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  • xscenex23 June 2023
    The cinematography is bad, screenplay is bad, sound editing and recording is terrible! The audio is clipping and cracking everywhere! The CGI is worst. Overall a disaster.

    This ruined the series 1920. This is worst than a school project, it looks like somebody just tried to make a film just because of having access to the film makers! The director has made a mess, this looks like a pretentious scenic video shoot converted as a horror film.

    Only the two 1920 versions are better. Rest of them are bad, and this one is purely horrible in each and every aspect, the filming, the story, the sound, the screenplay and the direction.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    1920 Horrors Of The Heart (2023) : Movie Review -

    After being an AD for many horror films made by Bhatts, Krishna Bhatt makes her own "1920 Horrors Of The Heart" with Avika Gor, Rahul Dev, Barkha Bisht, and Danish Pandor. The horror cinema has a long history, but no films can ever be as great as silent era gems from German Cinema, "The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari" (1920), "The Golem" (1920), "Nosferatu" (1921), and then came Hollywood classics like "Frankenstein" (1931), "Dracula" (1931), "The Mummy" (1932), "The Invisible Man" (1933), followed by "The Wolf Man" (1941), "Night of The Demon" (1957), "Village of the Damned" (1960), "The Innocents" (1961), and then came modern zombie horrors, "Evil Dead" till the latest sensations of "The Conjuring" universe. In the meantime, Bollywood had a gothic horror film, "Mahal" (1949), which set a landmark at the box office, followed by some other horrors of the 60s and 70s, and then came Ramsay Bros' era, which made money through 'B-grade' cinema by providing horror elements with male-driven sexual appeal. Bhatts broke the myth of mid box office earnings with "Raaz" in the early 2000s, which still remains the biggest hit (highest footfalls, not gross) of the horror genre in modern times. A low attempt like "1920" (2008) became a sleeper hit and then began a series, even though not all films have been that successful. 1920 Horrors Of The Heart comes with the ambition of reviving the franchise, but rather gets possessed by a horrible screenplay, low standard vision, and daily soap-standard filmmaking.

    The film begins with a romantic chat between Meghna (Avika Gor) and her boyfriend, Arjun (Danish Pandor). Before Meghna can tell her father about her relationship, she gets news of his suicide. Her father, Dheeraj (Randheer Rai), commits suicide and leaves a note for Meghna explaining how her mother, Radhika (Barkha Bisht), left them and married another guy. Burning in rage at avenging her father's death, Meghna sets out on a mission to destroy Radhika's happy family, but she is not aware of the dark and devilish powers she is carrying there. Meghna is convinced by a half-dead demon and the bad soul of her father that she has to do harm to Radhika's daughter, Aditi (Ketaki Kulkarni), to make her life hell. Unknowingly, Meghna lets the bad powers possess innocent Aditi, and the only thing that can bring her back to normal is Meghna herself. Will she be able to pull this one off?

    1920 Horrors Of The Heart is a wannabe emotional attempt at stereotypical horror drama that you have been seeing for years. The old classics I mentioned above had many great horror elements that had pathbreaking impacts. The frightening aspects were visually fancy at the time, while today's horror flicks do nothing but use loud music in Dolby Atmos to scare the fur out of you. Every single cliche is known, be it the heroine opening the door after hearing a whispering sound, doors closing and opening automatically, that too with a lot of noise, a drawer opening and the sound making you feel like a car crashes into something on the street, the possessed girl walking on the wall, running backwards, murmuring words in reverse, making bone-breaking yoga poses, vomiting blood or some insect, a lady's screams, or even a Black magic pandit. 1920 Horrors Of The Heart has all these things, and they are not enough to scare you.

    What it tries new is the emotional entanglement of the character, connected by love, blood, or kindness. That possessed teenage girl is my idea of "The Exorcist" (1973); those ear-bleeding noises have stopped scaring me after the first film of "The Conjuring" franchise; that devilish pujari and bad father are already used by Bhatts; all those Hindu God cliches are used by Ramsays; the haveli is used by recent films of OTT; the intimate scenes are used by Ramsays and Ekta Kapoor both; so what's unique there in 1920 Horrors Of The Heart? Nothing. The writing isn't up to the mark in any scale, be it characters, surroundings, backdrops, conflicts, fight backs or conclusion. If that's not enough, then there are poor VFX to irritate you even more. The train sequence, that ugly red-blooded hand, the girl's make-up after being possessed, the exorcism through devotional chants, the fight sequences, and even the sets of river, cave, and others-every single thing looks visually destitute. Where did the budget go? Or they didn't have it in the first place? How can storytelling go so bad with so many outdated and annoying theories? A powerful, half-dead monster can be killed by an ordinary human in the end. The heroine has to kiss the hero even in the most distressful situations, be it her mansion or a train's coach. Even 1920s silent horror classics were far more updated than this.

