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  • rhonnie-431395 July 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    This movie was very predictable but also frustrating. The dialogues between the main characters seemed a bit silly because it was clear the male character was lying and scamming the female lead. Clearly she should have been less desperate and trusting of this total stranger but she hooked up with him within hours of their meeting. It was hard to believe that she selected a random guy on a dating site and got him a credit card with a $15k credit line just because he asked her to do it.

    I also felt the casting was a bit off. The lead actress looked really young and the male lead looked at least 10 years older than her. He had zero charm which made it even more puzzling to me that she fell so hard for him on the first date.

    Oh well it was still somewhat interesting because I ended up watching it intermittently over a span of three days. I would have given it 3 stars but for the fact that I watched the lead actress on the soaps when she was younger and thought she did ok.
  • This movie tells the story of a Kate who meets a charming man on a dating app who appears to have it all- the looks, the charm and the money. Of course that isn't the case.. I've seen so many Netflix movies now about online scammers who try to squeeze money out of their victims by pretending to be rich and needing 'help' that it was cool to see a lifetime movie follow this storyline and makes you empathize with Kate as she falls for Walker and his devious scheme to rob her of everything. There were a handful of flaws with this film in terms of the cuts and a few moments in the acting that I wasn't a big fan of but overall this was an enjoyable film :)
  • lavatch28 June 2023
    Warning: Spoilers
    There were many red flags that should have alerted the successful realtor Kate Burns to the gigolo and con artist Walker Stevenson, whom she met on a dating site. But the film was nonetheless successful in portraying the human kindness that filled Kate with trust, despite all of the danger signs

    Walker was an oily predator claiming to be an art dealer. But his stock-in-trade was actually in the fleecing women out of their fortunes through oozing his charm, then gaining access to credit cards and bank records.

    Kate's best friend Vivian instantly spotted Walker as a fraud. But Kate genuinely believed she had found her first true love and became enmeshed in what should have been apparent to her as a scammer.

    The film became overly melodramatic when Walker's previous victim, Eliza Park, threatens to kill Kate because she is still so attached to Walker, even after he has apparently broken off the relationship. The two major climactic scenes involved a lot of crudely choreographed wrestling on the floor.

    Obviously inspired by actual events, the film offered a sobering message in what is the very real phenomenon of online hustlers and scammers. Once the requests for money and credit cards are made, it is wise to cut ties with a person who is after something other than love.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The movie was ok, not great, but not bad either. My only complaint however is the complete and utter mismatch of the Kate and Walker characters. Kate looks like she's fresh out of college, whilst working a job as a realtor (is that even possible?) And Walker looks to be in his mid forties at best. Due to this huge age gap, they did not look right together. They almost looked like father and daughter, or uncle and niece. Very off putting. Not to mention the lack of chemistry between the two.

    Not even the Eliza woman looked old enough to date Walker. She looked like she was only a couple years older than Kate. What's up with Lifetime's casting directors that they cast two actors that have no chemistry whatsoever and/or are too far apart in terms of age? Or does Kate have a thing for older men?? Lol.

    Even though this was a decent watch, my favorite part was when the Eliza character came over to Kate's house and threatened her with a knife when she refused to back down on exposing Walker. That part was HILARIOUS! Like the way she talked to her in a menacing tone was just comical!

    I gave it a 7 star rating because it was something to watch on a Sunday night when I didn't have anything better to do.