User Reviews (21)

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  • nairtejas11 December 2022
    Nandita Das stunned me via Zwigato with two things. One, the beautiful way she has weaved topics of caste, unemployment, poor handling od pandemic in India, the gig economy, class, family, and patriarchy. Two, the amateur filmmaking and production value of the entire setup. Going in to the movie - especially with how the central app is designed or the attention to details - you almost wonder why not much thought was gone into it and it's working. It's a bit satirical but more than anything Zwigato gives you a new perspective about online food delivery. As a mere consumer, Zwigato surprised me and think will make me a bit more patient and considerate while ordering food online. The jibe at Zomato and Swiggy is immense here to the tune of lawsuit vulnerability.

    (Watched at the 2022 International Film Festival of Kerala at Trivandrum.)
  • This is exactly the movie to epitomize what a director can give us viewers a gift!

    I have not been a fan of nandita das as a director, actor yes. This movie will very pleasantly eat my words. Again director is the key. Even an untrained nobody like me can work in your film since you are there.

    I believe that KS is a still a soft mud earthen pot that you can still shape. He is very smart and he is the example what street smart means! He used it to his advantage and truly deserves what he has achieved!

    ND: is a great eye for talent and how to work producers to fund the movie. Well ma'am I had a crush on you and still left my bias away from this review!

    Great watch Ma'am!
  • sameerkhan66624 March 2023
    Must appreciate Kapil Sharma's acting-cum-performance in this new movie, directed by Nandita Das. His performance was way beyond expectations. His debut movie was also good but this one is one way ahead of that film in terms of Kapil Sharma's hard work. Nandita Das-big name but also nice work. The movie touches the subject of proletariat's rights, how poverty crept into the life of working class. How people lost jobs in the time of pandemic, and the struggling period and the rise of independent businesses like delivery apps and job opportunities due to it. The film revolves around Manas, who is delivery guy, working for Zwigato app. But on the other hand his wife also finds opportunity to work outside as a cleaning lady for a shopping mall.
  • Respect for delivery persons after watching this movie. Nandita Das has done incredible job just by thinking of a movie like this. Rest of the work has been done with pure class by Kapil . I was a great fan of his comedy but had never imagined that he can also act so well. What an all rounder he is... I mean singing,standup, acting everything. Inhuman at his level.

    Direction is also great. The depiction of life of a common man from lower class is exact and incredible. Nothing in this movie is off. You are definitely going to get emotional after watching this movie. Also you will never disrespect any delivery boy ever.
  • Life as a delivery partner is far from glamorous. It's a harsh reality that exposes the stark inequality and exploitation that exists in our society. Despite working long hours and taking on immense physical and mental strain, these workers often earn a meager wage that barely covers their basic needs.

    The disparity between the wealthy and the working class is striking, with the former benefiting from the labor of the latter while offering little in return. Delivery partners are forced to navigate treacherous roads and face dangerous situations, all while being paid as little as 20 Rs for their services.

    This exploitation is perpetuated by a system that prioritizes profits over people, with companies relying on underpaid workers to maximize their margins. The heartbreaking reality is that many of these workers are trapped in a cycle of poverty, unable to break free from the clutches of an unjust system.

    It's time for society to acknowledge and address the systemic issues that contribute to the exploitation of delivery partners and other low-wage workers. Until we recognize the humanity of these workers and value their contributions, we cannot claim to live in a just and equitable society.
  • Nandita Das' latest directorial venture, Zwigato, is a movie that tells the story of a man who becomes a delivery boy to make ends meet after losing his job during the pandemic. Kapil Sharma's performance as the protagonist is remarkable, and he does an excellent job of portraying the struggles and hardships of a middle-class delivery boy.

    The movie is a tribute to the working-class people who bear the burden of running our cities while dealing with an ongoing employment crisis, inflation, and social and gender justice. It is a silent recognition and request to respect and empathize with an invisible class of workers.

    Shahana Goswami's portrayal of the silent support that women provide as equal pillars of a simple family is noteworthy, adding a layer of subtlety to the movie's message. The film is slow-paced, but it is in those slow mundane moments that we see how a working-class person battles and parallelly lives with complicated overarching issues of religion, class, and caste.

