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  • sagitan-8623714 September 2021
    B grade movie. Ending was expected and could have been better. Acting was somewhat good for a B grade movie. Watch it when you have nothing better to do.
  • This movie is exactly as I expected it to be: an average watch with no surprises but which provides ok entertainment to pass the time. If you like these sorts of Lifetime movies then you'll probably like this one, if you don't, then you won't. Not much else to add. My rating: 5/10. Note: Emmanuelle Vaugier was the leading actress, I didn't see her credited here; she was fine.
  • Maya, a project manager, meets Alex Dales, an intern who has the hots for her. Trouble is Alex is a psycho! I had a hard time coming to grips with why it took so long for Maya to catch on to who Alex was! That really hurt the movie which had the potential to be so much better! Missed opportunity and not recommended.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    So I've only seen the first 15 minutes so I had to pause the movie to come and post this.. If you have seen killer assistant (2017) then you might want to miss this one. It's almost identical storyline.

    Just to add another thing. So psycho is in Maya's office consoling her and has his hands on her arms and sort of feeling her up moving his hands up and down, and she's totally oblivious. Next thing in celebrating her win she gets drunk and has sex with psycho. She brought it all unto herself, endangering her friend, boyfriend and daughter. Typical portrayal of women as being totally dumb and clueless as the LMN movies go!
  • nightroses15 September 2021
    Warning: Spoilers
    The psycho is from the beginning a complete dangerous person. He seems to be on a screw loose and has murdering intentions. The psycho ends up working as an intern in an office but he becomes obsessed with a manager there. She's a so-called "tough independent" woman although doesn't have any actual brain cells when it comes to this psycho. She doesn't mind him sneaking around her house, nosing in her private things or getting creepy. She has to be the dumbest woman on film.
  • Well this 2021 TV movie thriller titled "Psycho Intern" (aka "Don't Look There") is a watchable thriller, although it is not an outstanding or particularly exciting thriller.

    The storyline told in "Psycho Intern", as written by Matt Fitzsimons and Ken Miyamoto is pretty straight forward and entertaining enough for what it turned out to be. This is, however, a rather simplistic storyline and plot that doesn't mentally challenge or stimulate the audience. So you essentially just switch to autopilot and cruise through the movie. The plot and storyline is, however, suffering from being rather generic and predictable.

    Director Ann Forry does manage to deliver a watchable movie with the material readily at hand. However, this is hardly a movie that warrants more than just a single viewing.

    The acting performances in the movie were adequate, and Emmanuelle Vaugier does manage to carry the movie well enough with her performance, despite having a generic script to work with. While Madison Smith is an adequate enough actor, he just didn't manage to portray the deranged character in an overly believable fashion.

    For a thriller then "Psycho Intern" was just a dime a dozen, so the movie sort of failed to stand out amidst a sea of similar movies. My rating of "Psycho Intern" lands on a bland five out of ten stars. Watchable, but hardly memorable or outstanding.
  • rollodd4 October 2021
    One of the worst movie I've ever seen Bad actors, not talking about the script Rubbish.
  • In a female psycho rich genre, it was actually nice to see the heels on a male lead. Gave an extra 2 stars for the classic, I spat in your food scene.

    Give it a spin, it's a watch.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    In an outburst in a motor vehicle after he received a "C" on an assignment at Eastwood University, Alex Dales grabbed the wheel from his abusive father. The car tumbled off the road, and Alex was thrown into the bushes with a severe head injury. It turned out both parents died. But even before the temper tantrum, Alex had the mental mindset of a rage-a-holic, a pathological liar, a killer, and a pervert.

    When he takes a job as an intern for the Newmark corporation, Alex becomes obsessed with his boss, Maya Taylor. A dynamic executive, Maya is the company's superstar, ably assisted by Katlin "Kate" Nash. In an effort to get closer to Maya, Alex sends Kate to the hospital with a concussion following another auto mishap. Now, Alex makes his "move" on Maya.

    The one entirely unconvincing scene in the film was when Maya kissed Alex and had steamy sex with him in her office. The sequence was completely out of character for the self-disciplined Maya.

    The film recovered somewhat from the far-fetched scene with the development of a genuine relationship of Maya with the local gallery owner Ben. There was also a well-choreographed struggle as a grand finale when Alex made a surprise appearance at Maya's home.

    Led by Emmanuelle "Lifetime" Vaugier as Maya, the cast was excellent, and the scenes in the Newmark offices were especially effective. The deranged character of Alex was well-developed in his troubled relationship with his domineering father. He wanted desperately to play the victim card. But he met an indomitable force in Maya. It all was very credible ... except for her one moment of weakness.
  • cpwings17 December 2021
    I thought this movie was well done for this genre. We know what to expect and that's why we watch. Some good surprises. Well directed and acted. Much more so than others I have seen. Definitely worth a watch!