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  • The reviewer Foldees is like a seer. I watched the movie almost six years later, but the way Foldees described the movie is how I would describe it too.

    The story is indeed ordinary...quite formulaic at that, but it was like a travelogue for me. I am quite familiar with Hong Kong. There was a time when I knew the place like it was the back of my hand, but LOST FOR WORDS let me see places I have never been to. I also appreciated Hong Kong more, and the movie is making me wish I were there right now.

    I just don't think I could lie down the floor of the cable car. Gosh. My imagination would go wild. What if it would crack and I would fall down? Thankfully, Anna calmed Michael's nerves.

    I like the chemistry between GRACE HUANG and SEAN FERRIS. It was also such a delight to watch WILL YUN LEE. He is such a natural.

    The supporting characters were good too, especially JOMAN CHIANG who plays Mei Mei.

    Foldees, I am not trying to copy your review. It's just that I agree with you almost a 100%.

    It's not the best movie ever produced, but I had fun watching it. I also love their journey to Baoshan, Shanghai. I haven't been there, so it was great to learn about it, see the sights, et cetera, et cetera.

    Do I recommend this movie?

    Hmm, I like it a notch higher than Foldees, so I guess I could recommend it, but it's an acquired taste.

    For me, at the very least, the movie is worth one's time.

    I have been celebrating the Lunar New Year for years, but I still learned a lot from this film.

    There's also a thing about honour, and for me that's a good thing.

  • Lost for Words is a simple story about two strangers who fall in love after a chance encounter in a foreign land.

    The storyline is ordinary. But the setting is exotic. The aerial footage of Hong Kong is simply breath-taking.

    Sean Faris plays a damaged ex-Marine who seeks a fresh start in a new city. Grace Huang is an ambitious ballerina from Mainland China. They meet and the relationship builds, at a deliberately slow pace. By the time they fall hopelessly in love, we come to accept the pacing and tone of this movie.

    Joman Chiang who plays the rebellious best friend is the one to watch. Vivacious and luminous, she also provides some comic relief to this at times boring drama.

    The third act comes from nowhere and the film changes tone and not in a good way. However, there are enough good bits in the movie to make it enjoyable.