    Zwigato is a movie that dwells on the positive side of contemporary cinema, and the performances by the cast are exceptional. Kapil Sharma's performance is praiseworthy, and it is entirely different from his typical persona as a comedian. The emotions that he portrays are authentic and will leave a lasting impression on the viewer.

    The beauty of this movie lies in its cinematography. The frames are raw in nature and showcase a realistic depiction of a delivery boy's life. The background music is melodic and could have been used more significantly.

    However, the screenplay is the real culprit that cuts the score of the movie. It does not seem like a long story but many anecdotes joint together to serve an episodic type of content. Nevertheless, the subtle humor that is spread in these joints contributes the most in saving the flaws.

    Overall, Zwigato is an emotional movie that touches the heart and soul of the viewer. It is a message in itself and will make the viewers realize how often they are rude and inhumane with these delivery persons who work hard but do not earn much. It is a must-watch for those who want to understand the life of a delivery boy and respect them for their hard work. I would rate this movie 7 out of 10, and I recommend it to everyone.
  • I think all the ratings are fake the movie is below average there is nothing in the movie. I don't know why they are making these useless movies no entertainment no thrill nothing at all. Request you all to please don't waste you time in this movie you will definitely regret it. Both first and second half are poorly scripted and directed. There is no story Kapil Sharma can only do comedy and one thing more he can do comedy only on the Kapil sharma show nowhere else.he is a comedian and will remain a comedian. I have wasted my time and money and don't want anyone to do so. Its a fair and genuine review.

    Thank you all.
  • Kapil sharma performance is just awesome . He can be seen in new avatar, different from his previous roles. Its trailer is amazing. It is a must watch movie . I assure everyone seeing this you will like this movie. Kapil can be seen in a serious role as a delivery man .

    FOR more search filming review on google.

    Stunning, awesome,great, mzedar, jhakkas,

    Zwigato is movie made in beautiful city of and depicts what an ordinary family faces in the post-pandemic world. Kapil Sharm, who rose to prominence due to his comic timing, will play a serious role in the film. MUST Watch movie starring kapil sharma,Shahana Goswami.
  • inavthakur19 March 2023
    Clearly this is not a movie taking 8 stars rating. The movie lacks any story, drama, emotional connection or anything like that. I am fan of kapil sharma shows but am so disappointed with this movie. I have wasted both my money and time watching this. Kapil should reconsider the scripts before signing it. It's true they had a good concept to make movie on, but the execution was really really bad. They could have just asked few delivery drivers and their struggles and put them with better direction in the movie. Also the rating here is so fake. If you don't trust me, you can go watch it yourself. I never felt connected to the movie at any time.
  • The movie depicts the life of a lower middle-class man and the challenges he faces in his day to day life and work. It is not just about food delivery guys but any lower middle-class Indian. I am sure some middle middle-class Indians can also relate it with their experiences, especially during or after pandemic.

    I guess almost every working Indian would be able to see themselves somewhere in the movie.

    The movie could be too realistic to digest for some people, while some people would fail to connect with the character probably because they haven't faced same issues in their lives.

    Hence, I do not recommend the movie to those who are looking for thrill, entertainment or to escape reality.

    I liked the movie and want to watch similar realistic movies with depth.

  • Cinema's First and most important purpose is to entertain people. Zwigato fails right there.

    People live 24x7 in harsh reality. They want something which gives them some fun...Shahana Goswami is the soul of this overhyped art film.

    Kapil is ok. Nandita Das needs to switch to TV. Film may do well on OTT.

    Shot in Bhuvaneshwar, the film also fails to capture city's beauty.

