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  • I have little to say. This shows how holidays like Valentine's day make it hard for people. Sheldon is at his worst. Penny is nasty and hostile. Bernie and Howard are at odds. While there is some OK stuff here, this is not a great episode. Also, I can't believe Alex can stand to be around Sheldon.
  • In this special ep of "The Big Bang Theory" which aired and takes place on Valentine's Day: Leonard offers to take Penny to dinner, which she accepts. Howard is on Bernadette's bad side because he plays on his X-box instead of doing household chores when she's working. Raj suggests to Stuart to keep his comic shop open for the night in order to invite other unattached lonely singles for a party. And Sheldon uses his assistant Alex to help find a present for Amy. I'll stop there and just say this was another hilarious ep of "The Big Bang Theory" especially with the way the dinner between Leonard & Penny and Howard & Bernadette goes and the way things end up with Sheldon & Amy. Oh, and Raj also gives an inspiring speech near the end. In short, "The Tangible Affection Proof" is another comedy classic. Highly recommended!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    This was a very hit and miss episode for me.

    For all there were some lovely sweet moments (Sheldon saying that Amy was his emergency contact, Raj's big speech, Leonard saying to Penny that she should be the one to propose, not him) that make you realise just how good this show has the potential to be, there are also lots of weaker bits that spoil these moments.

    Sheldon of course has to abuse Amy's devotion, Raj has to act like a chump when he gets the chance to go for coffee with a woman, Penny has to act like a brat.

    I know it's a sitcom and characters traditionally can't experience too much growth, they have to go back to zero each time, but this episode does spoil itself a bit.

    It's a shame, because the lovely sweet moments are exactly that.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The show has seemed to move forward with relationships of characters lately and this was just another example of how far these nerds and girls have come. First Penny and Leonard not always my favourite couple impressed me with Leonard actually being the one in the right and letting her propose in the future will make for a moment that might be both romantic and funny. Amy and Sheldon are my favourite because of how funny they are and they have defiantly developed a lot with the gifts exchanged to Amy even though it seemed to backfire on her. Howard and Bernadette while in quick scenes are the only married ones who are just going through typical married life making them forgettable on the show. Lastly Raj has become such a boring and bad character that him with Stewart is just boring to watch and those scenes at the comic book store were just badly written. Typical romantic problems with some nice scenes but also some stories that started strong and ended quite weakly EPISODE GRADE: C (MVP: Kaley Cucou)