User Reviews (20)

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  • The games are dirty and the stakes are high in the new drama "Submission". Stanley Tucci (sporting a toupee that doesn't look half-bad) is as solid as ever as Ted Swenson, a dispirited college English lit professor in desperate search of a follow-up to a successful debut novel. Addison Timlin is Angela Argo, an admiring and enigmatic student who persuades her prof to critique chapters of her own go at a book. At first Angela projects as timid and unsure of herself and her craft with Ted. But we watch as she transforms from a seemingly scattered coed into a poised and purposeful young woman, and all the while shrewdly laser-focused on a prize she covets above all else.

    As the mentorship develops matters inevitably become increasingly complicated between teacher and student. Eventually the relationship makes a volatile shift from nurturing common bond to flashpoint cataclysmic intimacy. Screenplay writer and director Richard Levine presents a dynamic in which it becomes increasingly difficult to discern who is in fact playing whom in the quest for literary fame and fortune.

    The supporting cast are quite good across the board in "Submission". The multi-gifted Janeane Garofalo-one of my all-time faves-brings a sense of humor and pathos to the story as Magda, professional cohort and personal confidante of Ted who must help determine a wrenching verdict regarding her friend late in the film. The routinely reliable Kyra Sedgwick makes an impression as Sherrie, a dutifully supportive working wife who has her comfy world shaken upside down in the wake of devastating disclosure. The pivotal restaurant dinner scene between husband and wife is powerful stuff from both of these pros. But it is Sedgwick's performance in particular that infuses these emotionally jarring moments with searing sorrow and strength.

    "Submission" opens in New York City on March 2 and in Los Angeles along with other markets nationwide March 9.
  • It could have had more layers and it left me feeling disappointed that opportunities to do so were not taken. In the end, it lacked intensity and ended up being just a cliche story with no surprises.
  • jfictitional22 September 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    I rewrote my initial review so often that imdb stopped accepting the edits. But I never felt I adequately expressed my thoughts on "Submission." So:

    Meet Ted Swenson (Stanley Tucci), who saw himself as a writer and proved it with his bestselling (semi-autobiographical) debut. The next never came, so he's settled for Creative Writing tenure at some prestigious New England college. Witness his misery: a class of shallow hipsters who write about screwing dead animals and trash each other endlessly; a faculty of stuffy pseudo-intellectuals; a daughter he can't understand. Oh, his wife Sherrie (Kyra Sedgwick), the school nurse, loves him for who he is. But she just doesn't get his plight.

    Enter Angela Argo (Addison Timlin), the punkish student who never shows her work and hardly talks. One day she approaches Ted - whose book, you know, Saved Her Life - and asks for his opinion on her novel in progress. And what a novel, Ted thinks. Here is someone with true talent, something new to say. None of that screwing dead animals bullshit; here's the story of a young woman fantasizing about her science teacher - and acting on it! My God! Genius! Ted must nurture this work for Angela's sake, and before long, he must nurture the troubled Angela as well. Or so he thinks.

    If you can't guess where this leads, you're the right audience for "Submission," a drama about a tricky teacher-student relationship, and maybe a satire - like the source novel, Francine Prose's "Blue Angel" - on the perils of sexual harassment on college campuses. That might have been funny back in 2000, when the novel debuted. But right now we're in the middle of a thing where it's no laughing matter.

    That isn't the film's fault. It was filmed in 2015-16 and made the festival rounds early last year before finally getting a small release this March, arriving in a landscape no one, certainly not writer-director Richard Levine, could have anticipated. What does this timeliness do for "Submission"? Very little, really. Much as it wants to start a conversation on harassment, it's also aiming for "Disclosure" and any given student-teacher drama. Guess which works best?

    Satire as a genre thrives on broad strokes, and "Submission" obliges (perhaps the book too, I can't say). Angela's novel is titled "Eggs," with obvious connotations, so eggs feature in several scenes. A faculty dinner becomes a discussion of how kids these days are snowflakes who won't hesitate to cry rape; cue a haughty rant by Ted. "Blue Angel" was based on a 1930 German film of the same name, so Ted watches it for the parallels with his own dilemma. Chekov's Tooth - you'll like that one. However, Levine also wants his serious, mature drama, and nearly everything else about the film - direction, cinematography, music - is quiet and restrained, causing a dissonance in which the attempts at irony falter. The plot is also rote; there may still be some fresh way to tell this story, but Levine doesn't find it, nor anything notable to say about sexual harassment.

    If "Submission" has one definite virtue, it's the lead performances. Even as the film can't decide what it wants to be they anchor it, lending weight and complexity where it otherwise wouldn't exist. In fact, I'd go so far as to say they're the only reason to watch this.

