User Reviews (37)

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  • "Nothing great happens when you hold back." Cory Brand (Elrod) is the best baseball player in the country. He has a huge following and is the heart and soul of his team. He also has a very quick and violent temper. After throwing a tantrum during a game he is suspended and sent back to his hometown for rehab. While there in order to keep his image clean he is also to coach the local little league team. Little by little the rehab, coaching and a higher power start to change his life. I am a huge fan of sports movies so this is one I sat down expecting to like. I did not realize going in that it was also a religious themed film. I do not automatically discount a movie because of that aspect because I have seen some that are very good, but this one like so many others like it are just too unbelievable. I have no problem with putting prayer in a movie or showing religious beliefs but when simply saying I now believe in God instantly makes life better and fixes everything it really takes away from the rest of the movie and makes it feel like a commercial for religion. It may be because I was raised Catholic and therefore cynical but to make a religious movie believable would mean that prayer helps but isn't an automatic fix all. Sorry for that tirade. Overall, a good movie that is worth watching but the religious aspect took me out of the movie. I give it a B-.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    All right, while I'm aware the purpose of this movie is the promotion of a recovery program that promotes the worthiness of Jesus Christ, the way this tale of a major league baseball player whose alcoholic ways get him in hot water which then has him teaching a Little League team that happens to have his biological son in it with his mother-and the player's former lover-also involved was such a touching and inspirational drama that any potentially preachy moments didn't kick in until nearly the end and by then, one can believe the transformation of the leading character. Really, there's nothing much else to say except I do indeed recommend Home Run if you go for this sort of thing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all, this movie is not really a story about baseball; it is a story about a ball player's slide down into the abyss of human despair. Ultimately, through a 12-step program (the Christian-based Celebrate Recovery), his life is redeemed.

    I heard about the movie on a Christian radio program. Most Christian movies I have seen do not have the best production values. Story lines tend to be very predictable; and characters and dialog rather one-dimensional and not at all realistic. Not so with "Home Run". I very much enjoyed Scott Elrod's portrayal of the baseball player in need of repair. I thought the character was entirely believable. Vivica A. Fox did a good job as his somewhat self-serving, always ready to enable sports agent. The young actors who played the little league team players had their moments, a couple of which were good for a chuckle.

    Although the movie portrays a Christian theme for recovery, the movie is not preachy. The stories presented during the recovery scenes were taken from real-life recovery stories; lending a bit of authenticity to the picture.

    There were a few spots in the film where I was close to tears, but I enjoy a good story about man triumphing over evil, even if that evil is internal to himself.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was prepared for a fairly predictable story when during the opening scene, the alcoholic father of a young Cory Brand, holding a bottle of beer in one hand, threw nineteen straight strikes against his son while berating him for being unable to hit a pitch against a former Double A minor league hurler. The guy was a jerk, just like that Coach Pejersky (Drew Waters) managing the Little League team against the Omulkgee Bulldogs. The picture demonstrated what passes for often seen behavior at ball games that should be played for fun, but often turns into a spectacle because of the parents and not the players. It's rewarding at times to watch a picture in which no major celebrity appears so the focus can remain on the principals who try to overcome the obstacles in their life and become a better person. Some will find the overt mention of God and faith to be overbearing, though I'm fairly sure there are real life situations that rely on the kind of rehabilitation experienced by Cory (Scott Elrod) and other members of a spiritual group like Celebration Recovery. The film has it's share of baseball related scenes, and Cory's approach to coaching his team's youngsters can be well appreciated in direct counterpoint to his egotistical behavior as a major league ball player. I did find the opposing traits in his character to be somewhat unbelievable, but the spirit of the picture carries through for a final reconciliation and recovery of Cory's career. See the film more for it's message than for it's baseball theme, as the home run aspect of the title is ancillary.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie has very little to do with baseball. It is about major league ball player addicted to alcohol, and hits rock bottom. His father was also a drunk and abusive. He is forced into a 12 step Christian based program at a church in his hometown.

    He returns to his home town and helps coach a little league team. He co-coaches with his ex girlfriend and mother of his illegitimate son, who is also on the team. The boy doesn't know the man is his father. There is a lot of religious reflection and depiction of people who are addicted to sex, drugs, and-or have been abused in someway. The plot is nothing new and a bit weak, even for a Christian movie.