    Thankfully, it's a glueing narrative. You never feel bored in the two hours except for the last 10-15 minutes, when everything is ended forcefully without any proper attention. The more I say, the more I'll spoil it for you, so it's better if I stop without disclosing much about the script, screenplay, and technical aspects. Avika Gor is strictly average as a 1920-heroine and a huge debacle in emotional breakdown moments. Were they shot badly, or did she act badly? I'm not sure. Maybe it's both. Barkha Bisht fares okay, while Rahul Dev is wasted with melodramatic scenes in a surprisingly well-written role. Danish Pandor and Rajdheer Rai are both disasters. Ketaki Kulkarni looked too small for a 16-year-old girl but somehow survived with her dialogues. Naveen Singh, Amit Behl, and Avtar Gill were barely noticeable.

    The technical aspects of 1920 Horrors Of The Heart will again remind you of carelessness and how low-budget it is. The sound effects are the only saving grace, because that's just what today's filmmakers use for jump scares. Music sounds decent but is forced into the narrative just to add that feel and a couple of intimate scenes between the hero and heroine. Krishna Bhatt's direction doesn't give 1920 Horrors Of The Heart any chance to survive even as an average flick. It was almost on that average level until midway, but things really got scattered and childish in the second half, especially the conclusion. Modern horror movies are struggling to crack the code, and this one lands way behind the basic algorithm. Overall, this new 1920 film tries too hard but fails in almost every aspect. Watch it if you love and care for old-fashioned horror cinema with daily soap-type execution.

    RATING - 4/10*
  • A 2 hr 2 mins torture in the theatre. Krushna Bhatt I request you from my heart please do not direct any other horror film again because you don't know any aspects of how a horror movie should be. Is this even a horror I feel sad for those audience who looking to the posters of this film and considering it a horror whereas this film is a mess and a mixture of 90s horror movies with pathetic vfx and a childish Evil.

    Please don't use the hit franchise name and direct some nonsense like this. 1920 has a perfect story with horror elements and compare to the new film, It doesn't have a proper story, boring screenplay, Too overactivity, not a proper cast and many othet mistakes that I don't even wanna count. Mahesh bhatt is considered one of the best story writers in the past but now If this kind of a story he writes then he have to quit writing and take retirement. Because this par below average.

    AVIKA GOR is the only thing I like rest is crap. Don't know what else to say.

    Please don't even bother to watch this film even for free because this movie will play with your mind and it can give you a major headache.....
  • With subpar VFX, outdated scare sounds, unnecessarily added sound effect made this movie one of the worst movies. Poor direction of Krishna Bhatt has made the stereotype of nepotism more strong. There is no match between the dialogues, costumes and the era in which this period movie is depicted.

    With type TV serial mindset it has made our eyes sore no hint of horror with certainty with 10 on 10 cliche.

    This is the worst part of 1920 series. With unnecessary drama, music, it makes the movie most unbearable for watchers. This movie diminished all expections for a good movie. With cliche theme & nepotism, it makes no sense why this movie is still running on theatres.
  • Let's begin with a fact. 1920 now is the first hindi franchise in india to have 5 films in it even before bigger franchises like golmaal or housefull could achieve it . But it comes at what cost?

    1920 started as a franchise that promised really good horror . The first film is still remembered for Rajneesh Duggal reciting the entire Hanuman chalisa to fend off the spirits . The second film of Aftab was again based on possession, but had a nice sweet story in it. Then onwards, the franchise went from bad (1920 London ) to worse (1921) to comedy genre (1920: horrors of the heart).

    The problem is that the treatment and concept of these films have not been changed one bit. They still rely on evil spirit possession to scare 2023 audience when everyone knows it's now an outdated concept. Yet again, a spirit willing to take revenge possesses a girl to hurt her mother and all this is aided by Avika Gor who is in the illusion that her father (the spirit) was wronged so she helps her father's spirit to take revenge but the reality is something everyone, even a kid can sense from a light year away .

