User Reviews (28)

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  • For all the haggling and worrying about money etc, Richard apparently receives $50k per episode from Discovery and if celebritynetworth is even remotely accurate, he's also worth about $15m, so he's scarcely on the breadline.

    So to retain the Discovery contract, he needs to keep the viewer entertained and that doesn't happen by looking at the intimate aspects of a car build and the shop usually farms out work that they can't do anyway. So you don't watch the show to take notes as to what to do for your own '67 Fastback restoration job, no you watch the show to see the interaction between the people and be entertained. Christie & Sue are the real stars of the show. Christie never takes a backward step in front of the boss and Sue is just hilarious, "why you always bring me junk?"

    You get the usual formulaic car show things, ie., check out the car, detract its worth, haggle on the price etc but the episodes zip along at a good pace and sometimes throw in some very clever spins (such as the Smokey & the Bandit episode) and the few cameo's the show has along the way.

    Richard is actually quite an astute businessman though & the show has followed the growth of Gas Monkey from a rented space at Phipps Automotive to his own premises, to opening his own restaurant & then taking Tom Smith, his most engaging employee/star (outside of Aaron), "firing" him, and hey, look, Richard's producing a show called "Misfit Garage" about Tom & Jordan's rival set up, "Fired Up Garage", who, surprise surprise, are renting the space at Phipps' once more....

    Richard's no dummy and as long as he keeps me entertained with whatever show he has, I'll keep watching and laughing.

    If you want a serious car show, I'm sure they exist somewhere but this isn't it.

    Now, where's my beer assistant?
  • Okay, I get it... Aaron moves on, wants to be "Talent" instead of a shop-guy... but at least replace him with someone I can watch.

    Aaron by no means Is worth watching in his own (I tried, but he doesn't have the "it factor"), but at least he wasn't so annoying that I can't watch like this Russell guy.

    I already cancelled Garage Rehab due to this loud obnoxious character (I hope that's not his real attitude)... it looks like I'm going to have to stop Fast-n-loud now unless they bring on another reasonable character (heck, promote Mike or see if you can sign Dennis for bigger pieces).

    Please, I really like the show overall... tone down this guy in some fashion or put him behind the scenes / a guest character so I can watch the show. 3-4 min of him tops or I need to check out.
  • randychenault30 March 2022
    Rawlings must get paid each time he calls for a Lite beer.

    Love the old cars, but not a fan of Aaron's spectacular visions which usually would have been better off left alone. To me the guys in the garage and support builders are the hero's of this show.

    Reality my ass! Wish I had friends that would pay such inflated prices for the crap they turn out. Outside making money from the show itself I really doubt making money as depicted.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I have seen some of the builds in person and take my word for it - the camera makes them look a lot better than they actually are. the quality of craftmanship sux. A high school shop class could turn out better product than this crew does.
  • First off, let me say that I have been into cars since my uncle bought me my first set of hot wheels when I was two years old. I'm a new car sales man & restore rides on the side. Now that you understand, Richard Ray Rawlings if my hero! The way he sells, the knowledge, the passion, then you have the mechanical genius of Aaron Kaufmann who, by far, is 2nd to none when it comes to the world of frankenstien customizations! He can fabricate & build any single vehicle or motorcycle in this world! Richard has built a true brand & his marketing knowledge is off the charts. He is an American hero to me as is Aaron & they should be to you if you have any interest in the automotive industry what so ever.
  • UKLeeJohnston23 November 2013
    Warning: Spoilers
    me and my mate watched season 1 to 3 over 2 days and its on for one hour per show now we are on season 4 hope they make a new season cant wait. Sue is the best always shouting at them for giving her tight deadlines and not paying her enough money. The painter is funny as well always takes time and is very lazy. most car they buy are full of rust but always seem to fix it. Most of the time they don't make money at auctions better of selling them at side of road.

    Season 4 is looking good as they open a bar/restaurant and his money is tied up in it like when he opened his new garage what looks like a empire for a small business that has George foreman show up as well as some other famous people and he hires a woman welder that was at a photo shoot at his garage.
  • lgomez-722455 November 2015
    This man named Richard Rawlings he buys classic autos. And he gets them for a low cost. Then he gets his employees. They make it better. They put new engines. They put new wheels and tires. And they also give the cars paint jobs. Then he sells the cars. And he makes profit.