    The acting is top notch. Particularly Scott Elrod as Cory. The man playing the head of the Christian 12 step program, looks realistic and seems like he may have had some serious problems. (Little creepy) Most of the other addicts were just as odd and good at acting. They didn't look like actors.

    The photography is good, the scenery is realistic, and depicts a depressed small town with an amazing number of people with various addictive issues.

    If this movie were tightened up to an hour it would be much better.

    There are a few 'feel' slightly good moments but very few. The main problem is the attempt for atmosphere which is taking over so many movies to stretch them into a full length movie. Lots and lots of music and camera angles always indicates the plot is thin.

    As a Christian based movie, this is one of the better ones and holds back on the judgmental issues, well done but slow and dragging.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    We loved the movie "Home Run" that started playing in theaters this weekend. What a powerful movie of God's love and power to change broken lives. We related to the beautiful story of hope because God truly used Celebrate Recovery to bring needed healing to our personal lives. I hope all our Facebook friends will check out this movie and go see it. It's for anyone who's ever been hurt or has hurt someone else and needs hope and healing. :)Great movie!

    Excellent promotion of Celebrate Recovery showing how real hurts, hangups and habits can be healed and we can be changed for the good and have freedom from shame and our past.
  • The movie is real and not afraid to touch on some very disturbing themes like family abuse, alcoholism and second chances.

    Although at moments it becomes predictable, it is not sugar coated, characters are full of shortcomings, but likable. By the end, you want them to succeed and get a new chance in life.

    Production and cast is more like TV movie, but you will get your hour and a half of ups and downs and some happy endings.

    Perfect portrait of life in small American mid West town and why some strive to get away as fast as possible and some find they true happiness in a place they were born and raised.

    Not really a family movie.
  • I made the mistake of not looking at a review before going to see this film. Had seen the trailer in the cinema a few weeks ago and thought my son would like it as it seemed just a simple feel good film. First clue should have been when we were the only people in the cinema. If you are a devout Christian you could like this but otherwise it will probably make you feel a mixture of awkward embarrassment and as if you have been misled. A very crude attempt to peddle the idea that all you need to do is embrace religion to get you over all your problems. The film makers by not mentioning the whole tone of the film in trailers or tag line effectively lied and I feel the only reason they did this was an attempt by the marketing people to get a bigger audience. Obviously this is a flawed approach as most people do more research that I did this time hence the empty cinema and appallingly poor box office. It is a shame because the acting was not bad and had it not been for the clumsy attempt to force a religious message down the Audience's throat it could have been enjoyable.
  • The performance by the lead actor "Scott Elrod" makes this movie worth watching. I'm in a mixed marriage, and my wife the Christian, lost interest in the movie despite to the strong religious overtones. As a Jew, I was fascinated by the use of religious values to help cure addictions; it's a strong and powerful message.

    Vivica Fox also puts in a very strong performance as the lead character's agent (spokes person), so was believable in her role. As a public relations spokesperson, she plays her character exceptionally well, being able to profit from those she represents, yet knowing if they don't get help they will be worthless to herself & others.

    I'm looking forward to seeing Scott Elrod in future leading roles, Hollywood can use another strong lead actor who's message isn't hypocritical.

    I'm not sure why people didn't believe this was a baseball movie, with the constant flashbacks to the daemons of his fathers voice "haunting" him throughout the movie. The baseball cards in a closed box, representative of his inner child and letting them go at the end of the movie. Almost every scene was filmed at a baseball field or with a ball / ball; so how exactly is this not a baseball movie on the surface. It might have not been all filmed at the major leagues, but all players have to get their start somewhere. Whether at home growing up or in a little league type program.

    This is overall a good movie which kept my interest throughout (yes, it slightly dragged at the 3/4 mark), with a positive message and some great lead acting.
  • This is an excellent movie portraying the difficulties men and women face as adults. Often our past or just our own desires leads us to an addictive lifestyle. Celebrate Recovery is a very successful 12 step program, that identifies the only higher power is Jesus Christ. The original founder of Alcoholic's Anonymous (AA) was a drunk that found Jesus (his higher power) and desired to help others quit drinking and destroying their lives.

