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  • It's not a great film, but if you want a campy, fast paced 'get away' film then it fits the bill. Many of the characters are outrageous stereotypes (villains, heroes, gays), but it's not offensive at all. It's just silly humour (it's not really horror at all). The pace is a little too frantic throughout without any slowing down, which is a distraction. But it obviously wasn't intended to be anything other than ridiculous low brow humour.

    It's also somewhat generational, as someone mentioned. The multiple references using some aspects of social media presented as jokes sometimes left us shaking our heads and going "What are they meaning?" But in the end, who cares?
  • This film is pretty decent. Usually a lot of horror comedy movies dont work well. This one made for comedy central however is pretty good. It got some laughs out of me here and there. Maybe not overlly funny. But it didn't need to be really because the film was still interesting and entertaining. A group of friends play mash and many years later it starts to come to life after a series of strange events. They are erica, mikayla, andy and josh. Played by jessica lowe,nicole byer,harvey guillen and andrew lewis caldwell. All of which I thought were great and worked well for a bunch of fridnds with their quirks and whatnot. There are also special appearences by rob riggle, will arnett and joey fatone as himself. Overall it is a pretty good film that is fun, not a lot of horror but it was overall enjoyable.
  • athanasiosze16 December 2022
    1) This has nothing to do with horror. It is a comedy movie. And it works, at least for me, i laughed a lot watching it. Maybe middle aged people won't find it as funny as i did. I am 44 years old and i think that there are many hilarious moments here. This is a 20's movie, capturing 20's Zeitgeist.

    2) Every character here is likeable. Every actor does a good job. I am sure that many people will dismiss this movie as "woke". In my opinion, there is only one agenda/goal here, and that is to make you laugh. Usually, I dislike movies with political messages, especially when they are shoving them down my throat. I watched movies in order to entertain myself, mainly. And that's what i got by watching this.

    3) Having said that, this is an underrated comedy. 4,8/10 is not a fair rating. It's certainly not a great movie, it is deliberately dumb, naive, ridiculous sometimes and there is nothing brilliant or new here, but these are difficult times for comedy movies. Not many comedy movies are being created nowadays. And those which are created, ain't much funny, i would say more bitter/cynical than funny. This is a pure comedy movie and i wish more of them to be produced.
  • I guess luke warm temp is the best way to describe this. You'll smile or perhaps get a single "ha" from the movie once in awhile but truly not that funny of a movie. The whole thing just fell flat and felt tepid for me. Not a BAD movie, just not very funny or interesting. Think I spent more time scrolling TikTok than watching due to this not holding my attention really. Kind of typical and easy to predict. Cheesy moments that are to be expected. All in all, this is decent background noise but nothing that will captivate you or make your stomach hurt from laughing so hard. You won't be bummed you missed this or not.
  • pauljwinwood11 March 2023
    I thought I'd give it a go and has been on my tv planner since October. As soon as it starts you know it's not going to be great, it is made for tv but its just not funny at all. None of the jokes land, the characters are all extremely annoying and over the top. We managed to watch 30mins before we we lost interest in it. It's a good idea but poorly executed, don't waste your time on this if you are over the age of twelve, I'm in my early forties and didn't find anything worth sticking around for, and at 50 or so minutes we ended just turning it off. It's a shame as I don't mind some of the actors in it, just not in this.
  • I had not heard about this 2022 TV movie comedy titled "Cursed Friends" from writers Aaron Eisenberg and Will Eisenberg prior to sitting down to watch it here late in 2022. So I wasn't sure what I was in for, aside from it being a comedy.

    And with the cast ensemble that was in the movie, I figured that director Laura Murphy's movie would be a funny one. And thus, I opted to sit down and watch "Cursed Friends" without ever having heard about it.

    The storyline in the movie was sort of mundane and bland, and I have to say that I was only mildly entertained by what writers Aaron Eisenberg and Will Eisenberg managed to dish out here. And while I managed to sit through the entire movie, then I can honestly say that I am not going to return to watch it a second time. Nor is it a movie that is going to become a Halloween classic.

    The acting performances in the movie were adequate, and they definitely had a good ensemble of actors and actresses in the movie. Just a shame that the script and storyline was sort of limited.

    I must admit that I was expecting a lot more comedy from the movie "Cursed Friends", especially since it aired on Comedy Central.

    My rating of "Cursed Friends" lands on a four out of ten stars.
  • Thanks to Comedy Central for making TV movies catered to the millennial generation! Is it an award winning, perfect movie? No. Is it fun, relatable and will make you cry laughing at times - YES!

    I can't count how many times I fell over laughing at some of the references and awkward moments. The cast was great - love the cameos from a few stunnas and especially LOVED Andy's character (if you watch What We Do in the Shadows - he also excels in this).

    I played MASH many times as a child - glad to see a fun, silly, relatable movie to break thru some of the horror stuff during spooky season.

    If you are a millennial and a) liked *NSYNC b) played MASH with your friends and c) already feel old vs Gen Z you will love this. Give it a watch!
  • Twenty years ago, four kids are given a game for Halloween Trick or Treat. They play it and it predicts their future. It's twenty years later. Erica Greenspan (Jessica Lowe), Mikayla (Nicole Byer), and Andy (Harvey Guillén) are still best of friends. Josh (Andrew Lewis Caldwell) is Erica's annoying brother. Erica finds the game in the basement and the four of them read their childhood predictions. They are coming true but in unexpected ways.

