User Reviews (4)

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  • A man has a stomach problem. But he denies to get cured. Gradually, he become more lonely, more sick, his suffering become unbearable. All this things is said with beautiful imagery, poetry and music. Marian Dora is in extreme films. But gore or shock is not his only weapon to upset people. The way he portrays pain, melancholia and sorrow, that is the things to be warned.
  • Not as drawn-out as The Angel's Melancholy (I apologize for butchering the title). I also didn't find this tedious. The music was effective, the movie is sad, and makes you care about the main character. I agree with the other reviewer saying this is Dora's better work.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This is a film that is about real things that really happen (though portrayed in an over exaggerated manner) about a man diagnosed with cancer but instead of getting treatment he decides he would rather live out the rest of his days with his wife (who later abandons him) filled with poop and nasty wounds this film isn't for the faint of heart but is a masterpiece
  • But what else would you expect from a film about cancer directed by Marian Dora? Real life body horror, fluids, and all supposedly based on fact. And of course Marian Dora does not fail to succeed with such a subject matter since he is a doctor and knows a lot about medical conditions and cancer and whatnot. It is very dark and one of his very best works probably tied with Angels Melancholy. Id say probably accessible more because of the lack of violence and focus more on a dark reality so it could be a good starting point for Marian Dora newbies who have never seen films like Melancholy or Cannibal.