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  • Firstly, is anybody really going to shed any tears when the "found footage" genre finally dies its long overdue death? Anyhow, I was prompted to add my thoughts after looking through the written reviews here and felt some things really needed to be added.

    1. This film has an average rating of 3.0 from 26 users

    2. The written reviews rated this film at 9, 8 and 9

    3. Each of these reviewers have a total of one, and only one, review on IMDb.

    4. Subtract these three review scores from the total and the average rating drops to 2.3 - which is the level that should trigger alarm bells. It ain't easy to score that low here.

    5. The one external review ( tries to be as polite as it can, but does raise some other points of interest which are not mentioned in the IMDb user reviews: the absence of film credits; that the "based on a true story" claims fall apart on investigation; and, quote: "Essentially what this film is, is a collection of the Youtube videos that follow Collin Mason from being a snot-nosed teen into his self recorded murder exploits".

    6. The review has only one comment from a person under the pseudonym "CinematicCritic", claiming to be a horror cinema connoisseur and reviewer but offering no credentials or links, who attempts to reassert that yes, this is indeed based on real life but, again fails to provide references. The rest of the rather long comment has to be read to be appreciated as an exercise in true shill-craft.

    My final thoughts. Horror fans are a fickle bunch. And there is a golden rule no aspiring new film maker should ever break. Don't take us for a ride by feeding us false premises and praise for one's own genius. We have long memories and we don't often get fooled twice.
  • I don't really know if I can put into words just how bad this movie is. The acting was horrible. While I think the story had potential, it was executed very poorly.I'm simply surprised the filmmakers were proud enough of this film to release this film.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Before I say anything else - don't watch this movie. It is absolutely not worth it. This is the same found footage movie you've seen 20 times already. If you're in the mood for found footage watch one of the V/H/S movies or Southbound, because they have arguably more talented directors behind them.

    As for this movie I don't even know where to begin. When I stumbled upon this movie I was told that this was pulled off the internet and very hard to find. Accordingly, my expectations started to increase. When the movie started, everything the narrator was saying seemed to be somewhat believable for about 10-20 seconds, then the story started to raise some eyebrows. Conspiracy, cover-up, and more importantly the horrendous sound work threw me off immediately. However, I refrained from looking up the name of the killer, in hopes that this movie is legit, and continued watching. More and more characters were introduced such as a clinical psychologist with a nervous eye, an author with the most outlandish accent I have ever heard and a single newspaper clipping about the backstory of the killer, and an aunt who is about to burst into laughter while talking about the murder of her drug-addicted sister and brother in law - wow. In only 4 minutes the movie throws so much exposition at the viewer, with such unbelievable delivery, that I kept finding it harder and harder to believe the premise. What made it impossible to believe were the glitches in the video camera of the killer. Just comedic. I stopped watching after 15 minutes in and trust me - any longer is not worth it!

