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  • dirtbagg4628 June 2012
    Saw 'The Other Side of Silence' at the Langston Hughes African-American Film Festival in Seattle. I like documentaries, and I found this one compelling. Ms Johnson's interview skills, storytelling, and editing were first rate. Good questions are followed by respectful but incisive follow-up. She paces her story well, revealing details step-by-step and then surprising us with sudden revelations. Editing is crisp but not sudden. It's a heartbreaking story made ordinary by being so common at that time and place. The ordinariness of the people and places it documents belies the banality of the events it chronicles. Above all, It's entirely believable. This kind of thing really did happen. We can't be allowed to forget that.
  • I applaud Dr. Johnson and the people in this documentary who came forward to tell their story of Ruby McCollum. I grew up in the area and have heard this story all my life. I am sure my lifelong interest in Ruby's story is because it contains a mixture of both truth and injustice.

    Over the years I followed the newspaper accounts of Ruby being released from Chattahoochee as well as her death in the early 1990's. In the last couple of years, I made a trip to find her grave. It is refreshing to be presented with new information and a plausible angle of what happened on that tragic day in 1952.

    Read Zora Neale Hurston's account of this story, then watch "The Other Side of Silence." It is a job well done and left me yearning to know more.
  • My overall impression of the film was that, while it is the role of documentaries to do just that—document—what is documented in Johnson's work is town gossip. Nothing wrong with that, but it is not "the untold story," which hints at some new revelations or previously undiscovered facts about Ruby McCollum's murder of Dr. Adams.

    What disturbs me the most about the documentary is that Johnson's title perpetuates the myth that, other than to make a brief statement about what Johnson calls "rape," Ruby McCollum did not testify at her trial: hence, "The Other Side of Silence."

    Johnson's title was borrowed from the beautiful metaphor coined by Zora Neale Hurston to relay her frustration about the town's reluctance to talk about the story, and the fact that she felt that the real story occurred "on the other side of silence, behind a curtain of secrecy."

    Now I find that Dr. Johnson has, along with many other writers, again perpetuated the myth of Ruby McCollum's silence during her trial, noting only Hurston's report of the number of times the State objected to Defense direct questioning of Ms. McCollum and her testimony about her hesitancy to have sex with Adams.

    What Dr. Johnson ignores is that Ms. McCollum was allowed to testify about her affair with Dr. Adams, and that she bore his child.

    For viewers who want to hear the town gossip, this is your movie--you'll never guess what some of these myth spinners have to say.

    Documentation of sources is given for some material, yet lacking for others. Hopefully, this is a pre-release and it will be edited.

    Gossip aside, Johnson is to be lauded for her interview with Keith Black, the State prosecutor in the trial. Her beautifully photographed documentary is redeemed by this inclusion, which is fascinating for those of us who have written about the Ruby McCollum story.