    Richard does have his own television show. It's on Discovery Channel. His new episodes come out on Mondays. He has had his show for five years. And it shows Richards employees fixing cars. And Richard making deals with his clients. And with other that own cars. It involves cars. They built cars and trucks. They work on classic autos. There master mechanic is Arron. He likes to the job right. They work on cars from 1930s to 1980s. They travel to a lot of states to get cars. Their shop is at Dallas Texas. Richard and Arron go together to get the cars. They also buy there autos at auctions.

    I think it's a really good show. It helps lot if you own a classic. It has helped me a lot. It teaches you how a car runs. And if there is a problem. They fix it and explain how they fix it. For example this car didn't turn on. It was in a garage for a long time. So they putted gas on the calibrator. Like half of a water bottle. They putted new gas on the gas tank and it worked. Another is the gas tanks can be dirty. And it has to be cleaned so can work. Batteries can be a major problem. They put a new battery. An works way much better. And it show how Richard makes deals. He gets the prices really low. I would recommend watching this television show Fast and Loud.
  • warlordforever1211 April 2021
    It had a good run and i gave it a 10 fro first 10 seasons and after season 11 i thought it started go down hill and finally was cancelled after 6 seasons of crap.
  • Ive started watching this show alot of years ago, yes, i know some cars arent exactly the best builds, but all we watch the show to see wich kind of custom style the monkeys will do. So yes, it needs another season.
  • I'm a fan of this show but it seems the latest series (2019) has lost its way a bit. It seems more serious than before and less fun?

    First up I can't stand that Russell guy. Literally he is that typical American reality TV (if I shout a lot then it's entertaining) presenter...all he does is look smug, cross his arms constantly and goes everywhere with Richard.

    He isn't even helpful with car builds. Instead of giving advice he just points out what is going wrong. Literally what does he do? I know, he must of bought shares in the show or invested money into it, as there's no way he is a good co presenter. It's like be read the rulebook on trying to be larger than life personality but he just comes across like a 'look at me I'm great' individual. Sack him pls.

    Also not many episodes tbh and you can tell it's getting a Hollywood slick production now so it's not really for the car guys.
  • I used to love the show when they made rough vehicles into affordable daily drivers but think they lost their way when six figure restorations became the norm. If I wanted to watch Overhaulin', I would do that. I still watched the show until Russell joined the cast. Seriously, does Richard owe this guy money or something? Truly scene poison, this fat fork lift operator is an untalented sidekick that offers an anchor to a sinking franchise.
  • cualan17 April 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    I always enjoyed watching Aaron on Fast n Loud and the way he interacted with Richard . But he was getting to full of himself and the way he left the show was wrong and disrespectful to Richard.Now the guys can get to show what they can do get building good cars and please Richard forget showing deal after deal just get building and let see what your good at 1 of the best programs on tv at the moment
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I had never heard of this series since I don't watch any TV series that I can't stream without commercials. I've just never liked watching 43 minutes a week of something. I found this one after watching Mike Coy's new series, "Tex-Mex Motors". I had never watched any car shows at all before that series came along this past year.

    The first season of F&L was pretty good. I didn't like Aaron (and still don't) and RRR was entertaining and not too obnoxious, but I started streaming F&L. Fairly early on, I figured out that this isn't actually reality TV and it's a comedy, of sorts.

    At about season 5, Aaron became unbearable to me. He was the lead guy on the projects and he never had any plans drawn up. He would just get his team together and rattle off a bunch of his ideas, then he would leave to go on buys with Ricard, where he definitely wasn't needed, or he would go try to race, at which he wasn't really very good. He would duck out of the project for awhile, then come back to rescue the build from a problem that he had caused by not sharing his "vision" with the team and of course he blamed everyone else while insisting that he wasn't actually blaming anyone. I think that he's mentally ill.

    So, I was relieved when he quit. For awhile the projects were more interesting, though the silly, fake time crunch on every build became monotonous. Near the end of the show's life, Brian Bass came along, and actually had a vision for the builds and he also drew up images for the finished product. It's hard to believe that Richard and Aaron had ever managed to get anything built with no plans, and no clear concepts, so it's likely that much of the work was farmed out. There's where the show fails as "reality TV".