    Ever since his breakout role on "Miami Vice" thirty years ago, Stanley Tucci has been a strong, reliable actor in a broad range of work. His Ted, with a toupee that calls to mind Stephen Colbert and garish scarves, is a guy who can't stand how his life turned out (learned through sporadic, superfluous voiceover Tucci delivers with perfect disdain). An old-school rebel, he's desperate to see himself as above the establishment that long since assimilated him, filling his language with caustic sarcasm and perfunctory laughter that fool no one. Maybe it's not surprising to see him awed by Angela and her Eggs. He's hard to actually like - that cynicism is expressed as smug disdain for his peers and barely-checked contempt for his students, and poor decisions seem to become him. But Tucci shows us there's still some decency in this naive, aimless man.

    Kyra Sedgwick has little to do besides play off Tucci, but in her one big scene - a fiery excoriation of Ted after he admits his sins in rather childish fashion - she's superb. Sherrie has tried to understand and support her husband's fickle nature only to have that thrown in her face, and she'll be damned if she doesn't air her grievances. If that's the best the film can give Sedgwick, she more than makes the most of it.

    Before my thesis about the third lead I want to mention the supporting cast. Recognizable faces, like Janeane Garofalo as a fellow teacher and Peter Gallagher as Ted's crass agent, do well with small parts. Everyone else is fine, with one unfortunate exception: Jessica Hecht as the faculty's outspoken feminist with an axe to grind for Ted. It's a one-note, hectoring character, and I can't see what the point was.

    Now, Angela.

    I'd heard of but never seen Addison Timlin before this. Most of her projects had minimal releases, or sat on a shelf for years, but I wasn't exactly looking for someone who made no impression on me. Now I know better. I've since tried to watch more of her work, and she strikes me as a talented, fearless and dedicated actress who continually amazes with each project. However, said projects tend to vary widely in quality from low-key great, to divisive, to mediocre. (You probably know where "Submission" falls.) I've yet to see something that equals her skill. But she is never less than convincing in any role.

    So who is Angela, anyway? When introduced she's insecure, putting down her work and almost begging Ted to read it - though from the moment she says "this isn't class," it's clear there's more going on. In the gaudy lighting of her smutty lit, she's the pure, vulnerable object of temptation. As Ted asks for more pages her timidity fades, bit by bit, remaining just innocent enough that Ted doesn't - or won't - realize what he's getting into. Yet in the end she remains enigmatic, enough things contradicted or left unsaid that I felt I hardly knew her.

    That doesn't stop Timlin from making her alive. She plays early scenes with the right balance of earnestness, as Ted sees her, and something more suspect, as everyone else sees her. I distrusted Angela, but still wondered when she was saying what Ted wanted to hear and when she was being genuine. (Apparently the book is even more ambiguous in this regard.) When the temptress becomes real in a pivotal scene, Timlin sells it brilliantly. Even as Angela becomes demanding and more typically antagonistic, Timlin's conviction never wavers and she sells that too. Through her, I could almost understand this inscrutable, fiercely intelligent woman who knows what she wants and doesn't care how she gets it. It's a tremendous performance that, again, I wish enhanced rather than carried the film.

    Ted and Angela's rapport forms the core of "Submission." What begins as a kinship between writers is paced and developed decently, despite some dangling plot points (like Ted claiming Angela's work as his own to placate his inquisitive colleagues). He eats up her flattery but also genuinely likes her work; crucially, his initial infatuation is intellectual rather than physical, and maybe hers is too. It's a subtle buildup that benefits the film greatly, until Angela loses patience - and the inevitable accusation comes.

    The shift into a courtroom would be the climax of most dramas, a stage set for melodramatic reveals and stirring monologues. "Submission" is having none of that; in fact, Ted's downfall feels cursory rather than cathartic. (Now that I think on it, though, this may be the point.) Witness testimonies are a montage of talking heads, each lasting a second because the actual words don't matter. And though Ted admits his culpability - in the most arrogant way possible - Angela, with her well-played moment on the stand, is explicitly made the villain, triumphant and seemingly remorseless. I've read reviews claiming this insults #MeToo victims, or reinforces victimized men and predatory women stereotypes; I find these reactions extreme, but the film is muddled enough that I see where they're coming from.

    And the ending! I won't spoil it, but Ted's story concludes in a place so absurdly tidy it could be read as bold or idiotic, depending on what you thought of the previous 100 minutes. I'd have called it the one unqualified success as a satire, if I knew that was the intention. And maybe that's my reaction to the film as a whole: it gets so tangled up in figuring itself out that I have no idea what to think.

