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  • Warning: Spoilers
    Winning 5 trophies of César Awards this year including BEST FILM (fending off tough competitors like STRANGER BY THE LAKE 2013, 8/10; THE PAST 2013, 8/10 and BLUE IS THE WARMEST COLOR 2013) and BEST ACTOR, for the director-debut of triple threat farceur Guillaume Gallienne (director, writer and leading actor), and more strikingly, he plays two opposite roles, Guillaume and his mother.

    Treading off the beaten track, it is an ingenious counter-coming-out story of an effeminate boy Guillaume, who is assumed by his family to be gay because of his outlandish deportment, being lackadaisical in sports and the accurate mimicry of his mother's intonation, all the way he is trying to comply with her expectation, to love men like a girl. Guillaume learns how to dance like a girl, enrolls in different all-male boarding schools, observes girls' unique comportment, the way of how they utter, nurtures a crush on the handsome jock, dodges military service, arranges sorties to gay club, to experience sex, after all the stereotyped attempts to be a normal gay, he meets the love of his life, Amandine, a genuine girl.

    The film opens as a live premiere of a monologue play by Guillaume, who farcically recounts his autobiographic anecdotes and intermittently mama pops up to conduct the make-believe conversations with him, everything is saturated with uplifting vivacity and hilarious skits, never too lewd or offensive, Götz Otto and Diane Kruger's cameos as a beefy masseur and an enema nurse are sidesplitting. Also the mockeries of professional psychiatrists are sterling bursting points. All in all, underscored by Wagner's magnificent Tannhauser Overture, Guillaume accomplishes his rite-of-passage by overcoming his fear of horse, and finally he understands who he is, and the last confession is to come out to be straight, feminine surely, but he is a heterosexual man who loves woman.

    No melancholy, it is an out-and-out fine piece of French comedy, Guillaume is daring enough to take on both challenging characters, a young man half his age, and a middle-aged woman with a reserved caricature of frigidity and supremacy. He somehow pulls off both roles, with admirable talent of imitation to be wacky and sincere at the same time, it is not only a boy's path of knowing his true id, it is also an inconspicuous ode to a mother's profound attachment to her son, it may be overbearing, but the ethos of unconditional support is universally appealing.
  • Went to watch this movie hesitating about I would like it, and I have to say the film becomes much more interesting once the half hour has passed, the leader actor seems to feel more comfortable into the story, and also do the watchers. The songs, the blue and grey photography, and the misse en scene really catch you more and more. Guillaume is a boy really cute who loves his mother, his aunts, his grandmother, and all the womwn around him. He tries to get along with his thinkings and his feelings despite his father, who doesn't agree with his ideas and wants him to play football and to be a boy just like his brothers are. The movie starts slowly but goes faster and deeper and when you realize, the film will be over and you'll leave the theatre really pleased to meet Gullaume and his family.
  • Directed by and starring the Comédie Francaise actor Guillaume Gallienne, ME, MYSELF AND MUM| offers the entertaining sight of one actor essaying the twin roles of Guillaume, the son; and his mother. She has had three children; two of them she regards as her sons, but Guillaume is the proverbial ugly duckling. This is chiefly due to his being uncertain about his sexuality - although born a boy, he thinks of himself either as a girl or a homosexual, he is not sure which.

    The basic scenario leads to some comic complications, where Guillaume tries to behave like a girl but finds himself repudiated in a society that refuses to recognize the presence of gender difference. On occasions we are reminded of the classic sequence in Billy Wilder's SOME LIKE IT HOT (1959), where Jack Lemmon, disguised as a woman, keeps repeating the phrase "I'm a girl, I'm a girl, I'm a girl" in a desperate attempt to convince himself that he should think like a woman.

    But what precisely constitutes the difference between "male" and "female" behavior? This is what ME, MYSELF AND MUM sets out to explore through the ingenious use of doubling. The mother comes across as someone content to read books in bed, and walk out in public like a pea-hen, all feathers and flummery. Guillaume is so impressed with her self-assurance that it's hardly surprising he wants to emulate her. Yet it seems that Galienne (as director) sacrifices the courage of his convictions in search of a happy ending; having spent three-quarters of the film creating a highly successful comedy that exposes the cultural constructions underpinning our conceptions of gender, he opts to show how Guillaume is actually a full-blown heterosexual at heart. Once he finds the right girl, his "true" sexuality can emerge. Consequently the film appears nothing more than a rite-of-passage ritual, its tone highly reminiscent of Fifties Hollywood melodramas which showed "crazy mixed-up kids" learning the value of home and family life, despite their checkered pasts.

    This is highly disappointing; because Gallienne (as an actor) is a highly talented individual, someone whose mannerisms are so brilliantly delineated in the playing of the two central roles that we understand how many so-called "democratic" societies try to create absolute distinctions between masculinity and femininity. Anything in between is regarded as deviant. We end up wishing that he had followed this argument through to the end, rather than tacking on a sentimental coda.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Wow, when I started this movie, I thought it was really unique and well done. The performance by the writer/director was astounding, especially his dual role as Guillaume and Mother. The audaciousness of having adult actors playing children somehow worked completely, and the movie began as a remarkable tale of a transgendered girl coping with knowing she was something other than what people saw.