    The concept needs some more explaining. It's confused, and that keeps the story from coming together. I normally love many of these comedic actors. Without a cohesive script, they are mostly flailing around here. This one fails at the script stage. I still very much love these actors and that allows me to maintain some interest.
  • I kept waiting for something funny to happen and I was severely disappointed. The only one of the four main characters that wasn't unbelievably aggravating and annoying was Erica Greenspan.

    The rest of them needed a good punch or two in the mouth. They're competent actors but absolutely terrible comedians. None of them were funny though. Even Joey Fatone is annoying. None of the jokes landed at all. They weren't even good enough to be called juvenile.

    The visual effects were awful. At least the sound was good enough. I'm done now so I'm just gonna write to fill up the stupid character limit.
  • I thought this movie was great! Definitely a lot of millennial humour throughout the movie, so if don't understand that type of humour you probably wouldn't like it much. The plot is about 4 friends that played a future predicting game called M. A. S. H. when they were young kids in the early 2000s, fast forward to current year they are now in their 30s and wake up after a drunk Halloween night to realize that they game they played in their childhood has become a reality. So they spend the rest of the movie trying to reverse the curse. I think if you are down to watch a lighthearted, funny, a little campy horror flick, I would recommend this movie.
  • I'm almost the target demographic (but not quite) so I appreciated some of the jokes and laughed out loud a few times. I remember MASH etc.

    On the other hand, this is definitely geared towards a kind of immature demographic, even as a fun comedy for Millennials. There were a lot of fart jokes and sex jokes that aren't that funny and just come across as either lame or gross to me as an adult. Were they picturing Millennial parents watching this with their adolescent kids? If so why were there also so many references to porn and masturbation?

    Harvey Guillen consistently stole the show for me as the gay wanna-be-influencer lying about his age to get Gen Z clients and followers. I also thought adding Nicole Richie was a nice touch. I kept waiting for Paris Hilton to make a cameo appearance, but instead there was just way too much NSYNC.
  • This movie is awful. Dumb story, it's not funny, it's not scary, the characters are unlikable... It does have Rob Riggle and Will Arnett in it, but they're unfortunately just in minor roles. The main characters act like tools the entire movie and we're supposed to care if they remain friends. The character played by Harvey Guillen is one of the worst & most annoying people in a movie I've ever seen. If his character would have met his demise sometime during this hour and a half waste of my time, I might have given it a couple more stars. Do yourself a favor and skip this one, it's just really awful.
  • Even as a GenX'er, I thought the Millennial humor was funny. Plot was good and perfect for what I was looking for - something that kept my attention, made me laugh, and helped pass the time. I would definitely watch it again. Some of the humor was cringy, but that was the point. I was kind of hoping the ending would have been different, but oh well. I thought it was well written and well acted. Take it for what it is - a campy quasi-horror comedy. I love the movies during spooky season. This one fits in just fine. Not everyone is going to get this movie. The twists and play on words added a bit of something to the movie. Watch it if you get the chance.
  • gab-675998 December 2022
    Absolutely LOVED this movie! If you love horror and comedy together this is a movie for you. I literally laughed out loud more than once. I needed this movie in my life right now. Each one of the friends were colorful and interesting making this movie a treat. Originally done, with a story I have yet to have seen. I will definitely be watching this one again and I highly recommend if you are looking for a funny release from everyday troubles in life. Need more movies that are just funny as hell with good actors! I almost wish it didn't end. Here's hoping the director's hurry up and make a SEQUEL!
  • cek-538709 October 2022
    A fun and funny movie with some ..make that many....laugh out loud moments, The actors are fabulous and make the already great writing come to life. It sounds like I produced Cursed Friends or know someone on the cast. No to both..but I wish it were yes to both! Well worth watching. The cast should be brought back for some kind of sequel, and I'm not kidding. The implausible plot (childhood friends facing a curse as young adults based on their early desires) could have been a disaster if not for the well woven script and the fun and lively and actually believable acting and humor. I love this movie and every single person in it did a bang up job!!!!!
  • khsporkin16 January 2023
    Cursed Friends is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen! And while that sounds like seriously high praise, this movie that had me laughing the entire way through (and yes, my comedy bar is high). Exceptionally talented writing and a seriously funny plot. There are no "bits" in this movie, it's funny after funny after funny. The Friends' conversations and reactions to the situation they find themselves in are absolutely hysterical. Amazing cast and cameos including Jessica Lowe, Rob Riggle, Ken Marino (love him in everything), Will Arnett, Nicole Richie, Nikki Glaser...even Kathy Griffin had me laughing out loud (not normally a fan). However, Lenny is the crowd favorite each time I have watched this...John Mayer wishes he looked like Lenny in his mankini! Well worth the watch, multiple times! Cursed Friends has all the talented writing, humor and hilarious performances - and it definitely took me down memory lane, thinking about my own best friends in high school...such an unexpected outcome from such a funny film. Enjoy it!
  • Was hilarious and of the best movies Iv ever scene. Its a lot of laughter and there aren't many movies like this one. Its unique and fun to watch. It even gives a nostalgic feel to it. For me its a 10/10 I'd watch it again over and over and I highly recommend it. I don't want to include any spoilers, and I would advise everyone to watch it for themselves first and judge it before reading any of the comments or rating it because this movie does not deserve a low rating. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but the movie is great, and I personally had no complaints. I plan on watching it again this weekend with my friends.