    This movie is utter trash. The cast is bad, the acting is bad, the lighting is bad, and the directing is bad. This movie has no redeeming qualities - well, maybe the boobs you can see around minute 6:45 but thats about it.
  • I think that the reason a lot of people gave this movie high credit is it is topical... dealing with school killings, which is sure to strike a chord with many Americans. I checked it out based on one such recommendation. I was told it was a daring insight into the mind of a school killer and that you could watch the decline of the kids mind through the progression of the story. Frankly... BS. The character's decline is more like one step from a comic villain into a only slightly more villainous comic villain, and the acting is so god awfully hammy I actual didn't know whether to find it funny or painful. A couple of the support characters don't do a bad job, although most are less than sterling performers... but the lead... :P All the director needed to add was a maniacal laugh as he wrings his hands. Nor is it daring. This has been done, several times, and several times it has been done so much better. Don't believe the hype... this movie is just tripe, but if you are an American teenager... well, you might think it is good.
  • As a huge fan of found-footage, this has got to be one of the worst, if not the worst, FF film I have ever seen. The lead was beyond incompetent, so much so that he actually ruined the film. His awkward pauses, and uninspired performance just made me laugh out loud, and not in a good way. It was like watching an amateur try to remember his lines. There were some convincing people in this movie, in particular, the rest of the high school cast. But when your lead is that untalented, how can you save the rest of the movie? It had great potential, but honestly, nothing good can be said about the actual finished product. It was just plain terrible. People really need to stop casting family members and friends in their movies, and find people with actual talent instead. It is a shame that the premise was wasted by such a horrible actor. Avoid this film and do not support such shoddy and poorly conceived film making.
  • I watched this film thinking it was going to be a typical made up blood and gore film. It was not. It was more of a look into the mind of a serial killer and watching as he fell deeper into insanity. I felt it was very well put together, and kept me interested throughout the entire movie. I recommend this film to anyone who is fascinated with the psychological aspect of serial killers. If slasher films are your thing, you may be disappointed though. Otherwise, this one is not a waste of time. I found myself very focused and had actual reactions while watching this movie. It gets into your mind and you can almost feel what the people in the movie feel, which makes it chilling. 7 stars for sure.
  • There is so much I can say regarding how awesomely, amazingly awful this film is. But sadly I cannot. The only thing that that needs to be mentioned is how noteworthingly terrible the lead is. He is laughably bad as an actor and sank this Titanic of a motion picture within one line of his dialogue. This film was mostly this goofy boy trying WAY to much to be the typical psycho but does it in such a slapstick way. When he attacks the jogger he says "this is a low budget film". That is the truth.
  • Don't judge a movie by it's cover. This is not a slash 'em up gore-fest. Instead they let you into the mind of a killer in order to try to get some incite on what is actually going through his mind.

    I have never done well while watching "home movies" because of the cameras shakiness, however, this camera work was handled excellent.

    Steven Wu gives an excellent performance as Colin. Ted Payson did an superb job walking us through every event and lets us see the changes Colin endures throughout the film. There is a lot of talent throughout this film, and personally, I'm really excited to see the other works of Ted Payson, along with where the cast and crew goes from here.
  • I've seen a lot of horror films, from mainstream to low budget indie, but I won't call myself an expert. I will say though that if you go into this movie expect a gory, blood gushing slasher, you're not going to get what you are looking for. Perhaps the best way to describe this movie is more psychological thriller with a tinge of horror. This movies doesn't delve too deeply into the gruesome, but rather adheres to the old adage "what you don't see can scare you." It doesn't go for cheap jumps like most of the mainstream horror films do now but rather studies the inner workings of what drives people to commit these crimes through the "found footage" genre. While it may not be in the highest of production values, it does emphasize in the character and story structure which is what is needed in this genre. Take the time to watch this movie, but don't let it M. Night Shyamalan you into expecting what it isn't.
  • ionutzliverpool24 November 2020
    Where do i find this movie? I searched it for months everywhere and nothing.
  • This movie really surprised me.

    I was expecting to watch a movie I've already seen done over and over but I WAS WRONG!

    There is a really artistic feel to the writing and a hidden message in all the insanity.

    It was refreshing that the movie isn't just focused around horror gore and an over abundance of blood, sex and nudity.

    It truly makes you think and feel for the characters and give you a bone chilling sense of tragedy, and a true sense of horror. I would watch it again and again.
  • tpkwqtlk30 January 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    I read some of the other reviews online and decided to give this film a shot. I am not the biggest indie film fan, let alone a horror movie fan. All I can say is that I was so pleasantly surprised with this movie. I went into it knowing what it was about and knowing the basic plot. What I didn't know was how awesome the story, the timing and the overall atmosphere of the world that you are thrown into was. I though this was just another "found footage" movie, but it is much more than that. It has a great documentary style, with found footage mixed in. I loved how is flipped back and forth and it really drew you into everything that happens. This was a really great movie and like I said, even if you aren't really into the indie and/or horror genre, this is still definitely worth a watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Review by Golden State Haunts and Events

    "The Cohasset Snuff Film" is raw film making at its best. There are no Hollywood special effects or camera tricks typical of most horror films. Instead the movie plays it straight like a documentary. It is currently premiering at major cities across the US. Film goers will get to see the infamous film that accomplishes what it sets out to be.