    The fact that she tried to cope with her confusion by trying to be a gay man made total sense, but it was obviously not a correct fit. The logical place for the movie to go was her self-acceptance as a trans woman. Instead, the bizarre ending where HE figured out that he was heterosexual and masculine-presenting and only wanted to be a woman to show his mother he loved her was patently ridiculous. If you're going to make a movie about gender and sexuality, you might actually want to research the topics. The ending completely confused gender, sexuality and presentation.

    I might be willing to say, "Well, he was confused by his mom's love and found out who he was in the end" if it hadn't been for the fact that someone who had spent his whole life presenting as effeminate and deriving satisfaction from playing female roles suddenly became this little masculine-presenting, stereotypically heterosexual man. All because he saw the "right woman." This kind of bullshit so spits in the face of people who are struggling because their gender does not conform to societal norms that I was left completely appalled and angry.

    Guillaume Gallienne is extraordinarily talented as both performer and director. Someone must have told him he could be the next Rowan Atkinson because he has a long, pointless episode at a spa in the middle that seems to be a Mr. Bean sketch. It is mostly unfunny and completely derails the movie. Although it is preferable to unbelievable and offensive ending.
  • It's one thing to realize and another to realize it. You might be one step closer, but you still have to take that second step. Subtle and fine but there. The movie on the other hand is not subtle. Just look who's playing the mother (actor) and who's playing the son. You might not realize it straight away (yes there is that word again), but when you do it won't be a hidden message.

    Having said that, the movie is entertaining, unless you have a fear/hate for that kind of thing. It is kind of operatic and while the signs are there, it takes more to go all the way. It's a road movie in the aspect that you go places (many different languages many different jokes about countries, mostly working). Yes there are clichés and as pointed out, the movie tells you upfront what it wants to do. You'll either like it or you won't
  • I went to the cinema, not expecting anything that I would rate higher than 5/10. I looked through a synopsis (that, as I later realised, didn't communicate either the spirit or the idea of the movie) and decided to take my chances.

    "Comedy" - one of the mentioned genres - actually turned out to be a comedy (not always the case for me, as I am sure for many other people out there). Of course, there are scenes that make you smile, and there are those that don't quite reach your "amusement" nerve. Nevertheless, all in all I did find it entertaining.

    Secondly, I loved the atmosphere of the movie. It was as though the author lets you in his private life, thoughts - into his head. It feels like you are walking along with him throughout his life, like an imaginary friend.

    Finally, the idea (at least the one I've extracted for myself). It struck a nerve in me to be honest. I am thankful to this movie because it made me think about something we (at least I) ignore on the daily basis: how society shapes us according to its our own views, forcing its perception of truth on people who under so much pressure of seeming certainty of others (be it random strangers or even family) get confused and crumble, trying to become a person they are 'supposed to be'.

    Thus, only where you discover your own truth, you become free, and those artificial conventions no longer hold any power over you.

    I would definitely recommend this movie to my friends (and I have been doing it since I saw it :)).

    Even if my review doesn't seem extremely appealing, give Guillaume a chance.
  • This film tells the story of a wealthy and effeminate man in France, who grows up thinking he's a girl. He then discovers his true self on an eventful journey.

    I'm so glad I watched "Me Myself and Mum" on the recommendation of a friend. The plot sounds funny, and in reality the film is even funnier! The jokes are clever and are seriously funny. I laughed so hard for so many times. The main character, Guillaume, is very likable, and i sympathise with him as viewers travel with him on his journey of self discovery. I can hardly believe that Guillaume and his mother are played by the same person. He's a very good actor!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I found this comedy mildly amusing, with some truly vulgar scenes and dialogue - I would not have wished to watch it in the company of our children. A tour de force - yes - credible - no. Guillaume could not possibly have been happy with his final choice for long, nor could we believe that his love was really requited. As for thinking he had solved the puzzle of his relationship with Mama - HE thought he had - we didn't. My husband was - quite frankly - bored. Others have commented on the fact that there is no real plot to this movie. That need not matter, but it does need to have internal logic and honesty. Although promising till nearly the conclusion, we felt that it came to an abrupt end producing a situation that was entirely unexpected and untrue to the character of Guillaume and his situation. The entire sequence of the "cure" in Bavaria was unnecessary, not particularly funny, and seemed like padding. Time and effort could better have gone into exploring Guillaume's final relationship which was so cursory as to seem like just another of his fantasies. Finally, although his portrayal of his mother was one of the funnier components of the film it was hard to imagine him being enthralled by that spiky, bad-tempered woman.
  • The trailer of the movie was very promising and the film itself delivered even more. The film achieves the tour de force of being absolutely hilarious and deeply touching at the same time. The subject of this movie would easily have lent itself to a drama, but the comedy treatment is just perfect here. You smile, you laugh, you sympathize, you cry -- there's so much emotions, sensitivity, wit in this movie! And that's what cinema is all about. In addition to being very well written and acted, I was amazed at how well directed the movie was. The music was extremely good, too. Kudos to Guillaume Gallienne for bringing us such a masterpiece!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is appealing and mesmerising because of the lead actor, and had so many exceptional points (all pointed out perfectly in previous reviews) but is unconvincing in the detail - and absolutely pitiful in conclusion. That a man can be so effeminate, and identify so strongly as being a girl his whole life, only to be 'turned' so completely into a masculine man with no effeminate mannerisms just because the 'right girl' walks in to a room leaves a very bad taste in the mouth. People have fought so long to be recognised for who they truly are, and this movie sends that movement back to the beginning..."all gay/transgender people just haven't met the right person yet". For me, that heavy-handed chunkiness wiped out everything else. Now I just remember the Mr Bean massage scene, and the puzzling end. I don't know why so many French films seem to be overacted to a slapstick level, but it doesn't work for me.
  • Saw this film in Paris recently. Heard it was a huge success. I was wondering what all the hoopla was about, so saw it. Right from the start, I was glued to the screen. The acting, the direction, the plot, the dialogue, the music,-- everything was all extremely well done. The film is touching, funny, and poignant. Guillaume Gallienne is a huge talent ! He is absolutely adorable. Not only did he act in the lead part (and played the mother too!) but he also wrote the screenplay and directed! The fact that it is based upon a true story makes it all the more emotive and heart-rending. It is a delicately created work of art that is not pretentious at all. Would have loved to have seen the theatre piece as well ! BRAVO Señor Gallienne! Usted es un genio !
  • This movie can hardly fall in the comedy category since the humour is almost imperceptible, it boils down to a succession of often boring slices of life, assembled together with not much coherence.

