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  • Emma is coming out of an abusive relationship and is on the way driving to stay with her sister. Trouble is several twisters are tearing through the towns she is near to get there and then she gets a flat tire with no tools to change it. So, she pulls into a farmhouse off the beaten track to get out of the path of one that's close and meets Jack, who plays a widower who saves her from it and fixes her tire. Emma leaves but doesn't get very far when another twister is on its way and goes back to the farmhouse. But this time, Jack isn't letting her leave and has ulterior motives. What are they? You'll have to tune in to find out and I would recommend you do when this movie is on again!!!
  • Even for a TV movie this is a real stinker. For the genre you would expect at least some blood and violence but i guess it was too hard for the amateurs filmmakers to do so none of that.

    Trying to build suspense from lines but the writing was shallow and totally lack any thrill, so all the talking were tidious.

    Acting was blant at best and there were absolutely nothing thrilling whatsoever about this supposedly thriller.

    The whole thing looks like it was done by a student and not a very good student. It won't even cut it as a "dumb fun horror film" where you can switch off your brain and enjoy some dumb fun. This is just dumb with zero fun.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The script writing was super weak and full of obvious gaps in common sense. From the very start of this movie I felt the "Yes it is going to be typical SOS different day routine" with a female protagonist who fails to see multiple Red Flags from Jack. IE, not allowing her to retrieved her cell phone was a big one. And what's up with these characters moving at turtle speed, like when Emma was investigating the noise she heard from the attic??? Or falling for those weak excuses of old houses making the noise of someone's voice.

    I got so fed up with the nonsense half-way through that I fast forwarded this to the end which still was stupid with these women trying to evade Jack, but will stop long enough for Jack to spy them as they are trying to get to the storm shelter.

    Like I said, Same Old tired routine, different day with law enforcement being inept with the sheriff getting killed by a weird psycho and her body not being found until the end.

    Hardly a tyhriller and more like "How many stupid mistakes can I make and still survive this dumb poorly written movie.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Because of the original movie idea, this earns a 7 star rating from me. But referring to my review title, there were just too much missing information, unanswered questions, and plot holes that made the story difficult to follow and understand.

    Was Kylie's mom and Jack dating or something? Because it definitely appeared that way in the recording that Jack watched on the TV screen while Emma was handcuffed to the table. But then when we finally saw Kylie, it showed a flashback of Kylie opening the front door to see Jack, and they talk as if they have never met before. I was so confused at that point.

    So that left me with the conclusion that either Jack was Kylie's real dad, or that he was a stranger who forcefully broke into their house and held them hostage. It's almost as if the screenwriters forgot their original script and decided to take a different route for their story, which ultimately confused their audience.

    What happened to the mom? Did Jack kill her offscreen or something? Who was the other man that appeared on the recording that Emma look so shocked to see? Did she know him?

    How did Jack not hear Emma fumbling with the pen and handcuffs, along with all the other noises she made? Maybe Jack is deaf in one ear.

    Other than all of those I thought this was an enjoyable film to watch on a Sunday night. The special effects were good and it did leave me on the edge of my seat, or should I say, living room couch. I wish we saw more of the sister and the abusive ex boyfriend. The sister only had one scene and the ex only appeared in flashbacks.