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  • Mommie Dearest: Joan Lives On (2006)

    *** (out of 4)

    The third documentary produced for the MOMMIE DEAREST DVD is basically broken into three parts. The first part features producer/screenwriter Frank Yablans and actresses Diana Scarwid and Rutanya Alda talking about the first time they saw the picture. Yablans says this movie wasn't made for the critics and that it was an audience movie but I personally don't believe this as I do think they were trying to make a great picture. He also talks about his battle with Paramount after they decided to change the advertising to cash in on the camp value. The second portion of this features John Waters and drag queen John Epperson talking about the impact that the film has had on the gay community. The third portion of the film deals with everyone talking about their favorite scenes and why they feel Faye Dunaway has turned her back on the film. It's funny but they all talk about how great Dunaway is yet at one time Yablans says that she probably doesn't talk about it because she would want to re-do most of her performance. Of the three featurettes I think this one here is without question the most entertaining simply because it digs into what makes this film so popular after all of these years. There's discussion of the wire hanger sequence and hearing about Dunaway's refusal to discuss the film was also interesting.