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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Adam Brody plays a guy who has a very good idea for a design stolen by one of his superiors.

    President Palmer from 24 sends his team on a team building weekend hosted by Van Damme, Van Damme of all people.

    After an incident with a tiger, Van Damme goes AWOL, so it's up to Brody to take charge (he was in the scouts), but his superior balks at the idea, and goes all Lord Of The Flies...

    And that's what the film basically is, Lord Of The Flies on drugs.

    And don't let the cover fool you, Van Damme is in the film at the beginning for about five minutes, then doesn't really pop up again until right near the end.

    And he's the best thing about it, he's really good at comedy, and he sends his action persona up a treat.

    The rest of the film is a gross out Lord of the flies, with bad jokes and poor performances from the supporting cast.

    Brody is okay, but cannot save the script. Haysbert is in it for less than five minutes, and has the best joke about a sandwich.

    It's for Van Damme completists only, and he is really good.
  • 'WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE': Three Stars (Out of Five)

    Jean-Claude Van Damme tries his hand at comedy with this workforce island retreat slapstick adventure film also starring Adam Brody, Rob Huebel, Megan Boone, Kristen Schaal and Dennis Haysbert. Brody plays an insecure office worker who is always being bullied by his co-worker (played by Huebel) and dreaming of a better life. Van Damme plays an ex-marine wilderness guide who takes the office on a 'work team adventure'. It was directed by Rob Meltzer and written by first time film writer Jeff Kauffmann. I found the movie to be pretty poorly written and directed but I did admire the effort put in by all of the cast (especially Van Damme).

    Brody plays Chris, a bullied office worker who is constantly fantasizing about impressing his boss, Mr. Crawford (Haysbert), and co-workers; especially an HR manager named Lisa (Boone). Huebel plays the man who's always taking advantage of Chris, named Phil, and recently stole a successful idea of his. Chris finally has the chance to stand up to Phil, and prove his worth to all of his co-workers, when the entire work team is stranded on an island during a retreat. Their instructor, an ex-marine named Storm Rothchild (Van Damme), is attacked by a tiger and decommissioned.

    This is Van Damme's first venture into comedy and he does a great job; I'm becoming more and more impressed with him (as an actor, athlete and entertainer) as years go on. It's just a shame he didn't have a better script and director to work with. I'd still much rather watch a movie like this than something like 'THE GAME PLAN' (with The Rock) or 'THE PACIFIER' (with Vin Diesel) though. Brody and Huebel are always good in comedies like this and it's great to see Haysbert stretching and doing comedy as well (and he's funny in his few scenes). I just didn't like the story or most of the jokes very much (and thought it was pretty poorly directed). Grade A for acting and effort though.

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  • Welcome to the Jungle is a story that tries to entertain the viewer with some hilarious comedy scenes; especially involving Jean-Claude Van Damme. The interpersonal relationship between the various actors was not interesting, and the simplicity of the shift from rational to "primitive" was hardly aptly presented or explained. Overall the acting was below par, without any attempt at building a serious character (again with JCVD being the exception).

    The plot is a group are sent on a retreat to learn team skills. After a few incidents, they are trapped on the island. The island splits into two factions and the main character learns how to stand up for himself.

    The movie plays into typical alpha-male scenarios with little to nothing to offer, and the consistent rape jokes are tasteless, while providing little except to re-enforce the alpha-male stereotype with the subversive male having to defeat him in order to get his "prize".

    The music and imagery in the movie are well done, and do set the mood for the various scenes, regardless of how the acting was.The simplicity of the plot wouldn't have garnered a watch in most cases, but there are a few scenes with JCVD that are hilarious. If you can watch them separately, skip this movie. Due to the few entertaining scenes and well produced audio/video, I would rate this a 4; otherwise I wouldn't bother even raising it over a 2.

    There might be some people who like it, but it was not appealing to me.
  • I saw this and had never heard of it so checked IMDb. Based on the reviews, I decided to watch it since I have often enjoyed such "diamonds in the rough". Sadly someone must be paying people to write reviews now or perhaps it is better when stoned or drunk. The movie I saw was nothing like the reviews. There were no "hilarious" parts.

