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  • I watched this documentary but I had watched the season.

    I thought this doco was was put together and had an amazing amount of people involved appearing.

    Keanu was great as the presenter and was enthusiastic as I know he like's F1.

    The doco certainly has a feel good factor to it.

    For a team with almost no budget to build two cars and be competitive is a fairy tale. To win 6 out of the first 7 was just unheard of. The trials and tribulations that happened afterwards shows the resilience of the drivers and the team. To win a world championship in the last race of the season by having to reach 5th from back in the melee, is astonshing.

    To much water under the bridge now but if when Williams came onto the scene now, they could have done another. Williams upset everyone after the glory years of Lotus and Mario Andretti. Frank Williams built a team up out of nothing and hired Patrick Head to design the car. All of the success of Williams was down to Head and then Adrian Newry. Newry left and went to Red Bull and that's when they took off. Unfortunately after Sir Frank Passed and Newry left, Williams was never competitive again,

    With the exception of Ferrari, all F1 teams are based in the England. We are the soul of F1.

    I thoroughly enjoyed it and decide to refrain on too my thought on Mr Eccleston.
  • Overall this is great and is well worth the watch but I felt that Keanu was rather wooden, which I was not expect from someone I had thought of as an F1 fan. You would have thought that a Hollywood A list actor could act with some more enthusiasm. It just felt like he was given the script 30 seconds before filming had started.

    Quite a few events that I'd forgotten happened at the time, looking back, I think this was the last time that F1 was truly exciting. Now it they could only look back and replicated this into the modern era that would be fantastic.

    So, overall it is worth watching just do not be put off by the wooden performance of Keanu.
  • JurijFedorov8 December 2023
    I watch a tiny bit F1 from time to time after the Netflix series. Just to have something to follow. And the many rules and personalities make it engaging. It's also easier to get into than any other sport because you just need to know 20 athletes. That's it. It's fewer performers than players on a single soccer team. You can watch it and know everything about it right away. Tour de France in comparison has 170+ riders. Plus you have more action here too.

    This is a great documentary for all people. Fans and outsiders alike. Keanu Reeves does such a spectacular job at interviewing people that this should be shown in journalist schools. Some of the best interviewing I have seen. He's hype and engaged and knows the details of the story making the participants respond in a way that makes structuring this documentary extremely easy for editors. The whole thing was clearly carefully planned out before the interviews took place and Keanu is extremely focused on making it the best thing it can be with clear and direct questions about what the people felt and what happened. Removing most F1 drama and rumors and sticking to the emotional rollercoaster it is. Plus we get a ton of F1 vs. The teams drama too with both sides being interviewed. Overall everyone comes out from this looking good. It's counter to Netflix Drive to Survive that made Max look like a cold monster to create a storyline. So much so that even people who disliked him called them out for it and he refused to take part in more seasons even though the show became a gigantic hit and made F1 into what it is today.

    So the interviewing is some of the best I have ever seen. They have recordings of all the races. They interview most of the important people. They structure the story so that everything is clear yet the mystery remains and you don't know what will happen next. I frankly don't see anyone improving on this. And I have seen a ton of F1 and sports documentaries. Race documentaries are usually dull and slow. This turns it around and makes it personal. The excitement is created by the guy who interviews people and structures the story. Something I have been begging for in other such documentaries about single seasons. A host tying it all together. Yet for some reason most other documentaries avoid this and instead focus on some lousy interviews with no preparation from when the event took place. Awful.

    Only thing lacking is details. It's extremely shallow with basically no tech details anywhere and you feel like you don't quite understand anything about this.

    I frankly want Keanu to go over modern seasons too. I want to see all Max wins too. Please.
  • mikeclarke13817 November 2023
    As a huge fan who followed JB since he joined F1 and watched the 2009 season including being at the British Grand Prix this was the season in F1 that I have loved the most, The brought that all back. A fantastic documentary with interviews with everyone and what an most excellent host in Mr Reeves, this brought all that memory and drama back.

