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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really couldn't believe it, but in the last ten minutes or so of this three-part series, Public Enemies, they tied up all the loose ends. I was actually thinking, oh, we only have three segments of this - it obviously went on much longer. It reminded me a little of another British series, also a three-parter, where more info was packed into part three than the total of the other two.

    The story concerns a probation officer, Paula Radnor (Anna Friel) who is back at work after three months of suspension. One of her parolees, supposedly under her watch, committed another murder.

    Radnor's new case is a man, Eddie Mottram (Daniel Mays) who served ten years for killing is girlfriend. Naturally, Paula is pretty tough on him due to the fact that she's being watched just as carefully. Paula makes sure that he moves into the bail hostel, visits the parents of the murdered girl to inform them what areas Eddie is allowed to be in, and makes sure Eddie knows what he can and cannot do. He gets a job and a girlfriend; when he doesn't tell her why he served time, it falls to Paula. When Paula sends Eddie to an anger management class, he loses his job.

    One day, Eddie goes to Paula's house and informs her that he was innocent. He and his sister want Paula to help them get his case looked at again.

    This is a good series, with a few twists along the way. The acting by Friel, Mays, and Lorraine Ashburn as Paula's boss is top drawer. My problem with the series is that Friel is so damned beautiful and so classy, I found it hard to buy that she might be attracted to Eddie. I could see his attraction to her, but I really didn't get it going the other way.

    My other problem is that the ending seemed rushed and abrupt. As I said above, in ten minutes we had the denouement of the whole thing. If you're going to do a three-parter, you could at least plan to spend more time on the ending.

    As I said, I saw another British series in several parts that did the same thing. Unfortunately I can't remember its name. Maybe it had the same producer.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I really enjoyed watching this show, Daniel Mays was the main reason for me watching it and he proved to be a good actor being very convincing and really feeling sympathy for Eddie.

    The story starts out as a mystery then things slowly come to light about Eddie and his past and I felt torn as a viewer between Eddie and Paula as they both have so much to lose.

    The only thing that I disliked was how I felt the ending was rushed and to be honest I felt really disappointed after watching three episodes and only in the last few minutes the person we would least expect turns out to be the killer.
  • I saw the reference to objections raised by the Crown's parole staff to improbable plot elements in this story. Be that as it may, this short series is convincing and well-done, whether or not it's an accurate reflection of the reality of probation and parole in the UK. The acting and directing are very good. Right up to the last 15 minutes, when all reality flies completely out the window. So I can recommend it for the quality of the production, characterization, acting, all that. but watch the clock and switch off the telly 15 minutes before it ends, to avoid bursting into howls of derisive laughter at the last scenes. I won't spoil it, because right up to that point it really is well-done.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When I started watching this I wasn't entirely sure what to expect; I didn't know if it would be a 'gritty' drama, a mystery or a psychological thriller, as it turned out it has elements of all three. Paula Radnor is a probation officer who has served a three month suspension because a man she was meant to be supervising committed another murder; Ben Somers is a convict who has just served ten years for the murder of his girl friend, a crime he pleaded guilty too, inevitably Paula's first case after returning to work is Ben. In the opening episode we see him getting used to life outside; moving into the bail hostel, getting a job, meeting old friends and even getting a girl friend. The first twist comes at the end of the episode when he turns up at Paula's house claiming that he was innocent the whole time. Having changed his story Paula is forced to raise his threat level which leads to him losing his job and eventually his girlfriend. He does not take this well and gets more and more angry and it looks as if he will be sent back to prison but Paula gives him another chance and in the second twist states that she now believes he is innocent. As the story approaches its conclusion it looks as if it will end with Ben back in gaol and Paula out of a job… until there is a surprising revelation.