    I normally like silly or stupid humor. This was neither. I like cerebral humor and this was not that either. I kept watching and thinking it was going to get better but it did not. I like most of the actors and actresses in this and they seemed to be doing their best, especially Van Damme, but when it is not funny, it is not funny. Several times I could see a joke being set up but then it never happened.

    I gave it 3 stars out of respect for the cast who did try really hard but it was another movie that I wish I could unwatch and use that time instead to do something more fun. Which would be anything including watching paint dry. Spare yourself.
  • For $5 million dollars, whomever produced this movie should have just bought lottery tickets. The chance of winning would be better than this movie having a chance to be enjoyed.

    I generally would have just turned it off, but being bored already, I figured what the heck. I WASTED VALUABLE TIME FROM MY LIFE.

    It was so bad that I could tell you how the story ended and you would be better off if you spent the time with your family and maybe find something fun to do with them.

    There is not one character who is worth saying nice things about. Dennis Haysbert has a couple of lines with minor humor attached, but only because they are so out of character for him.

    That's the only reason I didn't give this 1 star.

    I have to believe that once this movie gets around a little, the ratings will drop like the stock market in 2008. Please believe me. It's really not worth even trying to prove or disprove what I am writing here.

    Even Jean Claude couldn't save it. Btw, he is in amazing shape for any age, but the fact that he is 53 is nuts! OK, that is the other reason I gave it 2 stars! I really wish someone would give me $5M so I could make a movie. I could find 20 people on the street who would have performed better than anyone in this film.

    Find something else to watch, I beg you.

    Just my thoughts!
  • Moral of the story: don't go on team building exercises with crazy people from work on a deserted island.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    First off, I LOVE spoof movies. I've got a great since of humor and this movie was not funny at all.. I have seen some really bad movies too, but this one has made it to my number one in WORST movie EVER watched. I did not read any reviews before seeing this and wish I had done so. There are a few who said they actually liked this movie. I will remember those who gave the movie a good review, just so I stay away from their reviews. Just because I disagree with them does not make their opinion bad or wrong, it just lets me know my taste and their taste in movies are not the same.

    Can not believe Megan Boone (The Blacklist) was in this movie. Or Adam Brody, he is a good actor as well. As for JCVD, this was not his kind of movie either, even if he was trying something different, this was not a good start being in this crappy not really funny movie. I did not expect much from this movie either, and it could not even produce that.This movie was just outright HORRIBLE..... Those who gave this a good review, I know never to read their reviews or trust their reviews....(again, we all have different taste and opinions) It is a piece of crapolla movie. It cost $3,500,000.00 to make... What?! I feel bad for all the investors who vested in this movie...I would've been so embarrassed if I was cast in this movie. Hopefully this would be the only bad movie I've ever been in, it happens. After this movie, all movies would be looking GREAT from here though... *smiles* Oh, in this movie it spoofs about some other movies, which made me smirk, so I found a smidgen of laughter for a second.
  • This movie is strictly for people who enjoyed Office Space, Dumb & Dumber, Dodgeball, Ace Ventura, etc. and have the capacity to get over themselves. It's absolutely ridiculous, immature, and goofy like all of those other low brow comedies but with a way smaller budget and considerably less starpower. It's not a thinking mans movie and will never considered for an Oscar but I think anybody with common sense realizes that 5 minutes in. It's definitely not an instant classic either but people on this site are being way to hard considering what this is. All the acting is more than adequate for a screwball comedy and it has it's share of laughs and silliness. I'd recommend it for the people who just want be amused and entertained for a few hours by a little of absurdity.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What happened didn't they wanna produce your east block movies any more, or couldn't you come up with the money for a new movie? How the H do you write 10 lines about a movie that is so bad, you wanna claw your eyes out after the first 25 minutes. OK. I'll try The dialog is forced, and sounds like they read it of a cardboard poster outside of the camera view. I get the impression they try hard to pretend the camera is not there. There is no on screen chemistry between the actors. They seem like they hate being there, which makes me wonder if this is part of a community service or something. Just to be clear Van Damme got no comical talent, *****Warning spoilers ahead,**** At one point I was actually hoping Van Damme would get eaten for real by the tiger (which by the way is the best actor in this)Which incidentally was the most exciting scene in the entire 90 min, the movie lasted How on earth do people get money to something this bad?
  • kosmasp18 April 2014
    Let's put van Damme in the Jungle, pair him with Adam Brody and some other comedians and see what happens. That seems to be the motto of the movie. But while that might not sound that appealing, I thought it worked. Not always, see also some of the awkward lines van Damme has to deliver, but often enough.