    Commercial viability is important for any film. What are the chances of this movie at the box office? Not sure. People live 24x7 in harsh reality. They want something which gives them some fun...Shahana Goswami is the soul of this overhyped art film.
  • I really love the plot of movie to make us realize that we should our dilevery boy's .. i loved it specially the kapil sharma acted means he came out from his comfort zone and did this role of manas.. he is a great actor must say..he made us cry this time.. watched this movie he serves emotions this time instead of laugh.. he made us cry this time.. i think this can be done by any actor like him.. he proved that he can not only do stand ups and interview he is an award winning actor too .. for me this movie was 10/10 ..all the very best to kapil nandita and team for future projects too..such a great movie.
  • Nandita das proved tht she can go make you emotion even when kapil sharma is in the lead role, this takes a hell lot of courage to use kapil sharma for a serious movie when everyone one will choose a comedy script for him you chose him for a tough role, you did the same what Mithun (music director) did years back with mikka when he was on top with dance numbers in the industry he gave him a serious song "hai dil ko teri aarzu, par mein tujhe na pa sakoon" and mikka sung the best song of his life, same happend here kapil made use cry kudos to nandita das for having this courage to do experiment even in this time when every move is with huge VFX, slomo, killing, superhero, South remake and unbelievable stunts and scripts.
  • Kapil Sharma is back on big screen after years of break. The expectations were set high after the trailer release. But in reality, the film fails to deliver it for the most part.

    Pretty much everything was revealed in trailer itself. Most audience are curious to witness the climax. But with Zwigato, even the climax is a miss. One never knows where the film began, where it is going and where it ended. It was too abstract for a movie.

    The effort of the director to earn respect for gig workers is the only thing that actually succeeded. It does touch the softer side of audience. But did it really require a 2 hour movie for it? I don't believe so. Everything one sees in the movie was actually present in trailer itself. The predictability element was way too high.

    Kapil Sharma plays his part well and connects with audience due to the common man looks and the familiarity. Shahana Goswami does great job playing as a loving and caring wife and earns sympathy of audience for the struggle that the underprivileged go through.

    Overall this is strictly an one time watch OTT movie at max. One can avoid that too by just watching the trailer because the movie didn't have anything interesting per se, which was already not shown in trailer.
  • Zwigato is a drama film directed by nandita das.

    Kapil sharma and shahana goswami work effortlessly here. Both of them compliment each other so beautifully. Kapil brought the hidden subtlety in his performance. Nothing out of beats. Shahana has always been a wonderful performer, providing here nothing else. The two kids are cheerful and bring a joy into the sorrow which is being radiated throughout the screenplay.

    The characters of manas and pratima are of utmost importance and have been fleshed out superbly. Manas, who seemed like a perfect man, does possess a male ego which you will see eventually. Pramita is submissive and accepts every insult thrown at her, which is her weakness. The screenplay in the first half is outstanding. It is an engaging, immersive experience. But in the second half, when kapil looks for other jobs, the film loses its grip. It has its moment in those sequences, but drags a bit too much.

    The sound design is good. This film required minimal use of it, and got exactly that. The bgm has a beautiful use of string music.

    The commentary on class divide and economic debacle during the covid is brilliantly shed light upon. The class divide exists on every level, not only between the rich and working class but also between the latter and the poverty line people. There are some pretty detailed scenes in this film, which highlight the same. But the angle of religion seemed a tickpoint only. Some scenes could have been definitely edited better. The climax is one of my favourite scenes from the film.

    This is a mighty good film, not perfect, but absolutely relevant, impirtant and immersive.
  • Kapil , I am big fan of your kapil sharma show , but this one is not for you brother . This movie , totally waste of my time , money and now I don't think I should consider your film to watch after watching your all 3 flop movies and song. Big big big disappointment . Please reconsider to read script few more times then this one.

    Nandita Das , please give some stories in your movies, this one looks like you have clicked few clips from real life and put together to show us. We couldn't find relevant connections in this movie. I understood you wanted to show struggle of a common man but any film should have some story to entertain people.
  • Story and acting is top notch, specially appreciate to kapil sharma who take very good to work in this cinema, only theatre artist can take this type of decision 9/10 for kapil performance. For shahana i can say wow she was fabulous in work as we all know and she was damn pretty. Nandita maam is masterd in their work we all had seen earlier her potential in Manto was topnotch, she actually set another milestone as zwigato.

    I like to recommending to all cinema students to watch this movie in high priority for understanding the new way of cinema making.

