User Reviews (14)

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  • valadas24 January 2024
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie is rather uninteresting. Too dark images even in extremely violent scenes where it is difficult to understand who is beating whom. The story is simple though a bit confusing. Edward was kidnapped while a baby (we don't know by whom and whereto). Now he appears as adult and with a strong wish to search for his biological parents and family. He lives now in USA and has an American girlfrend, Ryley who helps him in his search. He begins by subjecting is DNA to investigation and we don't exactly how, he finds who his lost mother and twin brother are and where they live. He goes to meet them at their home. But instead of meeting friendly surroundings he soon finds himself seeing a monstrous secret that acts violently against him and Ryley. A movie with several lacks in its story.
  • Edward (Carloto Cotta) has been searching for his biological family to no avail. He does an online DNA test which connects to his twin Manuel in Portugal. He and his girlfriend Riley (Brigette Lundy-Paine) travel to the remote mountain home of Manuel and their elderly mother.

    This is slow. It's a small horror from Portugal and it feels inconsequential. I thought they would do something with the twin aspect, but they leave it to the final reveal which is very anti-climatic. They need to reveal it sooner and have fun with the consequences. As for the mother, there is some janky makeup going on. I get the Benjamin Button idea, but she would be better as forever young. This is a poor effort.
  • First of all, this movie is mostly in English so don't get scared off by it being Portuguese. The leads both do a commendable job with average dialogue and plot.

    Those things really aren't the main reason to watch. It's the creep factor for me. Super freaky mother character with really good prosthetic make-up that steals the show.

    The story is also very creepy and I believe is Portuguese folklore. About the witch mother - no more details here you'll have to watch it. You'll find out pretty quick that the house is not going to be a fun place to visit.

    Overall it's a good film, not great. Enjoyable horror and well acted. 6.4/10.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie is basically about a guy that got kidnapped as a child by a woman that turned out to be his brother and father's other lover. The child is left on the steps of new york firehouse and then it starts with him looking for who he is. The girlfriend gets him something to take a knock ancestry test and he finds his other family in PT. Long story short, His mom is a "bruja" that kidnapped and tortured his grandfather after giving birth to his dad and brother. The girl in the poster basically has sex with her children and makes one to sleep with and one to eat and in the movie ends with her dancing with one of her lovers aka one of her children. BE CAREFUL there is one scene the older version of that girl in that poster has sex with the male main character her son and you see her gross old mangled body..
  • After the crazy "Diamantino," Gabriel Abrantes opted for a conventional horror film. Kind of. As a horror fan, I can only thank him. And for a first work... it's not bad at all to start with one of the best works of the genre in the Portuguese language.

    In the story, in New York, Edward (Carloto Cotta) lives peacefully with his girlfriend, Ryley (Bridgette Lindy-Paine). In search of his biological family, Edward ends up discovering he has a brother and a mother in Portugal, but soon realizes that uncovering his origins can be quite dangerous.

    There's some excellent work here in introducing the plot and creating mystery. The film begins with a strong opening scene in the past (with Alba Baptista as the young mother) and then transitions to the present, initially presenting us with the main couple in a comprehensive yet not overly expository manner. These are the two best-developed, most well-rounded characters, greatly aided by the excellent performances of Carloto Cotta (who plays two very distinct roles) and Bridgette Lindy-Paine. Lindy-Paine, in particular, carries the film more than expected, always being the character who pieces together the plot. Anabela Moreira's outstanding work should also be highlighted; even covered in makeup, she manages to shine in the role of the most enigmatic character, the mother of the brothers.

    The way Abrantes handles the genre is quite interesting, adding some dashes of humour (although some of the audience seemed to think it was purely a comedy) and blending in elements of traditional Portuguese folklore, as well as incorporating social commentary related to family and romantic relationships with a good dose of madness.

    The soundtrack is excellent, as is all the work on the sound effects heightening the tension of the movie. From a visual perspective, the outstanding production design stands out (the interior spaces look like works of art), and the cinematography, especially in the darker scenes, is noteworthy. At times, the film leans into some genre clichés-several characters following voices in the dark, dreams within dreams, and more dreams-but it manages to rise above them by always keeping us entertained and engaged, concluding with a very strong third act.
  • phildeesnow8 March 2024
    Why they didn't use real twin brothers?... There has to be hundreds of twins who can act.

    Why do they have to use wigs that seemed to be from Temu?.

    Why if they dare to touch subjects like incest and cannibalism of babies, there's no nudity?.

