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  • This episode I noticed a tightening up of the script and acceration of plot lines. I am starting to get Season One vibes with this, as all the extraneous stuff seems to be cut out. The focus is on the Alien as some of the other character arcs draw to a close.

    I laughed out loud a few times this episode which I can't say I did for the earlier episodes this season. I am looking forward to see where this goes.
  • Calicodreamin19 August 2022
    Some great moments between Harry and Asta but the rest of the show was random filler with struggling subplots. Acting was fairly decent and good effects.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The whole point of the series, at least the one that hooked me up with it, is that dimension of the whole "alien learning to be human" vibe e that's why season one was great. You follow Harry's journey living as a human and learning how to be human.

    In the beginning of season two they were somehow struggling to find the right path and this episode indicates that the series went on the right direction again.

    Harry's arc trying to deal with his assassination attempt was great, especially when he erased Asta's memory and it had huge consequences. The lesson here is that there's no other way than to face the difficulties and the suffering of life. And there's no other human thing than to learn this, especially dealing with death.

    Great episode!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Little better writing here, though still branching off too much. The story with little snippets all over the shop and then long scenes not involving Harry.
  • There are a lot of people who are wandering around looking sad. Harry Vanderspeigle has fears about death.

    It is left to Asta to help Harry understand the concept of death. He even helps an elderly patient die.

    There is a lot of country music about in this episode. To compensate that the plot was all over the place.

    The alien baby has taken form of a kid who got lost in the mines some decades ago.

    Sahar have found the kid amd realises it is the alien. She and Max think that it is a good alien unlike Harry. That could be a risky move.

    This sophomore season of Resident Alien is clearly struggling. Each time you think they have a main arc, it loses focus.
  • koohii19 June 2023
    Remember when this show was a comedy about an alien trying and failing to blend in with humans? The writers sure don't. They've decided to write a soap opera about Mayor SnowFlake and his wife being pregnant, and petty jealousy and rivalry between various aspects of the towns of Patience and Jessup, and then add in "who is the barmaid sleeping with this episode?" Oh, and two federal agents are on the run from something. Oh, and then there's the quest for the alien baby. And there's another storyline about the resort development. And there's... Honestly, there are so many threads that I'm starting to lose track. Frankly, I don't care about any of them--that's not what the show is supposed to be about. I started fast-forwarding through scenes--generally a bad sign. I was going to finish the season, just on principle, but it isn't worth it.

    I'm done. I'm handing my disks over to the free book box across the street.
  • What's with all the touchy-feely exposition among characters who are only peripheral to the plot? This is a fish out of water story, not a melodrama about the emotional travails of the tadpoles who live in the same pond.

    I'm willing to bet there were too many women in the writers' room. When guys have a few beers they get crazy and come up with funny ideas. When girls drink they get lacrimose and melancholic and romantic, especially when it's that time of the month.

    Both sexes like comedy, but not many men watch the Hallmark Channel or Lifetime movies. Enough with the bathetic subplots among secondary characters - stick to the premise.