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  • Warning: Spoilers
    **Spoiler Warning** Pros: Good CG. Neutral Opinion: The Cloth Box and Mask. Cons: 1) Poor Script: 90 min run time isn't enough to cover the entire arc, well that's forgivable, BUT there are unnecessary scene for about 10-20 mins, such as Deathmask singing(really hate this scene). 2) Wrong personality of the characters: Milo is woman while the real one in manga/anime is a man! Deathmask is eccentric and sadist, not a comedian! Seiya isn't that funny kind of guy, he is about spirit and friendship, and loyalty, not a funny character. Ikki isn't as cool as in the Manga/Anime. 3) Shaka didn't fight Ikki??? 4) Almost every battle get cut, it only show how the bronze saint meet with gold saint, and then goes to another scene, and when we back to the fighting, it only show the bronze saint execute his final attack, lame! 5) Why they change the characters face? I've played Saint Seiya game, 3D graphic one, and the characters face is identical with the Manga/Anime, but in this movie they all have different face, a cuter one, LAME! 6) They don't have that dramatic moment!!! When Hyoga desperately having to fight his own master(Aquarius Camus) and it turned out that his master actually teach him something.. 7) Saori with short hair?? 8) Changed Script: My beloved battle: Aphrodite vs Shuun is changed.. (Saga killed Aphrodite).. TERRIBLE STUPID LAME!!! There is also no Shura Vs Shiryu (and Shiryu managed to make Shura realize his mistake and Shura give him Excalibur at the last minute of his life). That battle against that Giant Statue is lame and unnecessary. And this movie is about Bronze Saints, but why are the Gold Saints taking the spotlight? 9) The final battle is mehhh. Overall, it's a failed Manga/Anime adaptation. What a disappointment.
  • The entire movie is Seiya fighting everyone and the other knights just watching his sacrifice. It's very different from the classic animations. For someone who enjoy the other knights, like me, it's kinda boring.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie tells the story of a girl named Saori, who is the reincarnation Athena, and her guardians, the Bronze Saints, against the Pope's servants, the Gold Saints, who were also supposed to be protecting Athena. The soundtrack has a few nice tracks but nothing memorable or related to the original series. The visuals are decent at best, the 3D characters look lively though their exaggerated expression along with the cheesy dialog makes any non battle scene cringe-worthy. The armors redesign are also exaggerated, specially the Gold Saints armor that have far too many details and/or resemble their original design or the constellation they were supposed to represent. The Bronze Saints are also too far detailed to represent the lowest class of Athena's defenders, and the Silver Saints received no attention at all. The fight scenes are nothing special and the camera angle choices are poor. Some effects are dated like dust and explosions but the film makes up for it with some good looking re-imagination of the cosmos which a relevant piece of the plot. The Sanctuary is basically Asgard from the Thor movies. The plot however, is badly conducted as it is quite linear and leaves nothing for the vier to expect, most of the characters suffer from bad development and other are barely mentioned. Some of them were clearly changed so to not be too unlikable (or forgettable) due to their short screen time. On that, the addition of Deathmask's dance sequence is an odd choice, adds nothing to the plot and only takes valuable screen time. The end is just a mess, with a Final Fantasy like giant monster and bad explanation on what's going on. After finishing one question remains, how something that clearly showed so much effort ended up looking so lazy, the answer is beyond me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Alright, I am part of this 89 generation in France who grew up watching Saint Seiya on TV. Loved it when I was a kid, adored it when I became a teen and still admire it as a grown-up.

    Both the anime and the manga convey values of friendship, faith, true strength, love, justice, overcoming your own limits, etc. They would transport you into a unique dimension in which Greek mythology serves as background. In short, a fair genuine and creative world. Even the language was particularly beautiful: the cues / lines were using elevated / formal registers with a classy lexicon. In addition, this epic shounen depicted a lot of wonderful fights which were far from being repetitive. The characters would spray out such charisma that you would take a liking into identifying yourself as one or several of them (we all have a zodiacal sign, haven't we?!). As for the anime, the soundtrack composed by Seiji Yokoyama is still considered as a reference, a unique genre and a jewel for your ears (and cosmos).