    Why do the mask that is supposed to be one of the biggest jump scares, looks like it was the item they needed to add to the Temu order in order to be delivered because the wigs were not enough?.

    Why didn't they use a real actress instead of the very bad make up?.

    Google actresses like Veronica Castro, Moria Casan, Nacha Guevara and many others that look worse than that after plastic surgery and they are available... Why?. It could have been so much better.
  • In Portugal we trust!

    For fans of European psychological horror films, this film is fresh meat.

    The atmosphere of the film is really uncomfortable, and we are sucked in by the mystery of the plot, which remains easily fixed until the end.

    Alba Baptista had little screen time, but listen to me, this woman deserves more roles in horror films.

    It succeeds in delivering deeply unsettling imagery and ideas, and effectively utilizes its runtime well despite the film's very slow pace.

    While the film does feel very slow at times, I can respect the fact that its attempts to tell a very complex and disturbing story, which it manages to accomplish with great precision.

    As a Portuguese, I was afraid the film wouldn't be what I expected, but this is what we needed and what our COUNTRY needs.
  • I mean, what can I even say about this movie that I absolutely despised? Can I talk about the good elements of it, the parts I enjoyed, the parts that worked to create an interesting narrative? I wish I could, but I honestly can't think of a single redeemable quality in this entire film. The characters were unlikable, the story wanted to be grotesque but wouldn't show you anything to actually induce fear, and even the cinematography was basic and had no passion. The times the movie wanted to be creepy were so few and far between, that the only thing that ended up being truly nightmare inducing was Amelia's face after years of cosmetic surgery.

    It's truly incredible how you have a movie about a witch that has children with her own sons and then eats them to regain her youth, a horrifying premise in and of itself, and you end up making the most mundane and least scary movie possible. I just don't understand how this even happened. It's like the creative team read the premise and then decided to not ruffle any feathers, not offend anyone, and not really create anything truly horrific, instead opting to alude to the witch and use dream sequences to sometimes show what she does, but never having the cojones to actually do it.

    This is the worst kind of horror movie to me. A movie that uses a great premise but ends up yielding a tame, inoffensive movie where nothing really scary happens, everything is suggested and not actually shown, and the conclusion ties nothing together, leaving the viewer to wonder why he even wasted and hour and a half of his life on this movie. I really wish I would have read reviews for this film beforehand, as I would have wanted to be warned before investing my precious time on a film that wouldn't enrich my life in any way.

    This is why I'm writing this review, to save as many of you from watching this movie as possible. Do not make the same mistake as I did, as life is way too short to spend it watching these types of movies that contribute nothing of value to your life. Read a book, take a walk, listen to your favorite album on repeat. Anything is preferable to watching this film.
  • No pun intended - and not even close to the "not without my daughter" I am riffing off. This is quite different from that - I mean this is a horror movie, so you got a major difference already! That said - let's focus on what the movie is actually about: family, aging, death and legacy. The movie made me think - about a possible future about the unstoppable ... row of time.

    Not really a feel good sentimentality I am putting out there. But it is what it is - which is also true about the story the movie offers - as in predictable! I don't even think you have to have watched many movies to get where this is going.

    The characters seem to need a bit longer to get the obvious I reckon. One of the actors doing double duty (well actually the mother in a way too, but differently, as in being only one character) ... and the one character he is playing is quite out there .... the main characters make fun of him - but not sure that is enough to make away the cringe you may feel.

    A few good shockers, a few completely unnecessary scenes (a signing that really has no merit and no excuse being in the movie - unless there is some deleted footage that would tie or explain its existence) ... overall it does have the right themes and might give you a horrible feeling ... just maybe not the one you were looking for ...
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Let's just get it out of the way, it's a movie about incest. To save you 91 minutes, let me summarize it for you. Guy takes DNA test and is contacted by a long lost twin brother in Portugal. He goes out for a visit with his girlfriend and they find the aging mother, who looks like she's had too much plastic surgery, and that's even mentioned, is nearly bed-ridden. Turns out mom is a witch who regains her youth after becoming impregnated and giving birth after having sex with her son. She raises her sons to be her lovers to keep the cycle of returning youth going. If she has a daughter, she kills it. I was squirming and uncomfortable, even during ridiculous family dance scenes. It's ugly and uninteresting, and I've just save you time and movie rental money. You're welcome.
  • Night_springs117 September 2023
    This is probably one of the best portuguese movies I've watched so far. Everything feels genuine - the chemistry between the characters is palpable and there are truly hilarious moments.