    I can say one more thing for this movie, this movie is underrated people should have to watch this movie to support this type of cinema.
  • Zwigato (2023) : Movie Review -

    Known for her realistic and intense movies, Nandita Das brings the relentlessness of life to the big screen with Zwigato, starring Kapil Sharma and Shahana Goswami. We know life is hard for most people, be it in any part of the country. Some people struggle to earn even regular bread daily, while others have to put in extra effort to do so. Zwigato is mostly about poverty and a family that is hit by it. We have witnessed such topics in classic movies like The Crowd (1928), The Grapes of Wrath (1940), Do Bigha Zameen (1953), and Bicycle Thieves (1948). Even to some recent so-so-good attempts like City Lights (2014). Zwigato is the same story, but without the heat of poverty and low-level conflict that aren't fit for a movie screenplay. The entire show starts with poverty and ends with poverty, but where is that artistic and intelligent film we were supposed to see?

    Manas (Kapil Sharma) was a manager at a watch company that has been closed for a while. To earn income, he becomes the delivery boy for the Zwigato company. His wife, Pratima (Shahana Goswami), wants to add a few more bucks to the family income and therefore tries for a couple of low-profile jobs. They have two children, one girl and one boy-both school students-and Manas' old mother at home, who is bedridden. Grappling with the app on his phone and the world of ratings and incentives, Manas finds it difficult to make a decent living. His wife is afraid of joining the job as a janitor in a mall, much to her husband's disapproval. The fears of these new experiences are coupled with the joys of a newfound independence, and that's all there is to Zwigato's story.

    Seeing Kapil Sharma in such an intense avatar is a different experience, but the responsibility was too huge for a newbie like him. Kapil has been known for his hilarious comedy and punches on TV and the one hit film of his career, so it's difficult to accept him in such an avatar. It's nothing extraordinary, though. If an ordinary performance is all that matters, then Kapil has a new show here. Shahana Goswami represents a typical Indian housewife that every woman will relate to. Goswami is a fine actress, and she proves it yet again with Zwigato. The film rides only on Kapil and Shahana's shoulders, and thankfully, they deliver enough. The supporting cast is hardly noticeable, with two child artists and cameos by Gul Panag, Swanand Kirkire, and Sayani Gupta.

    Zwigato fails at the screenplay and, to some extent, at its basic writing too. It's a simple, one-tone story with literally no conflicts or interest as far as the cinematic experience is concerned. Manas lives an ordinary life like any other delivery boy; if there is nothing extraordinary or terrible happening with him, then why should the audience care about his life? It's just a daily life affair that happens to crores of people in India. We know it already; we see it every day. Then what's different that Zwigato has to show? That's the biggest mistake in writing. The dialogues are dead, and the screenplay is tedious. What are those pauses for? A group of people trying to catch a tempo, while Manas comes in the frame after 40 seconds? What did those people indicate? Did it have any reference to the film? There are so many slow mos like this that have nothing to do with the narrative, yet they are there just to expand your boredom.

    From the technical aspects, Zwigato has done a fair job considering the low cost of making it. The background score is okay. Actually, there are no such events that need an elevated background score, so who's to blame here? The first scene in the film starts with shaky frames, and I thought there would be a lot of experiments with the framework. But I was wrong. Again, what did those train sequences mean? Illusional happiness for a lower middle class couple, na? Sorry, Nandita, you missed it by miles. Nandita is known for realistic narratives, and Zwigato is a realistic concept too. It's just that it's a pointless script. There is no motive, no wide appeal, no cinematic experience, not even an artistic feel. So in short, it has nothing to look forward to. Well, we didn't order that. Why did they deliver it to the wrong address then?

    RATING - 4/10*
  • Manas (Kapil Sharma) loses his job as a floor manager at a factory and takes up a gig as a delivery guy for a food delivery app. The movie follows his everyday life, which is replete with ratings, penalties, and running behind incentives. Things go awry in his otherwise warm family life when his wife Pratima decides to join a mall as the cleaning staff.