    Therefore, when I heard of the movie about 'Saint Seiya', I was quite thrilled. Later on, when I saw the first pictures of it, I started to fear the worst. Although one might like the character-design, I personally find it awful. It is so childish... The Clothes are no longer contained in boxes but in medals (?!), our Bronze Saints and Saori Kido look like Asian Teenage Idols, Tatsumi is no longer bald, Mû wears glasses, Milo is a woman... We don't get to see the clothes in their unworn forms (i.e., as the mythical Pegasus) and even attacks are just made of poor-tasted FX.

    Regarding the plot, I get the fact that they had to condense 73 episodes into 90 min. But hell, if you're a Saint Seiya neophyte, how are you supposed to appreciate it? For example, Camus will die teaching Hyôga the 7th sense. Right, who cares - we just saw him for two minutes. In the original works, you'd be crying out loud. Even as a hardcore fan, I was not even slightly moved by the sequence. And what's up with the scenery? What happened to Greek mythology? Why could the guys go there through a... Stargate?! What's up with the main villain - Saga - who has just one personality here and who became a monster like in 'POWER RANGERS'?

    I won't even comment on the soundtrack - we just happen to be in a lame video game here.

    So yeah, I am very disappointed that Kurumada actually gave his permission for this shameful adaptation of his masterpiece. Well, you still might appreciate it if you happen to be 3 years old (hence the one star) but trust me - this has really NOTHING to do with the original 'Saint Seiya' which is this time genuinely - LEGENDARY.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As someone who grew up watching the original "Saint Seiya" anime, I found "Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary" to be a mixed bag at best: The first half of the movie introduces the story and the main characters in a decent (albeit a bit rushed) manner, but during the second half (Specifically, after the Taurus House part), the plot turns muddled and hard to follow. Not as muddled as in movies like "Final Fantasy: Advent Children", but I think that some scenes will confuse those viewers who never watched the original series. (Hey, I watched the original series several times, and I still found some parts of this movie to be confusing and not very well explained)

    The short duration of the movie (90 minutes approximately) is simply not enough to cover the 73 episodes of the Sanctuary Arc from the original anime, having too many characters which aren't properly developed (Case in point: Pisces Aphrodite, who only appears in this movie to be killed off without doing anything relevant to the plot.)

    Some moments lack of the same emotional impact that the original anime had due the rushed narrative (For example, the duel between Camus and Hyoga, which isn't as memorable as in the 80's series, since their whole master-disciple relationship is merely referenced, but not explored)

    Visually speaking, the film is very impressive and well done, though I'm sure that the comparisons with the Final Fantasy games will be unavoidable.(Specially taking in consideration the transformation of the main villain near the end of the movie, which reminded me the final boss battles from those videogames) The soundtrack was decent, but in my opinion the soundtrack of the original series was far more memorable.

    While it was moderately entertaining to watch "Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary" had the potential to be something much better. I wasn't expecting a 100% faithful adaptation (That would have been impossible in such short time) but it could have been a far more memorable experience with its own merits instead of being a merely watchable flick.

    On a side note, the Latin American dub used almost all the voices from the original series for the movie, and I think that was a nice touch for the nostalgic fans.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's a rather patchwork of disjointed and poorly explained situations, it has so many loose ends, that only a legitimate fan of anime and manga is able to see a logical script line. Despite presenting a very good CGI,lush scenery and characters with huge potential the movie fails miserably in creating a new audience for Saint Seiya universe and please the old fans. Analyzing purely as a common movie, it's just mediocre and will be easily forgotten by youngers ... The final script brink of chaos, undergoes a bewildering do speeds up precisely in the huge point of this movie, where should really be about, the battles. Whitch are the base point of original saga plot. Here, only three can be described as the level of what is expected of the franchise, the other comes down in one or two hits and go for resounding defeats. One of the main character has a death that takes seconds to happen without even a real confrontation. This movie completely lost the basic points of the original plot. However the Saint Seya universe does not allow the film to be classified as just a kids movie. All a dark tone, violent, while psychologically loaded, with cursing, self motivation speeches and mantras about friendship and trust were exchanged with a jocular tone, with dry and empy dialogs and contained violence and forced misplaced comedy. But worst of all was one of the characters subvert. He was originally a psychopathic killer and became sort of a carnivalesque version of Cap. jack Sparow. paradoxically singing in harmony with those who would represent the agony of the imprisoned souls of their victims as macabre props ..your necrophiliac house was turned into a Disney musical stage. Not to mention he was defeated effortlessly by a challenger. By any reference to the original story, it should be a dark character and provide a real challenge to be defeated. To quote one of the many holes in the script, the story cites the need to cross all the houses of the signs, but some are summarily ignored. In short, it's a caricatured representation of what the anime represented over a very weak and careless script. The climax of the film is equally disappointing, contains all the clichés about confronting the grand final villain.
  • I've read some absurd negative reviews about this film, here on imdb, and I underline some negative reviews are truly absurd bordering on ridiculous.