    The movie is more than predictable, you can outright guess when what is coming and who will be getting what (or whom). But that is not the point. And while there is a journey, it's the isolation of the Jungle and the characters (used to work in offices), that make this movie funny. Is there potential for more? Sure! But that doesn't mean this is a bad movie. It's just a inferior one to what some might have expected ... still funny though
  • shagrog3 February 2014
    I'd generally go into specific scenes, but this is generally not good.

    Some of the cast is well-known so you'd expect better performances, but that's not the case. Most of them acted like they were tired and didn't want to act anymore.

    Van Damme did his usual character, so he was as in any other of his movie. However, as opposed to those, he didn't have a big part in this one and it was mostly dialog and screaming (which is not what you look for in his movies).

    Apart from that, the plot was reasonable for a comedy. Can't expect much from those and the fun comes mostly from details and dialog and how the character deal with the situations. But these characters had no depth and no good dialogs.

    To sum it up, I think there was a good joke in there somewhere, but you'll have to pay attention. These actors can do better than this. Props, makeup and scenarios were perfect. All that was missing was decent writing.
  • If you're looking for some laughs and to see Jean Claude van Damme being hilariously ridiculous then this movie is good for a watch.

    Basic premise is Office Space meets Lord of the Flies with JCVD thrown into the mix.

    JCVD is a welcome addition to the cast, definitely poking a lot of fun at himself in this role. The main actor is almost a carbon copy of the lead from Office Space in terms of his persona and his back-story. The supporting cast are great, especially the "evil" co-worker.

    Nothing deep or serious here. All in all just a funny romp worth watching.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was surprisingly original. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Sure it wasn't an amazing movie, and I don't know how re watchable it is. I wasn't expecting the movie to unfold as it had. I admit it's not a mind blowing experience but it was done well enough. It was funny but you have to be able to enjoy silly stupid and some times raunchy humor to enjoy it. I was entertained for the entire time. The beginning is a little slow but if you just have a little patience it's there to develop characters and it doesn't drag on that long. JCVD is not the focus but I didn't feel deprived of his presence either. I feel that the movie is pretty solid, even though JCVD isn't really the main character he plays a some what important role in the film. His role isn't necessarily pivotal but I feel it's balanced enough in this film. You know it's not that bad of a movie. Don't be expecting to see JCVD's finest karate performance though. It's not really about that. I didn't have high expectations and I didn't know what to expect and it was pretty good.

    If you want to watch something and just want to be entertained and aren't looking for something amazing but decent, this isn't a bad film to put on. I don't know if it's worth buying but it's worth a watch.
  • Very bad modern parody of a great book: "Lord of the flies". Don't even worth to be seen for free... Lets say that Van Damme character is Simon (not a nice Simon as in the book but...); Adam Brody is Ralph and Rob Huebel is Jack. Also, Kristen Schaal is Piggy and Aaron Takahash Roger. Kristopher Van Varenberg could be the twins... who knows...

