911 happened and will never forget the day. we love this movie for bringin out the family side of things cuz everyone know someone who know someone. i recommend to anyone who wants 2 c drama or history tonight. i watched on netflix hd. going' down to the memorial on 911, so sad by NYC we strong! Can't believe its 11 years, I remember like yesterday and 846 brought back many memories for me and my fam.
  • This is a collection of the individual stories of a small group of people from different walks of life, who were directly involved in the events of 9/11. There is tragedy, and there is heroism, but this film it is really about the emotional impact of this event because we get to see the people who were in the towers but also their friends and loved ones who had to watch the horror unfold from a distance.