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  • Mark_a_Wood3 December 2022
    Warning: Spoilers
    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? - no it's - er a moth! Is Live at the Moth Club a mockumentary? - in part yes. Is it a comedy sketch show? - kind of. Is it a stand-up comedy showcase? - well kind of as well. This new comedy series on Dave is a bit of a mixture of all of those elements - and as can be the case when mixing things together the results may or may not work.

    Live at the Moth Club is set in the real, titular, alternative comedy club in Hackney, London. It sounds like a smaller scale version of the BBC's Live at the Apollo - but there's more too it than that. Apparently, Dave have sent a documentary film crew to film behind the scenes as the team that put on these events under the Moth Club banner organise stand-up comedy shows and deal with all manner of problems. But it is a mockumentary with some recognisable faces playing these characters - I particularly liked Mark Heap as George. The show is basically a platform for an ensemble cast of Moth Club regulars to play around with comedy genres. There are actual stand-up performances too from some upcoming and established acts.

    I thought some of the sketches went off on bizarre tangents, but most were pretty fun and I enjoyed seeing a few stand-up comedians I hadn't heard of before. I also thought that the Only Fools and Horses style opening titles were a good idea too. A curious and slightly confusing at times (is such and such comedian appearing as themselves or a caricature of themselves?) but fun and somewhat different programme.
  • All throughout this strange unbalanced series I was struggling to put my finger on it, right up until the last episode where I suddenly proclaimed "Monkey Trousers!". Yes, the star-studded ITV vehicle that seemed to feature every contemporary comedy person under the sun but didn't amount to much. Moth Club is definitely this comedy generation's equivalent. It's rammed to the brim with the most talented comedy folk from the "Stath era" of UK comedy, but it's not enough of a logical format to really ever coalesce into shape. It's not quite a mockumentary, not quite a sketch show, not quite a stand-up showcase. That being said, I love so many of the people here that most episodes just felt like a lovely smorgasbord of treats.
  • There are alot of people here who have had success in other roles but often when they come together to the types of shows that they want with all their friends it's just a bit of a disaster. This is no different, I'm unsure anyone would find this remotely funny.

    The jokes don't land, the characters feel forced and almost like parodies of ones we've seen out of far better shows. There are some comedians here that just aren't funny and the fact they get so many roles is beyond me! Phil Wang for one. Dustin burns another, I see them in stuff that's good, but it's good in spite of them being in it. This is just bad and they're bad in it.

    Natasha and Ellie aren't a good team, their joint comedy was abysmal and whilst Ellie has some talent acting, Natasha should stick to shadows and nothing else. Her brother Jason feels so one dimensional at this point I just don't enjoy his supposed humour.

    It's definitely one to miss! Not one remotely interesting character.
  • Could have been a great format for comedy. Except its not in any way funny. Some of the beat characters from other shows but boringly inept here. The stand up is cringe-worthy and the reality-TV clips don't offer anything either. Waste of a good concept. Avoid if you like genuine humour. Such a shame as it could have been great but just didn't offer anything new or funny.

    If you like good comedy it's probably better to watch stand up from performers that you know instead of watching this tripe. It swings from annoying to painful in equal measures.

    A painful watch and with so much available these days, it's easy to find something more entertaining. Not interesting at all unfortunately.
  • A genuinely new feeling spin on the mockumentary style comedy show.

    There are scripted parts with known faces playing characters but the show is interspersed with actual stand up sets from up and coming comedians and headlined by a big name (Phil Wang in the first episode!) The up and comers range from recognizable to brand new which I always enjoy and sometimes they are woven into the stripted story lines.

    The characters are interesting and different from the usual roles you see a lot of these actors in. The comedy sets are hit or miss of course depending on who is on stage but overall fantastic.

    Definitely recommend a watch!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have to disagree with some of the other reviewers. One mentions that it's 'a bit of a disaster'; there's no 'bit' involved. It is - of course - a matter of personal opinion, but far from redeeming the show, for me, Cardinal Burns exemplify it's sheer unutterable awfulness. I watched this, initially, because the usually brilliant Mark Heap is in it - and he does his best, God love him, but there's just nothing to work with. In all honesty, if Mark Heap were just allowed to improvise for an hour, it still couldn't be worse than it is now - in fact, for that matter, if he simply stood there and did nothing for an hour the same would be true.

    I watched the first episode expecting something at least half decent and was bitterly disappointed. In fairness I thought I'd give it a second shot. By halfway through the second episode I was still thinking 'surely this is going to get better at some point'; but, no, it was just unmitigated dreck from start to finish. The embarrassing and, yes, completely cringeworthy decade and a half ( was it that long? - I don't know: it seemed like it ) where City Boy took the stage while the audience remained deathly silent throughout, made me wonder: don't the people at Dave realise that this is exactly what's happening in our homes throughout the whole show?

    The thing that's surprised me most about this is that half of it does in fact feature actual comedians - I use that word in it's absolutely most generous sense - doing their sets. I realise that comedy, and entertainment in general, ain't what it used t'be - but seriously, don't you have to be at least a LITTLE bit funny to get a spot at a comedy club nowadays?

    I don't know ... on second thought, perhaps not: after all, you apparently don't have to be even remotely amusing to get an hour-long 'comedy' show on Dave ...
  • Televised stand-up is usually awful to me now but this was so much funnier and more endearing than i expected. Totally hilarious and out of left field. Loved it, upset its reception hasnt landed as deserved. Sort of a combination sketch and stand-up show. Star-studded too! I watched it all through in one go. If you like Ellie White & Natasia Demetriou, enjoy the humour of Mindy Kaling's Four Weddings and a Funeral, BBC Ghosts, Taskmaster, What We Do In The Shadows, Stath lets flats etc this will appeal to you. Not so much if you're more into the frenetic Michael McIntyre flapping and bounding from side to side at the Apollo brand of comedy.
  • kwilliams-7747631 December 2022
    I would happily watch 'somewhat unknown comedians' if they were either ( a ) only SOMEWHAT unknown, or ( b ) comedians. I've persevered with this in the hope that there will, at some point, be some comedy involved. 'Dry' comedy would be fine; this is not 'dry', it's arid. Desolate. Barren.

    Even that would be bearable if the 'framing' story or it's characters were even vaguely funny. As one previous reviewer mentioned, Mark Heap can usually draw humour from any situation; this one has defeated even him ... and God knows, if it's reliant on the other regulars for it's survival, I really hope no-one has given up their day jobs. In fact, I really hope they have day jobs.

    If you like humour, watch something humorous. If you like dry humour, watch something drily humorous. If you really really like things that are less funny than a bad middle-school end-of-term production written by the least funny person in the school and featuring characters who are about as funny as gangrene - month-old gangrene at that - watch this show.
  • If like me you're missing Staf Let's Flats this show fills the hole nicely whilst shining a light on somewhat "unknown" comedians.

    This kind of dry humour isn't for everyone and you really have to 'get' the comedy style to enjoy it. Everyone should know this going in and probably not watch it if you don't like the genre, you wouldn't watch a horror if you didn't like horror?

    Hoping that Katy Wix makes an appearance at some point in the series because this gang of comedians do dry humour so well.

    My true rating would probably be about a 7 or 8 but as this show seems to be getting unreasonably low ratings from people that neither enjoy or get this style of comedy I'm putting 10.