    Yesterday I saw this film in CGI, I was very surprised by the good CGI, the fluid animations, pleasant music, very surprised by the beautiful armor (they are really nice graphically), many good special effects, the plot is smooth and follows with pleasure, ultimately the film is not a masterpiece but it is not bad either, in fact I would say quite good. It's worth a watch because it's really well made in many ways.

    Saint Seiya: Legend of Sanctuary, Good CGI movie...
  • I think this new take on the Saint Seiya franchise is not bad, while it felt rushed on the last 30 minutes, I think it was solid enough.

    The designs, the CGI and the personalities were great. I was gladly surprised to see Aldebaran looking so bad ass, the relationship between the bronze saints were fun and a reminder of the personalities they had on the first season (while exaggerating some qualities for comedy) and the fights were eye-candy. Sadly I feel like it doesn't deliver so well for some fans because of all the changes to the original story (specially the end that felt rushed) but considering this is trying to get the whole anime season in one movie I think it was necessary and expected. Gotta be clear that that doesn't justify the lack of screen time from some fan favorites like Ikki who never got his time to shine in this movie while it had a really important role in the original plot, I think he was the biggest disappointment and probably one of reasons people were so harsh on this movie.

    Also I think it was fresh to see some new ideas and some changes like the realization from the golden saints that there was something wrong happening, that the bronze saints may have been right and instead of waiting on their places they tried to actually do something to help.

    Overall I was entertained, while the big fan in me was disappointed because I wanted to see so much more, after talking about it with my friends (who also left the theaters a bit disappointed) I realized that I actually really appreciate this film from what it is and while it's not perfect, it's a fun time and a good experience overall.
  • After watching this movie I am disappointed. A recommendation for different kind of watchers:

    • If you are a Saint Seiya anime fan, please spare yourself from a painful time watching this movie.

    • If you are not a fan, you might just survive the experience. The movie will just throw random stuff at you consistently during the 93 minutes it lasts.

    • If you like cool CG and animation, by all means watch it. Kudos to all the CG and technical staff that participated in the making, their work is simply impressive. If there would have been a script on par with the technical work, this could have been a really good movie.
  • Gemini695 January 2015
    The producers should be totally ashamed. All beauty and values from the original saga has totally disappeared.

    The story is not good but I understand it's hard to concentrate all the Sanctuary story into one movie... But what about those stupid clothes ? WTF !!! All saints are looking so stupid, I couldn't believe what I have seen.

    I don't understand how they could buy the Saint Seiya license and how somebody could accept this.

    I advise to all fans to don't go to see it and above all to not waste their money for this stupid movie.
  • Great visual, cgi , love the story and the designs, the armour is beautifull, despite benn short
  • killy7508 December 2014
    Warning: Spoilers

    I'm only gonna waste a few words to say what i have to about this movie.

    First of all, sure there is an incredible 3D animation but seriously do i have to give up to the anime i loved growing up with just for that?

    STORYLINE... bang, shot to the heart and stomped over...

    CHARACTERS...twisted into 9% funny, 90% bullshit and finally 1% true to the anime.

    Now i know this movie was meant for a new audience and with a twist of the original plot, but what i saw, seriously, they wrecked my world and not in a good way
  • Warning: Spoilers

    I was so excited for this movie when it was first announced. I went to the website daily to find out what the next Gold Saint would look like and even though some of the renditions were disappointing, I was still very excited. Then the trailers came and little by little, I started to wonder what this movie was going to encompass. There were many scenes I was familiar with and others I had no idea where they had came from. Still, I wanted to be optimistic. When I was finally able to sit down and watch the movie, every second of the movie was more excruciating than the last. This movie was just as bad if not worse than The Last Airbender.

