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  • Chloe and her friends are driving home after dark and encounter a near-fatal accident with one of her friends dying and Chloe rescued by 2 paramedics from the car. She is grateful for their saving her life. Of course, one of them, Matt, is a psycho and Chloe reminds him of his high school love who died in a similar accident and he intends to do everything to help her...,.. way too much. He becomes intrusive and a stalker after she recovers and stops anyone who threatens that obsession including Chloe's bf, his EMT partner, and her mother through his knowledge and using his tools of the trade as a paramedic. Chloe realizes all too soon that Matt is fixated on her and tries to end it. But how can she stop him? You will have to tune in to see for yourself. This was an entertaining movie for a weekend watch. Recommended!!!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Paramedic Who Stalked Me/Psycho Paramedic

    For the umpteenth LMN psycho/stalker flick, it was pretty good. I think they've done all professions/occupations at this point. In fact, I thought it would probably be a carbon copy of the Eric Roberts 'Stalked By My Doctor' one, since they're both in the medical field, but it stood out on its own.

    Of course it contained the usual tropes of the victim exploring the psycho's background to find his motivation for stalking her, the attempted murder of the victim's romantic partner, hypodermic needles, the killing of anyone who catches on to the psycho's lies, and the worst, most over the top one of all: psycho breaking into victim's house to lay on her bed, etc., and the victim getting into psycho's house to find evidence.

    My only real complaints: the noticeable mis-matching of not only the psycho and his object of obsession, but of the mother and daughter too. They didn't look like they were related at all - much less mother and daughter. But even worse were the paramedic and the high school girl he was obsessed with. I cannot understand why they would use an actress that's two feet shorter than the antagonist and looks around fourteen/fifteen at the oldest. It adds to the lack of credibility. I had to laugh when she put her arms around him in an attempt to hug him out of gratefulness early in the movie - her shoulders were barely above his waist! Surely the producers could've found an actress who was only six inches or so shorter than him?

    I must admit I had the intended reaction that was manipulated from the audience at the very end, when his laughter turned to crying - I couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

    Grade C / 6 out of 10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Similar to this (with a ghost not a psycho) that is far more chilling and entertaining even now that I'm in my 30s instead of preteens.

    First off, this actor and more importantly this character has to be at least 25. At worst he's early 30s. Who's idea was it to have him obsessed with a high schooler just because his prom was ruined? ICK. For those who've seen the Albert Beck movies, he was obsessed with young women but it was more of an obsession with saving them. The dude from the shark movies was at least obsessed with girls his own age.

    So much cringe. Like the body count. At least on AYAOTD, the ghost didn't kill anyone. This guy goes and kills the drunk driver like it's no biggie. He kills his partner. I mean how is this a "secret" that is worth killing over?

    How are characters always able to get into their old high schools and do the absolute most? This is also like the third Lifetime movie in the last few weeks that has had the protag (male and female) pretend to be the deceased to get the upper hand. Did the same writer write all three?

    The ending was so stupid. Is he obsessed with teenage girls bc of his missed prom or is he obsessed with women in general? The ending made no sense. I did get a kick out of his laughter turning to tears.

    A 4.9 is harsh but valid.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    A ridiculous horror movie made in 2023. In my opinion, even 2 points is more. Come on, when these kinds of movies were being shot, there were no security cameras, security guards and cell phones everywhere. Now how can he kill people so easily and not be seen in any way? The second is still the same nonsense. You hit the tape on the man's head. Why would you run away before you completely neutralize the man? Thirdly, why don't these murderers that I hurt never die, friend? These American TV generation movies are so poor quality that I haven't come across a better movie. In these movies, sleep music is played in the background. Doesn't anyone criticize you on these issues? A movie about a first aider haunting a girl he saved in an accident.

    There is no sex or nudity in the movie.
  • It was watchable, thrilling and the stalker was a fine actor going from convincly innocent to nutjob and I believed in him but it was creepy but it was unbelievable that as soon as the paramedic saw a woman dying eyes closed he became obsessed. I mean really like odd reason it should have been a proper reason.

    Aside from that and the abysmal ending of a scene between the stalker and the victim which was a silly move and just juvenile that they needed to write such a weak, old school cliche in which then made the movie awful. It was all a typically good thriller with a lot going on until that. It couldve been anything but that and it wouldve been better but just because of that ending it goes from a 7.5 to 3.

    I just invested all my time and was quite enjoying this till then and from that scene onwards at the end it was simply oh dear! Just silly.

    The mother in the movie was a great actress just like a worrying mother who saw the red flags from the off likely because she was clued up as she saw red flags when her ex cheated so she was rather on high alert and was right to be concerned. Its good to see this angle as sometimes movies generally flag up these signs and they can be ignored but these days we are more switched on. So to see a character like that was good and she was full of emotion and effort and didn't hold back letting the paramedic know she thought he was a bit much.

    The paramedic and the mother can act convincingly and that is better than tv dramas but the weak ending was bad.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    For young Chloe Braddock, it was a tragic auto accident that brought her into the life of a paramedic named Matt. But for this paramedic, their meeting appeared to be the workings of fate because Chloe was wearing the same necklace as his prom date and the love of his life, who died in a similar accident as they were driving to the dance.

    The deranged paramedic does much more damage than "stalking." Chloe's boyfriend Bryce is placed in a coma after Matt tampers with his vaping device. Matt also murders the drunk driver responsible for Chloe's accident. He kills his co-worker Charice when she starts to suspect the depths of his sleazy behavior. And he nearly kills Chloe's kind mother Karen, who tumbles into a ravine during a mad chase through the forest.

    The actors hit all the right notes in this far-fetched yarn that at times ventured into the genre of dark comedy. One of the best scenes was when Matt was invited to Chloe's school to demonstrate CPR and he used Bryce as a guinea pig to show how defibrillators work! That moment had a payoff in the film's climactic scene.

    There was a wicked denouement that revealed how Matt was still engaged in his weird fantasies about his fateful prom night. In this case however, he is cackling away and sobbing like a baby while being handcuffed to a wheel chair in a nut house. For Matt, it was neither fate nor an accident that led him to this place. It was karma.
  • coltras3531 March 2024
    After a near-fatal accident, a young woman finds herself the target of the EMT who saved her life, and whom she reminds of his high school love who died tragically years ago...and he will do anything to have her back in his life.

    This is another one of those psychological/stalker Lifetime films which has the usual tropes but it's quite entertaining, thanks to an involving plot, good acting especially from the lead actress and of course, the actor who plays the unhinged paramedic ( makes a change from a doctor!) - he plays the character really well, balancing between a little boy lost and a smug looking psycho out to stop anyone coming between him and the girl he saved.
  • Totally fugly psycho with an irritating voice and scruffy stubbly face. They could have picked a better looking actor in my opinion.

    Anyway this is the same genre as the stalked by my doctor, stalked by my patient, and the predator series, basically the difference being in the professions of all the psychos and in this instance it happens to be a lunatic paramedic.

    As usual psycho easily eliminates all the threats by killing them or injuring them in intricate ways that one would think it's a professional hitman. But no it is just an ordinary paramedic, perverting on a high school student, because she reminds him of his high school sweetheart who died in a car crash while they were on their way to the prom.

    One difference with this movie is that the protagonist and her mom caught on to psycho pretty early on into the movie. I know it is in the formula of psycho predator tv movies that they have to be batsh-t crazy and really creepy and annoying, but the psycho guy in this movie topped them all. I seriously despised him: fugly, annoying voice and horrible haircut and stubbly face!

    You won't miss much if you give this one a miss!