    Indeed the main problem of this « comedy » is the absence of a plot, there is no real point developed, the only common denominator being the identity quest of a main character who is unlovable, almost annoying.

    The narration is chaotic because of these monologues on stage that really don't create a good dynamic and that stand out a lot too much, on the form and content, from the tone of the rest of the movie.

    Guillaume Galliene's intention surely seems sincere and sensitive but the end result, in addition to being unsound and unfinished, is a bit egocentric.

    A big disappointment considering the raving critics and awards it received.
  • My little sister put this movie yesterday, I wasn't too convinced to watch it, but when pass just a few a minutes I have to say I was convinced, this movie is awesome, really great, I just not only laugh with the "situation" of Guillaume and the way he goes trough life, but reflexive too, perfect combination, a winner combo, the story was great, direction brilliant, soundtrack fit perfectly, and believe me the performance of Guillaume Gallienne is totally exceptional, all this generate the best comedy I ever seen in a really long time, and I mean in quality, I just have to say, if You love movies, if You really really love movies, You can't miss this, at all!

    I give it a really deserved ten, thumbs up!
  • I enjoyed every minute of this unusual coming-of-age story. Guillaume is amusing to watch as the slightly naïve, effeminate son who thinks the world of his mother. His mother, a perpetually annoyed housewife, is equally engaging to watch. The film follows Guillaume's journey to self-discovery, from dance lessons in Spain, to boarding school in England, and even a luxurious spa in Bavaria. It is filled with hilarious moments and concludes on a heartwarming realization. Guillaume Gallienne is a wonderful revelation -- as the writer, director, and main character(s) in this film. If you are allergic to heavy drama, fear not, because this is mostly lighthearted and even during the few somber scenes, Guillaume finds a way to make the audience laugh.
  • An excellent representation and framing of the idea of 'becoming who you are' that is referred to by many philosophers, especially Nietzsche. Guillaume shares an extraordinary insight into his own journey of becoming who you are, despite the tsunami of resistance from the external world, including family. While watching this film, one starts to gain insight into one's own experience of gaslighting by the world and that interrupts our personal growth. It is not easy to write, direct, and act without coming across as self-absorbed but Guillaume's approach and acting manages to make us feel part of his story, never alienating the viewer and making us want to learn more. It looks stunning, music is great, all supporting actors are fantastic. Brought a tear of joy to my eyes.
  • chacrolamqui25 June 2023
    I sat down to watch this flm with high expectations as it had been so well reviewed, but I quickly began to feel that I had been misled and was even tempted to stop watching once or twice later on. It's a piece of nauseous self-indulgence in my opinion and, as a gay, I finished the film feeling cheated and betrayed. Guillaume Gallienne has no other object in mind than to show us what a marvel he is - and just in case we're tempted to trust our own judgement and disagree he reminds us in the credits of his association with the French National Theatre. What an ego! But I did laugh gently two or three times and the sound track wasn't bad......
  • clem-cost11 December 2017
    This movie is so dear to my heart. I loved it the first time I saw it in the cinema and I still do now, three years later. It's such a heartwarming, feel-good comedy that I could watch endlessly! Maybe a little too simple if you ever expected a grand impressive performance, but that's what makes me love it. It doesn't try to be pretentious, on the contrary, it's genuine and eye opening on the main character/actor's sexuality (Galliene considers himself as bisexual). Now I only gave it 8 because objectively it's not worth a ten I think... But it's a movie from my country that I'm proud of :)