    So this is about as close as I'm going to get. "Submission" has weak bite as a satire and little of note to say on sexual harassment, but works as a drama because of the actors, especially Addison Timlin (whom I will try not to doubt again). There might be a truly provocative examination of that pertient topic here, or a darkly compelling character study; instead an awkward middle ground is what we got. My mild recommendation is for the cast; watch with that in mind and you might find it worthwhile.
  • This past weekend, I was fortunate enough to attend the 2017 Denver Film Festival premiere "Submission." In a quick summary, writer/director, Richard Levine adaptation of Francine Prose 2006 novel, "Blue Angel," is a bold conversation starter. I found myself laughing at Stanley Tucci performance as the drowning, some-what famous college professor. Laughing in a sense, of relatability. Tucci delivery of the film's narration and in-head page reads were on point. The entire movie Tucci's character deals with an inner struggle of feeling CLICHÈ and washed-up. His performance comes off very personable. You trust this character...

    As the movie progress and the lines of student and teacher relations become blurred, actor, Addison Timlin begins to steal the show. Her performance is not just mesmerizing, but manipulative.

    Without saying any more about the overarching story, the scenes between Tucci and Timlin were designed in a way to create a conversation. Sexual harassment, the power within that situation and becoming the clichè you don't think you are, are discussed on screen in several different lights.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of the Denver Film Festival screening and would suggest this film to most moviegoers. Enjoy!
  • Jtncsmistad provided a great review. Please do take a look at it.

    To add my thoughts I am a fan of Tucci, Sedgwick, and Garofalo. The first half of the movie held my interest and I thought they all gave great performances but the second half of the movie unfortunately was very predictable. I don't mind predictable with an interesting story but in this case even great acting did not save the story.

    Worth a watch and definitely watch if you are a teacher.
  • A situation quite similar to real life situations.

    Her word is always powerful against his word combined with her crocodile tears. Dudes, always record interactions with a female during courtship or dating or even one night stands, or you'll be in a vulnerable situation where society is ready to crucify you.
  • The lines between a semi-successful, middle-aged novelist/professor and his student are crossed: lines of deceit, intimacy and manipulation. It's a #metoo movement highlighter with the good ol' cliche storyline of a student/teacher relationship and touches on the depths that some will go for success. "Submission" is a slow roller coaster ride of emotions and mild surprises. There is no drop and no climax so if a slow ride is what you desire, press play.
  • fmwongmd1 January 2019
    Ancient history repeats itself in the modern college campus.Stanley Tucci does a good job of acting.
  • Never heard of this one before and thought I would give it a try. Not exactly what I expected and ending was predictable. Wouldn't say I am in a hurry to rewatch it but it wasn't terrible either.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    It's sad, for students who don't have a bad purpose from getting close to professors and it makes them think how far they could have been treated as inappropriate and immoral. But it's good for teachers not to allow any student to approach, of course it's hard to recognize.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    As an expert in philosophy and philosophy of ethics, I do not want to talk about the structure of the film and its quality in this review, because I believe that this film is an issue that expresses a more important issue about ethics.

    We have a kind of excessive self-foundation in individualistic ethics, where we are selfish and face the world through the lens of attributing our own interests only, thus removing them from our lives with the slightest harm to our expectations of others. The root of this problem lies in selfishness. On the other hand, human beings can be seen as beings who are also prone to error, beings who have a higher status in society, while having more moral and social responsibilities, but also face higher moral tests. There is a proverb in Persian that says: "Whoever has more roof, more snow" So if we see successful people as people who may make mistakes like ourselves, with their first mistake, no matter how big and important, We do not leave them alone; This is possible in a kind of moral altruism. In this film, the main victim is the professor and not the student, but for the moral judgment of the film, he moves completely towards error. A professor who is in the middle of a scenario designed by his student and is deceived and caught by his fascination with the fantasy world. Like a victim caught in a spider web.

