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  • Though making films based on social problems has become very takes serious courage and conviction to make them.This is one such film about teenage pregnancies.Though amateurish the lead actors fit the roles perfectly, the film is a crisp 100 mins and is its major plus as it does not get preachy at any point.The main hero according to me is introduced in the last 5 mins or so and will definitely make u leave with a heavy heart.yuvan scores big time here especially in the climax bgm... its a must watch for all...kudos to suseendran for this great attempt especially after the instantly forgettable "raajapattai" it for the performances,music and some great direction
  • Aadhalaal Kadhal Seiveer (U) TAMIL New movie Reviews and lots more Hot news .... LIKE THIS PAGE : English Hindi TAMIL TELUGU Facebook : Movie Review by Yunus Irshad

    Aadhalaal Kadhal Seiveer (U) TAMIL ---------------- my Rating : ★★★★ CONTAINS SOLID MESSAGE

    STRENGTHS :- * Story Screenplay Direction : was brilliant ends with a strong message ..... * Climax : makes everyone feels crying ...... * Aadhalaal Kadhal Seiveer Title song : was already a chart- buster........ * Casting and Performances : was real ...... * Realistic Dialogues and Scenes : what boys and girls does .....

    WEAKNESSES :- * Few songs in the middle ......

    FINAL VERDICT :- * Overall is not a love story but it tells in detail of modern LOVE........ I recommend this movie and support this movie .... Kindly use precautions such as condoms etc.. before u LOVE...

    It is a romance film directed by Suseenthiran. It features debutante Santhosh Ramesh (Singanamala Ramesh's second son) and Manisha Yadav, heroine of Vazhakku Enn 18/9 fame in the lead roles. Santhosh Ramesh, Manisha Yadav.
  • Suseendran proves himself to be one of the best men in the craft with "Aadhalal Kadhal Seiveer". Suseendran's stories are never childish, it always shows a lot of maturity to it. And this movie is no different.

    This could be the most realistic love story ever made. The movie shows the life of a couple, who's love goes out of their hands and ego steps in. The one liner may not be very pleasing but, trust me the movie has more to it than just that. The climax of the movie is extremely heart breaking and makes us think.

    Only weakness is the song in the middle of the movie which is a bit boring. Oterwise, the actors were all brilliant, especially the female lead. Editing, cinematography, music, every department did their job exceptionally well.

    But in my opinion it all comes down to the director, all in all it's a hands down director's movie.

  • Warning: Spoilers
    First of all kudos to the director and his team for taking such a bold attempt into what seems to be the most trivial problem among today's teenagers!!!The movie starts off with a colorful college life, love, comedy and romance. But later only do we realize the pain that prevails out of all the love which youngsters face.

    All the characters have done justice to their roles.Manisha who plays the female lead has done a lot of work to transform from a bubbly college girl to a more vulnerable role as the movie progresses. Jayaprakash once again proves his acting skills.this time as the heroine's father.The scenes where he cries on being humiliated shows his dedication and screen presence.

    Among the other roles, Arjun who plays Karthick's friend and Jenny who plays Manisha's friend have prominent roles.The climax song where they show the child growing up in an orphanage surely would bring a tear or two.

    This film should be taken as an example and I wish every teenager gets to watch this movie and not commit the same mistake that this movie portrays. I can confidently say that this movie is definitely an eye-opener to those not so scrupulous.

    !!!!!!Final verdict------GO FOR IT!!!!!!!
  • Aks is an eye opener from Tamil cinemas one of the most promising talents.The movie starts very ordinarily with a choreographed song and some oft heard 'Vaada machi'college jokes.One may well think this is just another teen romance time waster.A very ordinary looking guy and a smart girl in their late teens fall for each other.A few song routines follows and the couple gets adventurous and takes their relation to the next level.The girl gets pregnant and tensions build up.Remember this is suburban chennai not Beverly hills where kids surprise their parents with 'dad we just got married' phrase.The families of both the kids are middle class yet highly respected.The girls parents wants a wedding quickly but the boys household sticks to certain conditions.Verbal duels ensue ,the lovers and their friends try on their own to unite and messes things further.From here Suseendran conjures some unexpected twists and comes up with a rather commendable climax. Iam giving this movie a solid 8 just to pat the director for coming up with an intelligent and tight script that carries on its own without any star power or crowd pleasing tricks.Yuvan shankar rajahs background score is exceptional.If not for Udit narayns chewing of nuts and bolts Alai payum nenjile would have been the song of the year.Manisha yadav puts on a spirited performance and Arjun as karthiks friend gets noticed.Jaya Prakash is becoming a benchmark for restrained yet solid character acting.Cinematography is OK but editing is crisp.The movie is worth spending your time and money just for its last 6 minutes.A must see for every Indian parent with teen aged progeny's.