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  • so I'm watching the first episode and it just makes me want to go watch wondershowzen or any other adult swim show from 2004-2010. the jokes are nonexistent, it's not funny, everything that it's trying to do has already been done 10 years ago. I would honestly be surprised if it makes it to a second episode on air. I saw the original thumbnail for it and thought jack black had a part of it, no. it's bad, stay away
  • I seen advertisements for this show during the commercial break to a south park episode. It looked to me like a funny show with a weird but grabbing name and main Character. It's kind of funny I guess. I felt like this was kind of a low budget show with a lot of amateur jokes that you would laugh at in middle school. I felt like even though this show had maybe two or three funny moments it was more belonging on adult swim or G4. It is kind of a unique show at least in the sense that its not just another animated adults cartoon.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So I watched the pilot and half way through I gave up. Fast forwarded a bit and thanked Jesus I didn't have to watch a vaper-artist blowing circles. Fast forward again, and music (which I never watch anyway). End of Pilot. Utter disappointment.

    I wonder who the captive audience is, maybe teenagers? Maybe stoners? I am a big fan of talk-shows but the whole monster-thingy doesn't work. The show lacks content, substance and doesn't seem to have any real purpose or message.

    It's a shame, but not all concepts work (for me). I'll stick to my favorites John Oliver, Colbert and Maher. Perhaps I am getting too old (35) for this kind of television, or perhaps I've seen it before. I suspect that this is a result of the comedian-hype that Netflix/Comedy Central and such brought. It appears content quantity trumps quality.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    i thought it was very funny , something different , you have to pay attention for the hidden jokes, very good all i can say, Once i watched the 1st episode i figured id give it a chance and ended up watching every episode to date ,. i want to see more ! i can see it being a very successful show !