    The films outdated treatment, the unintentionally funny scenes when Aditi gets possessed and finally the climax all bring down this film . The climax my god is so hilarious that it might make you laugh more than an actual comedy films genre. Example: a possessed Aditi in the climax sits on a chair like a king and says " bohot din se safai nahi hua hai, islie itne cockroaches hai" .... I laughed so hard at that scene .

    1920 means everything has got to be foggy all around. Why man? Without that fog also horror can be created , it just needs skills that makers don't have. We seriously need someone other than the Bhatt's to understand horror and give this genre new life in India because even the Bhatt's daughter can't do it.

    Being a low budget film , the VFX is expected to be low class and it is. One thing i like about Bhatt's is that they tend to give new comers chances but sadly it is in poor films. Avika Gor is no new face . She's one of the most popular faces in TV serial industry but she's not done a Hindi film before I guess so her debut in Bollywood has not been that great although she did show signs of potential in this film.

    One thing that 1920 franchise has managed to maintain a standard is it's songs. There are some really good songs in the film. Lori is really beautiful song .

    Overall, i feel 1920 should not be stretched any further it's already brought bad name to it's franchise through its previous 2 films and this one takes it even further down . If you do plan to stretch, reinvent the concept of these films please.
  • Yesterday I went to watch movie in inox chennai, what I see that in whole theater I am alone to watch movie, nobody to came to watch movie. In my whole time life this first time happen year I am watching movie. Any how I dare to watch movie fir 20 kins but could not able to fear and then I left to my hind without watching full movie. I don't no way boollywood wasting it's energy and monety in making such kind of movies. Start of this movie is not good and borning and I must say that horror movie us to make fear this time I didn't feal any kind of fear. So I suggest director and actors that please make some good horror movie.
  • Is this even called a movie?? It is not even a story. I wonder why I get songs in the middle. Unnecessary conversations between actors. I really want to know what happened to the heart with which story started.

    Except 2-3 scenes, nothing I felt like horror in this movie.

    Also, the screen quality, I mean the whole movie looked blur. Really a senseless movie.

    Was this movie by cast watched during post production??

    What is the necessity of keeping 1920 in the title as everything looked normal in the story?

    Last but not least CLIMAX is the worst part of all. It just happens like some UFO throwing light on the father and daughter. However, her boyfriend is rescued.

    I strongly suggest IMDB team to add negative rating to such kind of movies. Giving 1 star is too heavy.

    SON OF INDIA which is treated as worst movie in tollywood, is better than this.
  • Guys please save your hard earned money. Worst movie I ever watched in my life. The whole movie was like ekta kapoor's serial, totally baseless scenes. Title: "A Disastrous Delusion: The Worst Movie Experience"

    Where do I even begin with this abomination of a movie? "A Disastrous Delusion" is a complete train wreck from start to finish. It's one of those rare instances where you wish you could unsee what you just witnessed.

    The plot is convoluted and nonsensical, as if the writers were playing a cruel joke on the audience. Characters appear and disappear without any rhyme or reason, and their motivations are as transparent as a brick wall. There is no depth or development to any of them, leaving you with an overwhelming feeling of indifference.

    The dialogue is cringe-worthy at best, filled with clichés, forced humor, and painful attempts at being profound. It's as if the screenwriter ran out of ideas and decided to recycle tired old tropes instead. The wooden delivery by the actors only adds to the agony, making you question their casting choices.

    The visual effects are laughably bad, reminiscent of early 2000s B-movies. The CGI is jarring and poorly executed, often taking you out of the already flimsy narrative. It feels like they put more effort into creating eye-catching trailers than in delivering a cohesive visual experience.

    The pacing is all over the place, with scenes that drag on for an eternity and others that are abruptly cut short, leaving you disoriented and disconnected from the story. There's no sense of flow or rhythm, and it feels like the editor took a random hack-and-slash approach to the final product.

    To make matters worse, the film's soundtrack is uninspiring and forgettable. It fails to evoke any emotion or enhance the scenes, leaving you wondering if they just picked a generic stock score to save time and money.

