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  • Warning: Spoilers
    2023's My Best Friend the Baby Snatcher is a Lifetime flick in which the antagonist uses poisonous tea to get her kill on. "Baby Snatcher" is also a Lawrence brothers pic so you know that its savagery will certainly be in nasty taste. "Nothing else matters to me more than this baby". Uh-oh, pseudo momma bear is on the prowl.

    Directed by Andrew Lawrence and starring his bro Matthew Lawrence (naturally), My Best Friend the Baby Snatcher is about two besties who get preggo at the same time. Here's the rub: one of them miscarries and then goes off the rails trying to take possession of the other's would-be tyke. In truth, it took me a while to figure what the heck was up with the gist of "Baby Snatcher". I mean I initially thought there was some sort of surrogate stuff going on here.

    So yeah, helmer Andrew Lawrence is no spring chicken. He knows where to put the camera and can certainly give his viewers the veritable heebie-jeebies. Even so, his "Baby Snatcher" gets lost in a murky plot, where some kind of capable editing and/or story-boarding was needed. Sure his actors are game (Jennifer Taylor, Paul London, Lawrence) but they're lost in a fiddly "hand that doesn't really rock the cradle" (if you know what I mean).

    OK, so why are the two couples friends even though they mildly bounce off each other like passing ships? And why does the bad mom character suffocate the good mom and then in the next clip she's alive while tied up in the basement (huh?)? And why does the bad mom go cray cray without a point A to point B nous? Finally, why are there flashbacks presented at odd times that fail to move the diegesis along? These are some of the questions I asked myself and concentrated more on them than caring if every Waspy suburbanite made it out alive. Fair-weather "friend".
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The film's title "My Best Friend the Baby Snatcher" was a misnomer because the film's villain attempted to kill her pregnant best friend, which would have put a damper on "snatching" the baby away from her. The work-in-progress title "Baby Dust" was not any better.

    The film began with the euphoria when the two friends, Eve and Penelope, both became pregnant at the same time. But the mood instantly shifted after the miscarriage of Eve's baby.

    A major problem with the film was the transition of the character of Eve from a loving wife, friend, and expectant mother into a sullen and a repulsive killer. The murders she committed seemed especially gratuitous, including the kind doctor, the devoted husband, and even her own mother. The husband Tom was a recovering alcoholic, who only attempted to console his wife after the miscarriage.

    In the film genre of horror, there are invariably indiscriminate murders. But along the way, there are elements of surprise and suspense. In this film, there was only a deep pathology on display. While Eve apparently suffered through an abusive childhood, the single scene with her mother offered a different take on Eve's character as a monster from the get-go.

    The joys of parenthood were on display in the loving relationship of Penelope and Richie. There was an especially touching scene when he sold his classic Mustang in order to finance his wife's in vitro treatments. But that moment was lost in a by-the-numbers "psycho on the loose" scenario that offered exclusively the lunatic acts of a twisted mind.
  • NuttyBaby20 March 2024
    First of all I only watched the beginning, as it was enough to know the film wasn't going to be good. The title alone describes exactly what the film is about so there's no mystery. The main lead, Eve, subject of the film title, is heavily pregnant and lives with her servant house husband, who dances in the kitchen while cooking as she swans around busy being pregnant. She's physically too old to be pregnant anyway, and I didn't have to check on the woman's age, just looking at her is clear enough. Someone of her age shouldn't be allowed to donate eggs in real life as this would be faulty and the baby would most likely be disabled. They should've picked a much younger actress to play this role because this woman in her 50's doesn't carry it off. It looks like a joke.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I don't get why a woman in her fifties is trying to have a baby. She also wanted to give one of her middle aged eggs to her young friend.

    A fifty something year old woman goes on a killing spree after having a miscarriage.

    The acting isn't bad but the story is not believable. I don't know why she killed some of the people she killed. It made no sense. I understand why she killed her mother.

    When the husband of her young friend learns how dangerous she is, he tells a police officer to check on his wife because he fears she is in danger. The officer shows up at the home without a partner or backup. That made no sense to me.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Lifetime is a joke and it's so called movies are the punchlines that always fail to deliver. I guess I'm part of the joke as I watched this drivel. Two couples are best friends that shouldn't be. Lets face it, one of these couples are well past childbearing years. Add the fact that the older lady is a cray cray killer and the older man is an alcoholic, they shouldn't be procreating anyway. But Eve, the crazy one, gets jelly her friend is pregnant, and she goes on a killing rampage. Seems as though she can get away with a lifetime, no pun intended, of murders. We learn she killed her own father when she was a child, she kills a doctor, her own mother, and then her husband. She even tried to kill her childhood dog. The grand finale is her attempting to kill her best friend's husband, her friend and a cop who isn't a very good cop. Ridiculous.