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  • First Cristina, then both Matts and now Mark Steines. Haven't you figured out that it was none of these people pulling the show ratings down? Bring these people back and get rid of Debbie. Woody, if you have anything to do with the casting now, you should realize that Cristina and Mark were good together. Also, there's nothing wrong with a weekly segment on pet adoption, but every day is too much for a home and family show. Please continue the great DIYs and crafts and remember that you do not have to tell the audience what you are going to do, then do it and lastly tell us what you did; it's a waste of time. We, the audience, are not elementary school students that much have everything repeated in order to remember it. This is just my opinion; I do feel like it's worth consideration. I would love to be able to rate Home and Family 10/10, but honestly cannot until changes are made.
  • I just want to say that this show has become just one big event of advertisements. The hosts are plugging products left and right. I guess pushing the products will pay the bills.

    I enjoy the DIY projects - Orly, Ken, Maria... you don't have to actually tell us about a tool you are using.. We can see for ourselves when you use them and I am sure that has increased the sales of dewalt, ryobi, glue guns galore. Whatever we see the cast use... It assures us that it is a good product to buy. You do not need to spend time doing ads for any of the items you use.. so please stop. I did enjoy when Ken evaluated some tools... that was useful.

    Please keep showing us how to make our own cleaning products and health products to be more environmentally safe and safe for us. Kym Douglas seems so genuine. She is on a real path of wellness. Her sharing her home-made products is perfect.

    And again H&F is over advertising the Hallmark Movies. Please stop. We are all aware of the movies and we are fans - we don't need to hear about them again you can offer other segments with those advertisements for the movies..
  • Overall, I do like this show. I enjoy the cooking, craft, animal and plant segments the most. I do like most of the cast, but I can't handle Debbie M. She is so phony, arrogant and rude!! Every single time she's with a guest, whether she's interviewing them, they're showing how to make a craft or a recipe she has to top them!! She basically tells them how to do the craft or the recipe and knows more about the subject that they're talking about. She thinks she knows it all and she definitely doesn't!! She is so overbearing I really can't watch her anymore!! I enjoy Cameron and especially Maria, she is such a cutie pie. Ken, he's so self righteous, I can't handle him anymore either. Other than Debbie & Ken, I do like the rest of the cast. I've made several of the recipes and even some of the crafts. After reading the other reviews, I see I'm not the only one who isn't a fan of hers.

    Please, please, please replace her and soon!!!
  • I am so disappointed in the Hallmark Channel and the show Home & Family. That was my favorite show. The host Cristina Ferrare made the show what it used to be. She is a genuine, caring, loving person. She did the best job at making the viewers actually feel like family.She was fired and she stated the reason was because they said she was old and they wanted a younger audience. The show has fell apart. The show seems so silly, fake, and forced. They seem like really bad actors. The heart of the show is gone.The reason to watch is gone. I am so disappointed how the Hallmark channel treated Cristina.There are so many angry people that were loyal fans. On the Home and Family facebook page, we try to exercise our freedom of speech and our comments are deleted and we are blocked. Needless to say, I no longer support the show in any way. I am done purchasing the Hallmark merchandise or patronizing any of the sponsors of the show. Thanks for listening.
  • Loved this show. But the last few years, not so much. About once a week I tune in, just to see if there might be a good craft, garden or cooking segment. Today I saw a recipe that looked interesting. I had to back it up twice to hear the info as the host was so busy talking I COULDN'T hear the chef. I refuse to navigate the web site to get the recipe. Argh.
  • luckyparkersf24 November 2015
    Home & Family on the Hallmark Channel is a very nice show featuring a wide range of topics from crafting, to entertainment to health.

    Sometimes a show featuring so many topics can be a mess. Somehow this show touches lightly on subjects and still remaining entertaining. Perhaps it could be a bit more informative about the important topics it touches on but that might be too heavy for the morning time slot that they reside in.