    This was a surprisingly gripping series with fine performances from Joe Armstrong and Anna Friel in the lead roles. Armstrong did particularly well making the viewer think that he genuinely is dangerously out of control. In the first episode I thought it was turning out to be a drama about a murderer coming out of prison but after his claim of innocence it became a mystery too; was he really a killer and if not who killed his girlfriend all those years ago? Unfortunately things unravelled somewhat at the very end; just when it looked as if all was lost and we'd never learn who is the real killer the murderer hands himself into the police… we don't even get the satisfaction of seeing the protagonists work out who did it. To be honest it felt as if the writer suddenly realised he only had five minutes left to wrap things up and wasn't sure how to do it.
  • Most crime dramas don't concentrate on the aftermath of a prison sentence so this was interesting. All his life is reported back ( ironic that now people do this voluntarily on social media). The pressure cooker of his mental state must be like a form of PTSD. Maybe why anyone institutionalised ( armed forces for one) struggles so much. Eddie is atypical it would seem.

    Daniel Mays as Eddie is believable which shows acting chops. Anna Friel as Paula the probation officer plays Anna Friel in every role. She typecasts herself or would seem to at least. I have no idea what the fascination is with her as an actress. Support cast are a superb troupe. Showing the top billed a lesson or two. The drama unfolds quite slowly and the resolution takes just a few minutes at the end, as it is in real life. Not necessarily what we want when being entertained? We want, as an audience, to have some payback for the time invested in the story perhaps. As in life, you don't always get what you want. Proof here (though it is resolved). Appreciating simple things again, as Eddie does, could be a lesson for us all.
  • Enjoyable but a rather implausible plot and ending. Mays and Friel carry it though and it's about the right length. Any longer and it would have suffered.

    Worth watching for the leafs performances.
  • i checked out the IMDb rating on this series before i watched it and was in two minds whether to bother with a 6.6 rated show. I must have had my 'lucky mind' in gear, as i decided to give the first episode a go. 3 parts in and i cannot believe that this series has such a low score. the acting is top drawer. Daniel is, as ever, very good indeed. The subject matter is raw, gritty and so very rarely touched upon; the post prison trials and tribulations of a man convicted of the most serious of all crimes. I really got to feel the heartache of a lost man, even before the storyline tells us that he claims he is innocent. I'm not a proper critic and don't even have the right terminology to express myself on this site, but this series is well worth anyone's time, even if it's only to appreciate some very good acting.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Been harder nightly to find any series. I saw this had Anna Freil in it, read the synopsis and tuned in. Was I ever surprised to see a young Daniel Mays( One of my favorite actors ( Not a big fan off Freil tho) but usually anything she's in is good. Ok. The script and editing could have been tighter. Should have showed a bit of his life previous to the event to maybe give sympathy toward his character tho I suppose they did so with how extremely over bearing she made life for him. I was so darn mad at her charcter! i'm not guilty but lets make life worse for you. I was glad she got involved and in the end hope she left that jerk of a boyfriend and hopefuly now he can rebuild his life. and also the damn dad! Poor guy. Well all and all a feel good ending and I recommend to Mays and Freil fans. Edit to add at first I thought Asling loftus was India Mullen ( whom I love from redrock.) They look almost identical but Asling din't have the Irish accent. Any ways she's a good little actress. I need to look her up and see what else she's done since this.
  • Public Enemies is a very good piece of TV drama to highlight the acting talents of Anna Friel whom I honestly believe to be one of the finest actresses to be blooded in recent years but so far has not been given the accolade that her acting ability deserves. The show has been written and produced to a very high standard with an abundance of supporting actors.Daniel Mays as Eddie Mottram was most convincing and he certainly has a future in the industry. Aisling Loftus a young up and coming actress and is certainly going to make lots of inroads hopefully not solely on our televisions but the big screen.It is time for Anna to step out of the shadows and take her place above all the amateurs that take up space in the TV/Film industry. Excellent program all round and good luck for the future Anna.
  • Despite decent acting performances from the two leads (Mays and Friel) the story went way past its sell by date and I found it tedious. The three part mini series was way to long. I got bored and also didnt care by the end.