    In conclusion, "A Disastrous Delusion" is a catastrophic mess of a movie. From the lackluster plot and poor character development to the abysmal visual effects and forgettable soundtrack, it fails to deliver on every level. Save yourself the agony and skip this cinematic disaster.
  • devilsdna27 June 2023
    You can safely assume any positive reviews are paid ones. The movie is ridiculous on all levels including acting and music. It was like watching an overly dramatised Indian soap opera on the big screen. The plot is predictable, the pacing slow and the CGI is the cheapest available. The theatre was empty and the few who came left within the hour. The Bhatt's have done better in the past so this movie was a jarring let down. Even with budget constraints, efforts can be made to strengthen the plot and acting. Rahul Dev and the Bhatts could have stayed away from this one. It's a complete waste of time and money. You can safely skip this one.
  • 1920 has been a series that has been a constant and music has been a highlight of this series. Ever since I read about the new part and saw its trailer, I wanted to watch the movie on the big screen.

    Well, the experience was okay on the whole. I felt the horror quotient was missing. I expected a lot more of it on the whole. But then, I feel the title had a say in it. We can justify the theme "Horror Of The Heart" given the kind of plot that has been meted out here. There's family, there's past, there's secrets, there's lies, there's betrayal, there's resurgence, there's resurrection, there's drama, there's the final victory and things falling in place too.

    The idea of a family drama filled with horror and life after death is something new and even the manner of the end isn't the usual one. Yes, the climax could and should have been more heavy and painful, but this is a movie that delves deep on simplicity and not complicating stuff.

    With Bhatt flicks, I'm very comfortable, knowing the fact that there would be something to look forward to. Here also, I quite enjoyed my time even though there wasn't enough to label it a perfect movie.

    Music has been a key ingredient in all Bhatt flicks, especially the horror ones. Here, even though it is no where near the good old music of Chirantan Bhatt; music by Puneet Dixit is so soothing, melodious and painful. In today's era, I thank Puneet and team for giving a bit of melody.

    Lori by Shreya Ghoshal is outstanding. Such peaceful vibes it gives. It is no where near Ajnabi Hawayein from Shaapit but surely reminded me of it. Woh Kahaani has pain in the terrific voice of Papon. Zaroori Hai is such a beautiful song sung by Javed Ali & Palak Muchhal. Aye Zindagi is situational with the husky voice of Esha Gaur who brings about a major impact.

    Kudos to Shweta Bothra for writing such hard, gripping and meaningful yet painful lyrics for the whole album. These are the kind of words that we need more of in Bollywood.

    It was about time for Krishna Bhatt to step into direction in movies. Yes, she'll get better with time and experience. There were some abrupt endings of scenes throughout the movie which could have been avoided. Bhatt Saab has written the movie along with Suhrita Das. The writing is usual, yet unusual. It is a different kind of a horror flick involving family drama aplenty.

    Editing by Kuldeep Megan is moderate. Duration ain't an issue, some cuts and focus surely are. Cinematography by Prakash Kutty is good. The usage of candles, frames that bring about the fear and surprise factor are there which adds to the credibility of the movie.

    Dialogues of the movie were a let down for me. They were too simple, too real for the theme of the movie. The plot surely warranted a lot more heaviness according to me.

    Coming to the performances, Avika Gor had a very good debut. It was a delight to see her bloom on the big screen. Barkha Bisht Sengupta gave a commendable performance. Rahul Dev for some reason seemed extremely subdued throughout with his dialogue delivery and appearance.

    Amit Behl was in a different role and did well. Danish Pandor was passable in his role. Randheer Rai impressed with his voice, not persona. Avtar Gill had a weird walk and style of movement, dunno why. And now, the one who impressed the most was Ketaki Kulkarni. She had a lot to do, her character had it all and she impressed big time.

    What I also liked was the end credits wherein the set up was character name followed by real name. It was a highlight for me. All in all, it was a decent experience and I would rate the movie 3/5.

    PS:- The dress worn in the second half by Avika is the one that my beloved Deepshikha owns. It made us both smile.
  • mmandyal20 August 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    Last 1920 is so better than this bad movie, totally artificial so don't see this disaster movie.last 1920 is best to see aftab make best role in that's movie this make so dispoint. I watch a lot of movies and I like to give them all a chance just in case there is something interesting or exciting to warrant a viewing Unfortunately this movie has none of these features it is pointless and offers nothing in the way of story line,acting or direction The plot is non-existent with the actors just going through the motions and the dialogue is sooo boring its embarrassing. I wish the previous reviewers had posted earlier as this would have saved me 95 mins of my time.
  • This movie is filled with 3rd class CGI, worst story writing, the screenplay was as bad. Talented actors like Rahul Dev and Avika Gor totally wasted. Unnecessary romantic scenes are fitted in. Abtotal time waste.