    But what is the judgment of the people and the community around him? How do his friends and wife deal with the professor? They reject him and no one sympathizes with him and does not try to understand his situation. Interestingly, he himself says at the end of the film, while writing, "I have to admit that I betrayed their trust." The problem is that this moral rule in social relations leads to the rejection and loneliness of human beings. Relationships break down, leading to depression and even the suicide of rejected people. Of course, we must live by the principles of moral justice in ourselves, but we must also know that we need "forgiveness." If we do not try to "understand" friends, loved ones, and even all human beings through dialogue, and simply destroy them out of selfishness in the face of others' mistakes as "betrayal," we may one day fall victim to this rule of error ourselves. But the solution to selfishness is compassionate otherness, which leads to "forgiveness" and gives people hope to return to life. If I had a part in the production of this film, I would change its name to "Forgiveness" and try to convey the right message to the viewer of the film, not to confuse the viewer with this error and say that this is society and you too. Accept this sick community and be a part of it!
  • WVfilmfem5 July 2018
    Warning: Spoilers
    Brilliant, and so current within the bounds of sexual harassment, and the bringing down of notable figures within our society. This story, however, shows the other side of the coin, how the female "victim" insidiously manipulated to reach her goal of success, at the cost of ruining the marriage and teaching career of the professor. Excellent performances all around, and to add, this is a very brave film! Highly recommended!
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Stanley Tucci plays a professor at a mediocre college (the way his character would let you believe, it's barely one step up from a trade school) that he teaches at in between gigs as a sometime author (and for the "medical insurance") who is dissatisfied at where he's ended up at this point in his life. Student Angela seems to admire the bored professor, and when she catches his ear, timidly asks him to review chapters of a book she's written to get his feedback. Unbeknownst to him (and initially, us), she is manipulating him from the get go. He doesn't even necessarily develop any feelings for her (he states later he was sidelined by a notion of adolescent romance), but he does get sucked into her doe eyes and fawning admiration of his opinion - until it doesn't suit her needs anymore. His distaste for the daily minutia of dinner parties and clueless students allow him to let his guard down, pulling him towards a clumsy tryst in Angela's room that is satistying for neither, except she now uses this new level of intemacy to essentially harangue him into showing her chapters to his agent/publisher. When this produces a dead end for Angela, she of course accuses him of sexual harrasment, at which point you really learn how twisted this girl really is and who she'll hurt to get what she wants. The supporting roles of Tucci's vanilla wife and distant daughter are apparently part of the story to show how much the professor has risked, but the daughter is so briefly added to the story and so unlikable, and the wife so bland, that their presence isn't even necessary. It's mostly a story about how when we feel lost in our life, we can be easily manipulated, especially when we're unsure about who we are and what we're willing to do in order to capture a glimpse of who we want to be.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Stanley Tucci comes off from the start of this film as very self-aware and intelligent, so the first half of the film had me guessing that he was trying to manipulate his student in order to steal her manuscript, while she was trying to manipulate him in order to get a book deal and each suspected the other's intentions. No such luck, as it turns out, because apparently we are supposed to believe that he really believed the student actually was attracted to him, and that's where the film lost me. There could have been a good cat and mouse story here, but there wasn't, and the ending wound up feeling more like Election and less like the Blue Angel, and this film isn't as clever as either of those.
  • Despite strong performances and good direction this film fizzles out and leaves you disappointed with too many unanswered questions.
  • Difficult to watch. A well made movie with good story & acting, but the topic was rolled out in a very gritty real kind of way. You can predict disaster awaits the main character in terms of marriage & work. You can sense it is going to happen, and I found it too intense to watch! A realistic negative tragic tale. In a world where we have a tendency to focus on tragedies & problems, I decided to skip most of the movie & seek out something more upbeat or positive.
  • westsideschl28 July 2018
    1. The portrayal of the post secondary "academic community" (in quotes for a reason) was so stereotypically artificial from the parties to the discourse to the mannerisms that it provoked me to write this wearing tweed; smoking a pipe & drinking from my Bordeaux glass or is it a Burgundy glass? 2. The abrasive part of the teaching style was simply made up as were the constant "air quotes". 3. Some viewers condemned the prof for taking advantage - get human & real! 4. The family turmoil from an affair, and the spurious academic committee review seemed too "made-up". 5. Ending had a cheap cute cleverness that fit w/the rest of the movie.
  • Surprised at the low score on Rotten Tomatoes and by other "reputable" critics. They must have left before Tucci's final speech at the "sexual harassment" hearing. He summed up all the nuance and complexity of the central relationship and the loss of a chunk of his life at a middling college with mediocre PC self-righteous faculty. The only aspect I found unconvincing in the film was the cliche reaction of the wife and daughter: the wronged females, without any exploration of issues of marital and filial loyalty, generosity, acceptance, even the possibility of forgiveness.The rest was beautifully balanced, fleshing out quite satisfactorily the ambiguity of the central relationship. Both parties are responsible and there's no simplistic perspective of the male as sexual predator. On the contrary, the young woman is far more aggressive in using her charms as a means to fulfill her ulterior motives. As a woman, I applaud this narrative and dramatic choice. Most of the time, sexual harassment is a two way thing, females often being more deadlier than the male. The young actress did a beautiful job, but the movie was carried single handedly by Mr Tucci. There's no character he doesn't bring subtlety and nuance to. He's absolutely pitch perfect here as the conflicted, flawed but self-aware central character. His portrayal elicits oodles of sympathy from the viewer. A look, a twitch of the eyebrow, a verbal quip: Tucci is a master of this. I could watch him on a loop forever. Incredibly satisfying viewing.
  • meimeinovnov13 July 2018
    Im sorry its just,..its so unconditional. and i wish professor remember his condition not just his selfish
  • Im pissed and super annoyed. I just simply dont like the situation that lead the professor to.. better watch to understand.