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  • Warning: Spoilers
    "Ghostbusters 3" is an American 5-minute live action short film from 2012, so it is already seven years old and while there is constantly talk about new Ghostbusters movies that eventually resulted in a female version, writer and director Sam Macaroni took things into his own hand and made this fan movie. He is also a prolific actor, so no surprise he also gets an acting credit here. I think he plays the old bearded man who gets annihilated? I am not sure. Anyway, they took some idea from the original film as we have a damsel in distress who has a dwarf ghost in her home and so she randomly sees the Ghostbusters video (honestly she never would have in reality, this would never have scored any clicks or social media attention) and calls them to help. On the process not only a relative of the girl gets killed, but also one of the Ghostbusters before the mission is completed. I did not like the watch at all. the comedy is mostly really weak, the trio of main characters pretty annoying instead of funny and the female just a perfect example of how not to writer female characters these days. Not even the fact that they used politically incorrect humor and I usually like that a lot could save this film from becoming a mess. The effects when they fire their laser guns do look solid, but this alone cannot keep this film from being really bad. Good to see most imdb voters saw it the same, even if the rating is still too high I believe. It is not a worthy addition by any means to this franchsie and definitely should not be given the brand name to increase its popularity because it should best be forgotten. Nothing interesting to see here. Huge thumbs-down from me. Not recommended.