    For some reason ( I assume there was a reason) they brought in some fat, obnoxious forklift driving NY yankee who took over the helm of the shop. I lived in Texas for a few years and native Texans are friendly and welcoming, but those I worked with viewed anyone who isn't from Texas as a "yankee". I'm from South Carolina and I have Texas relatives, and I was still viewed as a "yankee", though the new friends I made didn't hold that against me. Other outsiders I knew down there didn't make friends, though. Someone like Russell was always in danger of "gettin' a mudhole stomped in his @$$" as they say in Texas.

    His annoying jackass-loud fake laugh and overbearing way made me stop liking the show because he is inescapable. He's always right in the frame and I hate it. He doesn't belong there at all. He should be on some "fat guy on a forklift show" somewhere.

    It would be better if all the seasons were available for viewing and if IMDB had them catalogued correctly, but I do like the series. When I run into an episode I don't find interesting, I can just jump to another one.

    I really was disappointed that the race between GMG and Big Chief isn't included for streaming. As I found out on Youtube, GMG lost badly. That isn't something to be ashamed of. Big Chief beats most of his opponents badly. The pride thing should have been covered by accepting the challenge. That's good enough.

    Overall, it's a fun show that had a pretty long run. I've enjoyed most of the episodes and skipped the ones that didn't include cars that were interesting to me. That's the good thing about streaming.
  • Richard Rawlings is a marketing genius and smart businessman, but that's the only real part about this reality show. It's certainly entertaining, but the unrealistic deadlines and lipstick-on-a-pig tactics, don't exactly lend itself to actual high-end, quality-based builds. It's a highly scripted show created entirely for entertainment purposes, and not a real business that existed beforehand. Great fun for car enthusiasts, and nice projects for publicity sake, but I personally prefer shows that are a little more reality-based.
  • moivieFan15 April 2020
    I used to watch fast n loud a lot more than I do now. i like watch fast n loud to see what cars Richard buys. And interested to see what Gas monkey does with those cars.

    I get tired of hearing that there is a deadline and they must hurry to get the car finished. They seem to always be behind schedule. Ii don't watch fast n loud to see if gas monkey gets a car fixed up by the deadline which they always do so where is the Suspense. I am not interested in whether Richard loses money on a deal or the mechanics get fired because they did not finish the job on time.

    On the episode I watched they did not say that they were behind schedule a lot. It seems like they did say that a lot more in past seasons.

    I like the car part of fast n loud. The rest of it I can live without.
  • I hadn't watched for some time as I got tired of all things RR. He concentrates on building his "empire" and still has no actual talent aside from self promotion. His "crew" are a bunch of talented whiners who must tow the line or lose their job. I must say I was absolutely shocked at how that one woman he hired a few years ago looks now. She looks like a tattooed chicken. Same old formula so I won't be watching any more.
  • I use to be a big fan of Fast n Loud. Season one was the best in terms of they did not have egos, they bought some great classic cars and restored them to look awesome. Now it's all about Richard having this major ego along with Aaron hating everyone and acting like the last place he wants to be is on the show. It's all about the money for Richard and not about the cars. It's sad, it was a great car show, now it's "hey everyone, look how great I am, meaning Richard. It's gotten old very quick. Richard turned into a rich jerk. If he reads this, Hey Richard, remember how you got there, YOUR FANS THAT WATCH YOU! If they don't watch you, everything goes away. Hope you saved some of that money you throw in the audience's face, because the show sucks now and will soon be cancelled. Rich jerks don't have fans. It's a shame because Season one and two were great shows, the rest are just annoying. You don't deserve the hat Burt Reynolds gave you. You are all about the money and not about the cars and fans anymore. Good luck in cancellation land.
  • Too bad there isn't a zero score to represent the reality of this show. I tried to watch a few shows since I love cars, but to day they're the jerry Springer of the car world would be giving them too much credit.
  • Started out great, focused on the cars and a little bit of extra b.s. Sadly it seems to be more focused on the deal of the car and clip shows now. I don't not care to watch guys sit around and comment on video clips already available on you-tube. Whether its real or staged listening to Richard 'deal' and try to get a car for nothing is annoying. I understand that's the point and how you make money in the business but telling the firebird owner that the cars are only worth 70k then later telling a buyer they are worth a few hundred thousand same condt is ridiculous. Again, probably just for TV but obviously there are some salesman out here that think he is an American hero (read previous post). Poor choice of words, especially from a salesman. Id rather see little to none of Richard, more of Aaron and more of Dennis, but of course producers like his persona on TV. I'm sure he is not as unlikable in person. All in all, love the show because it's in Texas, end result of cars is great, and other shop guys are fun to watch, but because of the direction the show has gone I certainly will no take time out of day to tune in. Record and watch later so I can fast forward.
  • He is so stupid.. I can't listen to Him.. he doesn't know what a hell he is doing on the show. They killed the series
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I recently started on this show and made it through 13 and a half seasons. I can't take it anymore. Like many things, this show had its time, and that time is over. The first few seasons were great. But, as Aaron and K. C. highlighted upon their exits, the Gas Monkey model was not sustainable.