    Being "light" keeps it moving along at a nice pace. Guests are usually "B listers" but that is definitely OK. Most "A listers" come off as self-important jerks. I just watched the Home & Family Christmas special that debuted last night (11/23) and so many people broke into tears talking about the families and keeping it real on so many levels - nicely done.
  • I understand Paige Davis had her issues, but methinks they "fixed" the wrong problem. Mark Steines is one of the worst hosts I think I've ever seen. He makes Bethanny look like Oprah. Between his false modesty, his cutting, underhanded remarks, and his fragile ego that Christina constantly works to salvage, I find myself sore from cringing. One morning, a crew member (I think her name was Lisa) was climbing a hill near the set for exercise. She commented how she'd never have to wear Spanx again after this workout, and Steines says "this ISN'T Magic Mountain". What a jerk!! Earlier that morning, Mark was showing how one could make a shelf out of an old book. He said "take a book you don't like or aren't interested in anymore" and he used Lisa's book she had written as his example! At that point I had to turn it off. I couldn't watch anymore, and haven't watched since. If that's his idea of humor, I'm not interested.
  • I rarely write reviews but I just read a lot of very negative things about this show and I'm a bit confused why people would take precious time out of their day to dedicate such long and over-the-top critiques for a show that is simply just 'not your style'. But I guess Negative people always feel the need to make their opinions known, so, as a fan, I feel the need to express something positive:

    I'm happy that Home&Family is continuing to run on the Hallmark channel and I wish them many years of success! I can't imagine not waking up to this show. My family and I became hooked this past Christmas. I love how it's actually something DIFFERENT than the norm. Comical, fun, and up-lifting.

    I am a male in my mid 20s and I never thought I would like a show like this but here I am tuning in every morning. Maybe it's that I get tired of the "sameness"/typical formula that American television has displayed for years and Home & Family somewhat strays from those formulas. Or maybe it's just that H&F presents a warm and light-hearted, family oriented show that is great to wake up to. Cristina, Mark and their friends keep me laughing and entertained. This show truly gets me up and going every morning so I Thank Hallmark and the producers.

    P.S. they just recently had Dame Edna as a guest, and it was hysterical.

    *cheers* :)
  • When did all the crafts become something a 5 year old could do? On today's show, Orly showed putting tassels on tennis shoes...couple of weeks ago, it was earrings made from strips of ribbon. And everything has to use a glue gun. Ken is the only one that shows anything using a sewing machine...and then when he does, the hosts dumbs it down by asking if you could use a glue gun instead. I'm sure most viewers are smart and capable of using a sewing machine. And the clay cheesy. This show needs to step up it's game. I sure hope no one is making this stuff and displaying it in their homes!
  • I stopped watching this because I find Debbie and Cameron insufferable. They may be wonderful people for all I know, but on this show they come across as self-involved, condescending and fake. At least Mark used to balance Debbie's contrived and narcissistic personality. But now with Cameron co-hosting it's a like a challenge to see whose star shines brighter, even at the expense of their guests. I do miss the craft segments, though.
  • mrocco-118 December 2013
    I don't understand all the hate here. It seems like there is so much animosity directed towards anything that supports, well, home and family.

    I adore this show. I enjoy the energy between all the people that appear regularly. Their interactions feel very authentic. You can tell their guests feel that energy and always seem so comfortable! I enjoy the topics they cover and often pick up tips or ideas that I find useful.

    I hope that they have enough viewers to keep it around. If it's not your cup of tea that's fine. Maybe you prefer Today or if you're in So Cal, Good day LA. But there are some of us who don't need the political jabs (yes, I reside right of the middle) and just want enjoyable non-confrontational morning TV with people who seem, well, nice.

    TV should be about variety since that is what makes the human race so unique. Thank God we don't all like the same things. I don't go onto IMDb to smack down the shows I don't like. Instead I don't watch but respect that others may enjoy them.

