User Reviews (15)

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  • I found this hidden gem on Disney plus of all places. This is not for young children or even young teens. The plot intersects between two teenagers on road trip quest in search of their own goals, meeting friends or foe, laughing or fighting for their lives and secondly a closed off futuristic school of special children who discover the mysteries of their enclosed lives.

    The characters on the road trip have deep and interesting backstories that drive their quest and an endearing "bro-mance" (you'll see what I mean) that balance the thrills and laughs perfectly. Their encounters along the way is a mix of a exciting moments or a beautiful melancholy that will stay with you.

    A horror/scifi/mystery. Oddly enough I found this a peaceful watch as one would watching a slice of life themed anime. As a fan of the mentioned genres, this surprisingly ticks all my boxes.
  • Following a boy and a girl who are in search of heaven going all around Japan in an apocoliptic setting. They travel whilst fighting all kinds of monsters. We also get some backstory. A hint of romance, and mostly just fun adventures!

    The other perspective is in a school where kids are taught by robots. They are detained within walls, and are not allowed to go beyond these walls, but one day a student gets the question if she wants to go outside of outside. This side is a bit more odd, seen as for all these kids, everything inside of the walls is their entire world. This creates a very interesting setting.
  • If you're a manga reader, you know it can be difficult to follow complex stories with monthly issues. For example, the latter half of Attack on Titan must be read in one run to fully appreciate its depth. I think this is precisely why it lost some of its popularity toward the end of the story-it was too complicated, and casual readers couldn't easily follow the storyline.

    The same is true for "Tengoku Daimakyo." I've appreciated the mangaka's other works, such as And Yet the Town Moves and other short stories (all interesting and mixtures of humor and mystery). However, I stopped reading Tengoku Daimakyo around 30 chapters in, simply because it took too long for the next chapters to become available.

    The show is a godsend. It has incredible illustration, ambiance, and music. It captures the strong chemistry of the two leads, and the story never shies away from confronting the more controversial philosophical questions (e.g., who are you if you are in someone else's body?).

    Watching the series within three days allowed me to see connections that I completely failed to see when I first read the manga. Once you understand how the two storylines intertwine, all those minor visual cues carry much more significant emotional weight (e.g., the view of the sky in episodes 8 and 12).

    This show is a mental puzzle with answers lying right in front of you (which reminds me a bit of "The Prestige"), and the reveals are done in such elegant ways that you have to devote your full attention to feel its impact.

    You can clearly see influences from Satoshi Kon, Akira, and even some of Doraemon.

    After finishing season 1, I re-read the manga and found the answer to many outstanding questions, but there are still significant unanswered questions that remain. I am eager to see Season 2, as I believe if the manga concludes in a satisfactory manner, this series will be known as a masterpiece in the history of animation.
  • This is the bomb.

    It feels like I'm watching a mixture of last of us and neon Genesis Evangelion.

    Like those two this had some lighthearted and heart warming moments along with some heart wrenching moments that just add to it's charm and the sense of mystery really helps it stay that way.

    The two main characters in this anime are really fun to watch and they bring back the TWO MC ON A JOURNEY trope back to life.

    I just hate the way it's not getting the appreciation it deserves and is being overshadowed by some other popular animes but I hope it gets better eventually.

    My last words?

    You really gotta watch this anime or you are missing out big time!!!!!!
  • No one should sleep on this. It's easily the best show of 2023 hell it's even up there with the best and I've seen all the best anime has to offer.

    The story starts with Kiruko and Maru traveling through a post apocalyptic Japan, it might seem like a normal adventure and explorative based story but it comes of deeper as the story progresses. We also get to witness another story in the same anime which gets you pondering when's it's all gonna add up.

    The Main Characters are very detailed and there's no abnormality in their patterns or decision making, every form of grief is processed realistically and time is allocated for healing, This kind of structure flows with the other part of the story making it feel like one huge orchestral rendition with no room for errors. You know Maru and Kiruko have goals but you still completely get all the reasons for their detours and their strong personalities, nothing feels forced while at the same time the anime treats you to a perfectly crafted world, relatable in world characters, stunning animation and wonderful soundtracks.

    Outside the plot, the story also creatively addresses some of the main real-life social issues from gender norms, artificial intelligence, environmental sustainability, governmental malfeasance, and classism.

    All above would be enough for a 9 but the anime had to keep the audience guessing with the complexity of the second part of the story and how it shaped the first. Always seeing what seemed like the end of characters in the 2nd story always felt bothering and mind blowing if you tried putting 2and 2 together.