    First, there's the characters. Pretty much no one is given any kind of character development or background aside from Saori Kido and that was half-assed at best. Some characters even got a complete sex change like Milo. Not that I'm sexist, but there was no ambiguity with Milo's gender yet somehow he has since became a woman? Then came Deathmask. This had to be a joke. Deathmask was a sadistic murderer who killed simply because he could. In the movie, he becomes a singing baboon and dances around like he was on Broadway. Lastly, Shura doesn't die! Not that I wanted him to because I always did like character but he was killed in the original fight yet in this movie, he is alive. What?! Lastly, Pisces gets the worse death, he gets about 30 seconds of screen time and then gets thrown out of a building and the other Saints just say 'It's Aphrodite, he's dead." End scene.

    Next is the story, for a story arc with so much content, how they came up with such a ridiculous rendition is beyond me. I understand that not everything can fit in, but when you gloss over the most important details and then completely change the world this story lives in, it just makes no sense because the changes weren't necessary/crucial to the story at all. For example, Saori was found in Greece, in the movie it was changed to the Himalayas. Sanctuary is hidden within Greece but in the movie, Sanctuary is located in the clouds that is only accessible with cloth dog tags? WHAT?! The ending scene was also just as mind boggling. Saga creates some kind of giant and Seiya wins by shooting an arrow from the Sagittarius cloth but he's not wearing it normally, the cloth is still in it's minotaur form.

    All in all, the visuals of this film were great but that didn't save it from the writing catastrophe it is.
  • Warning: Spoilers

    The only highlights of this movie are the animation, the action scenes and music. The rest is a tower of poop.

    Seiya 's personality is misplaced in each of this film scenes. It's really uncomfortable to see each of his interventions.

    The script doesn't exist at all, there is no continuity and the characters are too plane. This movie has some of the cheesiest and full of clichés dialogs that i saw in a long time (most of them coming from Athena).

    I understand that it's a movie where you have to summarize and present the story looking for new generations, but there is no point in having that final scene between Saga and Athena because during the film there is not even a little suggestion about Saga having two personalities.

    I believe that Death Mask's musical number is a parody for villains in Disney movies, but felt out of place. I mean, in the original story Death Mask it's a psychopath murderer who loves too collect his victims faces.

    The final battle, the largest turd of this really forgettable movie, there is a bunch of Gold Saints fighting a f*****g rock monster!!! Even the post credits scene doesn't worth it. It doesn't leave you anything.

    This happens every time Kurumada has direct access to the project.

    I repeat, has a great animation and an very good soundtrack composed by Yoshihiro Ike (not even close to the ones composed for the anime by Seiji Yokoyama).

    My score 4/10
  • I'm not the first Saint Seiya fan to review this, but i thought i'd give a different opinion on those i've seen.

    -----Designs------ So let's start with designs. I applaud them for trying new designs for everything. The Cloths(armor) that the Saints wear have been upgraded to be more functional with a helmet that can fold down and up at will. It is a very interesting function, and i do like it. Although some of Kurumada's interesting details on the cloths are gone. Cloth boxes are now transported magically via a dog-tag that the Saints wear, which was a strange leap from the theme of "Only proper training and guts will make you strong" that was persistent in the original series. The movies tries to cater to the current younger Japanese generation, with a different kind of humor. Hence small trinkets and such are shown for some seconds in order to promote the film's merchandise.

    I loved that they changed Milo into a woman however, as it did give the Goldies more variation, and Milo was a good candidate since he didn't have much personality except being stoic even in the original series.

    However, several designs are designed in a very stereotypical way, such as Saga's dual colored Gemini cloth. Aldebaran, the Taurus Saint has a nose ring, etc. etc.

    Environment wise it's decent until we get to the Sanctuary which has been transformed into a Chinese MMORPG setting, with stone buildings flying in the air here and there. That was just bad design in my honest opinion, and was very out of place from the ancient Greek inspired setting of the original series.