    There are many addictive behaviors that have ruined families and lives. Today, crystal meth is a very common drug of choice. The world says once a drunk, always a drunk. But the Bible says, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." I found Jesus at age 45. On that day I became something other than a drunk; I became a child of God.
  • This movie is NOT about baseball. This movie is NOT about addiction. This movie is NOT about relationships. This movie IS about how believing in God and religion can fix all problems. This movie is made by hallmark and I have to say the whole thing does come off as somewhat of an apology card. They should have made a card apologizing for wasting two hours of my life. Predictable writing of a predictable plot with one dimensional characters. I too, like most of the actors in the 12 step meetings could feel myself changing and not in a good way. Perhaps a nice tumbler of vodka over ice would have made this movie more enjoyable but I doubt it. Stay away unless you have lots of alcohol on hand and absolutely nothing better to do. What is good in this movie has been done before and it's been done better. What is bad is just plain bad. Lead role should go back to training camp, err acting camp that is.
  • Sorry but I am an Addictions Counselor that attends Celebrate Recovery and yes it was worth watching and yes I intend to show my group at work. I know the Christian theme but it was a warm and encouraging movie and it does follow the 12 step spirituality of needing to admit being powerless over my addiction and need a power greater than myself that can restore me to sanity. I absolutely loved it. Addiction many times is passed down from the parents to the children. Addiction destroys self and when we are powerless over our addiction we cannot stop it is only when we give that control to a power greater than ourselves can we stop
  • mkellyrose17 March 2014
    Sadly I can't give it 0. Thought it would be a baseball movie... Not so much. Preachy Preachy Preachy. The acting was adequate. Story was ridiculous. Um... where was the baseball?? Love Vivica Fox. Hopefully Scott Elrod can find better acting jobs as he was decent. The previews have 0 mention of the 'message'. There are so many better baseball movies out there "42" THAT is an inspiring baseball movie. "61" is another example of awesome baseball movie. I have no issue with movies with a message - but blatantly leaving out the message in the previews is downright trickery. 1.99 that I can't get back. Awesome. I have lodged a formal complaint with my satellite provider. Hopefully they will feel my pain.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Home Run hits home… For two years of my life I fell victim to substance abuse, although I'm 7 years clean the struggle continues. Watching this incredible movie brings back so many memories, good & bad.

    My best part of the movie is when Cory is listening to Karen's testimony in church. That scene is so powerful, it teaches us not to judge the next person until you know their struggles or their life story.

    Although the movie is just under 2 hours, its 2 hours well spent!! Home Run is right up there with Fireproof, Midnight Clear & Hidden Secrets... "Another Good Christian Movie".

    Absolutely brilliant & uplifting movie, the acting is top notch and I highly recommend this movie…9/10
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Suffice to say, this is a simple 'Doc Hollywood' style movie about a major league baseball star coming back to his hometown to make amends for his errant ways by coaching the local little league team. His addiction to alcohol, anger management issues and lack of responsibility make him virtually far, so predictable.

    But, I have no problem with a simple movie about a guy making amends and I was happy to be wafted along the easy path of him falling in love with his childhood sweetheart, small town charm and coaching kids. I would have been happy to see him, maybe, rediscover his baseball through coaching and then following a proper AA program and getting clean. I don't mind a bit of honest predictability.

    What I do object to is this, essentially, being a Christian propaganda film about how discovering Jesus can solve all your problems. You don't need a God, or even a belief system, to follow AA. Jesus will not help with his anger...or his doucebag-ness. In the end I gave up. This film is rubbish. Which is a shame as some of the (adult) actors are pretty good. It's well shot and lit. But this is a religious pamphlet masquerading as a movie. AVOID,
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wow, this movie really hits the spot on movies no a days. Movies made now a days are all about sex, shooting, robbing, and all those horror films. This movie shows how a high star in baseball has trouble with alcohol because he was taunted by his father. This movie has a lot of religion in it, but that makes this movie so great. This style is exactly like everyday life. And everybody who is depressed or is in rehab goes to groups like these and they talk about there issues and know that nobody is there to judge you, but they are there to love you a stay with you for as long as you need help keeping your spirits high in the sky we the Lord. For example look at Jimmy Graham tight end for the New Orleans Saints, he was abused and abandoned all his childhood from his parents, he went to a church circle just like this and talked about his problems and let all his feelings out. Then the lord found him a new home with someone at that church group and now he is living every persons dream, and showing never to give up your life and to not to be shoved down, just step back up. So this movie is wonderful, and teaches such a great lesson, this is something they should play in schools now a days, this leaves a very good message and has also helped me with shyness in my life, and now I am taking my life and putting myself in control.