    So far they've created a stunning foundation and I'm really hyped to see how it all plays out.
  • Heavenly delusions is one of the best anime i have watched. Literally a masterpiece, beautiful. Watched it all in one day. The animation is so cool not to mention the graphics of Tokyo ruins. The intro and outro are so catchy and the story line keeps you astound. You don't know whats coming next but you like it. So obsessed with this show hope the next season comes out soon, i know they won't fail to keep up with their reputation. Seriously underrated. Can't stop thinking about it day and night. The main characters design and personality are out of this universe. Honestly i love the character Maru. I feel like this show will only have one more season which i am afraid of cuz i like it too much. Guys its action adventure everything your looking for check out disney plus.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    By far I love this kind of genre the best is The Road by Vigo Mortganse. But on this is pretty trippy cause it focus on two tales one on couple teen's a boy who's have a minus touch to kill the weird creatures call manesters n a girl who's hire to be his bodyguard take him to a place call heaven along the way she try to find some peoples that re family for her. N another is about a group of children lock inside of facility where they re monitor to see their study but soon we find out the secret that re running it have some secret of their own. That's where the show feel like Promises Neverland, like the mistery n travel that follows besides the challenges that come, the facility children were the interested ones, cause we get to know so many em that we see their sorts of powers start to manifest(not like x-men) but also the adult that try maintain order by the last episodes that where they go what they say the outside the outside. As for the other subplot was pretty grey for the many horror they ve to endure when facing gangs or marauders. But the twist make it more eerie, but what sold me is the conversation that this two characters have all the way, which the English dubbing is worth hearing.

    So conclude is already nominated for best new anime this year Crunchyroll awards n doesn't lose but the twist will set you off, but the trip is worth listen too.
  • I've never written a review on imdb, but I feel compelled to do so now because this anime is simply criminally overlooked.

    The animation quality is superb, the story is compelling, the characters are interesting and likeable, the humor is doled out in perfect doses, the music is excellent (one of those animes where I never skip the intro); every episode leaves you wanting more.

    That said, I will now embrace the downvotes by committing the most egregious sin imaginable in the world of anime and recommend the dub over sub.

    I know, I know... but hear me out.

    1. The voicework talent on display is simply phenomenal; the protagonists are the obvious standouts, but even the smaller character did their job extremely well. And while this part is arguably subjective, what is absolutely objective is...

    2. The translation. Simply put, whoever did the dub translation has a far superior mastery of the English language than their sub colleague. Greater clarity of meaning, more appropriate phrases, nuance, and last but not least - the timing (at times the sub will reveal a punchline to a joke or the crucial part of a sentence before the characters actually react, making for an intermittently awkward viewing experience and a few jokes ruined).

    3. Audio engineering: As strange as it seems, the dub is actually better in this regard than the original audio. No spoilers, but one of the more jaw-dropping examples in episode 5 or 6, in one of the most haunting and tragic scenes I've ever seen on screen. A big part of that is the effect over the voice speaking. Out of sheer curiosity I checked the scene with original audio and was dismayed to find the goosebump-inducing voice now sounded like it came from a barrel on the other side of a valley. And there are other examples like this.

    Either way, no matter which way you prefer to watch, dont miss out on something this damn good.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Although this is an anime, the story could grip any sci-fi and dark post-apocalyptic fan ! The animation and topics touched are mature enough to attract a wide audience, despite the young main characters, Maru and Kiruko !

    The music is fantastic and the atmosphere is a heavy one of reminiscent of Last of Us. I can't recommend this enough.

    We're presented straight way with two different timelines, the one post-event and the one pre-event, in the facility where the children with special abilities live. For anyone confused about this, the facility is in the past and Maru and Kiruko are shown in the present day.

    Although nothing is outright explained, as the story develops and especially by the final episode you start to have an idea as to what is going in with the side characters.

    There are very few cliches which is refreshing and the dynamic between the main two is great, you get a pair that has great chemistry together and care about one another.
  • seriouspark3 August 2023
    In a year filled with Demon slayer, jjk, Vinland Saga, Bungo stray dogs, Oshi no ko or Bleach it is hard to make a name for yourself as a new anime, but Tengoku Daimakyo is in my opinion a serious contender for anime of the year.

    The story is complex and you need to see the full season to understand it, up until the last episode, and even then you will want to see more just because it becomes so fascinating. I can't give away anything without spoiling but it's a fantastic story, in post apocalyptic world, which if you are a fan of you'll love because the animation is also gorgeous, characters are complex, and voice acting impeccable.

    Definitely recommended, can't wait for season 2.
  • I can't say this was a bad show, but I also certainly wouldn't recommend it to anyone without some massive caveats.

