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  • From the moment I started watching this show, I was absolutely captivated by its brilliance. It has managed to strike a perfect balance between entertainment and inspiration, making it an absolute gem in the world of television. The storyline is gripping, the character development is top-notch, and the lessons it imparts are truly invaluable.

    Throughout the series, the show has masterfully woven together a tapestry of emotions, taking viewers on a rollercoaster ride. The intense matches that unfold before our eyes are nothing short of breathtaking. Each victory the main team achieves feels like a triumph of the human spirit, showcasing the power of determination and teamwork.

    However, like any avid fan, I cannot help but express my disappointment with one recurring issue. It seems that the main team, against all odds, manages to come out on top in matches where the opposing team should have clearly had the upper hand. This predictable pattern can sometimes diminish the thrill and suspense that should be inherent in any competitive storyline.

    While I understand that the show aims to deliver a sense of hope and triumph, it would have been far more engaging to witness the main team face more formidable challenges and experience setbacks along their journey. This would have not only added depth to the characters but also elevated the overall tension and excitement, leaving viewers on the edge of their seats.

    Nonetheless, despite this minor drawback, I still find myself deeply invested in the show. The powerful messages it conveys about unity, perseverance, and the pursuit of one's dreams are truly impactful. I believe that with some adjustments to the storytelling, this show has the potential to become an absolute masterpiece.
  • vilondeclanebuisness11 September 2019
    This is literally my favourite anime of all time. I watched it as a kid and I go back to it occasionally to watch. It may be slightly cheesy at times but there are so many deep themes that inspire one to better themselves. It is also insane, the techniques are so cool. Love this and I highly recommend.
  • I'm a lover of soccer and this is my all time favourite anime

    The players have special power abilities which they used in soccer

    Mark (Endou) The captain of the Inazuma Eleven Japan team also the captain of Raimon Eleven club is the main character who is always encourage the other players and love the soccer by his hearts

    He is the strength of his team

    Axel (Goeunji) is the striker of the team He is also the my favourite character after Endou

    Jude (Kidou) who is the intelligence player and pitch maker

    Great anime for Football (Soccer) lover
  • DEstroyer00918 June 2020
    I watched this a long time ago but I've only seen the first 20 episodes until I realized there's like 120 more episodes on YouTube. It really motivates me to a level I don't usually feel when watching TV. I'm taking a star of because it took 128 episodes to get to an "ending" and it really starts to feel repetitive.. But still very motivational. Not a football lover but I would definitely play it more if i had friends like the ones shown in the show
  • naseemhamdaouigiml16 May 2021
    This here is perfection. Nearly all the characters have an indepth backstory, especially in Season 3. The hissatus are very cool to watch. And the characters themselves have great designs. The story itself is also very great. The animation isnt as detailed as My Hero Academia or the stuff people watch now, but it makes you feel at home. 10/10.
  • I used to watch it as a kid when it aired in my country but the airing stopped after 1st season so I couldn't complete it but now I completed its all season and it's one of the best anime there is. Its characters are just so amazing like from coolest to cheerful and it has every emotion. It just makes you hook to it. I will recommend it to anyone who want to see the best anime there is. Just for it. And the English dub is so good just watch it if you haven't.
  • This is what you get when soccer and shonen anime fuse. It's fun, it's fresh and it's motivating as hell. The origin of their super powers are really not that important because you're talking about an ANIME, you'll having too much fun with epic soccer battles to worry about that.
  • kalcntrsv31 December 2020
    Inazuma Eleven is a unique and fresh soccer anime gives you the feeling of seeing a great anime and its characters and their traumas are the best of the series like Goenji and his brother and Fubuki and Atsuya
  • I grew up with this anime and it always stuck with me. To this day i still do a yearly rewatch. And its not just about football with cool super moves, its also about friendship, loss and the will to never give up. The amount of characters with a great design and backstory is insane as wel. Even with background characters. And the three main characters Endou, Kidou and Gouenji are just a phenomenal trio. The music is also some of the best i've heard in any anime. Im not exaggerating when i say this is probably one of my favorite Anime's ever. It also helps that im a huge football fan myself. 🔟🔟