User Reviews (19)

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  • Warning: Spoilers
    I was expecting an original, clever story, with some thrilling action and a emotional payoff in the end. It didn't really excel in any of those regions.

    Originality - The story featured multiple clichés and a mishmash of ideas from other similar films. eg duo gangster humor from guy snatch/lock stock

    Story Cleverness - The multiple plots make this film feel more complicated, rather than clever.

    Action - Although being quite generic, this is the part of the film that makes it watchable for me. Without it it would be quite boring.

    Emotional Payoff - Eh. More like bunch of events connected together. The main characters drive(pun intended) was to what exactly?

    The was some shameless exposition. Stupid and annoying bad guy that is invincible.

    ALL in ALL: Fairly predictable story(with some entertaining bits). Pretty much the standard for movies. ;)
  • Without any expectations I started 'Get Lucky', and from the first moment on I got that this is a low-budget action movie. No known actors, some poor camera work and acting is at a sub- standard.

    Look through the flaws, however, and you'll find a movie that is a somewhat entertaining Brit Flick. The storyline has got some surprising elements, the gangster characters are believable and there is some humor. It's all delivered in a cheesy package, with poor special, I mean, normal effects. But most of all, the movie never reaches a high point, and that's disappointing.

    By no means is this a good movie. I really get the feeling they tried, but failed, to get enough out of it.
  • kosmasp9 June 2014
    There are quite a few movies out there who emulate the same kind of formula. So behind the betrayals and double stabbings or plot twists, there is a shallow shell waiting to be opened. But as it is with those things, nothing good waits inside of it. Actually it's almost better not to watch at all.

    That's not to say this does not have its fair share of moments (the relationship between two bouncers/hit men is pretty neat and probably the best thing) or the fact that the actors are really trying and almost succeeding in conveying their emotions. But in the end you just won't care for anyone or anything that is coming at you ... literally.
  • 90 Minutes of my life I'll forever be trying to claw back. Badly acted, badly cut and edited The so called "fight scenes" & "special effects" would have been more at home on a SYFY Channel production. The whole thing looked as though it had been made by kids working on a school film project. After reading a review and recognising quite a few of the actors in the movie I was looking forward to watching another good BRIT GANGSTER movie as I am a big fan of the genre, but I have to say that had this been the first film of this type I had ever watched, then I would definitely NEVER have watched another. This is absolutely the worst film I have seen all year.
  • ...... In an indecipherable story!

    When this movie started with a 'joke' opening I should have taken the hint and given up on it right away. But no, I decided to stick with it and after twenty or thirty minutes into the story I was lost on it's plot as I just couldn't understand what they were saying. Maybe I could understand every third or fourth word at best.

    I know the actors are speaking English but the movie needs subtitles for the rest of the English speaking world. The British may be able to understand this low-end speaking but I could not. There was recently a television show here in the US titled "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo" and English subtitles were used because the family in this 'reality' show were so low on the education scale the producers realized the viewing public outside of Georgia would need it.

    So get lucky and find a Brit to see this flick with you and you might be able to make sense of it.
  • Think about all the worst things to do when making a film and this does them all. Bad everything. Acting, directing, writing, plot, casting, editing, photography, the list is endless. Just astonishes me why people still make or are interested in watching cliché British gangster films. That ship sailed long long ago. And who would be stupid enough to put up the money to make this drivel? Please can we move on, and invest in good plausible stories. Doesn't have to be Jane Austen or a romantic comedy. Or cost an absolute fortune to make. They can be thrillers, crime stories, violent, whatever. Just as long as they are well made with a decent script. This film should be shown to aspiring film students as an example of how to get it totally wrong.
  • I urge you not to waste your valuable time or money on this tripe. None of the characters made any sense - they were neither funny nor frightening. The storyline was laughable and also made no sense whatsoever! I can only imagine the reviews that say they liked it here were friends or relatives of those that made the film. I would give this zero stars but IMDb doesn't allow for it. The music was rubbish, the action so badly filmed, the attempts at comedy creaked so loudly I could hardly hear the rest of the dialogue over it. In fact, I'm not really sure why I'm wasting time writing this when I've already wasted 90 minutes watching the film. Sad, sad, sad, bad, bad, bad.
  • From the opening scene you know you're in for a rough ride. It's the acting. I could deal with the tired and worn plot, or the multitude of London gangster clichés, but having every line delivered like the actor or actress is hyper aware of the camera is just too much to watch.

    I can only assume the multitude of 5 star reviews on Amazon have been written by people connected to the film (either that or very easily pleased!). 5 star reviews should be reserved for films which are going to stand the test of time. This doesn't even come close to a film that will last. If you can make it through the first fifteen minutes then you're doing well! For a London film, don't expect too many Londoners - the main character is a posh boy who looks about fifteen years old, but just happens to be a criminal mastermind when he gathers a gang of out of work actors (or London wideboys - one of the two) to pull off a heist to pay off someone for something. It really doesn't matter. You won't care.