    How can makers release such kind of movies in 2023 comes as a total shock. This movie wouldn't even scare a baby.

    Directors need to get more creative. The same old jumpscares will not appeal to the masses anymore. Krishna Bhatt definitely needs more practice and passion towards her work.

    Ketaki Kulkarni did as much justice to her debut role with such a weak script. She was definitely a saving grace.
  • 😷 Worst concept Copy & Inspiration from Hollywood Movies Like- Insidious.

    "Going to Dark World to take revenge"

    😶 Bad acting with bad script, flop actors & worst storyline.

    Nothing is suspicious or horrible, it's not even make sense. Failed to impress on VFX, graphics. Everything is easily predictable.

    Just stop making movies using this franchise name.. Same old school flop story-

    On the occasion of her 21st birthday, Meghna (Avika Gor) tells her father Dheeraj about the love of her life. Little did she know that he is going to kill himself. When Meghana comes to know that her mother, who abandoned her as a child, has something to do with the suicide of her father, she sets out to avenge his death by destroying her mother's current family. She uses her father's spirit for revenge. What happens next forms the crux of the story.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Worst horror movie of all script no story no acting...looks like script is written by a kid and climax is written by 2 year old kid...avika gor is not made for films she looks good only in TV daily soaps...I am glad that I watch it on laptop I can only imagine if I watched this on movie hall I can't tolerate that...I request to bollywood please maintain some standard of horror movies...people can go through depression after watching this rubbish...not a single positive thing in this movie very poor direction very poor camerawork very poor story and the poorest horror scene...Don't watch it if u are free too go watch pogo instead watching this nonsense...
  • Hahaha, This is not a movie. This is Ekta Kapoor 's serial which is being shown on OTT now just to have some fun.

    In actual, there is no story , no characters, such a bad VFX which shows pathetic scens making it more and more disaster.

    There are not even interlinked scenes while story is going on, it seems like they are being modified or just trying to extend the picture nothing else...!!!

    Please do not make movies, trying to save your money as much as you can or if possible, invest in something else which can you more profit, I would suggest mutual fund is a better option...!!!...!!!!!!!!!
  • lucky_pk23 August 2023
    The acting in the film was undeniably its weakest point, with performances that felt forced and lacking authenticity. The CGI and VFX effects were glaringly subpar, pulling me out of the experience rather than immersing me in it. From start to finish, the movie struggled to engage; there was a palpable disconnect that made it hard to invest in the characters or the unfolding events. The absence of a coherent storyline left me feeling lost as if I was watching a disjointed series of scenes rather than a cohesive narrative. The poor direction was evident in the jarring transitions and lack of a unifying vision. Regrettably, this installment stands as a low point in the franchise, failing to live up to its predecessors in every conceivable way.
  • cseabhi18 August 2023
    Why the hell did director made this movie. Even the horror shows being presented on TV are much better than this. Mahesh Bhatt has co written the script. And I can't believe film maker of such stature is a part of this movie. And above all, why did Rahul Dev agree to do this movie. He is a brilliant actor and terribly wasted in this movie.

    Terrible acting, screnplay, direction... a total mess. Director Horror elements are completely missing in this one. VFX is a joke in this one. Yes I know the movie is a low budget still some low budget movie have great vfx execution. A total shame for the 1920 movie series.
  • It's a horror movie that isn't scary in the least.

    First of all- WHERE THE HELL DID THEY SHOOT THIS? I kept wondering during the entire movie- WHY?? Just why didn't they use normal sets anywhere in the movie, like previous 1920 movies? Just to save some money spent on a real set?

    Not just the horror scenes, It felt like they shot the entire movie using green screens. Even normal scenes seemed like I am watching some actors move around in a CGI house, a CGI forest, even a CGI Hotel !?!? Who came up with the bad idea of avoiding real sets, that person needs to be fired immediately!

    The reason overused CGI made me hate the film is because absolutely nothing in the movie felt real. If shot in a good location, a terrible story can make a movie very watchable.

    The best recent example of this being Khamoshiyan. Its story was terrible, but I'd still watch that movie again just for its breathtaking scenes shot in South Africa(and of course the hum-worthy music). What the makers did with this movie feels like a low point of filmmaking in Bollywood.

    The songs in this movie were forgettable too, except for the mother's lullaby.

