User Reviews (9)

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  • Even if you are not familiar with Rocco Granata or his hit single Marina, you will probably enjoy this biopic. In the mid-50s, young Rocco is forced to follow his father Salvatore from Calabria to Limburg, where he found work in a coal mine - as did lots of Italian immigrants.

    Rocco learns Flemish and falls for a local, blond girl, whose name he never gets to know until very late. Salvatore is the stereotypical Southern man, jealous, violent and possessive and keeps his family under an iron fist. His redeeming feature is that his job is pretty awful and Salvatore doesn't want Rocco to follow into his footsteps.

    Rocco is interested in music but Salvatore is worried about money and doesn't think being a musician will pay any bills. Besides, he's also a bit envious of his son for having it easier than him.

    The plot explores the difficulties of Italian immigrants in the Flanders, but also their unique chance to try to do something better with their lives than if they'd stayed home.

    After some struggle, inspired by the blond beauty he has admired for over ten years, Rocco writes the song Marina, as a B-side for another single. However, the romance is disapproved by both families and its development remains uncertain. Overall, it's a well made movie with good performances.

    Everything rang true to me, because I am Italian, albeit not from the South and I also worked in Belgium and had my share of issues with learning Flemish (and French). It was also interesting for me to discover that Rocco Granata is way more popular in Belgium than he ever was in Italy.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Back in 1959, singer Rocco Granata took his Italian song 'Marina' to the top of many charts all over the world. Its catchy tune has become immortal, living up right to our present days.

    The charming Belgian film 'Marina' deals with young Rocco's whereabouts, right up to the moment he got famous with his song. It delivers a heartwarming picture of Belgium in the 1950-s, very recognizable for those around at the time.

    Even 'Marina's plot adapts to this era, being told in the slightly melodramatic way usual back then. The film only goes astray for not being shot in fifties-black and white.

    All in all, 'Marina' provides an enjoyable mix of Italian spirit against a warm Belgian background. Shot with the human touch that has become a trademark for Belgian films.

    My last comment is about 'Marina's nude advertising picture: although certainly humorous & original, it does not represent the contents of this enjoyable film.
  • Background: Had never heard of Rocco Granata. Chanced on this film on TV one evening. Started watching it because of the beautiful photography, and excellent acting. Watched it to the end.

    On to the critic "Marina" recounts the early life of Italian-Belgian singer Rocco Granata (born 1938, first big success in 1959), until he starts becoming famous. One could be worried about the clichés of poor family from Calabria moving to Netherlands, father working as a miner but son wanted to only play music and sing, local population is racist and to make matters worse the immigrant starts liking a local girl, and so on - but no, this is done really well, with lots of subtlety! And the acting is just so good! None of the actors is famous, I guess the most famous (or least unknown) is the Dutch girlfriend (Evelien Bosmans), who has had several roles on local TV.

    Did I mention that the photography was very beautiful, but without overdoing it either?

    Well worth watching. Possibly even re-watching.
  • "Marina" (2013 release from Belgium; 120 min.) is a bio-pic on the early years of Belgian singer Rocco Grenata. The movie looks at his earliest days, growing up in Italy and eventually moving to Belgium in the 1950s with his family (his dad took a job as a "guest worker" in the coal mines of Limburg). Young Rocco became fixated on playing the accordion and singing, all against the wishes of his stern dad. The movie concludes when young Rocco finally achieves a breakthrough with his song "Marina", which originally was the B side of his first single.

    Several comments: this is a Flemish movie directed by Stijn Coninx, best known for the (Oscar-nominated) bio-pic "Daens" in the 1990s. I mention "Flemish" (instead of Belgian), because the movie indeed is set in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking, northern part of Belgium. Coninx does an excellent job bring the 1950s to life with vivid details, and if you grew up in Belgium (like I did), this will feel very authentic. The issue of the so-called "guest workers" was then (and still is now) a thorny and emotional issue. Rampant discrimination against guest workers took place and the movie does not duck that part of the story, on the contrary.

    Apart from the story itself of how young Rocco Grenata made it, the acting performances in the movie are nothing short of stellar, none more so than Mateo Simoni in the role of Rocco, as well as Evelien Bosmans as his on-again, off-again girlfriend Helena. She is one of the very best acting talents to come out of Belgium in a long time, and surely we have not seen the last of her.

