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  • muriloogps2 October 2022
    This standup on Netflix is... hard to explain. It is sometimes boring, but when it is funny... you laugh so much! I feel like maybe I just wasn't feeling the vibe, so maybe I just didn't absorb it enough. But there were a few bits that cracked me up hard.

    My favorite one was the one about how we are always so mean to our moms 😂 There is no one I love more than my mom but, as Nick says, there is no one I have a shorter fuse for than my beloved mom.

    Besides that bit, there are a few other ones that are funny like the first boy-girl party and the Italy trip one, and some of them were just plain boring to me like the Karate one.
  • Look, we all know Nick Kroll is a little off, and it's not just his dimpled chin and strange tiny teeth. The guy is genuinely cringe-worthy, given his physical stature and general willingness to poke fun at himself and all his (probably genuine) personal phobias and insecurities. It is actually his most endearing quality. I think his latest stand up special is quite amusing, even laugh-out-loud funny (and that's not just the wine talking). He could have benefited from a little self-editing, perhaps remove 25% of the poop and fart jokes, for example. But, looking beyond those, the rest of the set was quite solid and well written, his voices hilarious and on point. I loved the self-deprecating Jimimy Cricket, a la Jason Statham, who keeps Kroll from floating away on an inflated ego (buoyed by his suit ensemble in a sensible tawny tan circa 1980, before 80s fashion was actually, you know, cool). The guy has come of age, further evidenced by his wedding band and recently-sprung hipster beard, certainly an improvement. Go, you!!
  • tkdlifemagazine29 September 2022
    I am not a huge fan of Nick Kroll, although I am not sure why. He just always annoyed me. This is a very honest and self-effacing stand up special where Nick covers his relationship with women, his parents, and himself. He does a number of impressions and voices and tells some personal stories that take us from high school to the present day. I do like his self- awareness as a nebbishy, Jewish comedian with self-esteem issues. There is something endearing about his honesty and his presentation. He is not the funniest, but I would definitely consider watching additional stand up specials featuring him.
  • I have watched this with three other adults, and we all laughed at different moments. The occasional thing that didn't land for me delighted my friends, and vice versa. I laughed so hard I started wheezing at a few moments, and I felt engaged by everything other than the poop humor (which again, really seemed to tickle some others). His ability to laugh at himself and speak honestly about his masculinity (what parts of it fit for him, and the parts that don't) was both funny and refreshing. He has good insight, and I would've watched hours more. Keep it comin', Nick! Thanks for the laughs, in this and in all of your other work.
  • Writing this as i'm watching it for the 5th time, no i'm not joking. This special never gets old and the references are so relatable. My family will nod like the sensai nod to each other, i saw peach instead of peace, we make the poop jokes. It isn't too long which is nice, so it's perfect for a fun rewatch. I'm surprised by the low rating to be quite honest! I understand some of it is sentimental about his kid, but you can tell how passionate he is about his kid. Compared to other comedians, i feel like society can actually relate to this special. He isn't making himself on a pedestal, in fact he feels more human after watching!
  • He's extremely talented and intelligent, he's brought us a metric ton of content over the years and he produces yet another metric ton of (usually) great films - however, and maybe this is too subjective, but when a 'stand-up' gets up on stage and presents us with anecdotes of thier lives - is it jokes? Is it even funny? To me its scarcely entertaining, and THEN to do so, to open with such a tired troupe of diarrhea jokes and how we all walk with soiled pants - meh! Just meh Nick - for the record, the walk isn't funny and no matter how many times it's portrayed on stage it seems to become less so - go figure?!
  • backup-5036217 October 2022
    From the start - you get the biggest red flag when you're watching a comedian on Netflix - fake audience laughter that cuts and loops, clearly edited.

    Then he proceeds to suddenly tell the most unfunny, generic, lame "boy girl party" story that ends with a boomer joke that's as bad as something taken out of Jeff Foxworthy's terrible special.

    I'm really surprised, because Nick Kroll was pretty funny on, say, roasts. I expected him to have a strong special, but this is the most generic, bland... again, Jeff Foxworthy-like cringey, unfunny special.

    "I was pantsed in front of a girl by another girl, what a beta I must be hahahahaha"- this is how the special starts and unfortunately it doesn't get any less cringey as it goes on.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I absolutely love Nick Krall but have not seen his stand up before - love his style and this set is brilliant. The ONLY thing I couldn't get on board with was his impression of a British actor - it was ABSOLUTELY AWFUL - I think he thought, and the audience thought, that it was brilliant. I literally didn't crack a smile when he was doing it - it was THAT bad - it started Mexican then morphed into Australian. I also think that this was not meant to be the reason why it was supposed to be funny. I think if he'd actually been aware of how bad it was (and it's a fairly sizeable skit during the routine) he could have mentioned this, which would have been really funny. He is a very slick comedian, but should steer aware from the British accent. I am British, btw.
  • We (my wife and myself) frequently rate comedians by the amount of alcohol that one must consume in order to find any humor in the comedian's material. This show deserves our booze rating; we are simply not sure if the viewing audience can consume enough alcohol (without overdosing) to make this an enjoyable viewing. Nick Kroll: Little Big Boy. Wasn't this billed as a comedian doing a comedy stand-up show??? I'm just checking here. I don't see any raised hands. Oh. What? He's the guy who created "Big Mouth"? Whatever the folk that is. Poop jokes are just sooo edgy here in the 2022's. Going out on a limb here: 10 drinks, minimum.