    The big bad Saga transforming into a Final Fantasy boss in the end did not help things.

    I love the animation however.

    ----Plot and characters---- So adapting something that took around 40 episodes into 90 minutes wasn't the smartest idea to begin with, hence there would be hick-ups in the plot. A smarter thing would have been to do the Galaxian Wars plot first, and then move on to the Sanctuary in a second film.

    Saori's story was a nice idea, but didn't work quite properly as in the manga she already knew she was Athena before the beginning of the story.

    Many, and i mean many character's stories were left out, or only had a tidbit to make a newcomer confused. It is a hard job to balance the five Bronzies, but it would have been better to focus on Athena, Saga and Seiya. The movie doesn't deliver on any of them quite well. Saga has basically no backstory to why he is evil, while in the manga his reason are elaborated much further.

    ----Music----- The score has it's peaks and bring a nice feeling to most of the scenes. They aren't however memorable.

    The Movie's theme song "Hero" by Yoshiki is a nice tune, but contains some horrific lyrics about a person cutting their wrist in order for their hero to come. I'm surprised such a song actually went so far in production....
  • If they are trying go make Saint Seiya the goal is go at least try. I don't think they even try. Is a disgrace! I have seen most of the anime series and I loved them all but this version is just simply disrespectful to the amazing series.
  • I am a big fan of SS, and the movie is excellent, the plot is very good, it has some parts that are a bit like weird, but overall the story is 80-90% good.

    For non-fans it would be even better, as they wouldn't mind about changes in the story, the only drawback is that the whole concept of a saint is not explained in detail. But it is explained, you just have to pay attention lol.

    Regarding the CGI, the movie is a freaking work of art from the beginning to the end. I was blown away of how well executed the characters are.

    Just watch it. This movie is just as underrated as warcraft, they both are amazing.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Then this film The new version Saint Seiya or made with 3D animation So I tell you that I seriously didn't like this film at all In fact this is even for me the worst of all the Saint Seiya films In fact this thing doesn't make me don't even come to me But I want to askone thing But why do the Japanese want to make these anime films with GGI animation But if they were always good with normal animation instead of anime with this type of animation I really don't like them and then it doesn't really make sense to make all the films with the story of the twelve times seenthis doesn't have much longer duration since some moments are too immediate And then they are not good character designs at all and then I don't understand some things why the chests become armor because the armor looks like Iron Man's In fact these Knights look like the fusion of Iron Man and the Power Rangers I swear to you because yesterday when they became helmets they followed Power Rangers But it's one of the much bigger reasons why they made the scorpion knight become female I just can't understand and then this is the female pressure of the scorpion the I foundtruly the most hateful of the whole film because she really has a personality that I really hate. But then one thing that made me very angry is the final battle. I really can't understand this final battle or why Seiya received a lot of blows from Miss Scorpiobut against Saga he doesn't even struggle to beat him. In fact the only one was a lot of blows. But if he was Scorpio he didn't even come out to beat him and then he gets beaten in a better life this reminds me of something, namely the final boss of the Batman Arkham game Asylum Yes because it happensexactly the same thing why is this done effortlessly when going up against gigantic Jokers it was truly the worst post to deal with I really hope they don't make these kind of 3D movies in Japan anymore please don't Do it again to finish the rating 3-.
  • I grew up watching saint seiya and I have always been a big fan of the TV show, but I have always hated the saint seiya movies in the past. The only thing I remember from the old saint seiya movies is the long long scenes of the bronze saints getting beat up much like the fillers in Dragon Ball Z when goku and others would scream for a whole episode while transforming to the next super saiyan stage.

    Back to the movie, all the designs and small details(Sceneries, Architectures, Armours and the fight moves) in the animation were beautiful and very well thought out. People were right that there weren't much character "development" since its a 90 minutes movie, but the actions and dialogues did a very effective job of showing what each character was about. It is basically the same old straight forward but effective cartoon plot which I expected going in, so I have no idea why so many reviewers are complaining about it.

