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  • OK, I read the existing review of this movie, (Batman meets Daredevil,) and thought what the hell, I'll give it a try and ignore the score.

    That was a BIG mistake as this film is truly terrible. Bad direction, camera work, lighting, sound, acting and script. Sometimes you really have to wonder how these things get made when there are so many talented people trying to make it in the industry. Mentioning either Batman or Daredevil in the same sentence as this movie is an insult to them both and I have to question whether the reviewer was involved with the movie in some way. (Apologies if you're not and just have really bad taste in films.)

    Don't get me wrong, I love a low budget movie as much as the next guy, but it has to be good and this definitely is not. With so many other movies out there I'd give this a wide berth. Try watching Defendor or Super instead, two really great low budget movies with an interesting take on the whole superhero genre.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    first i wanna thank the whole cast and crew because i had a problem with my stomach and i couldn't poop. when i watched this movie , my problem solved so i recommend this movie to people who have any kind of problems with their stomach. thank you so much black bat. i wanna know what camera you used to record this movie , you can record much better with cell phone cameras these days. i can fight better than your superhero in this movie. my fake gun is better than yours. next time you wanna make a movie , spend money on it. and please don't rate your own movie 9 from 10 , let people do that for you and don't say (Where would you like to see this character go next?) i would like to see him in toilet , nothing like dare devil , nothing like batman.
  • Man just looking at the trailer was enough for me, this movie was made with no budget and a old batman suit i guess.

    All those actors if you read the bio are all in the same bad movies its like they follow each other onto other bad bad projects.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I saw a movie called "Frankenqueenie" that I used as an example of the worst movie I ever saw. Now I have (sort of) seen this P.O.S and it has made Frankenqueenie a distant runner up. ROTBB is so bad I cannot watch it for more than a minute at a time. My gorge starts to rise and I have to turn it off. From Fade In to Fade Out this is gloriously disgusting. A testament to profoundly bad movie-making or someones attempt at messing with us.

    From the costumes to the acting, weird camera angles, the graphics,

    the props,bad lighting, no sound editing, etc., etc., ad nauseum.

    It's like a junior high school drama class project starring adults.

    Every aspect of the piece is gut-churning. I look forward to the sequel.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    What in the name of holey bat **** is this? This is not a spin-off of the Batman movies, nor is it a different take on Batman, but it's in fact just a rip-off of Batman that I would be pleased if Warner Bros did sue those responsible for this movie with copyright infringement.

    First off, the cover of the DVD. It contains screen clips taken from Dark Knight Rises, misleading people into thinking, "Oh, this film had a budget, look that bike looks just like the actual one". SUE THEM WARNER, PLEASE. Those images are misleading and just there to get suckers money.

    The plot is about a lawyer who takes on a case against one of the cities top gangsters. The bad guys jump the lawyer and throw acid in his eyes. Case closed! Apparently if the lawyer is blind, it's a mistrial in this town.

    The lawyer has treatment all over the world trying to get his eyesight back, and eventually finds someone who can fix it, but when it comes back, he has night-vision and hates sunlight. He figures that this is a gift he must use, and goes out hunting the criminals of the street with a bullet proof vest, a batman cow, no cape but he has a gun.

    You can guess the rest of the story and how it pans out already, so no need for me to tell you anymore about it.

    The filming is amateur, the actors are worse, the plot is a joke, and the movie is bad. Need I say anymore to convince you never to see this piece of garbage that should never have been made? You won't even find a copy of this on Amazon, I already looked... hopefully because WB are suing them for making this garbage and advertising it with stills of the real Batman movies on it.
  • aodhgar25 August 2014
    There's nothing decent to be said of this film. Well, there are a couple of actresses who are easy on the eyes. However, other than a few pretty faces, this film is inauspicious. I am unable to come upon reason to suggest this film to anyone.

    Although, if you are one who is able to realize a farcical value in such enervating films which suffer; unpropitious lighting and sound; unsightly or unimaginative set and costume design; languid scripts containing often nonsensical, diaphanous or practically nonexistent plots (porno plots); vacuous and often nonsensical directing which acts to only further disquiet and confound the often exanimate, diffident, unseasoned or untalented actors who have likely been left nonplus and prostrate in the wake of a tenuous or execrable script, then this movie may be just what you're looking for.

    My wife enjoyed this movie. She said it was so bad that it was funny. I think her to suffer a slightly skewed perspective.
  • First off i want to say, what do you expect from a bunch of pot smoking Canadians?

    Secondly, ..... Hang on I'm looking for the right sequence of words to address this..... wow, is it okay to point out that many negative infractions about a movie than border lines criminal?

    Cast and crew should be taken out in public and Caned.

    I hope this is ten lines because i cant think of anything else to say except save yourself the time and don't watch this movie, it's horrible! I will re-iterate ( still not 10 lines) save yourself the trouble

    find something else to watch
  • Five words: WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?? Rise of the Black Bat is a cheap...and I mean CHEAP....attempt at cashing in on the wave of superhero films. Black Bat is Batman without pointy ears and has the exact same origin story as Daredevil. What? They couldn't continue fleshing out this "superhero"? Maybe he was part of a Weapon XYZ program and has ada..I mean titanium claws that come out of his hands? Maybe he can shoot webs like some sort of spider...guy? Please, do yourself a HUGE favor and avoid this garbage at all costs. For high quality entertainment with real superheroes, go watch Marvel's Daredevil on Netflix instead or watch Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises...which coincidentally (or not) came out in 2012, the same year that this apparent failed cash grab came out. The Rise of the Black Bat should be the DOWNFALL of D-list Hollywood hacks trying to cash in on quality entertainment but alas...we'll only see more of this garbage.
  • Okay, this is the first movie I have ever reviewed based on the trailer alone.

