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  • MickyG33327 January 2024
    5.4 stars.

    Some B movies, I enjoy, this one doesn't cut it. I recognize the lead male, I remember watching him for several years on 'Days of Our Lives'. He can't hide behind the beard, he's too noticeable, but he's definitely aged well. What's wrong with this movie? That question is more difficult to answer than what's right with it. Cinematography and editing is decent. The dialogue, acting, sound, and music are horrific. Even the wardrobe was poor. The clothes were unflattering for her. The voices sound muffled, and have a slight echo, which completely ruins the experience for me. Yes, I noticed the "zit" that people are mentioning, however, I can't imagine that this person would have a zit lasting several days during filming. It's probably a permanent blemish that she was unable to have removed at that time. Anyways, I stopped the movie less than halfway in, and deleted from the DVR. Onto the next.
  • This one is a bit of a diamond in the rough. Good story line and a decent cast. Absolutely loved seeing Jason Cook here, remember him from Days of Our Lives - and, yes, he's aged well. Great smile. It's my first encounter with Kristi Murdock - lovely girl and she did a nice job. Her friend did a good job supporting and the daughter was cute and her role well done. Overall, a pleasant experience and, my most important barometer, I'd watch it again.

    It did have shortfalls, of course, being low budget, etc. The sound quality was poor at times - the "background " music drowned out the voices several times. The styling was pretty bad for most of the movie, very uncomplimentary clothing for female lead - was there a sale on mustard colored tops? Most of the shoes looked like they were from a rummage sale.

    The pacing was very slow. But. It's a made for tv romcom, so we give it some leeway, right? When I'm in a mellow mood and just want to be entertained, I'll enjoy seeing this again.
  • The story starts out like so many. A woman has a really bad day and loses her high paid job and her boyfriend is in bed with someone else when she goes to see him. So her world is shaken and she retreats. For most of the rest of the movie, the tension is that she is leaving the city permanently. Then she meets a guy by accident. And he is hiding something, maybe nothing big. For much of the movie, that's the story. The relationship is hook in the movie.

    Later in the movie, there are a couple of bumps, the biggest one being something seen that is misunderstood. The bumps occur with a good bit of time left and one of them is kind of stupid on one person's part and the other is stupid on the other person's part. This dinged my enjoyment, even if you know everything's going to get worked out. In a very predictable way.

    I thought the frequent meetings with the BFF for advice was a little overplayed.

    Maybe some of the appeal for me was Kristi Murdock, whom I have only seen one other time. She has a beautiful smile.

    If you are looking for a complex storyline, this isn't it. Anything but. But, if like me, you like developing love stories with good dialogue especially between the two leads, then maybe give it a chance.
  • junkchic12 December 2023
    There are so many exceptional movies to watch. Same genre, same theme, same outcome, .. but other than two attractive main characters that wasn't the best in acting in my opinion, the plot could've been better written. As soon as one day's life event was over, the rest was predictable. Just when one expects more developing plots, there ain't any but the usual twists. There really wasn't a plot-very flat line! So many exceptional movie out there, move on and don't waste your time. I only watched due to good rating but I disagree with the plain storyline had anything to sell on spending time watching this one.
  • shacmasta15 May 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Look, I love Romantic fluff as much as the next person.... I find these films therapeutic in a lot of ways but this movie almost drove me to harm myself.

    This movie was painfully slow and mind numbingly stupid.

    Let's start off with the pacing... The movie was obviously short on material because they felt the need to have us follow the main character on long, drawn out walks as she contemplated her life....not once, not twice but three times.

    Then let's go to the meat and potatoes of the movie - The actual "love story" They link up which is fine but then he sees her with an ex and instead of asking her what's the deal he "ghosts" her like a child, which leads to another long winded part of the film where they show us the main character act like a 14yr old love sick puppy who can't figure out why the coolest boy in school ain't sitting next to her in the cafeteria.

    Of course they finally see each other and straighten out the misunderstanding only for her to be gaslit because she's took a job that conveniently causes a rift...

    But this happens with 10mins left in the film and that means they'll fix it in 4mins with enough time to kiss and makeup.

    Whoa...what painful mess.
  • My wife and I were looking for something to watch after dinner and found this one streaming on Amazon Prime. It is a very simple story involving coffee baristas and mistaken encounters. Not significantly different from dozens of similar movies churned out each season.

    The biggest issue both of us had is the actors are NOT very good, they deliver their lines but never seem believable. Kristi Murdock plays Jane and Jason Cook plays David. He has a coffee shop business and she has consulting experience. At first she is going to take the job a competitor offered, until she found out its business tactics were a bit shady.

    So it plays out like countless other, similar clean rom-com movies, it just isn't that good. I suppose fans of either or both actors would enjoy it more. On a 1 to 10 rating scale the "middle" rating is 5.5, so this one is more like a 4.
  • I feel silly having to even bring this up. But in the interest of science and the embarrassment of the reviewer who said it was a zit, here I go. In case you haven't seen this movie, don't be dissuaded by the giant zit review. It's NOT a zit, it's a mole, nothing more. I didn't even notice it until I read that review.

    Back to the movie. It's a cute movie. Totally a romantic romp that is set in the big city. It's fun, romantic, and just what you would expect from Up TV. The acting is spot on and the characters are as believable as can be. Enjoy it for what it is.

    I really enjoyed it. Kristi Murdoch is pretty and talented. Jason Cook is very believable as her love interest, also very talented.
  • Ok - I'm just going to say it - when the lead has a giant zit which no amount of make-up is ever going to cover then please have the studio hire a facial specialist to pop it - it was far too distracting and made the movie unwatchable since your eye is constantly drawn to the blemish which looks like Mt. Etna ready to blow. Too bad as the movie had promise, though a bit slow in parts. I found the background music a bit loud as well, often blocking out the dialogue. I would recommend a pass on this movie - rather bland, and zero chemistry between the leads (I blame the blemish) - give it a miss.
  • pnjpmhj27 December 2023
    Very cute movie I saw this movie several times earlier this year but it's one I don't mind watching again. Somebody else posted lead had a zit so they couldn't watch I have yet to see it and I've seen the movie several times in the spring. This movie is realistic & refreshing. I hate movies that have everything go the way the lead characters want and nothing bad happens to them their lives are perfect. It's refreshing how they are honest with each other about their lives. Although both leads are attractive they aren't overly sexy. Too many movies center on the fact that leads need to be the best looking. Looks & trying to make the other person happy aren't always the most important you need to be happy with yourself first. I also was impressed that she let him take the lead in the dates and was a traditional woman that wants man to take the lead.