    This is the definition of 'low budget.' There's nothing here you haven't seen before, the only problem is you've seen it all soooo much better. Save yourself an hour and a half and just put Lock Stock on again. Even if you spot this in the 'bargain basket' DVD section in some motorway service station and it's going cheap, don't bother. Buy a packet of Fruit Pastels instead - they're more enjoyable.
  • leonblackwood31 August 2013
    Review: This movie is an awful attempt at a English heist movie, because the storyline is terrible, along with the acting. From the beginning the film is all over the place, which just made me loose interest. The main character looks more like a geek than a criminal, an once again, there using Eastern Europeans as the criminals. To be honest, I wasn't expecting that much from this film because most of Craig Fairbrass movies. The ending was a clear indication that there is going to be a sequel, which I definitely won't be rushing to see. Disappointing!

    Round-Up: I'm yet to see a good crime caper movie come out of England since Guy Ritchies older movies. This country seems to be stuck in a rut for ideas, but that's not to say that America has come out with anything that decent nowadays. Ever since the writers strike in Hollywood, everyone has seemed to have turned to TV sitcoms and the movies that come out of Hollywood are either remakes or just complete rubbish. Independent films have taken advantage of the lack of originality in the big budget movies, and a few of them have paid off. This is just to show that know matter how much the technology has moved forward, the premise of a good movie ALWAYS relies on the storyline. I just hope that things pick up soon.

    Budget: $5million Worldwide Gross:

    I recommend this movie to people who like there crime capers that are set in the UK. 2/10
  • nick-sarjeant2 September 2013
    Saw Get Lucky at the cinema a couple of weeks ago. I was not sure what to expect from seeing the on-line trailers. Based on two brothers Lucky and Raphael, who earn a living less honest than most who team up with some EU underworld. The Job an underground casino heist. I was open minded at first, the film managed to keep me interested all the way to the end. With twists and turns throughout and some humour. Enjoyed this film on face value. I did not look to deep into it. Really enjoyed Get Lucky and it comes with the added bonus of seeing Emily Attack from Inbetweeners fame. Will watch again on DVD with my mates and some beers.
  • Short and simple, the acting is terrible, the humour is cringeworthy, the action is bland, the characters are unbelievable, the photography is amateur, the clichés aren't just overdone but are a complete rip off in places. Everyone who says that this is a classic or quintessential British gangster/heist "flick" are off their barnet. It doesn't come close to anything Guy Ritchie has made, even his worst work is a masterpiece compared to this. All in all it's makes you feel embarrassed to be British.
  • Brothers Lucky and Raphael have always lived on the wrong side of the law. When a 'job' goes very wrong and Lucky finds himself in debt to local heavies, Sebastian and Kramer, he is forced to join his wayward brother on the biggest heist of their careers.

    While Raphael concocts a plan to rob the casino of the most powerful crime-lord in town, Mr Zigic, and enlists the help of Zigic's own unwitting nephew Niko and employee Eli, Lucky is distracted by the girl of his dreams, femme fatale Bridgett, who may not be all that she seems.

    With betrayals and twists of fate, it seems everyone has an ulterior motive. The question is who, can the brothers trust on the most important night of their lives? Very impressed with the acting.

    A good twist to the story at the end as well.

    Afer reading this i thought i would have a look. Very good acting and not too Hollywood.

    Look forward to getting this on DVD, worth another look.
  • This is a snivelling psychic vampire of a movie, seemingly only existing in order to drain the life force from any poor soul who watches it. It's made of UK gangster movie cliches - the bland suits, the dubious eastern European villains, the token black character that goes hand in hand with an ill-judged conversation about race, the dead body that turns out not to be dead, the female characters only ever presented in sexy clothing, and so on. If the film had one fleck of energy or charisma this would matter a lot less, but Get Lucky fails at being entertainment as surely as it fails at being art. It's tempting to blame the cast here, but admittedly, they aren't given a lot to work with. At no point in this movie did I care what happened to the characters, nor did I believe any of them to be capable of real violence . The two protagonists seemed like they attended the David Cameron school of charm only to be asked to leave under suspicious circumstances. The two Ikea gangsters on the other side seem more like moody clowns at a UKKIP members birthday party than people who would happily snap your arm at a moment's notice. You might think I'm exaggerating but there's actually many more faults I could list, I'm going to leave it there so I can start to move on with my life. Please, don't watch this movie.
  • Saw this film at AFM earlier this year and really enjoyed it. A great British cast, a cracking plot and some twists and turns that I never saw coming. The humor, standard of acting, camera work and soundtrack (which was wicked!) elevate this movie far above many 'Brit Flicks' of it's kind. It also had a very cool, film noir, 1940's vibe which was refreshing. All the women were in dresses and the guys were in suits and ties. Reminded me a little of The Untouchables which actually got a mention in the film so it clearly wasn't just a coincidence!