    Mahesh Bhatt was one of the writers, I assume he was drunk when he wrote this senseless script.

    Only Rahul Dev, Avika Gor and Ketaki Kulkarni seemed to be taking their work seriously. Barkha Bisht sure looks beautiful but her expressions felt wooden. Avtar Gill's and Danish Pandor's acting was as useless as their characters.

    In my opinion this is the worst installment in the franchise. Do not waste your time on this movie. Save yourself!
  • Aoso62527 June 2023
    Also, this movie has an awesome soundtrack. The musical score and main theme are great and fun to listen too, but this movie has some surprisingly robust musical numbers. The dance choreography is on point and so much fun to watch. It seems like every single person had a blast with this film. This movie is about as close to perfect as an action movie can get. This action epic proves that a good movie is never too long. Despite being three hours long, I did not once check my phone to see what time it was I talked about this film at great length with my brother and father at the screening we attended -- that screening being at my father's new house with the worthy home theater set. The word "cheesy" came up, and whether this film is truly befitting of that term or if it simply doesn't care how cheesy you find it. Is it even a bad word?..Everything is dialed to 110%. It's hilarious. Heartbreaking. Technically beautiful and theatrical. The action feels so original, slightly insane and almost delightful in such a childish way.
  • So far its the worst horror movie I have ever seen. It looks like director wanted to shoot a serial, instead he directed a movie, he wanted to show everything in that movie.. But nothing was horror in this.. And nothing was clear.. It's all half baked story.. Avika's acting was good, atleast could watch till end.. I was fast forwarding too much.. It was really boring, felt torture. Just to see what happened to her watched till end. Those who have not seen movie, please don't bother to watch this non sense.. I am really frustrated after watching this utter non sense movie. Director needs to learn first and story line was pathetic.
  • fasialshabir10 November 2023
    The horror movie lacked genuine scares, relying heavily on predictable jump scares and a clichéd plot. The characters' decisions were frustratingly unrealistic, making it hard to invest in their survival. Overall, it failed to deliver the spine-chilling experience promised and fell flat in creating a truly haunting atmosphereThe low-budget film suffered from glaring directorial shortcomings, evident in its disjointed scenes and lack of visual cohesion. The limited resources were apparent in the subpar production quality, affecting the overall viewing experience. Poor direction left the cast floundering in a confusing narrative, resulting in a forgettable and disappointing cinematic endeavor.
  • I have said it. The director of this movie should be banned by Film Industry for at least 10 Years. She should go either to a direction school or a good director. There she should learn how practical effects are implemented in a movie. Then she must be given a second chance, if that movie still fails then she should be banned forever.

    Had "1920" been not associated with title of this movie, No one and I say no one would have gone to watch this movie. It looked like I was watching cartoon movie with some real actors here and there. Subpar graphics, jarring music score, below standard acting and worst direction has created the recipe for this movie to fail.
  • I watched this movie yesterday and I concluded that Bollywood shouldn't make horror movies at all. No matter who directs it, every time a Hindi horror movie disappoints. This time it was worse than before. Horrible VFX, logicless storyline and I doubt if even it was a bit scary.

    The characters were so vulnerable to believe each other and the character development was null, it lacked depth and the acting was average. The main character Meghna did seem psychic. The only role that was considerable was of Shantanu (Radhika's Husband). There's a vague continuity of the story.

    Please don't watch the movie 🙏
  • The horror movie I recently watched left me utterly disappointed. She read Father's dairy and believed that that is the truth, further she got her mother's dairy then she believed that that was the truth. It lacked a coherent storyline, leaving me perplexed throughout. The first half was exceptionally dull, with nothing to engage the audience. The absence of any special elements or captivating twists made the entire viewing experience monotonous. Overall, it failed to deliver the spine-chilling experience I anticipated, leaving me with a sense of dissatisfaction and boredom. However, all the actors and actresses were really good and their acting was really satisfying.
  • The two male leads have the best chemistry I have ever seen. Impossible to not root for them whenever they team up. Great over the top action as well..One of the best movies I've ever seen. The story behind the movie is so captivating. Music and Background Score gives you Goosebumps. Overall it's a Blockbusters Written All over it. And let's talk about the stunning visuals??!! Right from the start, there's so many beautiful frames and extremely well done shots/animationCouple of scenes in the middle and end (without spoilers) were just so brilliantly shot. Music and background score give you a goosebump over all it is a blockbuster written all over it.
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