    When the trailer started out, the tone of the narrator's voice gave me high hopes for a superb schlock film. But alas, as the tedious minute and a half wore on it became apparent this did not live up to the reputation of quality schlock; it was just plain bad.

    It's not often one can judge a movie from just the trailer, but at about the 45-second point I became judge, jury and executioner, quite confident in my decision to NOT turn that wasted time into an hour and a half. All I want to say to the producers of this film is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for releasing a trailer and saving us all from spending our time attempting to watch the actual movie itself.

    Up until this film I thought spoiler trailers were a bad thing.
  • There's hardly anything to recommend this bottom-of-the-barrel cheap attempt to be a superhero thriller with poor results in all departments and not even room for involuntary laughs.
  • I see that the majority of the budget went to the voice over guy in the trailer. If that doesn't tell you anything, good luck watching this pile of dog poo.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Rise of the black bat is a film that most people would probably look at and think it is an obvious rip-off of another superhero franchise and also a bad movie i am here to disagree but also explain in detail why it is a cinematic masterpiece and puts all other superhero films to shame.

    To start of lets explain why the plot is far better than your average superhero movie. The main character is Tony Quinn who is an attorney and his goal is to make sure the crime boss known as... Normally not remembering a main villains name would mean that they are a bad main villain but rise of the black bat actually uses this to it's advantage. Unlike the other superhero films rise of the black bat really makes you understand what being a caped crusader of justice feels like.(I wouldn't bring this guy up but i need an example.)Do you think batman remembers every single crime boss he defeats? Realistically that is unlikely seeing as he beats up many criminals every night so rise of the black bat uses a forgettable villain for this purpose.

    • Sincerely, Haggy.
  • Because at least they had some level of acting. This piece of crap has to be one of the worst Pictures to be ever produced. Brett Kelly can't ever stop can he? What's more astounding than that they released it at all, is the fact that it got INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION and got DUBBED! I wouldn't even wonder if they did the French version themselves (It's a Canadian production after all). The "actors" are probably some neighbourhood friends of his, who all shared the same dream of becoming famous. Well, it would've succeeded if they went into the Porn-Business. And that's basically everything theres to say about this movie. It's so boring that my review doesn't even reach the required characters, so let's do a bit of filler, shall we? There are low-budget movies that turn out to be big successes (e.g. Friday the 13th), there are low-budget movies that are so bad they're good (e.g. All of John Waters' early films) and then there's Brett Kelly Entertainment, the most boring, cheapest, worst kind of movie there is. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go and watch "Lion and the King 2" (or was it 3?).
  • It's great to see who you are cuz you need to show you how you can get angry. This movie? Video would be helpful when you get mad seriously.
  • solumbra18 May 2024
    If you ever find yourself with too much faith in superhero flicks, "Rise of the Black Bat" is here to bring you crashing back to Earth. It's like they aimed for Batman but landed on, well, Bat-mask-man?

    Tony Quinn, our hero, is a lawyer turned vigilante, sporting a batman mask with the ears cut off.

    The villains, are about as scary as a basket of kittens. The fights are so underwhelming, you'll root for gravity or common sense to win. And the plot? It's like they put a bunch of superhero tropes in a blender and forgot to put the lid on.

    Watching "Rise of the Black Bat" is an experience. It's the perfect film for a bad movie night where the drinks are strong, and personal standards don't exist.
  • det-2323418 January 2021
    Incredible acting, cinematography, directing, dialogue, special effects, etc. One of the great pieces of our time.
  • This movie is on parr with Morbius and made millions in box office (understandably as this is the best piece of cinema ever created). Everyone should watch it and it should be re released into theatres (it's what the public wants trust me). I am begging everyone to talk about this true masterpiece because it is the single most phenomenal film I have ever seen. 10000000000000000000000000(*a reference to how much money it made at the box office*)/10 would reccomend.
  • dgoatlord8 May 2023
    This movie was certainly a life changing experience for me. I went in with not too high of hopes, and got exactly what I came for. I'm not going to lie and say that this movie was a beautiful, cinematic masterpiece, but that's also what I'm saying if you catch my drift. I know this film has a low budget, and not too great of anything else, but it was truly enjoyable to watch. I really had fun watching this film. I believe people's problem with it is that they expect every movie to be perfect instead of taking a movie for what it is. This film is passion. You can feel the passion, you can tell there was care for this and all that really matters is that everyone is having fun. I have sat through the entirety of this movie twice. It's just so fun to watch if you don't take it too seriously. I truly recommend this movie to everybody. I hope that whoever reads this review decides to spread the word as well.
  • I was very disappointed that jody haucke played the black bat because that means there can never be a crossover where the black bat fights the sphinx. I love the black bat and i wish there were more black bat movies. The black bat is so cool and honestly i couldn't be more honest about being honestly honest that the black bat is honestly amazing. The black is a black bat who is a black bat which is a black bat and he's the black bat so the black bat is the black bat who's the black bat which is so cool because the black bat is the black bat who's the black bat and that's awesome so the black bat is the black bat which is awesome because.