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  • This is the most godly show out there. The Aquabats! produced their show quite effectively, because they created the most hilarious, thrilling, and adorable show ever with music that stays in my head for weeks at a time. <3 Christian, Jimmy, Ricky, Crash, and Ian <3 They are all phenomenal. Please watch this Show! If you like music, action, comedy, laughs, outrageousness, and pure joy, you will love this show. It is odd yes, but so am I. 13 episodes in the first season, me and thousands of others are impatiently waiting to hear if they are making a second season which they better. Long story short. This is the best show you will ever watch.
  • This is one of those shows that at first, you gotta wonder, "How on Earth did they get the money and backing for this?", but when you sit down and watch it, it all makes sense. As a fan of The Aquabats (the band) since I first saw them on an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba, where they played their toddler oriented "Pool Party", and about 2 years ago I got more serious, listening to all of their music and I am not ashamed to say that I know the lyrics to over two thirds their songs by heart. Now to the show. As a fan of the old Adam West Batman series, as well as a person who values aspects of childhood, I have to say that I love this show. For one thing, the Batman references are all too obvious and cool, especially when they had John Heder as a guest star, which is doubtlessly a more subtle shout out to the guest stars on the old Batman series. The real value of this show, and their music, has to do with a deeper message that these 5 crazily dressed musicians convey. They show the value of all the simple childhood interests that we all had. People today are so bent up about growing up, becoming adults, and "maturing", but in that, they lose desire of what is actually defines "maturity". Don't deny the fact that if you could go back to watching cartoons on Saturday mornings and playing with action figures, that you could. To get to the show, I feel that this show does that. It reminds me of the simple things that made me happy as a child, and it is a 30 minute escape from the responsibilities and stress of the "grown-up" world. As far as the show's content is concerned, it is totally awesome. They have all kinds of funky and unique villains to fight, and there are some really cool songs that they also have during the show. I still get the "brother" song from the John Heder episode in my head every now and again. Another really neat thing that they threw in that I feel is so cool, and totally supports my views of why this show kicks butt, is the "cartoons" that they show. These little clips of the team watching a cartoon during the show is very in tune with the messages of their songs and the show, and the values that Christian Jacobs seems to have in the whole "superhero" persona, in that it shows that even adults and people who are socially viewed as "mature" can still sit down and spend some time as a child. Overall, I love this show, and I really hope that they start to incorporate some of the stories and characters from their songs into the show.

    Dear Aquabats, make an after school special depicting some cool story behind your "The Wild Sea" song.
  • TazyPhyllipz21 April 2019
    I liked it! Fun, joyful, and imaginative! I adore Parker Jacobs and his artwork and cartoons contributions done for The Aquabats! Super Show!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I first heard of this band from maybe that kids show "Yo Gabba Gabba" then later I found out The Aquabats made their show and that they've had this band since the 1990s. Watching season 1 there's also this pilot before the show was greenlit and there's also this cartoon in the middle of the show as well as a fake commercial about some invention from a company called Gloopy. The band consists of The MC Bat Commander, Crash Mclarson, Eagle Bones Falconhawk, Jimmy the Robot, and Ricky Fitness. They also have this giant bus or what they call a Battle Tram they travel around in as well.

    After the pilot episode where they fight a tortilla monster, there's a whole season where in each episode they fight a different monster, have a guest appearance from someone, and then there's this cartoon with a story arc until the end of season 1. The MC Bat Commander is the leader of the team, Crash can become gigantic when he becomes emotional, Eagle Bones can shoot lasers from his guitar and then gets a glove where with it, he can summon an invisible hawk, eagle, or falcon, called "The Dude" which is a spirit animal, Jimmy the Robot can shoot lasers or missiles from his fingers and can scan things since he's a robot, and Ricky Fitness has super speed.

    Some of these episodes are also named after some of the songs they wrote from their previous albums. There are also guest stars either from the internet or on tv that make cameos as well and some of them are just surprising at times. Then in season 2, The Aquabats in some episodes tell people about their origins on how they all met, and there these flashbacks that are animated differently as an experiment at times. They also have the songs they did for this show as well and the show won an Emmy for outstanding stunt coordination.

    Then after the show ended they made this series where The MC Bat Commander gets the band back together for the show and it's called "Saturday Morning! With the Aquabats!" and then the "All RadVentures! With The Aquabats!" and I might link the Youtube playlists to them as well as seasons 1 and 2 as well. Watching this it felt like I was watching the Power Rangers with all of its campy style and over-the-top villains. The Aquabats! Super Show! Is an amazing live-action show and a fun place for some escapism and today we need that more than ever. You can also watch all of this on their YouTube page since it seems like the DVDs to the show are all sold out now.
  • thelaneyfiles30 January 2022
    I think this show is really great and its a shame of how long it lasted. This show has the perfect amount of satireness, comedy, and action. This show is definetly underrated. The level of detail and effort into the costumes, animation, and sets are really good too, the music is decent too! My only complaint is that the show didn't last for long and it got cut pretty quickly (I'm not counting anything on their youtube channel). I really do recommend this show.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This show is hilarious. its funny how they get inturrupted from saving the world by watching a cartoon and they stop the show halfway to show a commercial for something that is always by gloopy. with Ricky chasing after every girl he see's and jimmy being a robot, this show is very enjoyable to watch. i watch the show almost every day, and i am soon getting the DVD. me and my older sister both enjoy the show, its got everything: superheroes, comedy, music, monsters... a robot. i think its quite cool how each of the characters has a chance to be main character in a certain episode (eagleclaw = eaglebones). each of the characters has unique characteristics (i think thats how you spell it) Ricky's braces, commander's drawn-on moustache and coloured in tooth, eaglebones's long hair, the fact that jimmy's a robot and crash growing all the time. if you like comedy, music and superheroes you will love this show! is there any way this show could this show be any more awesome? ABSO-FRIGGIN'-LUTELY! (quote from one of the episodes)
  • A family friendly kid's TV show, that my kids & I both love to watch together! They love dancing to the music & singing along.
  • The Aquabats were a small pop-punk band with ska influences who started back in the mid-90's. Their shows were one part music and one part stage show where they fought monsters and villains in a rather comedic fashion. It brought comparisons to the old Adam West Batman series for good reason namely it was silly, campy fun with some solid music.

    For years they toured and even shot a pilot for a TV series with the help of Bobcat Goldthwait playing up their superhero personas as well as featuring their music. To this date only the opening exists out there for the public to see and the pilot itself didn't attract any attention.

    Fast forward to 2012 and they finally have their TV show. Members came and went but M.C. Bat Commander and Crash McLarson are still there. They're joined by Jimmy the Robot, Ricky Fitness and Eagle "Bones" Falconhawk. Each of them, with the exception of Bat Commander, have some kind of super power. For example Ricky Fitness is in great shape and can perform feats of strength and speed for a short period of time, Jimmy the Robot is a literal robot and Eagle Falconhawk can summon the spirit of a bird and fly using mystical wings. They use these powers to help them defeat the villain of the week or for comedic purposes.

    This is all done very tongue in cheek but played straight like the old Batman series was. It's not a great show and some people might not get it, but if you have a sense of the absurd and don't take things too seriously you should enjoy it.
  • When you watch the action packed opening of this show you think you are in for the greatest show ever but it's a bit misleading. The episodes tend to be lacking in action with an abundance of bad jokes but the bad guys are always great. This was supposed to be for kids but I doubt most kids would get it. If you can find it, give it a chance.