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  • ajeeshshaji1625 September 2023
    The whole movie is centred around a journalist transporting a storage device containing File-13, which contains proof of a company's misdeeds, to a minister, so that he can release it at UN summit.

    But this file-13 is revealed to be a video file and I don't really understand why people are physically transporting the storage containing the file, when they could just sent it online.

    Usually in movies like this, there will be a reason as to why the file cannot be released to public as it will have some sort of negative impact if public learns about it. But in this movie, releasing the file online would be an instant win for the good guys.

    The movie would be over in 5 minutes if the journalist just uploaded the video to Twitter . Or she could have sent the video to the minister and then the minister could have posted it or given it to media.

    It's unfortunate that there is such a large plot hole because the movie was shot well as well as acted well. But it's very hard to enjoy a movie when there is such a large plot hole.
  • This film should be banned. The images of REAL children with certain diseases, such as harlequin ichthyosis, were used WITHOUT their knowledge and without their permission. The film makers prostituted these children's images for their own shock value and monetary gain. It is appalling, it is wrong, and they need to be held accountable. These children have diseases that they work hard to bring awareness to on a daily basis. Their images are used on other accounts calling them "monster babies" and saying they don't deserve to live. ALL human life is planned and precious. These film makers have undone all of this in about 30 seconds. They, too, are guilty of making these children out to be monsters, when they are just babies fighting for their lives. PLEASE BAN THIS MOVIE!!!
  • jazzpattambi25 September 2023
    In my opinion, it was cringeworthy at its best. The performances of all the actors and actresses fell short, even Nassar, who is typically a decent artist, didn't shine. The storyline itself was weak. A PhD student how is doing PhD on how global warming is happening decided to do research on a company called CNG, apparently this company is the only reason India have carbon waste and other pollutants. The surprising thing about this is she found out about this by visiting some garbage locations and making a vedio vlogs of her own. There is no evidence, I mean the say about some evidence but its not show in the movie nor in the vedio vlogs. The more cring is that the villain is trying to get the vedios because she is trying to submit these vedios into g20 summit with help of a minister. Supposedly, by viewing this girl's vlog, the villain's entire business would crumble, leading to the loss of his license. To retrieve the video, the villain kidnapped his own daughter and blackmailing her grandfather.

    Making movies about Agents is a thing nowadays but it would be appreciated if they were grounded in some degree of realism or featured a compelling storyline.

    Imagine a multi billionaire villain is chasing behind a PhD student to get some vedios of a her and he is going after a minister to get those vedios. If its about some rare porn vedios as audience we can understand but this is beyond the limits of common audience.
  • "Gaandeevadhari Arjuna" is a compelling Telugu film that tackles the critical issue of toxic waste dumping by affluent nations into impoverished ones. The story follows a dedicated combat officer tasked with protecting an environmentally conscious minister at a UN summit. This officer's personal connection to the fight against climate change and biohazard waste adds depth to the narrative, offering viewers a visceral connection to the cause.

    "Gandeevadhari Arjuna" is a stirring call to action, urging us to acknowledge our shared responsibility for the planet and stand against the exploitation of the vulnerable by the powerful.

    In summary, "Gaandeevadhari Arjuna" is a powerful cinematic experience that blends entertainment with a crucial message. This film not only entertains but also inspires viewers to become agents of change in the battle against environmental injustice. It is a must-watch for anyone concerned about our planet's well-being and the ethical dilemmas we face in today's rapidly changing world.

    I have reviewed based on the message above. The story goes into additional masala mainly for entertainment purposes which can be diluted for the message. There are many movies on this subject and needs more attention by the world leaders and waste generators.

    I liked one point in the ministers presentation that "Indian ecosystem has found a perfect balance between human needs and environment" before the British invasion and the current industrialisation. We need to go back to similar standards of living to save the planet for next generations.
  • Are u kidding me. If telugu audience want to watch John Wick they can do that by playing it in Telugu. They do not need a sick twisted and poorly replicated form to watch it. This is a perfect example of directors making poor content that's replicated, Indianized, and localized forms of movies from the west and east.

    Please get some original thinking into play for god sake. The funniest part of the movie was Nazar in a global form asking for other country's companies not to dump waste in our country. India is a powerful nation which has its own laws to save and protect its soil by implementing measures to ensure safety. Asking for other countries not to dump waste while our country fails to enforce and penalize culprits is ridiculous. Before India asks for other countries to stop dumping, don't you think we should first take the matters into our own hands and penalize the companies? It's so stupid and ironic, coz you are telling other countries in a very dramatic way that I failed to do my job and you should start doing yours. I think is India is much more than what they have shown and in my view they have made India look bad.
  • kotraketan30 September 2023
    I don't usually give reviews but had to for this one as this was suvh a sh**tty screen play and direction. I don't understand why directors won't be practical and repeat same old movies. It's just torture for audience.



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    I don't usually give reviews but had to for this one as this was suvh a sh**tty screen play and direction. I don't understand why directors won't be practical and repeat same old movies. It's just torture for audience. I don't usually give reviews but had to for this one as this was suvh a sh**tty screen play and direction. I don't understand why directors won't be practical and repeat same old movies. It's just torture for audience.
  • "Gaandeevadhari Arjuna (2023)" turned out to be one of those films that reaffirm why some viewers hesitate to watch Tamil movies. It left me thoroughly disappointed and bored, making it a movie I cannot recommend.

    At first glance, the movie appeared promising with its intriguing background, but it ultimately fell short of expectations. The disappointment was palpable as the film failed to live up to its initial allure. Even my wife, who has a penchant for Hindi and Tamil cinema, shared my sentiments, labeling it as subpar.

    One of the major letdowns was the main actor's performance. The fighting sequences and acting failed to meet the anticipated standard, leaving much to be desired. Additionally, the screenplay and direction didn't rise to the occasion, resulting in a lackluster cinematic experience. The storyline, too, felt disjointed and off-kilter, further contributing to the overall disappointment.

    In summary, "Gaandeevadhari Arjuna (2023)" is a movie that I strongly advise against watching. It failed to deliver on multiple fronts, from the main actor's performance to the scriptwriting, directing, and storyline. Save yourself the time and frustration and opt for a more satisfying cinematic experience elsewhere.