    The film takes the viewer through Manas's daily hustle as his wife, Pratima (Shahana Goswami), seeks employment to support the family financially, despite his disapproval. We soon discover facets such as app companies dangling the carrot called 'incentives,' which takes the drivers down the rabbit hole of making maximum deliveries daily and how they are exploited at various levels. As Manas laments, 'Woh majboor hai, is liye mazdoor hai,' (He's a labourer because he's helpless) correcting a placard slogan that says, 'Woh mazdoor hai, is liye majboor hai' (He's helpless because he's a labourer).

    The movie also sensitively touches upon the class and gender discrimination deeply embedded in our society. The tension of drudgery and desperation is palpable throughout the film, making it a poignant watch. Even though one knows that the economy, social system, and politics are interrelated, Zwigato packs in too much. At times it seems like a series of events stitched together, which hampers the flow of the narrative. While the first half builds the world at its own pace, the second part also takes things forward slowly, even dragging in many instances. Several sequences, such as an activist Govindraj (Swanand Kirkire) holding a protest, a man of a different faith being targeted, etc., seem slightly force-fitted.

    As Nandita and co-writer Samir Patil adeptly present a relatable story, cinematographer Ranjan Palit masterfully depicts the commoner's world through the dingy bylanes of Bhubaneshwar where the story is set. Skipping Odisha's majestic structures and exotic beauty adds to the film's realism. The stop-motion animation when the credits roll as Yeh Raat plays deserves a special mention.

    The biggest win for Zwigato is the casting of Kapil Sharma. The film is tailor-made for him, and the comedian got into the groove smoothly. As with Manas, Kapil has the accent of a man from Jharkhand and represents the common man well. The actor brings comedy into tragedy, which doesn't leave him and comes across like improv. Kapil excels at hiding his stress and emotions with his deadpan sense of humour, which Nandita plays well with her characterization. If there was a Hindi movie debut for Kapil, this should have been it, as Zwigato puts the actor on the map as a performer to be taken seriously. Kapil Sharma is the best thing about Zwigato, and he carries the movie on his shoulders with the same ease that he carries his delivery bag when he goes out to make deliveries.

    Zwigato is not a comfort watch and might end up testing your patience. But being a cinema lover comes into play here, proving that entertaining films can be made even with the simplest of simple storytelling and don't need a climax, which most of the film gives us. At the end of the day, life continues...
  • This was a very nice movie I must say.

    Zwigato, directed by Nandita Das, dives into the harsh realities of the gig economy through the story of Manas (Kapil Sharma), a former factory worker turned food delivery rider. The film sheds light on the daily struggles of migrants like Manas and his wife Pratima (Shahana Goswami) in a bustling Indian city.

    Kapil Sharma delivers a powerful performance, shedding his usual comedic persona to portray the frustration and desperation of a man clinging to dignity amidst financial hardship. Shahana Goswami complements him as the resolute Pratima, navigating societal expectations and gender roles.

    The film excels in its portrayal of the grueling life of a delivery person. From battling scorching heat and traffic jams to dealing with demanding customers and exploitative algorithms, Zwigato paints a vivid picture of the human cost behind our on-demand convenience.

    While the narrative explores the socio-economic struggles effectively, the pacing can feel slow at times. The film doesn't shy away from portraying the harsh realities of poverty and societal indifference. There are moments of tenderness and humor too, but the overall tone remains one of quiet resilience.

    Zwigato is a thought-provoking film that compels empathy for those on the fringes of the economic boom. It criticizes the exploitation inherent in the gig economy and the societal disregard for those who keep our lives running. The film's strength lies in its authenticity and its nuanced performances, making it a worthwhile watch for those seeking a realistic portrayal of the human cost of progress.


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  • This film is just another communist propaganda from Bollywood to destroy industrialist and private sector.

    This communist propaganda destroyed many states like west bengal and bihar in the name of mazdoor unions and nonsense justifications. Just the usual weeping on corporates was done in this film that how they are having huge amount of networth and they all are harrassing their employee on different levels. A small good thing of the film is that this time they didn't stereotype the middle class family and portray them in good frame. But this was only to set up a bigger narrative in the minds of audience.