User Reviews (4)

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  • Starting off this show created an emotional bond with the main characters and makes you feel the 90's feeling of The Netherlands. It's immediately gripping on to you and doesn't let go with an eager young journalist who discovers the inconsistencies in press conferences and information given by the Dutch government. Up to this day the story told by the government is very doubtful, as is the cargo manifest of El Al as many people still have health issues up to this day, it's believed that El Al was transporting something else than flowers, perfume and other innocent products. Good start and i hope this show keeps going like this and digs into the cargo and attitude by the Dutch government and it's investigators.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Binched the 5 episode series last night. Even though I could still reasonably remember what happened on the day of the accident and how I experienced getting the truth to the surface served at that time. A lot of info, events, details, drama, cover-ups, smoke screens and shady answers from spokespersons of companies and politicians to questions from the press had completely sunk in, completely forgotten, did not get through to me, never understood or disappeared in the delusion of my 90's life .

    News facts follow each other in quick succession. Hazy, woolly answers from governments, experts and market-thinking companies with little conscience or humanity are commonplace. All too often I accept it and continue eating, drinking, sleeping and watching movies.

    The narration, which is a mixture of proven facts, made visible personal drama behind the horizontal 70's slats of the victims, vintage 4:3 TV images and plausible interpretation of a rattling officially announced plot by the makers of this series, brought with respect. Well acted/directed, excitingly told/written script/smooth dialogues/imagery/editing. I was completely sucked into it.

    I do not know whether the aftermath of the 1992 accident in 2022 would be approached differently by all involved.
  • Even when some parts of this documentary are fiction, the baseline is completely true. It shows how politics in The Netherlands are as corrupt as in many other countries, eventhough The Netherlands are known for being open and faithful. The acting could be better in certain parts, but the documentary kept my attention from beginning to the end.

    It takes you from the moment the "Bijlmerramp" started, until the parliamentary inquiry 7 years (!!) later. It's absolutely fair this documentary won a "Gouden Kalf", and it wouldn't surprise me, if the case will be reopened because of this documentary.
  • This is by far the best Dutch serie I've ever have seen. I couldn't stop watching. Joy Delima should have an award for best Dutch actress. However all of the acting is stunning and so well played I had the feeling I was there myself. The other thing is that according to the Dutch government not a lot has changed. The drama is the kind of real live drama that made me cry, over and over again. I wonder if there ever was justice for the victims who survived this disaster. Back then I was to young to realise what had happened there.

    The mix of the real news in the past with new pictures now made it look like, it was just yesterday.

    I say go see for yourself...