    Every little detail might not be true to the original TV series, but the whole movie was very entertaining and the details well well thought out if you pay attention. So, if you are not a super hardcore saint seiya fan and are very much into well done animated film then you should probably give this a watch.
  • As far as I'm concerned this is the best Saint Seiya Movie EVER. Okay, it is lacking in:

    • character development - fights - story arc - logic (lol)

    HOWEVER the people moaning about the fact that it is not a 1:1 replica of the anime should take a trip back down memory lane (on Youtube for example) and realize that those were too lengthy, verbose and that most of the fights were left to the reader as an exercise.

    At least here, the characters are likable, do not have a never ending death wish or bleed out at each opportunity. Plus the fights, although WAY TOO SHORT (I really wish for a director's cut for once even if the movie should be twice as long), are more dynamic and realistic (well, for a super hero movie that is) than they were back then. I could totally imagine a Hollywood movie (you know with real actors) - which I never could with the Anime - coming out of this. And for once, not a crappy one. Disney/Marvel... Pretty please? Or a TV show to develop what's missing - but unless they get loads of cash - Kickstarter anyone? - I don't know if they'll be able to keep up with the quality - because it is really very good - of this one.

    It kinds of feel like the upcoming Big Hero 6 (judging from the trailers - Not out yet in France) in a way.

    Just enjoy it as it is.
  • This movie is really good.

    The animation was quite impressive and the plot did a fine job summarizing the first story arc of a very long anime series.

    However, the hardcore fans who hate this movie are mad at the fact that this isn't a carbon-copy remake of the anime or the manga...Yet those fans are the same people who believe a series like Saint Seiya should be adapted in live-action by Hollywood: Give me a break, Saint Seiya fans! Do you really believe that Hollywood will do a proper and more faithful adaptation of your beloved manga/anime series than this one?

    Honestly, all the negative reviews are so childish, so embarrasing. Nothing more than lazy nitpicks made by an entitled (And frankly unpleaseable) fandom that is stuck in the past in an unhealthy manner.
  • I am a big fan, I loved the opportunity to see the heroes in full CGI, great!!! The only thing I didn't like is the whole Saga fused with stones thing... that was out of nowhere... they should have kept it as a crazy warrior with an armor as it was originally... Anyway it was great, I have repeated it more than 3 times, still like the effects and stuff/
  • I saw this film and I really liked the CGI, a cute film.

    The direction is very accurate and there are many characters, graphically they are very beautiful. The graphics are fantastic, just fantastic. It looks a lot like the graphics from the "CGI Harlock" movie.

    Overall the film is entertaining, excellent CGI, beautiful music, many characters, many graphically stunning, many beautiful armours, many powers that resemble the powers of the X-Man, there are fights, there is humour, there is liveliness, in short, an interesting and good CGI product, I would have liked to see a second film, a sequel to this first one.
  • kousoul114 December 2014
    So i read some of the other reviews above and people saying this was rush or either saying the movie had no explanation at all is really annoying sometimes. For example if you are not a Saint Seiya fans then the new viewers don't know whats happening, i can see where that is coming from. You have to also compare it to Final Fantasy 7 advent children also. That movie doesn't explain what was also happening much in the story unless you already play the game from PS1. I never owned a PS1 so i never played FF7. Also matter to me was that the movie in FF7 AC was Kadaji saying, "mother". WHO THE HELL IS THIS MOTHER! I'm new to Final fantasy as people are new to Saint Seiya. This is a must watch movie for Saint Seiya fans!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Well, if I wanted to watch the same story as the original, but now in 3D, I could just play the PS3 game. I loved it! And I grew up with Saint Seiya on the 90's. What I like the most is that its original, non repetitive, and the effects are great. People who criticize the movie need to open their minds a bit and understand that when you bring new versions of an anime or movies you need to change stuff around, otherwise it would be boring and predictable. I love the original script, don't get me wrong, but this movie shows a "what if" the original was little different, like actually make a gild saint a girl like Milo. I believe it looks more real, and come on! ya'll already grown up! Don't expect to be impressed with stuff that you saw when you were 10 o 15. Let things change a little bit and appreciate the art and animation that new generations are bringing. Its like watching an extra ending! Yes, it lack depth, but what did you expect in 90 minutes? At least shows the attraction between Seiya and Saori, and full hatred from Saga. The rest could be explained in some other future adaptations. Keep an open mind peeps, and enjoy this movie as if you have never have watched Saint Seiya before.
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