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  • Extremely Low-Budget ($100,000) Film that is a Vehicle for a Very Scary Looking Tattooed Actor Named Cristos. He has Appeared in Numerous Movies as a Biker-Thug Type and is Trying to Stretch His SAG Card to Include Leading-Family-Sensitive Man.

    He is Adequate but does not Quite Pull It Off as He just Cannot Leave Behind that Thousand Yard Stare and Mumbling, "Method" so Common Today even in Bigger Name Stars. The Film Looks Good and has a Bit of Style, but is Dank and Restrained to the Point of a Reluctance to Break Out into Anything Other than a Mood Piece of Neo-Noir.

    It is a Crime Story that is Engaging with False Arrests and Freedom for the Guilty. A Droll Drama with Little Action. Slowly Paced and Deliberately Downbeat the Movie is Enhanced by a Good Performance from Ion Overman as a Police Detective.

    Overall, the Movie is All Look and is Worth a Look for B-Movie Fans and Independent Film Aficionados, but Action Fans will be Disappointed.
  • Martial Arts champion Christos who looks remarkably like the man who married my niece without the tattoos stars in Tunnel Vision playing a former gang banger and convicted murderer who just wants to settle down with wife Leslie Mills and their young son. He's all over the violent way he lived before. But when he's injured and the wife and young son are killed he's all about justice and retribution.

    Something he spots on a passing stranger makes him hold him for the cops and Scott Haze is put on trial. Unfortunately justice is denied, but Christos knows he has the right guy. He and lady detective Ion Overman keep up the pursuit, she more reluctantly as she has a job at stake. But you know this isn't a first time for this guy.

    Great martial artist that he is Christos is no actor. The cinematography and the sound are below par. I'd pass this by.
  • 'Tunnel Vision' appeared in my recommended for you section, being somebody recently on a roll watching low budget films in namely the horror and thriller categories. The concept was interesting and sounded like my kind of film, being a fan of thriller and especially one that promises on paper some degree of suspense. That it was low budget didn't bother me, have seen a lot of films made on a modest or less budget but still manage to overcome that in other areas and be halfway decent.

    Sadly, 'Tunnel Vision' doesn't really overcome the potential traps that a modest to low budget can, and tend to, have and isn't really halfway decent. Found it pretty weak personally and while part of me was willing to forgive that the visuals would not be up to par another part of me was hoping to see some degree of effort put into the other elements. Didn't really see that, but if anybody else did as seems to be the case here that's fine with me and to each their own.

    It is not a film without redeeming qualities. Do agree that Ion Overman is good, the only good performance in the film, and she saves 'Tunnel Vision' from being a complete mess. 'Tunnel Vision' starts off quite engaging too.

    Did think the sound and music had their haunting moments.

    As much as it pains me to say it, 'Tunnel Vision' is badly hindered by its low budget as every aspect of the production values looks cheap and have a real dreariness. The dialogue is all flab and no tautness and has a stilted flow throughout. Other than Overman the acting is weak. Cristos mumbles his way through his role and looks ill at ease throughout, while the rest of the cast seem stifled and struggle to do anything with their sketchily written characters.

    Very early on, the direction fails to generate any tension and never allows the story to breathe, gel or come to life. Other than a decent start, the story is so dull and routine with a tedious pace and the complete lack of thrills or suspense in a film that should have been full of both gives the film a constant blandness.

    Concluding, not a complete failure but weak. 3/10
  • sissy3006-179-64045427 September 2019
    The movie has a good concept, but it is so low budget. Some of the actors didn't look like they were actually speaking the lines, Ion Overran is always good, 7 goes to her. Not to bad, worth a watch
  • doug_hile1 November 2016
    Found this movie in a compilation of action films, that were mostly stinkers, and TUNNEL VISION clearly is head and shoulders above the gang. I don't understand why this film never got the recognition it deserves. For a low budget independent, it should be right up there with the major studio crime dramas, such as PRISONERS,also a 2013 film but with major stars. The actors in TUNNEL VISION are largely unknown, playing flawed characters, which seem all the more believable as real people. Christo has done a great job, in the footsteps of Stallone doing ROCKY,, as a writer, producer, and actor in his own film. Direction and Camera Work notable and out of the ordinary. I found this to be a totally engaging movie, and recommend it highly.
  • It's refreshing to see Cristos move forward into a situation of creativity as a lead character in a film that communicates strength and vulnerability. An artist needs to be allowed to grow outside the confinement of stereotypes that propagate ignorance based on a formula of appearance that's only champions lately, are heroes that exist in comic books. I commend any artist who is brave enough to share a story that can evoke feelings and demonstrate the complexities of human experience that doesn't wrap up neatly in a cute red ribbon. Independent film makers have a responsibility do to more than just entertain. I feel they are the last vestige of the individual spirit to challenge the commercialization of the human experience.
  • I saw this movie at the premier in Santa Monica and for a low budget movie I was very impressed with all the production value locations/bikes/cinematography/music and the performances by all of the actors! As a filmmaker myself I know how much hard work and effort it takes to to get a movie made. It is even harder to get people to understand that it takes years from concept to the final edit and then to the first screening! so I say congrats to filmmakers/actors/crew and all the people that helped get this movie made and bigger congrats to Cristos and the Director for a job well done! Keep up the gr8 work! PS, whats the next project from Blackstone Pictures?
  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Tunnel Vision" could be considered a vanity vehicle, since Cristos not only starred in the movie, he was the producer, executive producer, and co-writer of the movie. The vanity aspect of the movie didn't bother me; I can accept such a vehicle as long as it's done well, but this effort simply isn't. To Cristos' credit, he takes a standard B movie setup (protagonist's family killed, causing him to seek justice) and tries as a writer to execute it in a different manner. While you might expect a lot of action, there's only a few seconds of what could be considered action in the entire 81 minutes. The problem with that is that by going down a more realistic path, potential (and regular) excitement is drained out, and Cristos seems unable as a writer to make this movie's chosen path interesting. Some blame also has to go to director Delila Vallot for making the movie boring and drained almost entirely of tension (and drained of color; the restrained cinematography resembles that of a black and white movie at times), though in fairness she was working with a really low budget. It doesn't help that Cristos gives a pretty poor performance - he makes Chuck Norris look positively animated. You'll probably only find this movie at a dollar store (like I did), and it's pretty clear why it was doomed to that fate.