    Even if you know very little about F1 this really is a true underdog story, brilliant.

    Even the story about the FOTO breakaway was explored well and the sly behaviour of Bernie and the smartness of the Brawn legal lady was great to see see unfold,

    totally recommend.
  • Looks like a drama movie ,in 2009 an intensive and mesmerizing chapter of one the most short and successful team in F1 Brawn Grand Prix !!

    This is beautifully done, with all these characters, Bernie Eclestone, Luca di Montezemolo , Flávio Briatore , Jenson and John Button , Norbert Haug , Ross Brawn , Christian Horner, Sebastian Vettel , Rubens Barrichello, Filipe Massa , Max Mosley, Lewis and Anthony Hamilton and all the gang of 09s and 2010s , 4 Episodes of intense Formula 1 fight until the end isf season .

    PS .

    Keanu Reeves does an outstanding job , producing and hosting, well done Keanu.
  • This documentary predominantly consists of interviews with key individuals arranged in a well-thought-out sequence. It refrains from introducing artificial drama and avoids relying on external experts providing irrelevant commentary. The filmmakers wisely chose to engage with drivers, team personnel, and other significant figures such as Bernie Ecclestone, Christian Horner, Luca di Montezemolo, and many others. Even Felipe Massa makes an appearance, contributing insights into his incident in Hungary. I believe the only non-competitor from that period is Martin Brundle, whose expertise in Formula 1 is unquestionable. Personally, I found the documentary thoroughly enjoyable and informative, gaining new insights into the sport. I hope for more documentaries of this caliber, delving into the intricacies of the sport I love very much.
  • lawrence-4028417 November 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Such an amazing look into the fairytale season. Even if you're not a F1 fan, this is a really good documentary exploring behind the scenes. I am a die hard F1 fan and I was truly absorbed into this. For a long time now F1 has a certain team dominating for a period of time and it can become boring. This last season with Red bull and Max Verstappen is a prime example. To see this story unfold was really gripping. Really nice to hear from former drivers and team principles giving their opinions and recollections going back to that 2009 season. I 100% recommend this series and you won't regret. I've been left wanting more.
  • burgerpnk18 November 2023
    Hard to find exact words, but can't honestly say I'd change a thing. If Keanu ever gets bored, he certainly has a busy career ahead of him as an investigative journalist and/or reporter; the former crew and F1 staff they pulled into this is exactly who you'd want to hear from; and the race footage and F1 politics discussed truly tell the full story. Just perfect.

    If I am forced to nitpick, I at least feel like the documentary was not created to have commercial breaks but most Hulu users will have them (I'm forced to as I have the Verizon package that doesn't let you upgrade). But about nitpicking. Perfect documentary, the entire team and Keanu should seriously discuss doing follow ups, whether they're about F1 or any other topic.
  • kuwaiticool25 November 2023
    From 1st episode to the last one, masterpiece in every detail. You live the dream with them.

    Well done ! Highly recommend everyone to watch it.

    The drama, the sequence of events, how they gathered the action, it was simply genius. You don't feel you are watching a documentary. And please I mean it in a good way. It is a pleasant journey with a lot of action. You really feel engaged with the brawn gp.

    How they interviewed the other teams just enhanced the overall experience. It combined engineering, drama, personal feelings and ambitions in well made combination. That well certainly satisfy and entertain the audience.

    And Keuanu Reevs was absolutely amazing. It wouldn't be as good as it is without him. Who ever brought him in is genius.
  • nicmoneypenny16 November 2023
    Spectacular content for what I was hoping would be an enthralling non-stop dramatic insight into the brilliance of Brawn in a zero to hero epic.

    Sadly whilst the content was pole-sitting stuff, the warm-up and qualifying remained lacklustre. With a confusing, scene jumping procession of soporific speed interviews the performance sadly lacked the spirit, drive and build up I had been so eagerly anticipating.