    Out of the Island, Phil (Huebel) is Chris (Brody)'s boss. He's an abusive boss, seconded by his right hand, Troy (Takahash). As the manager of the company feels his employees are not team players, he send them to an island to bond. The plane lands, the pilot dies and a very boring parody of "Lord of the flies" begins... It's not funny, it's not entertaining, it's just a waste of time.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a very bad adaptation of The Lord of the Flies. I don't know if it says somewhere that it's based on the novel by William Golding, but anyone who has read the book or seen the movie can tell is a bad imitation, a joke. Absolutely predictable from beginning to end, and not funny whatsoever, just makes you grin a couple of times at the most. Acting is bad, specially the tribe members, trying to appear as fiercely guys, makes you laugh because it's so bad, not because it's funny. Nice for JCVD for trying something different, but just another failure. If you don't have anything else to watch, take a book and read instead.
  • MrChe4 February 2014
    I don't know this Rob Meltzer who directed this movie, but he did make a lousy one, I can tell you that much.

    I'd hoped Jean Claude would make a decent movie, because there were some decent actors, including Adam Brody, but this was not the case, I guess he accepts every role that is given to him, including this one.

    Entire movie was predictable to the spot, cliché moments. I didn't like it, I don't like movies that I can predict, but what a hack, I gave it a try to see if something during the movie will get better, was I wrong.

    I gave it a 3, because Van Dam was in it as Adam Brody. Only because of that
  • The office team at a label design agency is sent on a retreat to a remote tropical island in order to build character and learn teamwork. When the ex-military motivational leader (Jean-Claude Van Damme) goes missing the urbanites find themselves reverting to a "Lord of the Flies" situation. Adam Brody, Eric Edelstein, Megan Boone and Kristen Schaal play the protagonists while Rob Huebel appears as the antagonist.

    The tone of "Welcome to the Jungle" (2013) is similar to "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" (2005), just transferred to the jungle with Edelstein obviously standing in for Seth Rogen. I was mainly interested because I favor stuck-on-deserted-island stories (e.g. Gilligan's Island and "Six Days Seven Nights") and the trailer looked fun, especially Van Damme effectively spoofing himself.

    While the movie is entertaining to a point, like the joke about Pinocchio, there's too much vulgar non-humor for my tastes. For instance, there's a "joke" where Schaal's character, initially opposed to needless cussing, talks about going number 2 in terms of "taking a s***" in the jungle for like 2 full minutes. I hate to break it to the lazy scriptwriters, but cussing itself isn't funny unless it's used (1) in an amusing context and (2) sparingly. Otherwise it smacks of lack of imagination, juvenility and desperation. It's more eye-rolling than anything else and I was seriously tempted to turn the movie off 35 minutes into it.

    Van Damme's daughter, Bianca Brigitte Van Damme, appears in a peripheral role as Ashley.

    The film runs 1 hour, 35 minutes, and was shot in Puerto Rico.

    GRADE: C/C-
  • Saw this movie last night World Premiere at the Newport Beach Film Festival. First, let me tell you this festival is great, awesome films and fun fun destination.

    The movie chronicles the life of a under-spoken, nerdy kid who strives to be that which is the opposite - assertive, top of the pack leader. At work, he is constantly undermined by a college who takes credit for his work and is the all around a-hole that people love to hate.

    On a team building trip, lead by the non other than Jean-Claude Van Damme (hilariously mocking himself and many other things) as the wilderness leader on this isolated island.

    Adam Brody does a great job with the funny, quick hitting humor, playing off the over-the-top always funny nemesis played by Rob Huebel.

    The thing is, going into this movie and letting yourself be entertained, its a huge success with funny side characters, plays on other movies and books that make you say aha yeah! It does not get to that stupidity point where you might think such a comedy could fall into, and it keeps things clever, while still entertaining greatly in a plot which has all the common points and you can predict where its going to go. Although you may see the underlying basics, you are nevertheless entertained and laughing in your seat. Well done, hope this movie has lots of success.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    was very excited to see another Adam Brody film, his greatest film is still "Grind" and was a let down overall. This film plays out as if it was taken right from the underdog comedy template and just never deviated toward genuine creativity.

    From the onset of the film Brody's character is shown as under appreciated and lacking confidence towards his crush, the HR girl. From there cue up every typical awkward moment the nerdy guy would share with the girl throughout the film and your getting where the film is going.