    The controversial film takes you into the mind of 17 year old high school serial killer Collin Mason. Mason says that he know the difference between right and wrong but "doesn't care". That becomes apparent from the moment we first see him and he plans his "masterpiece", a documented series of killings that he's filming as part of the yearbook committee. Obviously his committee teammates don't know what he's up to until Collin finishes "the story".

    Director Edward Payson created what's sure to be an underground hit by making an intriguing film that makes one sympathize for the victims and question the motives of the killer. The interspersed interviews seen between the murders really makes viewers feel like they're somehow part of the story. "The Cohasset Snuff Film" is authentic film making that has you question some elements of society and delves into the psychology of what makes some people do the things they do.

    We recently saw the movie at its world premiere and didn't know exactly what to expect. As the movie progressed we realized this wasn't going to be your typical "lost tape" movie. The film doesn't take you on a roller coaster ride or keep you on the edge of your seat. Instead it has more of an "art house" feel and is a contemporary study of the human psyche. We enjoyed the film for its simplicity and reality and feel it has the potential to be a sleeper hit. "The Cohassett Snuff Film" is one of the top five independent horror films we've seen this year.
  • This movie is sensational! The view of perspective is highly unique combined with an unpredictable storyline kept me on the edge of my seat. The way this picture is filmed truly brings out an airy feeling throughout. There were no dull moments; each scene was gripping and I found myself attempting to out think the main character on his next move. Being from a small rural town I was connected and understood the "local folk" feel of the film. The story is realistic and can happen anywhere also there is a personal touch that brings you into the realm of Cohasset, Massachusetts. The Cohasset Snuff Film is doused with a touch of twisted humor that was truly enjoyable. I even thought of this film after a few days of watching and the story was still in my thoughts.
  • A normal 17 year old growing up in the USA would be studying, playing sports or possibly designing the latest app but Collin Mason from Cohasset in Massachusetts has other ideas involving the demise of his class mates.

    The Cohasset snuff film reminds me of the blair witch project because of it's personal camera cinematography and the horror combination but another likeness is not knowing if it's real or acted.

    The movie is based around Collin with snippets of interviews from people close to events or have something to add, collin describes his hate rid for others and the end result is quite chilling.

    The movie is very well constructed considering the budget and if you like real horror and extreme violence this is well worth watching.
  • In 2009, the town of Cohasset, Massachusetts stopped being a small peaceful town in the eastern seaboard. 17-year-old Collin Mason murdered three classmates and videotaped and uploaded his accounts for the world to see. Although all the sites have with the footage have taken the videos down, copies were spread and still available through the underground.

    If you like found footage films this is one that will have your hairs standing on the back of your neck. The chilling tale of this disturbed individual and the interviews of the people around him will take you into a dark place. It was something so horrible I really couldn't imagine watching it, much less hearing it. The movie subject is so disturbing to hear and so realistic you forget it's a movie.

    Edward Payson takes some risks and it pays off in the end. If you like slashers and psychological thrillers, the cast will paint a picture that will keep you awake at night wondering and thinking of the unthinkable. Steven Wu does an excellent job playing Colin Mason and his voice lingers even after the damage is done. This is a very disturbing experience and if you are into being scared out of your wits, then watch this film.
  • The title is hilarious OK I have not seen this movie I watched the trailer. but being from the Boston area the fact that it's Cohasset is just great I'm sure in every city there of these suburban towns that have these funny names Now if it was the Springfield slasher or the main street murderer or something like that it wouldn't be as cool Luckily Massachusetts has great names to make horror movies. they picked a great name

    Might watch it