    This isn't to say Richard Rawlings isn't a savvy and successful businessman, (con man...?), but after a dozen seasons in, his self-serving nature far outweighs his noble desire for achieving something great as a team at Gas Monkey. It's been apparent since the beginning, but it's unbearable in later seasons. He's a terrible leader, a train wreck of a boss, and frankly, an a-hole.

    The personalities that left over the years, (mainly K. C. and Aaron) really were the special something that made the show enjoyable. Without them, it's gimmick after gimmick, attempting to keep Richard's revenue stream on life support. The biggest surprise of the show? The fact that Mike and Charles stuck around for so long. Although their compensation is not revealed, I'm sure it's less than what they're worth to the "Gas Monkey Empire".

    If you're watching, save yourself the disappointment. When Aaron walks away from Fast & Loud, you should too.
  • jetjoe-382829 December 2018
    Richard has no obvious talent and relies on making money off the backs of actual skilled labor. He exemplifies what is wrong with American business where clueless, talentless hacks destroy the economy in pursuit of more cash while destroying the lives of the people they take advantage of. Choke this Monkey!
  • First a restoration garage should have everything done in the same garage but this guys send to other shops to do body and paint work, and interior and upholstery a few restoration is done in their garage. The main character Richard Rawlings he's always ripping off people and lower balling vehicles, the other guy supposedly mechanical prodigy Aaron Kaufmann, well i really never seen him doing any mayor work on restoration, and looks like this guys really don't like the Hispanic audience because in some episodes Aaron Kaufmann hes wearing a border patrol hat, that's really offensive that's why i don't watch this show anymore, i think OVERHAULING it's a way better show...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I've read the reviews. It seems the people posting reviews think the show is "real" as in "Reality TV". Sorry, kids, it's as fake as Aaron Kaufman's beard. I get a kick out of these "Reality TV" actors with glued-on fake beards. In Aaron's case, notice how they'll zoom in on the other actors faces but not Aarons. That's because his beard, even at a distance, is obviously a glue-on prop. Also, another "reality" show with "deadlines" that have to be met or there will seem to be dire consequences. Some reviewers whine about never seeing Mexicans on the show. So? What difference does it make? If it matters, Aaron is Jewish. Maybe he don't like Mexicans. Jews tend to gravitate towards their own anyway. Seriously, the show is fake. It's a farce. It's painful to watch unless not taken seriously. They're scripted with phony deadlines. I tried watching an episode today and made it about 3/4's of the way through before I lost interest and went to Gilligan's Island, a show that at least has a point! You should have known.
  • This series was excellent for the first three seasons. Great buys, excellent mechanical and restoration work, great cars and great results.

    But fame has gone to Richard Rawlings' head. It's not at all surprising that Aaron moved on, because the show stopped being about the results, and more about, Richard's "Oh look at me, look how great I am, I can be a complete ass to everyone and nobody dares stop me. I can do whatever I want." The new guy replacing Aaron doesn't have the charisma that Aaron brought to the show, so there's nothing left to watch unless you have a crush on Rawlings. Not worth it. Change the channel.
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