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  • ranishikha-4523016 November 2022
    'Sahebs who never left' is a bone chilling documentary. This one shows an amazing strategy in practice to bring down a civilization. Ofcourse it is no secret that we, Bharatiyas, were defeated by our own, not by islamic invaders or by British but our very own brought us down. However, how this fact is concealed and blame shifted to glorify the real culprits is worth knowing. Bhagwan Shiva has saved us so far🙏. This is probably the first time someone has dared to bring forward the story from our point of view, otherwise till date everyone glorified the hunters. Many many lessons here, not only for Hindu civilization but for everyone. May Mahadev give strength to Prachyam to uncover the truth in following documentaries too.
  • This is the finest & top quality work in the favour of real history of Bharat. Every Indian must watch it. This will shatter many centuries old narratives created and spread to malign the Civilisation of Bharat. This film should be shown in every school so that children can learn real history of Bharatvarsh and not the fake narratives going around. Only when children see the reality when they are young,They will start to ask the questions that matter. Tears are rolling through my eyes, What we were and what we became. But there is no time left to cry, this is the time to rise back like a phoenix from the ashes and regain the glory of Bharat.
  • pradyumnkasundhannd16 November 2022
    As a Bharatian this movie is really an eye opening, apart from the great content, makers of the movie created great storyline, good cinematic views and on top of that made it free. I could feel this movie is a great start to tell the great story of our Indic culture and serve patriotic interest. Unfortunately, we have always been shadowed by left and British bootlicking pathetic liars but work like this is really an inspiration to tell the right stories to our children our people and embrace our identity.

    Thank you alot Praveen sir and whole prachyam team. Jay shree Ram, Salute, jay hind, jay Bharat.
  • This is revolutionary. With true history in mind. Exactly the content we needed. Thank you prachyam🙏🏽. I have no words to explain my feelings which i had after watching this. This was an actual eye opener and reflected some mind blowing truths which were veiled very smartly till now.

    I want to share and show this to maximum people . Team should consider making this available in all the regional languages so that every bharatiya can learn what happened to our country and what they have done to our dharma. Because our education will never teach this.

    Cant imagine the level of reasearch and effort went into making this.

    This is beginning of the indic renaissance. Jai hind💪🏻
  • Forces one to think about the way the british went about creating their own set of manchurian candidates in the indian freedom struggle.

    Laced with pure facts, I found an interesting observation about Mohandas by Sanjay Dixit in the documentary about how to deal with a thief. The 'reasonings' were convoluted to say the least.

    Quoting the same, "Now we shall take the example given by you of the thief to be driven out. I do not agree with you that the thief may be driven out by any means. If it is my father who has come to steal I shall use one kind of means. If it is an acquaintance I shall use another; and in the case of a perfect stranger I shall use a third. If it is a white man, you will perhaps say you will use means different from those you will adopt with an Indian thief. If it is a weakling, the means will be different from those to be adopted for dealing with an equal in physical strength; and if the thief is armed from top to toe, I shall simply remain quiet. Thus we have a variety of means between the father and the armed man. "

    Coming back to the documentary serties, looking forward to the others that have been planned. May Prachyam prosper and see the success he truly deserves.
  • Gripping documentary containing details which were intentionally hidden in plain sight. Great progression of how events unfolded back then, explaining horrific details in the best way imaginable. The makers have only clarified what we had always doubted, and one still wonders, in an era where social media was restricted to whispers silent enough to escape the ears of the brown sahebs, how many more skeletons may be buried under the sands of time. How many died unnecessary deaths on the soils we stand on!

    While this visual production gives the imagination of a normal viewer a plethora of possibilities, the cold and hard facts mentioned within the 31 minute documentary gives shudders.
  • Excellent work by Prachyam team. This literally put me into tears. Finally someone had the guts to show the true history of Bharat and not the BS taught to us. It's so disheartening to see how these invaders along with some leeches ruined our rich culture. This is the real history which should be taught in schools and not the Akbar, Babur BS. It really hurts when these Invaders are glorified in history textbooks even after committing such serious atrocities. All these episodes from Prachyam's documentary series must pe taught in schools Eagerly waiting for part-2. Really have high expectations from you all just keep rising 🚩
  • One of the best in the recent after silence of the swastika. These two are my best documentary.... Chose one is quite tough but if have to give this one slightly edge due to narration of story and main voice behind....its tell Indian history new perspective, which hides deliberately for many decade, but finally curtain get over from it... One more point its really provoke to question those who at that movement support these wrongs doing and also question what present system do in order to correct it. Its also force young generation to not just blindly believe what present historian tell but to unravel yourself the truth... Thanks very much for whole team and looking forward to part 2......jai mata di🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
  • riturajuna16 November 2022
    At last a documentary telling the history with hard facts about which our teachers said in school "Don't Write it in Exams" Now it's time to visits our History with hard facts and see who really betrayed our civilization.

