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  • This is a silly little extra produced by the Doctor Who office of BBC Wales, involving the Doctor, Albert Einstein and an Ood. It starts nowhere, it goes nowhere, but it does it very quickly, with enough flourishes and pulled faces to keep you smiling until it's done, whereupon you go to the refrigerator for a soda, open the door and go "Huh?"

    At the time I write this, it appears this will be one of half a dozen super-shorts to be offered on the Series Six box set and the question it seems to answer is the question: why is it that wherever the Doctor goes, there are alien monsters waiting to conquer the universe? He goes to the beginning of the Earth and there are three different sets of aliens setting up to conquer the universe. He goes to visit Shakespeare and there are alien witches. Drop in on Winston Churchill and you find the problem is not the Luftwaffe bombarding London every night, it's that there are Daleks serving tea.

    Well, the answer is that it's not always that way; it's that the production office has decided that is what the audience wants to see. But life goes on between fishy vampires in Venice and disembodied corpses afflicting Charles Dickens in Cardiff. and sometimes the problems are rather small. This is one of them: the Doctor and Albert Einstein squabble over a fez. Then it's done and you can get on with your life.

    Or you can read this review. It's almost as long and not quite as amusing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I'm not sure I really get this episode, it's funny in parts, no doubt about it but I can't say that in it's four minute run time anything really happens, the best thing, in terms of explaining "bigger" elements in Doctor Who is finding out that the Doctor's fez actually belongs to Einstein himself.