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  • Warning: Spoilers
    KEEPER OF THE REALM is an interesting and quirky little Mexican horror film set in the remote jungle. The story has a bunch of characters coming into possession of an ancient statue and deciding to claim it for their own, only to suffer from mental illness brought about by privations and the threat of a native curse. This film is stylistically similar to others like THE RUINS and there's the occasional feel of AGUIRRE, WRATH OF GOD about it too. The budget is too low for many effects scenes, but the unknown cast are up to the job and the events portrayed are realistic if predictable. There's certainly enough conflict here to make the slightly overlong running time go flying past.
  • This movie was somewhat generic, although it was still watchable - don't get me wrong here. "Tekuani, the Guardian" (aka "Keeper of the Realm") actually turned out to be entertaining enough, though it was pretty straight forward, and bordering on being so predictable that even a dead man could see what was coming.

    The storyline in "Tekuani, the Guardian" was simple enough, but it wasn't something truly unique, nor was it something innovative and new to the world of cinema. I am, however, a little bit amazed that three writers - Andronico Gonzalez, Eli Garcia Ruiz and Sergio Sánchez Suárez - just couldn't manage to put together something more outstanding and unique.

    The pacing of the movie was fairly adequate, as the movie started out well enough and director Sergio Sánchez Suárez actually managed to maintain that pace all throughout the course of the entire movie.

    "Tekuani, the Guardian" has an okay ensemble of casted performers, though it was a relatively small ensemble. So, of course, there was more pressure on each individual performer to deliver and carry the movie. Which, I must say, they actually managed to do well enough.

    The movie is listed as a adventure, horror and thriller. Well, sure, it does have elements of each, but this was more of a drama adventure in my opinion, with a hint of thriller to it. There wasn't anything in the horror department if you ask a seasoned old horror veteran such as myself.

    I found the movie to be adequately entertaining, although the lack of originality, just kept the movie from actually rising up about the mediocrity slump.

    My rating of "Tekuani, the Guardian" settles on a mediocre five out of ten stars. The movie is watchable, for sure, just don't go expecting a grand movie experience, nor a particularly memorable movie experience. This is the type of movie that you will watch once, and probably forget about its existence shortly thereafter.