    So, please watch this movie or share it with everyone. And don't just pull the flaws out of the movie, its to enjoy and learn a message, that's how movies are supposed to be.
  • What people don't like is the use of God and Faith as something that provides strength. Why anyone would find this objectionable mystifies me. If you have a serious problem that affects your life and the life of your family and friends and you can stop your bad behavior by taking strength from the Lord why is that bad? It isn't. What it is is the free thinkers thinking for you. See the movie unless God makes you barf.

    The movie was well acted with good production. The kids are cute, the girls are cute and even the old jalopy cars have nice wheels. What I found objectionable was using the police as the bad guy. Why not use another alcoholic dad. The show was a little long and the star was just to handsome but the girls like that.
  • irvinetustin29 April 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    It's a great movie and it has something more than just stuff for sports fans. It touches a lot of serious issues like alcoholism, pornography, child molestation, fatherless children and more. Because of the seriousness of the issues addressed this movie it might not be suitable for younger viewers. Then again, with the things kids can see on regular TV these days the stuff in this movie is tame by comparison. And the serious issues in Home Run are mostly mentioned verbally with few graphic depictions of the issue. And the cast was well chosen for this film. Scott Elrod does a solid performance as the troubled star baseball player. Vivica A Fox lights up the screen as the player's manager. Dorian Brown is charming as the player's ex-girlfriend. And the entire cast work together with good chemistry to convey an important message of forgiveness and redemption. I was moved by the honesty of this film and the true solutions offered.
  • rrpjr15 April 2014
    I have no special interest in Christian-themed movies but found this a realistic and moving story, simply told yet with considerable dimension to the central characters and their conflicts. The Christian story element is neither obtrusive nor preachy. That he is an addict and must come to terms with it is what drives the story, and his denial, arrogance and resistance make it universal. If he finds solace, support and meaning in the Church, as opposed to some other form of recovery, why not? Many do. And it comes across here as natural given the circumstances. The lead actor was quite good, really able to represent the physicality and confidence of a professional athlete and at the same time his vulnerability and pain. He's both effectively callous and sympathetic in turn. Excellent supporting work as well; the two lead women were convincing. Thanks to Amazon Prime -- never would have discovered this movie otherwise.
  • I grew up with a moter that was addicted to alcohol. She was abusive and neglectful. I gave my life to Christ when I was in my 20s and it helped a lot to take away the pain. I was not an alcoholic, but did other things to take away pain. This is a must watch movie!
  • The only problem would be the length of the movie - was a bit drawn out. With that said, I must say that the acting was very good and drew me into the story. I hope to see more two main actors (Scott Elrod, Dorian Brown)in other movies in the future. Scott Elrod really made the character believable in his struggle (the good, the bad and the ugly). Dorian Brown reminded me of a young Sandra Bullock and was very charming in her performance. The music was fitting to the scenes and really set the mood. The movie presented a believable story which was easy to follow and had you hoping that a happy ending was possible. All in all the movie was very good and professional. Great to see a movie with a positive message which shows Christianity in a positive light. Such a movie is is rare today - recommended.
  • It is rare that you see a film where everything works. Great acting and script. The photography was very good--too many films are playing around with lighting that is distracting. Usually because they have a bad script. This script sets just the right tone and it was a story that made sense-- and didn't disappoint. Made for a really enjoyable time. Highly recommend it. You won't be disappointed. Scott Elrod's performance is perfect. Not only does he look like a ball player, he is a fine actor. There is a naturalness about his performance that is enjoyable to watch. The chemistry between him and Dorian Brown and Charles Wyson is very pleasant to watch. This film is a real HOME RUN! Go and see it--you will enjoy it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I confess, I've been doing Kairos prison ministry for 17 years. I have a large number of very good friends I hope I'll never meet on the street. I truly love them... right where they are.