    One of my critiques starting from the first episode was that the fan service and slightly pervy nature of the show seemed to clash with such a post-apocalyptic world. Though, I could have excused that. I thought maybe this was going for a dichotomy similar to that of Jobless Reincarnation. However, Robins actions combined with how little justice he has faced make it so I simply can't accept that. Obviously, the only justice for his actions would be something like a spell at the end of the Eragon series to force him to truly come to terms with the pain he's caused others, and that's basically impossible in such a world, but I would have at least liked to see Robin removed from this world so he couldn't ever do that to anyone else.

    Add onto that the fact that Maru doesn't seem to feel much guilt for letting that happen to Kiruko, and that Kiruko doesn't even seem traumatized makes it seem like this story's writer wants to include these monstrous elements without handling the psychological effects it would have on its characters if they were real people. Perhaps the author of the manga this show came from is a poor writer, or maybe they desperately included those edgier elements just to try to give this story more notoriety.

    I'm really stretching myself to offer them that much charitability, and so I can't help but be reminded of the kind of person who says inflammatory things just to get a rise out of people. With enough charitability, I can see them being more of a victim of circumstance than a jerk, but no matter what, I can't see them as putting more good than bad into the world.

    But, this is just the first season. I could end up eating my words, and I hope I do, because as the story is now, I can only feel utter disgust.
  • H0kv527 July 2023
    The name precedes itself, coming to think of it, this year is kinda weird from the new animes and strange story lines that's keeps popping out, makes me wonder how far can one's imagination stretch from the concept to the story line to the whole execution of the whole plot one could sit back relax mingle with all the reactions thrown at them by the weird writers and their crazy containers of concept that makes you utter the oi or nani nanda kure but mostly though, wow I'm amazed by how the whole thing turned out agents that keeps unraveling the truth from the get go to the adversities that they come face to face with in their everyday basis that's like the whole thing that makes you want to keep watching but the studio's smart too that much i can tell, it's not easy fitting all the whole good stuff into the fussy first twelve or in this case thirteen that comes to mind instead by marketing the anime which is like sole purpose of the studio boom here's another sequel you predicted.
  • At first it promised an interesting tale, some huge twist and discovery/arc of the two storylines intertwining into an entertaining/complex resolution.

    There are many interesting moments, kewl action scenes, thoughtful events that come over the episodes. But putting it all together is hugely disappointing. The characters, especially those at the institute are very indistiguishable from one another, their storyline(s) just as well.

    The only and main pros of this anime are the visuals and moments and scenes that are fun to watch.

    But the story is beyond irritating, NO real questions are answered and by the finale the viewer only has MANY more questions and ZERO explanations. What is with this modern pretentious manner of writing shows where the authors think they are being smart by not answering questions or completing the story. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF STORIES and it has been since the first story was told by the fire.

    Worth a watch probabily but dont expect any compeling storyline, it just fizzles into ...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It was originally a 6/10 and that was for the animation and the animation alone. I called everything in this while on episode 10.

    This is not a masterclass of Anime, it's the Glass Onion of Anime, it's obvious from the moment out what's going on and it's a dumb plot.

    So yeah, I'm gonna spoil things, tag is on now.

    The story of Tengoku Daimakyo is an interesting one for what it is, but for what it is it isn't that great, the building blocks for the reveal I'm thinking will happen at the end that 'shock and awe the facility was the cause of the end of the world and the only one surviving is the twin girl there.' isn't that big of a reveal for me whether it's real or not and whether I'm off the mark by a league or not and whether you believe me that I've not read anything or not.

    Heavenly Delusion has one massive thing going for it and that's the glorious animation that's there, it's a visual spectacle with calming vistas, well designed musical scores and top notch Japanese Voice Acting in every scene. But I don't watch a series for the visuals alone, I watch a series because of the story it tells and that story can have the most ugly and eye-wrenching animation ever, but if the story is on-point I'll enjoy it because that's what's meant to keep you coming back, not just some bright colours and flashing images on a screen, the story being told is whats important.

    Also the 'I have my brothers brain' is a bluff, she's just traumatised over losing her family and created a personality that fits with her Brother, calling it now.
  • I'm on the fence about this one. While the art direction and animation are quite good, the story is a bit too slow paced to keep me hooked. As with most Japanese anime shows the intro and outro comprises about 1/3 of the show which leaves not a whole lot of time to get story advancement in there and move things along. This is OK if you can watch three or four episodes at a time, but Hulu is dribbling this one to us one episode a week. Some elements of the story which were presented at the beginning (like the Institute or school or whatever it is) seem to have taken a complete back seat, and are no longer advancing at all. At eight shows in, Maru and Kiruko seem to be wandering aimlessly and I am not even sure what they're looking for anymore or why they are together. I think this show suffers greatly from only releasing one episode a week. I think it might have held my interest a little more if I could immerse myself in it more than 15 minutes a week.