    We are not free till now, we are at war 24/7 263 days It's time to gain back our confidence back and fight the evil within us.

    Know the Sahebs who licked the boots of English and Islamists and still ruling us as Sahebs.

    It's time everything must be in black and white so that we can reclaim our glorious history back.

    Well made 👌

    Must watch to see enemy is not outside but within us 👍
  • While the whole country is misled by brainwashed brown Britishers, left leaning Acadmicians, media, bollywood and literature etc. This documentary is really a ray of hope in this disastrous situation. All the fact shown in the documentary is well presented and it's a well researched piece of work. Voice over is very appealing. But more than technical aspects, the documentary is a master piece and must be watched by everyone... Britishers are still ruling our nation through their agents, their education system, through their laws and they have captured the very minds of Indians... Waiting for next part...
  • kefis-9549116 November 2022
    Beutifully explained real history wiped out by cultural Marxism. Only point i disagree is Yuri bezmonov explained it about Soviet strategy to distroy west and here they connected it to Britishers. What Yuri explained is can be clearly seen in today's context. Communist have infeltreted in our education system, Entertainment, Bureaucracy, Arts and literature. They are bending the history for their agenda to distroy countries cultural and faith. They are demoralising the youth in university's to control their minds for their political intrests. Overall if there plan succeds they will control generations with their commie ellitism.
  • The experience is bone chilling. To see how your own people can betray you unknowingly is bone chilling.

    I know most of the parts of this documentary but the perspective this documentary puts ahead is fantastic.

    They have used drama to give visual representation of what happened. This could be considered as truly masterpiece. Can't wait to see the second part of this documentary.

    A lot can be learned from this documentary for every country in this world. Perspective in this documentary though uses India's example but it can be applied to many societies. Especially for liberals, this is important to analyse how the cause they support can affect society in negative way.
  • tanaypandey420 November 2022
    This "documentary" is quite peculiar as it gives half information on highly complicated topics, comes to conclusion from them and presents it as the truth that was 'hidden from the public.' Pretty much the 'Conspiracy Theory are real' in another form. If one actually does their own individual research they'll come up to the conclusion that this piece of media doesn't even qualify as a Documentary. It's full of half baked facts trying to push forward an agenda that everyone who ever tried to bring reform in the society was a servant of Imperialists/Colonialists. No sources provided for any of the information(as expected).
  • This documentary is like a ray of sunlight clearing fog of ignorance,or like a seed of Lotus finally blooming up the sky after been in the mud for centuries, I hope that even the most brainwashed person ,who have been deliberately been kept in the ignorance of truth,can finally see truth shine in his/her face. I hope this video series help the youth to finally remove the blindfold of lies and fake secularism and relive and revive the lost glory of this great civilization and it's culture and finally reclaim the lost land and culture heritage and rebuild them to there formal glory ,may this dream of mine becomes reality , help me and my brothers oh mahadev and protect them from the devil's of kalyuga.
  • Great Great work done by Prachyam Team, 10/10 rating content, eye opener who closed their eyes long ago, narration voice make this masterpiece perfect, starting to ending every second is important which leads you next second. If I focused in starting 5 min that make you travel thousands years back and return in few minutes, amazing, fact and sources make you shocked and release how your children and thought and believe ruled by leftist and behind this rule what mindset work and even today how they still trying to implement this ok us and our children I Love and enjoy this part desperately waiting next part, congratulations to Prachyam, thanks.
  • Nothing to say, During watching this film I forgot the outer world and went in that time where we bhartiya faced everything simultaneously. 🙏🙏🙏 My most heartful greetings to the team of this Indic film May God bless them all.

