User Reviews (2)

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  • This movie, about a woman's life after a bad divorce, is a crazy ride were things get really messy. Both the story and the humor are very simple, but it was funny sometimes. Unfortunately, the outer story was predictable, but the technical part was quite good, and the pace was pleasant. The script was also convincing, which helped the actors keep the movie interesting at some point. The camera work and the lighting was really pleasant, which made the movie feel more like a sense of professional production. Obviously, it's a mediocre movie, and it mainly appeals to the audience of women, but it's still worth a watch if you like simple, Norwegian comedy.
  • The good things first: the actors/actresses are great, the camera work and lighting are convincing, and there are some genuinely funny moments.

    But when it comes to the story it sort of falls apart. It seems like they came up with a basic story of a divorced woman who gets very jealous of her ex-husband's new squeeze and then they pile on with one awkward situation after another. Some of those situations are very over the top and not very believable either, and you end up with a bit of a mess that you feel you've seen before, only better. There are especially two scenes in the middle that The Hangover did much better.

    So all in all, a mediocre effort that has its moments.