    The film follows the typical underdog comedy trajectory right down to the main character being undervalued to the turning point in the film (throw in a dash of well placed self confidence boosting from his best friend and hopeful GF). Then he unexpectedly defeats his rival, finally gets respected and gets the girl at the end with the well placed kiss on the beach(shocker).

    There are funny moments throughout the film though which do make the film an okay watch, Van Damme doesn't make a bad attempt at comedy either.

    A one and done film at best
  • Eric_Cubed9 January 2015
    I don't understand all the negative reviews out there. This is a miraculous gem of a movie that achieved the near impossible by eliciting at least half a dozen deep belly laughs by being a very low budget movie starring you know who. I haven't enjoyed a comedy this much since Super Bad and Pineapple Express. It's really funny in a way that Office Space is funny, quirky, dry and with characters just exaggerated enough so we don't forget they are true in the banality of our corporate work lives. There is a stoner character that reminds me a lot of Seth Rogan, so yes the film is not perfect, and it probably did exploit Office Space for some of it's humor, so it's not really original, but in the final analysis, if you like Dilbert you will laugh. If you like Van Damme making fun of a ridiculous caricature of himself you will find this film funny.
  • I am a typical Van Damme fan, i like his action movies, and yes i do recognize some of them are really crap(Desert Heat comes to mind...) and it seem lately he has been doing hit or miss. But one thing stand out, he seem to want to do something different in every movie, and for that i respect him as an actor. I was all aware knowing that this movie was not your typical Van Damme action flick, but rather a comedy. I do happen to love juvenile, borderline moronic teen comedies.

    So i tuned up to watch this, and well surprisingly Van Damme is actually funny... when he is on screen. Thats the thing... his screen time is more or less limited as a supporting actor, yet he is the only funny part about the movie. I will say it, yes i did enjoy his performance. The girl playing Lisa also look pretty genuine and fitting the role, Adam Brody ain't a bad casting either, but the movie itself is so retarded... I won't go into details as this is a spoiler free review, but so much part made me face palm myself so badly. And i usually like this kind of humour, huge fan of Ace Ventura and such, but the concept of the movie, the location, it seem it didn't permit much funny set up and as some pointed out the jokes never came up.

    I would say this movie COULD had been funny if done better, the cast did what they could with the pretty lame script and i don't blame them. Oh and yeah... Van Damme kids are in this...again, but there role are unimportant and more or less cameos. They play random guy #2 and random girl #5.

    So i may be a bit harsh with the 4/10 review, probably more harsh than i usually am, but despise the good efforts of the cast and Van Damme, i can't give more to such a bad script and a very low budget feeling.
  • jimtalone8 February 2014
    I found "Welcome to the Jungle" to be a very pleasant surprise. I didn't know what to expect but I found that Jean Claude Van Damme does a great job of parodying his early persona. The movie starts off in civilization as a light comedy and maintains that comic vein throughout but once in the jungle darkness looms. And it is a very effective darkness. Director Rob Meltzer does a wonderful job gradually moving from light comedy to a scary darkness of the soul. The drugged decent into madness when the crew spins out of control reminded me of the last section of "Apocalypse Now" Meltzer gets good performances out of his crew and makes the most of his visuals. He does a great job balancing the comic aspects with the primal darkness. I would love to see what he could do with a horror show or dark adventure. There were cheers from the audience at the satisfying ending.
  • Alright first of all, this movie is dumb. Let's just get that out of the way first. You're looking for an intelligent, movie? Look somewhere else.

    OK now that that's covered, this movie is hilarious. It's not a serious, realistic, or high-budget movie, and it knows that. Definitely doesn't take itself seriously at all, which just compounds the humor exponentially. This movie is very self-aware that it's an exaggerated caricature of the trope it's based on.