    This film is based on that part of history which hidden by all propagandist just to move their propoganda During this the real people never gets what they deserve. Revolutionary Like veer savarkar amd Bal Gangadhar Tilak never gets what they really deserve Also education system distorted our mindset at so much extent that instead of having all sources of true history we are not able to understand it.
  • After watching it we can see possibilities that how it can be destroy any civilization , how it is possible to completely change the history, how easily they can set narrative which makes us feel hate for our own country, own people , we need more and more eye opening contents. This type of contents will help us to think about our real history. It helps us to think more broadly about anything instead of trusting anything blindly. Thank you Prachyam to show us reality and make us aware of our real history which was intentionally manipulated by the invaders themselves and their puppets (Sahebs) we will wait for next parts.
  • Easiest way to defeat a civilisation is by demoralising them, this is a must watch for the people living in inferiority complex. However this might not be able to affect the current generation babu sahebs. This movie is well researched and the narration is the core strength and will definitely give you that hope in these times of darkness that we will win some day. This first part will give you hope that as long as intellectual sanatanis are ready to take on the challenge of subjugation this thousands of year old civilisation will reclaim its lost glory. This movie is a small battle we have won in the great war.
  • Very nice direction. Giving information as it had been said by not translating original English talk. With giving Idea in Hindi also. It will be new normal in the era of Indic knowledge system.

    I thank team for making Part 1 this much clear and sound so that even a 9th or 10th grade student can understand (if he is attached to his/her Mother Land (Bharat).

    I assume that next parts will be like this with adding solutions to these Big Problems. As most of this Part 1 is discussed in many ways everywhere now.

    New generation needs ideas to solve this mess created by Enemies of Bharat.

    DHANYAWAD TEAM Prachyam.
  • suyashsahu-8135016 November 2022
    By watching this documentary I got to know about the real history of our country *Bharat* who were the sahab how Britishers destroyed our country.

    My my suggestion each and every citizen of Bharat should watch this.

    In this documentary we have provided the where the word saheb came from how our own people get slaved by the Britisher.

    This story start with a teacher who explaines how to rule the enemy county.

    Many of the wrong fact which were written jn the ncert books were disclosed.

    Why there was congress party formed.

    How to varna transformed to caste based system.

    How macaulay disturbed the education system of Our country.
  • The way of presention is cinenatically very appealing. Although all the facts shown were already known to me so it was not a shocker for me... But putting the whole modern history from the Marxist strategies was very brilliant...Time has come to let each of our country men know about all the distortion done with our history, culture, education, politics, demography, partition and institutional subjunction.. Let everyone who is growing up know it by heart what all needs to be corrected... Only then our nation would again reach new heights... I can only say It's just the beginning, Many more to come...
  • Dear beloved Indians, before watching this bunch of lies and propaganda so-called documentary, please watch the names of its makers.

    All from that one community, who rob, tortured, and do inhumane activities to us for the last 5000 years, and now they want to cover up.

    They were parasites to humanity. GHANTIBAAAZ lazy community.

    In fact, The Mughals and Britishers came and interpreted the atrocity done by this ponga community to 90% of the indigenous people of India.

    RSS was formed in 1925 when they realize the Britishers losing their grip due to INC and all freedom fighters, and they tried everything to support and hold the Britishers in India. Eventually, RSS called themselves a superior race like white English men.

    Never forget the sacrifices of your ancestors.
  • When the colonialism left India, it just left physically but remained present mentally for decades and still exist in many. The white Britishers left India but they left their bootlickers in brown skin to succeed their colonial legacy and they did their job very well. They twisted the education system of this land, injected poison and so on. The deserving leaders didn't got the right posts. Nepotism in politics destroyed India. Some brown dogs of their white masters always obeyed their orders and kept drinking blood of the common people of India. This documentary series is a masterpiece which keeps all the facts and figures in front, old authentic videos, books, conspiracies etc is just mind-blowing. A technically brilliantly made documentary series. Highly highly recommended to everyone to watch.
  • Saheb who never left is a bone chilling documentary on India's true past and why we ended up in the situation we are in.

    It shows us the true nature of the British from the perspective of native Indians and the policies they used to harm and destroy Hindus and their traditions and hence destroying the land we call Bharat.

    It also shows the tactics used by KGB against USA and how those tactics were invented and used against natives of India to create devide, false narratives which we are still fighting till this very day.

    In the end it is a must watch for every Indian who still have Pride left of calling themselves Bharatiya.
  • trashukumar-1906416 November 2022
    If you are Interested in History, or in India or Indian independence or Indian Politics & Politicians at the time of independence. Then you are at right place. To know the deeds of all the Lords and Gentleman of India who has been regarded as God and Devil of our Independence.

    We have since childhood, been celebrating Freedom fighters of a selected class in a magnified and extra-glorified way, this time lets evaluate them on Neutral ground, where we will come to know about their personality in a 360 degree scanning.

    Sahebs who constructed the "Modern India" after 1947 which we still dealing with.
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