    Two thumbs up and a special mention to TJ Ramini who wrote it and starred. Terrific performance and a compelling script.
  • It's similar to a Guy Ritchie film, just not quite.

    Violence yip

    Funny yip

    Americans should avoid yip
  • umarahnaz29 August 2013
    When i write the words 'British heist thriller' i can almost hear the collective groan reverberate and the words 'not another one! It's a genre that's been in and out of our cinemas more regularly than the popcorn delivery man. But new movie Get Lucky definitely does the genre justice with it's interesting plot, fabulous action, exhilarating car chases and a boat chase thrown in for good measure! Throw in some glamour, romance, comedy and stunning and iconic London locations and you have the makings of a thoroughly good watch.

    The film is centred around two brothers, Lucky and Raphael, who earn a living less honest than most. When kid brother Lucky becomes involved in a robbery, a casino heist planned by Raphael, becomes the means for Lucky to pay the stolen money back to thugs Sebastian and Kramer, who work for local crime lord Mr Zigic. But all is not as it seems and the twists and turns begin.

    The film is directed by Sacha Bennet (Bonded By Blood, Outside Bet) and stars Olivier award winner Luke Treadaway as main protagonist, Lucky. TJ Ramini (The Bill, NCIS, 24) plays the role of Raphael and also makes his debut as the films screenplay writer. They are joined by a fantastic cast comprising of Terry Stone, Craig Fairbrass, Marek Oravec, Jason Maza and Richie Campbell. Glamour, romance and more is provided by Emily Attack of The Inbetweeners fame.

    What i love about the film is its fast pace. From the outset the audience is thrust into the action. Some may argue that this gives no time for the characters to develop, but i think that this works in the films favour as it keeps the viewer engaged at all times, moving quickly from one scene to the next. If you want a three hour epic watch The Godfather!

    The comedy in the film is also one of its strengths, with Terry Stone (Kramer) and Marek Oravec (Niko) stealing some of the best lines.The jokes aren't cheesy and are delivered well by the actors, who seemed to have a real on-screen chemistry amongst them.

    Being a self confessed action girl myself i found the action sequences, gun fights and car chases exciting.The violence (an obvious part of the movie!) isn't overpowering. Far too many filmmakers depict unnecessary amounts of violence and gore to grab the audiences attention with shock factor, but Get Lucky finds the right balance. Could have been a bit more swearing in my opinion though!

    One of my favourite parts was the actual casino robbery. The decision to go 'old school' by Raphael with the tommy guns, trilby hats and scarves over the faces was genius. It gave the film an adult Bugsy Malone feel which immediately took me on a nostalgic journey back to my childhood. No cream in these guns however!

    Add to all of the above a great soundtrack and you have a great mix for a fine movie. If you're looking for a fast paced, fun, action packed film then Get Lucky is definitely for you.
  • I watched this film recently and really enjoyed it. It has a bit of everything from your typical gritty storyline interspersed with humour and a good few twists to the plot along the way. Craig Fairbrass was the stand out actor for me as he delivered once again as only he can. Emily Attack provided the touch of glamour as well as portraying a very convincing femme fatale. After the recent spate of Brit films one could be forgiven for thinking that this was going to be another mundane film off the production line. It was therefore refreshing to see this film deliver with a good storyline and not fall into the trap of being predictable. A big thumbs go and watch it.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a good story, and the action in this movie are worth your time. This is a story of the long game. Revenge panned for so long, and the returning home for one one man. This film is filled with people who are very well known, and who have all given excellent performances in other films. I don't feel that this movie is an exception to that rule at all. I quite enjoyed the story, and the trouble that our lad brings to town upon his return. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good British caper film. There is nothing really new her, it is very much like most American drifter comes back to town movies, but it is enjoyable.
  • I agree with Jake Faktor, this film has got plenty going for it. Ably directed and shot it has the classic British indie film feel. It does not try to anything it's not which is why it works, even if it isn't a classic.

    Skipping over the obvious reason for watching this film, which is Emily Attack. There really is a lot more going on here than the other reviewers are suggesting. If you like a low budget indie British flick every now and again then you will get what you'd expect, and be quite happy.

    Have there been better Indie British flicks, yes. Will there be better Indie British flicks, yes.

    Does that mean this one isn't worth watching, NO!!!!