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  • Called "Have a Nice Day" on Netflix, this Mexican film is cute, romantic, heartfelt and involving both the older generation and the younger generation who finally bond over rock and roll, dancing, and love. The older ML. Álvaro Guerrero plays his part perfectly and is living his young life through the younger ML, Eduardo Minett, teaching him how to become a man, mysterious, a rebel, in order to win the heart of his crush, the FL Andrea Chaparro, who just happens to look like the love of the elder's life (LaBomba), his previous co-host from his young years when he was a famous radio host, rock and roll dj. Since the older ML needs to make money to fix his classic car to attend a radio station reunion and reconnect with LaBomba, he takes a grocery bagger job where he met the 2 younger duo. The 2 ML's at first clash and compete for tips, the elder pulling every trick in the book to get the tips. Later taking him under his wing to teach him to become a man, to become a mysterious rebel to get his woman (the FL), they become cohorts together. Very cute, sad, funny but pretty much predictable. Ending is sad but happy at the same time, if that is possible.
  • Have a nice day. In some countries...¿encontró lo que buscaba? Which loosely translates to "have you found what you're looking for?" from mexico! English captions on netflix. I hope the cast list here on imdb gets updated; as of today, it's missing so much information. In the story, a retired radio announcer kiké goes to work in a supermarket to earn money. While he's there, he comes up with more ways to earn extra cash... and not all of them are legal. How long will it be before the poop hits the fan?? And will his co-worker picho get caught up in kiké's shenanigans? It's a cute film, but i'm sure a lot was lost in the translation. Of course, there's a road trip to mexico city. Which doesn't quite go as planned. But kiké wants to visit his roots. Cute story. Plain and simple. Nothing fancy. Directed by yibran asuad. She had worked on the awesome "house of flowers" !! Story by javier penalosa.