    I've been disappointed in almost every "Christian" movie I've seen in the last 10-15 years, including Mel Gibson's. Frankly, the acting and the production values don't meet my standards. This movie is different. It looks like a very good Indy.

    Yes, the crowds in the stands are clearly only 2-3 rows deep, but hey it's not a "42." Is the plot predictable? Not really, it more about how life really works. People come from bad situations and some manage to throw away more than most of us ever achieve. This movie was made by and about a recovery group. That group has a religious base... and the movie says it works!

    As I said I've been involved in a Prison ministry. We don't do alter calls and we're interdenominational. Do you wonder why the states and countries around the world are begging for ministries like ours to come to their units? It's because study after study has shown that the ONLY thing that works in reducing recidivism is a life changing experience and that is almost always centered around a religious experience. Disclaimer... it doesn't matter that much what the religion is as long as the inmate sticks with it.

    That's part of what made this movie for me. It had real people telling real stories about how they fixed their real problems. The baseball player reached the bottom when he admitted he couldn't fix his problems. If you've ever had an addict in your life you've seen him/her in the star of this film.

    It could be because of where I am spiritually, but unlike so many "Christian" films this one didn't seem heavy on preaching Christ. Rather it took a view that you can reach a point where you can't fix yourself and you need help. Churches are in the business of helping... and if there was a sermon scene I missed it. Rather I would put it on the level of 1989 movie "My Name is Bill W."

    I guess the folks I would want to see this movie aren't the addicts, but those who have an addict in their life. There a story told about my favorite coach Darrell Royal. He hated TCU, said they were like a bunch of cockroaches it wasn't what they ate it's what they messed up. That's what a addict in your life is like... and this movie might give you some ideas about how to deal with them.
  • pogostickk21 April 2013
    In this movie the main character, Cory Brand, played by Scott Elrod, who is an all-star baseball hero, is suspended from his major league position when he has an accident involving alcohol. He is forced to undergo a 12 step program and convinced into coaching his hometown baseball team by his agent played by Vivica A. Fox. The interplay of their robust and tension-filled relationship offers many opportunities for humor.

    In this unheard of town out in the middle of the western plains, where he grew up, Cory revisits his youth and the past he left behind on the rise to stardom. This humbling experience brings out new facets to his character as he struggles with the reality of the consequences of the decisions of his past that he cannot escape.

    The heart of grace-filled Christianity is revealed as he works through the steps and principles of the program called "Celebrate Recovery". We discover, in this program, a wide gamut of character studies that uncover many of the frailties of the human condition. Unexpectedly, in the midst of the pain and turmoil of his new life, a former love interest offers the possibility of rekindling his passion for romance.

    There are unanticipated plot twists that keep things interesting. The relationships are real life, heartwarming, and unpredictably humorous. The villains are people that we can recognize in our own life… and want to see them fail. There are strongly developed characters to root for and the plot reveals truths about the human condition and the falsehoods we often settle for. It gives hope to anyone to whom the painful circumstances in their own childhood have kept them in fear, unable to live their life to the fullest.

    Baseball fans can relate to the mechanics of building team morale and spirit in little league baseball and, perhaps, be caught up in the suspense as the game play takes on ingenuous and humorous turns. We can see young lives being renewed through love and kindness. WARNING: "Home Run" is a sentimental movie and it can very difficult not to laugh or cry when watching this film. For an uplifting experience I highly recommend this story. It is rated PG 13 for some mature themes involved in the story.
  • Those down-rating this movie based upon its religious text is just juvenile. Whether or not you are religious, this is a good movie that is well-acted and directed. It has a point, purpose, and resolution that is readily identifiable with- not some convoluted, life is depressing or futile trope that hollyweird and indie films are pumping out. It is also entertaining, which I can't say about a lot of films these days with their CGI-filled, over-produced and over-hyped crud.
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