    Maybe Netflix with its own addictive speed thrillers had spoilt me but I was continually waiting to get off the grid and get into gear, but the downforce was dull and conservative, delivery ultimately disappointing.

    Overall it was the laboriously safe production factor, poor musical choice and lack of pace which just made this drag a little too much.

    As the historic review stuff came into play it felt like someone was pulling it into focus almost against its will, rather than putting the throttle to the floor and raising the viewer's exhilaration and anticipation the win was in sight.

    Jenson and Ross deserved more as it could so easily have achieved the same underdog heroics with such an amazing plot.

    Obviously aimed at a more generic audience and not the motorsport fans, commentary and insight was tame and turgid for anyone already in the know.

    Ironically the final review I would give this documentary would almost mirror the story itself: absurdity and magnificence of concept and potential with an insane mix of talent but muddled by baffling, restrictive confusions and whilst ultimately on the top step, could have been so much slicker in delivery.
  • Keanu Reeves does an outstanding job putting this together - research, obtaining video, interviewing so many of the people involved - showing that he has as GENUINE interest in F1 and this specific story about Brawn GP.

    There's a perfect blending of technical information and the people involved - the human element. The pace, the combination of present-day and video of the time to present the story, is excellent! The makers recognized that there was no need to add or contrive drama.

    Brawn is accessible and enjoyable, irrespective of prior exposure to F1, but, for the F1 fan, it's a real joy. It's great to see an F1 documentary that is this respectful of the people - and the viewer - and has the integrity to not embellish.
  • It's wild, I had no idea the inventors of the paper-towels I use everyday for huge messes had a hang in Formula 1 history!

    I can't wait for the sequel where I'm guessing they're waiting to debut the paper-towels

    No post credit scene unfortunately to set it up, though.

    PLUS KEANU!!!!

    I'm giving it 10 stars because of the potential with it's set up and shocking plot twist that this was racing related and not about the wonderfully strong and highly absorbing paper product that has kept my house clean since the day I bought it.

    It's wonderful to see that Hollywood is thinking about the every day person and building a universe around something we truly use every day.

    Paper-towels may not wear capes, but they are heroes.
  • pssinghf20 January 2024
    If you are new fan of F1 , then this show is for you. This show will show how a team runs and that to in a simple language.

    If you are an old F1 fan or fan of Ross brawn or Jenson button , then this show is a must for you.

    Literally , Netflix should learn how to make a show based on F1.

    The cinematic of this show was awesome and thrilling at the same time. They literally made us feel as if we are watching the 2009 again but this time much closer than earlier.

    Everything in this show was awesome that words are less to appreciate. Literally got to many things I was not aware of .

    And of course keanu reeves was like a cherry on the top .
  • You go to the corner for a pack of smokes. In the right hands that could be a great doc. If something spectacular happened on the way to the corner, that makes for an even better film. Here content and form come together for an excellent documentary. It holds the interest. Reeves was an odd choice for a host, except possibly for the fact that he himself is now one of the world's oldest action figures. For this reviewer, the most telling comment was at the very end, when a dispassionate Honda exec insists that even with hindsight they had made the logical choice. Logic vs passion -- the oldest story of them all. ((Designated "IMDb Top Reviewer." Please check out my list "167+ Nearly-Perfect Movies (with the occasional Anime or TV miniseries) you can/should see again and again (1932 to the present))
  • ghydcdp22 May 2024
    As an F1 tragic from a young age, I enjoyed reminiscing about the good old days. This was a wonderful retelling of one of the greatest seasons of all time. Like 2021, you may not realise it at the time, but when you look back, you remember just how great it was. Keanu Reeves was the perfect host and did such a great job. And it was so good that they were able to get so many of the people from that time back in to tell their sides of the story, good, bad and ugly.

    If you are an F1 fan, treat yourself. Spend a few hours on the couch and enjoy this. It was definable of the better F1 shows I've watched - prob up there with the Senna movie.