    You can sense a constant shift between funny and spooky throughout the movie, and that felt like I was in a rollercoaster. It was very entertaining to watch and I'm curious to see how a non-Portuguese audience might react to this movie, since it has multiple references to our country.

    The dancing scenes and the soundtrack fits just perfectly and the ending was solid. Can't wait to watch this again, hopefully soon.
  • Watched purely because crushing on Carloto Cotta :- )

    Well, the wig and the w__ker hipster accent was quite funny. A lot things seemed funny but I genuinely couldn't tell you where to draw the line on how much of it was intentional. I'm also easily scared so all in all I was watching it like, okay, this is ridiculous but scary.

    So the premise that it can be um.. tricky to get on with your family is nothing new - I do indeed have relatives, duh. But the film offered me another perspective: dealing not with my own family but the family of my (hypothetical) partner. Currently single, I sometimes imagine what it would be like in a new relationship. You know, you're getting a nice boyfriend (not with *that* accent ofc but anyway). He's good-looking, of Portuguese descent, everything's fine but then his weird bloody relatives enter the stage... And there you are, complaining to your friend on the phone how you're having trouble because they have too much influence over him, etc, etc. Dramatic scenes, eh?

    Overall, if you don't take it too seriously it's a fun film for a one-time watch. Consider it a horror with the elements of comedy.

    P. S. The accent is not real, as in they used a voice-over actor for it. And somehow the thought that my fave Carloto couldn't physically sound like that gives me comfort <3.
  • My experience with "Amelia's Children" was unfortunately disrupted by a chaotic cinema environment, with people's loud commentary and disruptive behavior from teenagers consuming alcohol triggering an alarm and briefly interrupting a crucial moment in the film.

    Despite these issues, I hope to revisit the film without the negative cinema ambiance, which has become increasingly common in Portuguese commercial theaters.

    On a positive note, the film is a commendable entry into Portuguese horror, delivering quality comparable to the North American sector. Technically impressive with excellent sound, it overcomes the typical issue of Portuguese films feeling acoustically confined. The horror genre is explored refreshingly without the usual slowness or amateurishness seen in Portuguese attempts. Director Gabriel Abrantes shows promise, effectively incorporating morbid elements in both visuals and narrative, creating tension and impactful moments. The storyline and editing are praised for a mysterious plot with seamlessly integrated revelations, culminating in a gripping third act that heightens anxiety. The nighttime scenes' photography is admired for effectively conveying fear through lighting and camera angles, with certain character shots leaving a lasting impression.

    However, there are drawbacks, including the film losing some Portuguese essence due to the predominant use of English and non-Portuguese protagonists. Additionally, there's difficulty in immersing oneself in the suspense and mystery during the final stages of the first act and the beginning of the second, as the film momentarily veers away from horror to embrace different approaches.
  • stennger28 March 2024
    I almost feel offended reading some of the reviews on here.

    Absolutely ridiculous how some people hate just to hate.

    The movie was very well made. We follow Edward (Carloto Cotta) from New York who is in search of his biological family - we don't get much info here but he seems to have grown up in the foster system - and with the help from his girlfriend Riley (Brigette Lundy-Paine) they follow a match made from an ancestor app and travel to Portugal to meed Edward's biological mother Amelia (Present tense played by Anabela Moreira - past tense played by Alba Baptista) and brother Manuel (Carloto Cotta).

    Carloto managed quite well in tricking me into believing the twins were played by actual brothers! I did have to pause the movie to do a quick google search and unfortunately for me there was somewhat of a spoiler in that answer. His acting was very much on point and I genuinely enjoyed his performance overall! There is a review on here about bad wigs and I just don't agree with that at all.

    Brigette did an incredible job with making their character very real and believable. They have this ability to perfectly portray the feeling you get when *you're uncomfortable but you don't want to be rude* in a way that can't be described with words! Without a doubt the most sensible and authentic character in this movie.

    Anabela did a very good job! From the wide stretched out smiles to the silent stare, she made me very uncomfortable and intrigued - also those prosthetics were incredibly creepy and well made, I genuinely thought that it was Alba under all of that make-up at first.

    To no ones surprise, Alba Baptista is incredibly beautiful. I will give her extra points for being a scene-stealer despite not having many scenes in this movie. Wonderful performance!

    Overall I genuinely enjoyed this movie. It was well made, the acting was top tier and the actual story leaves you with a very uneasy feeling.