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  • I, fearing a bushel of Canadian corn, was surprised at how sharp the script by Martin and Michael (brother? son?) Short was and at how many great gags popped by, one after another. It was like a really tight late-model SCTV show; no sacred cows, bizarre impersonations and media parodies, a rambling "story" and no opportunity for surprise left unattended. The presence of old cronies Eugene Levy, Joe Flaherty, and Robin Duke could have been quaint but you'll see they all stepped their game for the occasion. If you don't know Martin's career or some Canadiana (can I really spell George Stromboulopoulis?) it will dim your amusement factor a little and there are the odd 6-point misfires to sit through (Fred Willard can't be great in everything) but the abundance of snappy 8+point moments makes Going Home worth the trip. Averages out to a 7++ in my book.