    So you have your shows and let me have mine...
  • tnshopgirl30 September 2020
    Host need to go ( especially Debbie). Terrible host and she thinks she's funny. Dumb laugh at everything...
  • I loved this show for a long time, but since they keep changing family members, they do not have the quality in the DIY projects that they used to. The crafts seem to target children instead of adults. They are not doing the fashion and beauty segments that they used to. I realize Kym is recovering and I hope she comes back. Debbie is not the greatest show host. I miss the quality that the show used to have. I love Hallmark and I hope they fix the problems, but in order to do that they must realize that the quality of the show is terrible now compared to just a few years ago.
  • Cristina was brought back to the H&F because the because the new host and Mark Stein this just send it not working well. Woody Fraser the creator of the show originally had Cristina Ferrerain the late 90s as co-host ! The show was a hit! when he started the program again is just wasn't succeeding so he begged Cristina to come back and she did. The show is ratings came up immediately and she's been on the show for four years building such a wonderful devoted fan base! Most of the viewers where middle aged her over and watched every day for two hours! They love the show because of Cristina because she brought much love and joy and heart to the show

    and watched every day for two hours! They love the show because of Cristina she brought much love and joy and heart to the show! All of a sudden Cristina I was no longer on the show! They said she was on vacation and it continued for about three weeks! One morning they said Debbie Minneapolis will be the host with Mark Stienes! The devoted viewers did not know until recently the real reason Cristina is no longer there! She was let go because she was too OLD! She is such a classy, gracious, and loving woman who gave her heart to the show! The show no longer has the heart! So many devoted viewers are posting are no longer watching the show they are boycotting it not buying a hallmark products, etc. You may go to Maria Shriver Facebook live,, LA talk radio, and to Cristina Ferrera and see all the posts! I needed to post because this is such a devastating action on the part of Hallmark Channel and HomeAndFamily show, this is such a devastating action on the part of Hallmark Channel and HomeAndFamily cell when views post and comment about Cristina and why she was fired the posts are being detected or the fans are blocked from all social media that H&F is with!!!!!!
  • The show is kind of an embarrassment. Let me count the ways: The banter is uncomfortable and sometimes borders on rude. The crafts are not original, but often claimed and celebrated as the original genius of the "expert". These "experts" come across as very self-absorbed - looking to start or revamp a career on television. Show segments are so rushed, they feel like they're trying to keep to keep the attention of an ADHD audience. Sorry, feels too much like a three ring circus. Can't imagine a huge audience for this show. Makes me wonder who's been paid to write positive reviews here, or trying to keep their career afloat. Not really worth the airtime. I'd rather watch reruns of Martha Stewart!
  • rogun-3575018 April 2018
    I never watch daytime talk shows, but I came across Home & Family over the holidays and now I'll tune in ever so often. The thing that sets it apart from other talk shows, at least for me, is that it's not sensationalized or full of razzle dazzle. It just seems real and unvarnished, more like talk shows were in my youth.

    I'm not familiar with any of the hosts, but they're all great in what they do. And I like that none of them are big celebrity blowhards.

    Before writing this comment, I read through the reviews and discovered something interesting. Most of the poor reviews seem to be from fans of the show who were disgruntled for some reason or another. I don't know if their reasons are legit, or not, but I think it's relevant that these poor reviews were written by obvious fans of the show, which makes me think the show's rating has been artificially lowered.

    Anyhow, I don't watch much TV, but I like this show and I hope Hallmark will continue making it for years to come.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    OMG-I just can't watch this show anymore! Debbi is so rude, constantly Interrupting guest. Doesn't let them even finish a sentence, thinks she knows everything about everything. During any cooking segment always rushing the guess, cleaning up. Doesn't let them finish a word or sentence. Stop her Hallmark! She is so rude, unprofessional. So fake. Come on Hallmark I love the channel but can't support or watch Home and Family any longer. Watched mostly for guess but Debbi ruins every interview. I am surprised you can even get any guess to appear. I have read alot of reviews lately. Nothing positive about Debbi! When are you going to listen to your viewers !!! Get rid if her.
  • rosey_d-832114 January 2018
    I have never seen a man who talks as though he knew more about women and their issues then we do. He has to be in every scene, he has to have a comment on every segment. He tells horrible jokes and he can be rude and disruptive when others are presenting. Hopefully in 2018 he will get the message. I watch with the button on mute so that I don't have to hear his continuous chatter.
  • Other people in the family enjoy this kind of stuff, but I think that this show is a joke, especially from a technical aspect. The topics covered are typical daytime talk show schlock, which in and of itself isn't bad, but rather predictable. However, the production values are laughable. Because the show is filmed inside a "real house", filming is incredibly awkward. There are crew members constantly walking into frame, realizing that they just walked into frame and abruptly walking out. The hosts are running about to different parts of the house....sometimes they don't make it in time for their cue. Much of the time, there's some sort of audio feed issue with a guest, which just adds the the awkwardness. Also, the hosts (Steines and Davis) accidentally read each others lines, or those of their guests quite often. Paige Davis, while pleasant and upbeat, usually degenerates into a goofy mess by the end of the segment. I don't blame this on her, I blame it on how badly the show is run. Steines is a bit more composed, but you can tell with the guests that things are awkward and they would rather be somewhere else.