    Bottom line: I was floored and surprised (but in the best possible way) how good this movie was. "Marina" has been a runaway box office smash in Belgium (or certainly in Flanders). I saw the movie during a recent family visit to Belgium, and even though this has been playing for weeks already and I went to see in on a week day matinée, the theatre I saw this at was absolutely packed. The audience gave a spontaneous applause at the end of the movie, just to give you an idea how well this movie has been received. If you have a chance to see this, by all means do not miss it! "Marina" is HIGHLY, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
  • This movie was based on the life of an Italy born Belgian singer Rocco Granata. It briefs the story of his childhood to becoming an adult. His struggles being a foreigner and limited usage sources in the relocated place were told awesomely, but leaves sympathy with us. The first thing I wanted to clarify everyone is that the movie poster is misleading which gives the impression of the movies like 'Nymphomaniac' and 'Blue is the Warmest Color'. I saw this movie, so I am saying it was a very inspiring story about a hard working father and a music passion son. A very much family type movie, though there were a couple of sex scenes which is not exactly a distracting one. If you leave behind those, it is a great biographical movie for sure, and for tearjerkers

    Poor little Italian family dreams to become a rich, for that the father decides to go Belgium to work in a coal mine for three years. Soon after the rest of the family, mother, son and daughter follows him to the north. But it is different than they all assumed, being a family of a mine worker and the foreigner, the society treats them as the illegal immigrants. Now this family is trapped within the boundary of limitation for everything. The father works so hard and extends his contract. But his son is so playful who is passionate about the accordion. After children become the adults, the life turns very hard with the small earnings. Will they get a chance to rise and stand tall from all the odds was told in the remain.

    ''We are all passion in life. But sometimes it's life that decides what we can do''

    Romance, drama, music, sentiments, everything is there in the movie. The romance was so cute, but a very little and conclusion of this sub- theme was so painful. The drama that narrates the family's struggle over providing a better life for their children was remarkably displayed. Musics were so good, sadly I did not understand the meaning of the songs. Especially the title song was really good, now I am listening this track so often. It waited for the right time to bring all the emotions in at one point, where the turning point in the tale makes the way.

    The father's performance captured my attention and so the Rocco. Others as well very impressive, especially Rocco's girlfriend given a solid performance with the great expressions. Now that is how a teenage love looks like, in the old days. The end was good, they told what Rocco did afterwards, but did not say what happens to the love life. I am so eager to know that. Beside that there is no complaint anything about the movie. If you are looking for an entertainment as well as inspiration, this movie will provide those so don't miss this. That means I recommend you this.

  • drober198014 October 2017
    Just saw this movie at the International film Showcase in Orinda, California with a group of 18. Everyone really liked it and clapped at the end. Other reviewers have told you what the movie was about. I will just say that if you get the opportunity to see it, do it. We enjoyed talking about it at coffee after the movie, and we even had somebody from Belgium to ask if it was accurate, so a big thumbs up.
  • raffnyc6917 November 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Fantastic movies, everybody should watch this lovely movie to learn about how to succes in life .. very similar to "cinema paradiso"
  • I get that the fans of this performer would upvote and favorably review a bio-pic about him.

    but as a film this is an amazingly turgid string of cliches and tropes, poor, sometimes absurd dialogue and no meaningful narrative. It is a boring predictable slog to watch it.
  • fluffset5 September 2014
    Warning: Spoilers
    At first I don't know that this movie is a real-life story. About Rocco Granata, legendary Italian musician from Belgium because for me this movie is not epic enough, you can see it from the poster, why in any way in the world they must use that poster about someone real, who is still alive. Everything in this movie happen randomly, not have any gripping moment. Like they suddenly move to Belgium, how Rocco got friend, how Rocco really love this girl but never know her name and never bother to asking someone about it in 10 years although that girl just live nearby. The most frustrating part is when Rocco become success, they don't have any special technique to make us happy with him too because it just suddenly happen,just like that. No good acting here because I think they just do the best they can and we appreciate that. If we are human, we know that everyone's life are good enough to make a blockbuster movie because you know everyday is a surprise and we don't know what will happen later. Life sure got a lot of twist but not "Rocco Granata's life", its not his fault anyway, they just fail to make it good. Anyway, for me this movie is just a total mediocre where you can enjoy it and forget it tomorrow. Just enjoy the "Marina" song by Rocco Granata.