User Reviews (12)

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  • Although the movie doesn't state it, the film is loosely based off of a real murder done in England, in Feb 1993. In the true event, 2 10-year- old boys (Robert Thompson and Jon Venables) lured a 2-year-old, James Bulger, from a mall and after walking 2½ miles with him, tortured, killed him and left him on the train tracks. As in this movie, the killers were released after 8 years, were given new identities and moved to separate, secret locations. That's where the similarities end. In true life, Jon Venables had been arrested and/or returned to prison a few other times since his release.

    The crime in this film takes place in America and although it uses many of the main facts of the Bulger murder (the film version of the murder isn't actually as violent as the actual crime), it is truly a fictional story of what the 18-year-old men did after being released from jail. The film itself feels low budget. It is slow, aged looking and with poor acting. It is shot partially as a documentary style, going back and forth between how the young men are adjusting to their new lives, and the press re-interviewing everyone from the murder trial, as well as trying to find out the new identities/location of the released young men.

    The characters have no depth and it's hard to even care about the emotional victims of this murder. Everything in the film seems detached, lacking feeling and empathy. This movie has no redeeming qualities and was basically just sad, in My Humble Opinion. 3/2015

    NOTE TO PARENTS: This movie must have originally been made for theater or cable, because although they were "bleeped", there was cursing (F- words, etc) and there was a semi-nude scene, where one of the men was standing alone and naked by a pool and they blurred out his back side.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie is bad, a low budget film, B style. I watched thinking it was some kind of documentary hopping for a psychological hypothesis about this two boys. Soon I realized it was about a fictional story of these killers once they are out of prison when they turned 18. It's not really that bad, it's watchable in my opinion, if you can get over about the real story of what happened when they were 10. The plot is as good as any mediocre movie (several holes in it), there are million as bad as this one rated over 7 or so. The acting is OK, some bad performances (reporters) are compensated for good ones like Carl who really has a creepy vibe, or his mom. You can't see any gore besides couple gun shoots and all the psychology behind behaviors is not that solid or believable mostly I assumed due to bad acting. The movie definitely is not awesome but I'm sure it's nothing to condemn, you have watched hundred worst than this one.
  • Most who watch this film know of the horrible truth surrounding this crime.

    First off, don't give cigarettes to people that don't smoke and can't act. The story has potential....brutal, and truthful potential....but this movie didn't even pass the start line in an attempt.

    Again it seems the actors were given roles without pay in return for screen time, they seem right out of LA acting class.
  • I mindlessly turned this on and pretty quickly realized that it's an exploitation of real events. Seriously, the filmmakers couldn't develop their own unique story? They CHOSE to flagrantly cash in on the misery of others. The film is not even a well made; it's slow, tedious and doesn't hold your attention despite the fact, that they tried to whip up emotion by showing the death of James Bulger (his real name). If you're going to cash in on others pain at the very least do it well. Skip it; there's plenty of other trashy movies to waste your time watching without supporting this real trash. I'm genuinely sorry that I watched this and I'm going to take a shower now.
  • eoxsnipe22 December 2017
    Butterfly-8335 must have Stockholm syndrome,because I bet If they were murdered or if their child was raped, they would you say "I deserved it" or "it's God's will". no way movies should give real life merciless murderers movies. It won't condone their actions. That's saying " you're a horrible person, but you'll have your own movie about you". It's okay for fictional people to do evil things,because they are not real. using the actual murderer and victim is a slap in the face to real people who suffered. A couple lost their child, yet they make a movie with the merciless killers as the stars. They even had the actual murder take place in the movie, that's a big middle finger to the victim. There are different ways they could bring awareness to this case,donating to the family, talk to teens and kids, talk to the public.making a movie that is going in theaters, about the killers it not the right way. As for the movie flow, it was boring. Plus who's the star? How am I suppose to follow someone who live their daily life, but brutally murdered a child for no reason? I was like "Fuck it, just kill them and end it already". the scene were the boy blamed his mother for his behavior is the trope of terrible parents leading to serial killer children. It's getting old. it's the number one excuse teenagers use to get softer punishment in real life. Like before, don't glorify it.
  • I agree with everything Andrew Mann said, I cannot believe this tragedy has been made into a movie. People in the UK will be sickened by this, James Bulger a trusting toddler went with these evil sick boys who took him and slowly killed him, while they were stoning him he was apparently screaming for his mummy. I just pray his family NEVER see this. Clearly someone in America decided it would be a good idea to make this movie and profit from the torture and death of a small innocent boy. The movie should be banned. David Schmoeller should be ashamed of himself, perhaps he needs to seek guidance from god and pray for forgiveness. I truly hope this movie is one of the biggest flops of all time and hope that nobody is sick enough to want to see it. Those who do decide they want to see it better take a lot of tissue because the story of what happened to this wee boy will rip your heart out.
  • The guy is a retired cop, he takes in a convicted and pardoned child killer then leaves guns and cash laying around the house for the kid to find. ONLY IN HOLLYWOOD!!! Junk movie
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The true story of two ten-year-old boys murdering a boy in England trying to cover it up on the train tracks- the same story pulled from headlines. Scarier than a horror flick. Because it's true.
  • I wonder if the proceeds are going to the family? Because this is one of those cases that does NOT deserve a movie. Not even to be educational about. Everyone knows they should always watch their kids they dont need this movie that is most likely harmful to the victims family. Please read the story and article and them come back to the movie. You will feel extreme guilt for giving these people your money. This story is sad. And extremely violent to the point I could not continue to read the article about what those demons did to the toddler. It was extremely violent and traumatizing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't know how many of you watch Lifetime movies, but when I do, I usually laugh at the forced acting. There's no character commitment. In this sort-of fictional account of two 10-year-olds who get a new identity after being released from prison 8 years later (after killing a 3-year-old boy) was a pleasant surprise for me. In no way is this a Hollywood classic, but the acting alone kept me glued. Good drama isn't always about editing, scenery and costumes, it's about how realistic the actors can be to keep our interest. I really enjoyed this hidden treasure.
  • For ANY story, true, based on true events, or fictitious, the performances MUST be believable. In the trailer alone, I could tell that the implausibility of the performances let me know that watching this movie would be an exercise in SUFFERING. .There is no reason that the fake news clips could not APPEAR real. Terribly done. Much like if a character is supposed to be Irish, the audience must BELIEVE they are Irish, and not be distracted by a poorly done Irish accent. There comes a point where the producers, directors, and writers must admit that the project fails to pull of its intended purpose, which is, again, to be BELIEVABLE..even if the story is fiction.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Takes a very serious subject and turns it into an extended blood bath. Shows extreme lack of creativity on the part of the writers. They steal from the headlines for the first half of the movie and the second half is one of the original killers driving around killing anyone he doesn't like. I rolled my eyes until I couldn't at this ridiculous movie.

    Bad acting and a low budget. Everyone recognizes the adults from the picture taken when they were 10 and looks nothing like one of them. They could have spent the time and given this subject and movie the credibility it deserves.

    This family already had one tragedy, this movie is a slap in the face to them.