    If you don't like swearing, poop jokes, or you're looking for a cerebral, deep story line, don't watch it. If you're planning on doing some lighthearted laughing for an hour and a half, put it on.
  • phubbs2 February 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    Well here it is, the long awaited comedy starring both JCVD and his son Kris Van Varenberg, can you feel it?. The plot is all about a group of office workers who are taken on a weekend island survival course to boost their leadership and teamwork skills, a wilderness seminar. The group are lead by a tough military expert in the form guessed it JCVD. Low and behold things go tits up and the group must fend for themselves for real.

    I kinda got an 'Office Space' vibe from this film within the first 20 minutes or so (that vibe quickly died though), the group of characters that we see are a typical bunch of desk jockeys, suits and the obligatory one or two hot females. Unfortunately we only get to know a few of these characters throughout the film, most are just background fodder and some just pop up outta nowhere as far as I could see. Not good considering its all about a group of people trapped on an island, you'd think we would have to know them all so we could get behind the story, problem is there are too many really, around 20.

    Straight away the film has gaping plot holes, where exactly in the US do these people live and work?. They hop on this cargo plane and take what seems like a half hour flight and like magic they arrive on some uninhabited tropical island!. Then for some unknown reason the pilot dies? yet this never really causes any concern for anyone accept for the fact they appear to be trapped on the island. On and this island also has wild tigers on it? well one, maybe that was for the comedy element but sheesh come on!.

    Most of the film is a Lord of the Flies style romp as half the group go crazy on the hallucinogenic drugs that the slimy backstabbing office team leader spikes the coffee with. He then proclaims himself God of the island, the alpha male of his alpha male tribe, and basically eats drinks sleeps and has orgies all night whilst keeping his tribe in order with an iron fist...of comedy...of sorts. The other few office workers led by the weak skinny office nerd, try to find a way off the island and are basically the boyscouts of the story.

    You can imagine the kind of 'humorous' dialog your gonna find here, lots of primitive sexist, alpha male orgy based quips. Most tiny giggles come from the drugged up tribe but don't get your hopes up for all out hilarity.

    The entire cast are complete unknowns to me which isn't a bad thing but none of them are particularly interesting to watch, and none of them are exactly funny either. The only guy that has any sort of decent amusing dialog is the 'baddie' leader Rob Huebel, but its sparse. JCVD only proves he is no good in a comedy (plus he's hardly in it), you could say he's mocking himself but really its just poor humour. His son's only stand out moment is getting a boner watching the two male leaders fight half naked.

    The film is odd really, its advertised as a comedy, not a dark comedy even, just a comedy, and its not really funny. It has its few moments that make you smile but then it swings wildly into a semi serious state that is just dark, kinda confusing. Admittedly the films plot didn't pan out as I expected it too, I kinda thought it would go a certain way with a twist but no! they actually stick to their guns with the original stupid plot route. That's the films only positive note really, you're not entirely sure which route the plot will go and you're never entirely sure if JCVD's character is actually playing it for real. It could all go only two ways, the whole setup is real, or the whole setup is fake, so small kudos there I guess.

    Other than that the whole film is a bit of a miss frankly, nothing much happens, its not a good comedy and its not even visually enticing I'm afraid. I think the fact that half the group are drugged up all the time takes away the comedy aspect because they are all acting zombified. It turns the film into a slightly more sinister game rather than a dumb cheeky witty comedy which is what they were aiming for.

  • mikesblast8 February 2014
    Watched it last night. Bit of a mixed bag for me. First off, the movie looked great. It felt 110% like a theatrical movie. Also, the cast was really likable. The main problem was that it just wasn't that funny. A lot of the humor just tries way too hard and winds up coming off like a 12 year old wrote it. Also, everything seemed to happen way too fast. It felt like they were only on the island for like 5 minutes then all of a sudden, everything goes to hell. There are a few subtle funny moments which are the ones that are most likely to make you laugh. JC again, is the highlight of the movie. I was worried that he was gonna try way too hard to be funny but I thought he did a good job. All in all though, it's decent but not great. It definitely needed some help in the writing department. I'll still be picking it up on blu for my collection and for the special features. Definitely enjoyed Enemies Closer more than this one though. 2.75/5
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