    The concept is novel (filming in an actual house), the hosts can be likable and the topics are fine, but whoever is running/directing this show needs to be fired ASAP. I know it's a daytime talk show and I would normally never write anything about this sort of thing, but the way the show is run is just terrible, one of the worst I've ever seen. It's an insult to the viewers and to the hosts.
  • If you want good vibes, no gossip, no political bs, this is the show for you!
  • judyharl19 July 2020
    Why is Home and Family still on.Debbie and Cameron are awful hosts talk over all their guests. Too many talk shows on tv diy is all over YouTube and Pinerest. Too sappy not entertainment anymore Cameron is in too many Hallmark movies
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I watched the first Home and Family. It was great and I was so sad when it was taken off the air. I still have VHS I recorded of their last week. It was that good. Then, when I found out the show was going to be on again on Hallmark, I got really excited. They didn't have Christina any longer but I thought Paige did a good job and along with Mark, it was a good little show. I have really enjoyed watching Mark and Christina and would record the show when I wasn't able to watch it live. I really enjoyed the cooking segments with Christina as not only does she know how to cook well she could help the guest chef keep on track and explain to the viewer anything said that she knew we might not understand. I was really disappointed when I saw she was on vacation for a couple of weeks. I didn't watch the full show while she was gone. But then, it was announced she wasn't on vacation but rather had been replaced with Debbie. I no longer watch Home and Family. I'm sad about that, but I do not like Debbie and with Mark, they look too chummy and inappropriate.
  • contact-170018 August 2013
    This is a technically bad show whose hosts are never prepared with banter except about themselves. Steines loves bragging about himself and she goes along with it painfully. Without seeing the ratings, I'd guess nothing but hash marks or barely a 1, which, as national advertisers like to put it, "a 1 is a 1 is a 1".

    I'd rather watch "The 700 Club" at the same time on another network, and I'm not religious at all.

    Hosts who care, spend time beforehand to actually read newspapers and care about current events, not whether or not it was written for them on cue cards so far away from the lens of the camera, we can always tell they're reading. My guess is they both arrive 30 minutes before air. It shows.

    My advice: replace him with a real host. She can be salvaged and not look so intimidated (he relayed a story about both being in his trailer and her fetching coffee for him) by an ego maniac.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I no longer watch home & family because of their underhanded tactics. Woody is an old man who needs to be replaced because of his poor judgement letting all the woman go Christina in particular. His focus should have been on that pompous ass mark stienes. That guy is a Jerk with a capital "J". Debbie is out of her league as is mark. Christina carried him or he would have been gone a long time ago. Hallmark needs to realize that woman are their bread & butter and if we don't watch we don't buy.
  • I just learned that Home and Family Show is ending! I initially thought they meant they were going on a summer hiatus, which they often did. How sad it's coming to their final episode this week!! I especially liked the crafts and cooking segments. Maybe they weren't something I would make, but still enjoyable to watch and get ideas for my own projects/recipes. I agree with some of you, the hosts were sometimes annoying, however they don't deserve to be cancelled. Most of the time they were quite enjoyable, entertaining and kept the show moving along. Hallmark, please reconsider and return production of this show. It was the perfect show to escape from the politics and woke culture on every other talk and news show. The perfect place to learn about the actors and their latest movies, especially Hallmark previews. I, for one, will miss this show.

    I truly hope they don't take down their website. I have so many pages bookmarked. I enjoy looking through the recipes, crafts etc. At least keep that up for us!
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